I Had Sex With a Werewolf and Now I’m Her Pet

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – Actually Cows!!

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We started to separate into our respective groups. Alex, Kevin, and Lexi went off to the barn with the ATVs, which I found out was a different barn from where the cows were when they weren’t grazing. There was also the stable for the horses in yet another place. There were like three or four barns on just this property alone, not counting the others that you could see across the distance.

For now though, it was time to visit the cows. Jenny, Amy, and I had just finished telling the other group to be safe and to keep each other out of trouble before heading off to our much more mundane activity. Jenny took the lead, being the person with the most outgoing personality of those present. She was used to wrangling members of our friend group. Being the only mother, and the only parent for that matter, out of our group gave her a particular type of gusto that only a momma duck could have. Amy and I were a bit more reserved and got along fairly well, as us more introverted folks tend to do sometimes. Amy was actually really talkative if you could get her on a topic she was passionate about, but otherwise she much preferred to listen. 

As we walked down the stairs on the porch, the door opened again behind us and out came Stan. He eyed up our group in an uncomfortable way, aiming a particularly pointed grimace at me before walking off towards what looked like an old shed. It might have been a workshop or something, based on the chimney coming out of the top. It seemed to be in good repair, but the paint had long since faded. At this point, I was convinced that everything that man owned was some long faded thing that only bore the barest memory of color.

Jenny spoke up first after that encounter once we had walked a bit away from the house and the workshop. “Do you two also get a super creepy vibe from that guy? He’s especially had his eyes on you since we got here Sam.” Oh thank goodness I wasn’t the only one who thought that.

I turned my head toward Jenny and said with a sigh, “Yeah, I’ve been thinking the same thing. He was giving me all kinds of strange looks. It doesn’t help that I don’t think he has smiled once since we got here. He just looks downright scary.” I sighed again and slumped my head down to look at my old sneakers that I wore since I didn’t mind if they got a bit dirty here.

Amy uttered quietly, “Didn’t Lexi say that her dad wasn’t going to have any problem with Sam?” She looked about as nervous as I felt. It was nice to know that I wasn’t the only one that was bothered by this.

Jenny came to a stop, faced Amy and I, and crossed her arms. “Well ya know what? If he has a problem with Sam, I’ve got a problem with him. As the one who drove, I say that if he starts acting like a pig and causes trouble, then we get the heck out of here and find some other way to spend our weekend. You don’t need to put up with whatever problems that he has.”

My eyes started getting a little watery, and Amy was ready with a follow-up. “Yeah! We could go to the town nearby and eat at a local diner and get some tasty biscuits and gravy and then we could find a cafe with a nice view and enjoy some warm tea or whatever and just talk and spend time together and not think about dealing with some asshole that would treat our Sam badly and-” Amy was cut off by Jenny pulling the both of us into a group hug. Amy recovered quickly from the sudden yoinking, though the funny noise she made while she was being wrangled into the hug by Jenny was adorable, and wrapped her short arms around us as best as she could.

Of course, at this point I couldn’t hope to stop the tears from flowing. “I think what Amy was trying to say is that we are here for you Sam. If we need to leave to make sure you are safe, or if he even just makes you too uncomfortable, then we will go somewhere else. No questions asked.”

Stifling a sob into Jenny’s shoulder, which was a bit of a ways down since I was almost a half foot taller than her, I mumbled a thank you. We stayed like that for a couple minutes until I settled down. When we broke off the hug, I felt my back pop as I righted myself from being hunched over. 

“Owww, dumb spine. Being tall makes getting good hugs so difficult.” I slowly stretched out my muscles while I grumbled to myself.

Jenny put a hand on my shoulder. “I don’t know what to tell ya girliepop. I guess you’ll just have to find yourself someone tall enough to compensate. Maybe a tall, dark, and brooding type? I think you could balance that out pretty well.”

I blushed and looked away from Jenny. “Easier said than done.” Truthfully, I hadn’t dated in quite a while now. I decided to stay single when I started transitioning so that I could work on myself, and that was a few years ago. Now, I was twenty-five with a job I loved and I even owned a house. Really, this would be the perfect time for me to start meeting people. 

That said, I was also in a very different world than before I came out. Not only had the years in between put me out of practice, but the practice I did have was basically for someone else. I was in a whole different minefield now. I had a few relationships with girls before, and I still really liked girls, but now I would be trying to find lesbians or bi girls or enbies that don’t mind the fact that I’m trans. Guys were cool too, but I didn’t like guys as much as the other options on the table. On paper it doesn’t sound that bad, but the midwest wasn’t exactly prime territory for meeting people. If only I- *smack*

“OW WHAT THE HECK!?” I said as I rubbed my shoulder and looked back over to Jenny, who wore a cocky grin as she brandished her shoulder punching hand.

“You looked like you were getting distracted by some bad thoughts by the look that was on your face. It’s bad for you to think so much about that stuff. Just live life and let it happen. Now come on, no more negative thoughts! Let’s go spend some time admiring the countryside and see some cows up close!” Jenny took the lead once more and pulled me along by the hand. Amy followed close behind, still giggling at my predicament.

We spent some time standing at the fence watching the pasture. Lexi told us to make sure we didn’t go into the pasture itself since that could be dangerous, but we watched from a distance. Jenny even made a game about cow spotting, which didn’t really make sense, that we had fun with nonetheless. They all looked the darn same from this far away anyway. Jenny really seemed to enjoy messing with me the whole time. Amy really seemed to enjoy the whole situation in her more quiet, giggly way. 

I’m sure Jenny was trying to keep my mind on happier places, and it was working pretty well. After some time of looking over the fence, we wandered back over to the barn that the cows could go in when they weren’t in the pasture. Lexi said that the barn was for the cows during the winter and if any of them fell sick they could rest in there away from the other cows.

My excitement was bubbling up to the surface as we entered the side door of the cow barn thing, it didn’t really matter to me too much what it might have actually been called, and I kept my eyes peeled for my target. I spotted her very quickly, chewing lazily on something in the corner of the barn. 

“Cow!” I said happily in a hushed tone. I didn’t want to spook her.

Lexi had told us that there was a cow that tended to be in here. Her name was Olive. She didn’t get along very well with the other cows. Oh, but with people? According to Lexi, she was like a huge overgrown dog. I was hopeful that she was in a friendly mood today.

I had to stop myself from bouncing with joy as Olive took notice of us and approached us. I was sure this was the cow Lexi mentioned. She had the distinctive mark in the center of her nose that was about the size of a black olive and a warm brown and white coat. Olive took her time sizing us up, trying to figure out who these new people were in her barn. I raised my palm up towards her, hoping to show that I was a friend. 

Olive took a tentative sniff with her big ol’ cow nose. Patience…Then suddenly, she moved forward and rubbed her head against my hand. Mission accomplished!

“Heck yeah! I made a cow friend!” My joy was radiating out in waves. I could only reign it in enough to not shout and instead only talk loudly.

Jenny shook her head, but took a step forward and tried to pet Olive’s shoulder. “Now you just need to do that to a person back home and you’ll be in business. We’ll figure it out when we get ba-” Jenny was cut off by the massive cow tongue that had assaulted her face mid speech. Olive’s lick even managed to knock her glasses off to dangle from the cord that was tied to either earpiece. 

Amy broke down into giggles again and moved forward to give Olive a hug from the side. “Olive is a good girl. She can even get Jenny to stop her teasing. I like her.” Amy happily buried her face into Olive’s side. It was very cute, especially since Amy was actually shorter than Olive’s shoulders. It looked like a giant next to an… Amy.

We spent the next few hours just chatting and spending quality time with each other and Olive. Olive, for her part, seemed to really enjoy the attention. At one point she laid down and the rest of us laid down on top of her or next to her. Jenny had the misfortune, or fortune depending on the point of view, of being the closest to her head at the time and got a cow tongue through her hair in an attempt at grooming. We all had a good laugh at that. Jenny also didn’t bring the topic of me finding someone to date back up, much to my relief.

Sometime in the late afternoon, we decided to head back to the house to see if the others had returned from their outing. When we got into the house and wiped our shoes off, we were met with a mostly empty home. The sound of activity could be heard from the kitchen, so we ventured that way.

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Mary could be heard humming softly while she was chopping some vegetables when we got to the kitchen. She stopped humming and looked at us with a beaming smile. “Welcome back! Did y’all enjoy your time in the barn?”

Jenny smirked and recounted how many times she had been licked by a cow today. Amy and I had our share of laughs before Jenny gave us a pointed look and we stopped. I took up the story on how sweet Olive had been and how well we all got along. It was a really therapeutic experience in hindsight. Animals had a way of making the heart full.

“Well, I’m glad that Olive was being a good girl today. She can be a bit of a brat sometimes, just like my daughter.” Mary had a refined chuckle to herself about that.

Jenny shrugged. “Yeah, we know that well enough. She’s a bit of a wildcard really. Lexi is either the first to start trouble or the one to clean it up, no in between.” She turned and started to make her way out of the room. “Anyways, I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick and see if I can’t salvage my hair from all the cow slobber.”

Mary waved her off and called after her, “Towels are in the linen closet by the sink!” She then returned to cutting vegetables.

“Is there anything I can help with? I know my way around a kitchen pretty well.” I walked over to the stove to see what was in the pot presently simmering. It appeared to be some kind of broth. I think it was beef, based on the scent.

“Sure! It’s been a while since I’ve had a helping hand in the kitchen. Grab the spare apron I have over there in the pantry and you can help me cut the rest of these veggies!” Mary lit up with another smile and motioned me toward the pantry where a cow-print apron hung inside the door.

I suppressed a blush when I thought about the current trend of cow-print that was going through the internet. People online are way too horny. I shook my head of those thoughts, particularly the ones that targeted me as also being a ‘people that is online’ and donned the apron. I washed up and moved to help Mary with dinner. 

Amy had gone off somewhere at some point, I don’t know where. I spent my time helping Mary out for a bit, finding out that she was really nice. We got along quite well and enjoyed working on dinner together. I got to hear a couple embarrassing stories about Lexi when she was a kid too, which I would use as ammunition for later.

A little further into the afternoon, the others came back from their ATV cruise. Lexi stopped in and said hi for a moment, but Mary shooed her out since she already had a helper and wanted to keep the kitchen free of lollygaggers. I had a laugh to myself about that and got back to work.

Soon enough with the two of us working, we had put together quite the nice spread for dinner. Beef and vegetable stew, freshly baked bread, a fruity salad topped with cheese, and some fresh tea and lemonade was ready and smelled heavenly. 

Mary hollered at Lexi to set the table and then turned back to me. “Dear, you go ahead and get yourself washed up for dinner. You’ve been a great help, but I can take it from here.” 

I smiled back at her and said, “Thank you Mary, I’ll go ahead and get myself cleaned up a little then.”

“No, thank you. Now get going.” Mary shooed me away with a gentle smile and I went ahead to the bathroom to get freshened up.

After that quick pitstop, I made my way to the dining room table and sat down in the same place that I had sat earlier for lunch. Everyone else was already seated except for Mary, who was getting the food ready to be served, and Stan who I had yet to see since he went into his workshop.

Lexi, Alex, and Kevin told those of us from the cow spotting group about their time riding around. I was glad to find out that they didn’t manage to hurt themselves while they were out. It had come a little closer than they would have liked though. Alex said that he had to stop Kevin from trying to ramp over a creek that they found. Lexi clammed up when it got to that part, which made me curious if she had something to do with the ramp being there.

Myself, Jenny, and Amy relayed our time spent with Olive fondly. Lexi was glad that we got along, and was only a little sad that she didn’t get to see Jenny get licked a half dozen times.

Conversation died down for a moment when Stan came in through the front door and sat down at his end of the table. Lexi said hi to him and he mumbled some kind of greeting to her, but he otherwise didn’t say much of anything as he walked by. Not that he had much chance to, since only moments later Mary came into the dining room with the first serving bowl. She went back and forth a few more times before the table was filled down the center runner with delicious smelling food. 

Finally, it was all there on the table and she sat down at her end of the seating arrangement next to me. She used her mom-voice to get everyone’s attention. “Okay everyone! Dinner is ready. It should be extra tasty tonight since I got so much help from Sam.”

Lexi scoffed, and with a playful tone she said, “Damn Sam, I leave you alone for an afternoon and you’re trying to steal my mom. Rude!” Her grin betrayed her false grumpy face. We all shared a laugh about that, except Stan.

Once the laughter died down enough, Mary took the reins again. “Okay, now Stan honey, why don’t you say grace so that we can all eat.” 

I tried not to look at Stan as we linked hands and he started speaking. “Lord, may you bless this meal that we have before us. May we give thanks for the blessings that have been bestowed upon us and the gifts that have been given to us. Amen.” 

The others repeated a chorus of ‘amen’s, and food started getting served around the table. The bad vibes that I got from Stan weren’t as bad as before, yet still not positive or anything. He wasn’t even glancing at me anymore like he kept doing before. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad here for the weekend. Just knowing that my friends supported me as much as they did helped the anxiety wane and let me focus on the good meal and good friends with me.

We all had a large portion of food in front of us, and started to eat. It was just as tasty as it smelled, and I basked in the moment for the first bite. Stan had chilled out or something, I was eating good food, I was spending time with my friends, and I was even joining in the small talk this time over the meal. After so much anxiety about it earlier, I was glad that our weekend trip was looking to be a good time for all of us.

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