I Had Sex With a Werewolf and Now I’m Her Pet

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – A Bump in the Night (R18+)

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The after dinner cleanup went very similarly to earlier after lunch. Mary directed everyone on where to put their dishes, and the place was cleaned up in no time. I offered to help do the dishes but Mary said, “Dear, you’ve already helped so much. Y’all are supposed to be enjoying your weekend. Now, go and get your things brought inside before it gets too dark out!”

In a similar fashion to the last few times, Mary shooed us all out of the kitchen. We decided that it was likely a good idea to get our travel bags and figure out sleeping arrangements.

Suitcases and bags in hand, we all sat down in the living room for a moment. Everyone turned to look at Lexi and with a shrug she responded, “I figure when we are ready for bed we can have all the girls in my room and the boys in the guest room. We have a few air mattresses and bed pads that should be comfy enough for everyone.” There were murmurs of agreement from around the room.

I had a sinking feeling in my heart that came out of nowhere. As we all started making our way up the stairs, I thought to myself that I felt like an imposter intruding on Lexi and the others’ privacy. Finding myself standing outside the door to Lexi’s room, the knot in my stomach kept on twisting. 

“Hey!” A loud voice coming from very close startled me. I looked up and was face to face with Jenny. Lexi and Amy were close behind her. “Why are you just standing there looking all mopey?”

I turned my eyes away from Jenny. “Well, I-” Jenny immediately cut me off with a finger wagging in my face.

“Well, nothing. You’re one of the girls right?” Jenny said with her hands on her hips.

A blush rose from my cheeks. “Well, yeah, but-” I was cut off again by Jenny.

“Uh uh, no buts. If you’re one of the girls, then there’s nothing to be worried about. Just come set your stuff down inside and then we can go back downstairs and play some games before bed.” Jenny left me no room to argue, as she pulled me by the hand into the room which caused a panicked yelp from myself. Lexi and Amy practically dove to get out of the way of the wrecking ball that was Jenny swinging me into the room. The wheels on my suitcase spun wildly from the sudden acceleration and departure from the ground.

No sooner did I set my suitcase down and try to reorient myself when I was suddenly assaulted by a nearly leaping hug from Amy. Another, slightly less rambunctious hug came in from Lexi. Then Jenny squeezed down on all of us, surrounding me in a hug trinity. 

I couldn’t really move my arms much from where they were held in place by the triple hug targeting me, but I tried to vaguely maneuver myself into it. I sniffled a bit and mumbled, “Thank you all so much. My friends being so… violently supportive” I swiveled my view a bit to look at each of them “is more than I could ever ask for.” I giggled through another sniffle.

Jenny, with a more gentle tone than I was used to from her, spoke over my shoulder, “We’ve all had our struggles. Yours are different from ours, and we don’t always understand it, but we understand that we need to support each other.”

Lexi nodded and leaned back enough to look up at my face. “We all go through our own challenges. All of us have had things come up that we needed help with. You’ve given your fair share of support to us. We’re here to help each other, and we don’t mind that at all. ” 

Amy mumbled something that was mostly muffled by the fact that she was stuck slightly in between Jenny and myself. Lexi and Jenny broke off the hug so Amy could escape. “What I said was that friends aren’t just for the good times. We’re also here to help you back up when things are rough!”

My heart felt very full at that moment, so I just took a moment to just appreciate it, corny lines and all. I smiled gently and looked down toward my feet. “You guys are just fantastic. What did I do to get so lucky?”

I was a little surprised when the voice that responded was Alex’s deep bassy voice from the hallway. “Well, you asked nicely for starters.” I looked up and saw Alex and Kevin standing just outside Lexi’s bedroom door.

Kevin, oblivious to the mood in the room, loudly said, “Are we going downstairs now? I really wanna try the new party game we got for- OW!” Kevin was cut off by Alex punching his shoulder much harder than necessary in a very ‘older brother’ kind of way.

As if his brother wasn’t a doofus, Alex corrected with, “What Kevin was trying to say was, do y’all need a minute or are you ready to play some games before bed?” 

We all shared a good laugh as we all started to get ourselves back into the groove. I wiped the remaining wetness from my eyes and went downstairs with everyone. We played a few rounds of the new game that Alex had brought before we were getting sleepy and ready for bed. Mary and Stan had wandered up to bed sometime during the third or fourth round. Mary gave us a polite farewell for the night and told us to get to bed at a decent hour. I couldn’t help but notice the subtle glance my way that Stan gave me as he went up the stairs. That guy really gave me the creeps.

As we were packing up the game system Lexi asked the group, “So, what do y’all want to do after breakfast tomorrow?”

Zipping up his console’s carrying case Alex shrugged, “I don’t know. That’s for tomorrow’s me to figure out. I’m too tired to think.”

Jenny giggled and punched Alex on the shoulder. Did my friends have a vendetta against shoulders or something? “Well Mr. ‘I’m too tired’ don’t be upset if we already have our heart set on something by morning.”

Alex stood from the couch and noncommittally shrugged again. “If it happens, it happens. There’s plenty of time to do all the stuff we want to anyway.”

A deep yawn from Amy clinging tiredly to Kevin’s arm reminded us that we should be getting ready for bed. We all headed upstairs and separated into our sleeping arrangements and bid each other a good night. Amy very quickly claimed the nearest air mattress that Lexi’s parents had apparently gotten ready for us, with two others right next to the first. Amy didn’t even bother to put on any night clothes or anything, she just crawled into the sleeping bag that was on that particular air mattress and started dozing. I could have sworn she was asleep before I could even gather my toiletries and clothes to change into. 

Lexi, Jenny, and I took turns in the bathroom downstairs changing into our sleepwear and brushing our teeth and stuff. We settled into our covers and mumbled some tired goodnights to each other again. Jenny had taken the middle mattress next to Amy, leaving me in the one furthest from the door. It was comfortable enough for a place to sleep on a weekend trip. Pretty soon, I felt sleep take me over.

Aw damn it. I knew that I should have used the bathroom before I tried to lie down. I checked my phone beside me and found that it had hardly been twenty minutes since I laid down and I was already forced to get out of bed to deal with the call of nature. With a hushed sigh, I quietly gathered my glasses from a nearby dresser and tried to tiptoe my way out of the room and down the stairs to the bathroom.

While I relieved myself and grumbled about the consequences of my own actions, I noticed an odd sound coming from outside the window in the bathroom. I finished up and washed my hands, then opened the window to see if I could figure out what kind of curious noise that was. When the window was opened, it became a lot more obvious what the sound was… I think. It sounded like a cow in distress. At least, I’m pretty sure that’s what it was. If it wasn’t, then I don’t want to know what kind of thing would make sounds like that. 

A few moments of thought had me a little worried. Was that Olive? Was she okay? I didn’t know if this was normal for cows, and searching online didn’t really help when I tried ‘cows making weird sounds’ which only pulled up some cute videos that I bookmarked for later.

I wasn’t very keen on waking people up because I wasn’t too sure anything was really wrong. Shaking my head to myself, I came to the decision that I couldn’t just go to sleep while this was on my mind, but I still didn’t want to wake others up based on my novice suspicion. Steeling my resolve to wander across an unfamiliar farm in the middle of the night, I put my sneakers on by the front door and tried to make as little noise as possible exiting the house. 

It was chilly and dark outside, and all that I had on at the moment were an oversized t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants that I wore to sleep when other people were around. I much preferred a lighter state of dress when I slept at home, but it wasn’t that bad wearing more for the sake of my own modesty. The full moon overhead provided enough light to see by, if only just. I didn’t think I was at threat of tripping on anything at least.

The sounds of probably a distressed cow grew much louder when I turned the corner around the house. The cow barn was on the opposite side of the house from where all the bedrooms were, so the people sleeping might not even hear anything. Though, the commotion was still incredibly loud… and actually kinda off-putting. It felt like there was something there, like an animal instinct that told me that I shouldn’t be getting closer. Those animalistic grunts and yells, I could almost feel the fear that caused them. My muscles were getting tense and that seed of anxiety in my chest had started to grow into that light but powerful dread at what was coming. 

Fuck, I really hoped that I wasn’t about to find that Olive was terribly injured in a grotesque way. I don’t think I could stomach any gore if it came to it. What would she even hurt herself on? The only things I saw in her part of the barn were piles of hay and a water trough. 

My questions would soon be answered, as I came up to the door that led into the barn. It seemed to have been closed for the night, but there wasn’t any lock on it that I could see. With shaking hands and not entirely steady breaths, I pushed the door open and stepped through into the barn. It was too dark. Way too fucking dark. I think there was a light switch near the door, which my shaking hands struggled to find.

Olive’s pained groans and screams were almost deafening in here echoing around, which did nothing to make me less nervous at what state I would find her in. After way too many seconds, or maybe just a couple, I found the light switch and covered my eyes as the old shop lights kicked on overhead. It took a moment to adjust to the light after it had been pitch dark for a while. The countryside not having nearly any ambient light really threw me off right then. 

When I could see again I looked around the barn, trying to figure out where Olive was. My eyes swept the room, and came to an abrupt halt in a corner of the barn. There was Olive with her back in the corner, rearing up and stamping her hooves. But, in front of her was the real eye-catching thing. It was huge, must have been seven feet tall at least and covered in hair. Fur? The only other thing that I caught was the fierce amber eyes, because the moment that I looked into them I swear my heart had stopped. They stared back.

My body didn’t even get a chance to register ‘fight or flight’ because it was just too quick. One moment I was standing there, the next I knew it was too late. I barely saw the pounce coming that collided with me. I don’t know how long it was before I regained my senses from the sudden impact, but when I did the first thing that I saw was the face of a predator looming over me. 

The face was dark with fur as black as the void that in all likelihood was about to meet me. A long snout extended to almost touch my face. There must have been an inch or less distance between myself and it. Pointed ears twitched slightly on top of the creature’s head. And the eyes. Those eyes that up close were like a flickering flame that threatened to leap out at me any second. The corona of the sun, a gentle yellowed orange with insurmountable intensity, surrounding a chasm that would swallow you without hesitation in the center. 

I realized that I wasn’t breathing as I met the gaze of the beast. I tried to breathe in, but doing so caused me to wince with pain. That little movement set off the tension that had been building. The beast growled and pressed into my shoulder. I cried out in agony, and looked down long enough to see one of the claws on its… it had hands. It had hands, and the thumb that gripped my shoulder dug its claw into my collarbone. 

It was all I could do to not pass out due to the greatest pain I had ever felt in my life. I may have been screaming, or I may have just been soundlessly pleading with some being for the pain to stop. Whatever the case may have been, I wasn’t able to keep track. The next thing I knew was when the beast on top of me pulled the claw out of my skin, which caused another burst of pain, but at least it had lessened enough after a moment to see the beast halt the charge of a cow. Did Olive come to help me? I was never one for prayer, but I would have prayed to Olive that she could somehow save me. 

Unfortunately, before any prayers could form, they were swiftly trampled. Or well, picked up. Wait, it… the beast… the fucking WEREWOLF… picked up Olive. Olive, the one ton wall of beef was held in the air flailing. To make matters worse, the werewolf flexed its arms back and… it threw the damn cow across the room. A sound of impact came from the pile of hay that she thankfully landed in, but she didn’t move from where she landed. Oh god, Olive. She tried to protect me and this is what happened.

You are reading story I Had Sex With a Werewolf and Now I’m Her Pet at novel35.com

Doubt crossed my mind. This can’t be real. This really can’t be real. Werewolves aren’t real. But then what in the hell was that thing?! I could only spiral so far before reality was brought back to my notice.

After a few deep breaths, the beast had turned back to me. My mind came back into as clear a focus as I was currently capable of and watched helplessly as that monster stalked slowly back over to me. I was fucked. I was well and truly fucked. I couldn’t do a damn thing. That thing was able to not only pick up, but even throw an entire cow. IT. THREW. THE. COW. I was face to face with something that was unbelievably fast, strong, and terrifying. It could do whatever it wanted to me and nothing could do a thing about it. Fear still gripped my heart, but I didn’t want to watch whatever fate had in store. I closed my eyes tight and turned my face away. 

I was aware of how close it had gotten. I was aware of it looming over me. I was aware of the moist, hot breaths that impacted my cheek. I was even aware of it leaning down and placing its hands on either side of my head. I let out an involuntary whimper that was punctuated by a cold, wet object pressing into my face. 

It… it was smelling me? I could hear the quick sniffing noises that reminded me quite a bit of a dog when you came home after having spent time around another dog. Hahaha, that’s just what I needed. A little joke to punctuate the end of my life. I ruefully giggled to myself and took a deep breath in through my nose. 

My eyes snapped open. What was that scent? I closed my eyes again and focused on the smell that I greedily inhaled. It was so good… I couldn’t get enough of it. The werewolf had its cold nose buried in my hair, so I guess I still had some time to enjoy what time was left for me. 

I must have been lying there for minutes just basking in the aroma that seemed to come from all around me. What the heck could it be? It sure as shit wasn’t.. the manure. No, this was way more potent. No other scent even registered at the moment. I hadn’t experienced anything like it before, and I could hardly even begin to describe what it was like because it wasn’t. That is to say, that it wasn’t like anything else. It was so unique, and so good, and so… deep. I felt like every time I filled my lungs that I only sent the feelings coursing deeper through me. 

My thoughts came abruptly to a halt when a wet sensation started on my neck, and went all the way up to the side of my face. My eyes flew open and I looked back up to the face of my attacker. The face with the tongue still hanging out, panting like a dog after a run. 

Okay, what the fuck? Was this a werewolf or an untrained puppy?

I flinched when it pulled away. I quickly looked at what it was doing though, and found an odd sight. I hadn’t really had the time or the mind to really get a good look, but the werewolf was wearing pants. Leather pants that had torn around its legs as if they were too small. Or maybe the werewolf had grown when it changed? It reminded me of a certain green superhero in a way.

Wait, what was that though? My question was answered soon after when the werewolf shredded what was left of its black leather pants, revealing… Oh god. OhFuckOhShitOhDamn. That was definitely not a puppy. The werewolf had unveiled the bulge that I had seen in its pants, and it was exactly what I thought it was. Well, not exactly. It was clearly a dick, but a lot less human than what was expected to usually be in pants. It was a swelling, huge, red, definitely not human dick. Oh mercy, it even had a knot at the base.

My eyes widened in renewed fear and understanding. It didn’t want to kill me now, it wanted to fuck me. That thought set off a fluttering in my stomach that I had never felt before. I was equal parts terrified but also… excited? Maybe even flattered.

The excitement turned to dejection the moment I realized a key detail that was unfortunately a hindrance to me, which transformed my wide-eyed terror slash arousal into a scowl. I didn’t exactly have the hardware that I would have preferred for a situation like this. I was born with a dick afterall and hadn’t gone through the process of changing that yet.

The couple seconds that these thoughts ran their course were enough for it… or him? Well, I couldn’t exactly ask a werewolf their pronouns. I guess I would ignore that part for now. Anyways, the werewolf had returned to looming over me, though with a keen difference. The werewolf now had a massive, throbbing wolf-dick that must have been no less than twelve inches long and unreasonably thick. The knot at the bottom was bigger than a tennis ball.

I bit my lip in frustration and desire. Fuck, even discounting that fact that I didn’t have a vagina,  there is no way that I could actually do anything with that. It’s right out of a fantasy and ready to dick me down, but it just wasn’t possible for a human to handle something like that, especially when said human hadn’t done much of anything related to penetration. Butt stuff isn’t really my thing, and I sure as hell didn’t have the training to handle all of that.

My awareness was flung back to the rest of the werewolf when a clawed hand suddenly ripped away my sweatpants. I let out a startled, high-pitched yelp, which surprised me even more in itself. I didn’t know I could make a sound like that. A few quick swipes tore through the fabric like it was made of paper, and the remains of my comfy pants were yanked off of me and thrown haphazardly to the side. 

The werewolf, seemingly not satisfied with only disrobing my lower half, gave my loose shirt the same treatment. I closed my eyes as the claws rent through the material right in front of my face. After the shirt was unceremoniously slashed down the front and off of my arms, the remains were left beneath me. 

Sensing that the movement above me had stopped for a moment, I slowly opened my eyes and peeked up at the panting beast that still suspended itself over my body. The amber eyes that met mine were fierce, but not the same as before. I wasn’t exactly terribly familiar with the notion, but I could swear that the ferocity bore more semblance to passion than the eyes that I saw earlier. Was this werewolf… enamored with me? 

I turned my gaze downwards and felt a deep blush across my cheeks. That was definitely a more human expression than I had seen before. Werewolves are supposed to be people that are cursed anyways, right? Maybe this really was a person just like in the stories. Wait, they were wearing pants so they were definitely a person. I wonder who-

My thoughts were swiftly derailed as my eyes came into focus on my body that had been stripped to nothing. There weren’t any wounds from the claws that destroyed my clothes nor the stab into my shoulder -which raised other questions just by itself-, but there was a curious, and confusing sight. My breasts were fairly small before, hardly enough to get me out of training bras. It was a little disappointing, but it meant that I didn’t have to worry as much about back pain or something I guess and I was glad to have them at all. At least that’s how I grumbled through it. But no, these were not those. These on my chest now were easily multiple sizes bigger. It was a bit hard to judge since they were sorta flopped to the side while I lay on my back, but they were definitely bigger. Even more curiously was the lack of seeing anything further below. I moved my legs a little experimentally, and my eyes once again shot open wide. That was definitely not there before, or rather there was something else there last I checked. 

My shock was cut short when my supernatural assailant finally moved again, causing an entirely different kind of shock. The werewolf positioned itself back a bit and grabbed at my legs, spreading them apart and raising my rear off the ground a little. At this angle, I could now see my crotch which assuredly no longer had a dick. In its place was a set of lips below a now hairless mound. I tried to blink away the doubt at what I was seeing, and sure enough it was still there. A smile spread across my face before I knew what else to think. Joy welled up in my chest and I let out a giggle of disbelief. Holy hell that was a cute giggle. That wasn’t anything my vocal cords were capable of before. Light and airy. No trace of the lower tones that had plagued my daily life. 

“Oh fuck!” An exclamation rose from my mouth, in a pitch higher than I could have achieved yesterday. The cause of my outburst was a long, wolfish tongue exploring my newly acquired vulva. Tingling bolts shot up my spine, and the altogether unfamiliar stimulation was throwing my already hectic brain to the wolves. Well, wolf. 

It was impossible to think coherently and the only thing that mattered to my addled mind was the intense signals that now assaulted it. Time didn’t seem to calculate properly, and at some point the long tongue started probing around the center of my snatch and aimed to push inside. The heat that had been rising in my lower abdomen burned hotter and I let out quivering moans. With every puff of air that escaped me, I saw a fine mist. It was still a chilly autumn night, but between my own rising heat and the warmth of my beastly suitor I hardly cared. 

My muscles were tensing up in an incredibly pleasing way, and the buildup was almost at a peak. Just a little bit more and I’ll- “Oof!” My ass was dropped from the air where it was suspended and hit the hard packed dirt of the barn floor roughly. What the hell?! I was so close too. I frowned grumpily and pushed myself up on my elbows to look at the cause of my frustrations. The frown receded immediately upon looking at the figure again. They were still incredibly intimidating, and I couldn’t keep any casual emotions like frustration around when face to face with something so huge and potentially deadly. 

I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and realized now how vulnerable I was right now. Cold, naked, alone, and up against an unstoppable force of nature that had me by the proverbial throat. Would I just be killed once toying with me became boring? I couldn’t know. Why was this happening? Why did I suddenly have a vagina? What could this fabled creature want with me? What was it doing now? 

Slowly, smoothly, and worryingly the werewolf crept on all fours back up to be right in front of my face while questions popped rapid fire in my head. My lungs struggled and pain rose in my chest from hyperventilating. The low growls from the beast’s chest reverberated through me as it moved slowly further over me. Was this finally it? Was it going to finish me off? 

All thoughts came to a stop. The werewolf shifted its weight and lifted one of its arms. This could be the moment where its claws meet my flesh again, but this time do more than just stab into my shoulder. My entire body stilled, waiting for the moment of impact. I couldn’t do a thing to get away from this. Less than a foot away over a dark, furred snout were those amber eyes peering into my soul. The gaze met mine, unflinching. With a slow steady windup…

A sharp intake of breath and a tiny mewl parted my lips. My surprised reaction was due to the pressure that was pushing against my other set of lips. I looked down past the powerful jaw in front of me to see that huge red dick from earlier being angled into my nethers. Still wet from the previous activity, a sloppy sound came from the rubbing of naughty bits. Slowly up and down, the werewolf used its hand to caress me with its dick. A shudder wracked my body. Adrenaline from fear, injury, pain, pleasure, joy, confusion, and all the other in-betweens going back and forth had me feeling a sense of whiplash and overwhelming my better judgment. What was there to judge anyway? This situation was out of my control ages ago. 

I swallowed another lump and trembled where I sat. That was definitely too much for me. I’m going to die by being impaled on a werewolf cock. I just got a miracle transition and now I get to undergo dying in an unspeakable way before I really got to enjoy it. But hey, at least my death will affirm my gender identity. Yay me.

Low, deep growling pulled me out of my self-written obituary headline. My eyes swept back up to the stare that continued to pin me down. While looking directly at me with bestial passion, the werewolf pushed harder against my body and spread me apart slowly and with more care than I was expecting. Inch by inch, unfamiliar muscles and flesh were stretched. I winced and made a pained groan, still staring at the unfaltering amber spotlight that grounded me in this moment.

A sudden thrust deeper knocked the wind out of me and my arms lost the strength to keep holding me up. I fell the short way back down to the tattered remains of my shirt and caused a small cloud of dirt to fly up around it. I tried to start breathing again, and found that the most I could manage was shallow gasps. There was a lot of pain coming from my lower body, though not as much as I would have expected. My insides must be shredded by that huge thing. Perhaps the adrenaline is dampening the pain? Or maybe it’s just too much and my body is shutting down. 

While it was probably a bad idea, the morbid side of me told me that I had to look down and see what had been done. I struggled to lift my head enough to see the damage, but when I did I couldn’t help but gawk at the spectacle. My belly was bulged out around a shape that was certainly wolf dick. The knot pressing against me told me that it was all the way inside. Fuck, that looks straight out of a hentai. I didn’t realize that getting my guts rearranged in a more literal sense could be so hot. It didn’t even hurt that bad anymore. In a way, it was similar to the pain of an erection after a year or so on blockers. Stretched, sore, but also pretty good sometimes to let off some steam. I bit my lip and felt the muscles in my abdomen squeeze down on the invading shaft, accompanied by a blend of pleasure and pain. 

More growling came from above me, followed by the dick that was tenting my innards being slowly pulled out. I was transfixed on the connection between us. I couldn’t turn away. I saw the red schlong emerge from the grasping flesh of my own pink folds. Interestingly enough, the rod of meat dripped with moisture however it didn't appear to have any blood on it. Wait, does that mean that it isn’t ripping me apart? I could actually-

Another interruption to my thoughts came in the form of a powerful thrust that emptied my lungs and filled my loins. A long, luscious moan echoed around the barn and was met with a needy growl from the beast above me. Not a moment more was wasted before the desire overtook the sensibility. “Fuck, please keep going!” I pleaded as I grabbed a fistful of the beast’s chest fur with both hands.  Understanding dawned in the eyes of the wolf above me. It seems it could understand speech. Maybe I should have tried talking to it before. “Come on.” I pleaded to the beast, gripping its member in me with as much strength as I could muster.

The werewolf howled to the night sky that blanketed the barn and answered my wish with vigor. Before I knew what hit me I was already being pounded with long strokes that lit my nerves on fire and caused my muscles to spasm without much control or coordination. I moaned hard, the pleasure overtaking any and all resistance that I had left to this ridiculous situation. The pain had lessened and was replaced with blinding lust and desire. I wrapped my legs around the muscled haunch of the werewolf, my body doing its best to pull the unassailable beast deeper. I couldn’t hope to actually control those monstrous muscles, but it filled an animal urge in me that made me feel even better. 

Stalling for a moment, much to my dismay, the werewolf lowered its body and center of gravity. The thick furred chest of the beast was right in front of me. I could only think to reach out and pull myself the rest of the way into the dominating presence. My hands could only barely reach past the shoulder blades on that thickly muscled back, but I used that as leverage nonetheless to press my face into the awaiting fluff. I took a deep breath to savor the moment, only to be met with that scent from earlier. I had been too occupied to smell it again until now when it was too much to ignore. It was so strong, much stronger than before. It must be this werewolf that was the source. I was overpowered by the effect that it had on me mixing with the already potent emotions and sensations running wild. My whole body seized tight and I dug my nails into the skin and fur under them. 

A savage snarl was all I heard until my mind was blown out of my head like I had been shot with a silver bullet. The hammering thrusts resumed their onslaught on my body following the seconds that they had been idle, and it was too much. The scent, the pleasure, the adrenaline, the ache for release. My moans were muffled as I pressed everything that I could into the beast, relishing every point of contact. I was more hanging from the werewolf than lying on the ground at this point.

I could feel something big approaching. The tongue play earlier was small game. This felt positively cataclysmic, like I was about to be rocked the world over. On the verge of panic, I tightened my grip on everything. My muscles inside me competed with the growing, pulsing intruder that was ready to erupt. Right on the brink of the abyss of pleasure, I howled my own tune into the chest I was buried in and clawed at the beastly physique that did this to me.

With a growl and a schlop, one last thrust pushed into me. It pushed hard until, with a lewd squelching sound, the knot at the base of the dick entered me and went as deep as it could go. The delicate balance of sanity that I had was tipped over the edge. I screamed, I wailed, I convulsed, I flew to heights that I couldn’t have comprehended until now. Time didn’t matter, though it did pass, eventually leading slowly down to reason again. 

Thumping heartbeats raced against my ear. I couldn’t tell if it belonged to me or the creature on top of me. Though, I could hear the exhausted breaths of exertion from both of us. Energy was quickly leaving me. My hands that clung for dear life to the back of the beast fell limply to the sides. All that remained was the occasional flutter of movement from my various parts, likely reliving sparks of what they just went through.

If the werewolf chooses to kill me now that the fun is over, at least I will have been able to have that experience before I went. To be fair, this would be a really awesome way to die. The adrenaline that fueled me bled away. The lust that I felt had been sated. Lack of sleep from the day caught up to me. Delightful aftershocks traveled through me from head to toe. All this amounted to easing myself to the realm of unconsciousness. I was ready to accept whatever came next. I was content to rest now, and find the consequences of my life another time.

Just prior to sleep taking hold of me, I felt a great weight above me press down. Yet, there was nothing left that I could ponder since the realm of dreams had laid claim to my mind.

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