I Had Sex With a Werewolf and Now I’m Her Pet

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – Bed and Breakfast

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Countless tiny lights flickering with life. A deep blackness stretching between them. It was beautiful. Like a night sky, far away from the sprawl of urban life. Yet, these stars spread in all directions. Up, down, in front, behind. No matter which way I drew my gaze, there was only more night sky. Even when I looked down there was no physical body blocking the way. It made it quite difficult to determine if that was truly down.

No telling how much time had passed by already, but eventually I felt a calling from what was, according to my present orientation, behind me. A few of the specks of light among the seemingly limitless clusters glowed noticeably brighter. I was entranced by how they managed to stand out from the others despite the multitude of competitors. 

I studied the stellar formation, convinced by the depths of my existence that there was more to them. As I thought, a star moved. Or, that wasn’t quite right. The light that it created shot out from it toward one of the neighboring points of shining light.

Slowly, methodically even, the line met its target and kept going again in a different direction towards another of the distinctive stars. Again, the line connected and moved on to the next goal. This continued briefly, like a game of cosmic connect the dots. A constellation I suppose, if you wanted to be specific, but with a more perceptible bond.

Already manifested were two points and a dip in the middle of them. Like two mountains and the valley between. However, when the second mountain’s base went along to the next part of the image a crack appeared that divided the group of uniquely bright stars in two. Red and intimidating, jagged and sharp. A scar that tore through space itself. 

Instinctively, fear rose up from somewhere. I closed my nonexistent eyes and pulled inward, leaving the incomplete constellation behind. Everything dimmed, coaxing out the darkness from between the stars themselves to cover up the light. All that remained was black.

So very warm. The first rays of sunlight tried to shine through my resting eyes. I wasn’t about to have any of that, so I simply buried my face into the pillow with a small grumble of disapproval in an effort to eke out as much of this comfy moment as possible. 

The thick comforter, the fluffy pillow, the softness against my back, the pleasant scent of the bedding, the gentle embrace around my waist, the-

Okay, I was awake now. My eyes were open wide and my heart started racing. The room that I saw was entirely unfamiliar. Posters of old bands that I only recognized some of filled the space that I could see on a dark gray wall. A dark wooden dresser that looked fantastically well made sat against the wall adjacent to the bed. On top of said dresser was an assortment of band merch and accessories from hair ties, to necklaces, to spiked bracelets. The bed itself had an ebony stained wood frame. From the corner visible, I could guess that it was also of really good quality. The mishmash of furniture and decor screamed something rebellious. I could guess that the person who lives here might have a kind of punk, or perhaps gothic aesthetic. 

Though, these visuals were put on the backburner while I examined the unknown person presently pressed closely to me. Focusing on the points of contact raised several questions. For one, I could feel this person’s breasts against my upper back. For whatever else, I could feel a dick pressed against my lower back. That meant we were both very nude. Okay, so I have perhaps ended up in bed with another trans woman? With how quickly I’ve heard people say relationships in the queer community move, that didn’t seem outlandish. 

Alright, fair points all around brain, but allow me to pose a few important questions. Where are we? How did we get here? Why don’t I remember coming here? Who is this person behind me? Why don’t I know who they are? Lastly, where the heck did my own dick go? I was pretty sure I had it when I went to bed in Lexi’s room last night. 

Realization hit me like a truck once I started down the rabbit hole of memories that followed lying down last night. Oh damn… so that wasn’t a dream? I pulled my arms in against my chest, which had notably more volume than I was used to, and tried to take stock of this situation.

So, I encountered a werewolf last night. I was attacked and injured. Hold that note, a glance at my collarbone revealed no hint of injury. That made this whole thing harder to rationalize. No, I can't focus on that. Too much else going on that I have to think about. Next, the werewolf threw an entire damn cow across a barn, who I hope managed to survive the fall into that hay bale. The following sequence was not rated for viewers younger than eighteen. 

I bit my lip as I remembered that part and rubbed my thighs together. Yup, that was an incredibly hot way to have my first time as a girl happen. I shuddered at the thought of getting so utterly dominated. The fact that I was even able to take that much dick and not rupturing several important organs spelled some kind of magic or other supernatural factor. I mean at the very least, if I had a uterus now it would have been turned to paste over the course of that encounter. A fine paste that a witch could then use for some fertility ritual. A ritual that would require something marinated in sticky werewolf jizz. Jizz that came from some oversized werewolf co-

Wait, werewolf cock. Strange bed. Unfamiliar person. Not a dream. The gentle aroma on the bedding was the same as what I smelled last night. Holy shit I think I’m in bed with the werewolf. 

Honestly, that calmed me a lot more than it should. If I was in any danger, it would have been last night while this person was in full-on beast mode. If I was snuggled up in bed, getting spooned by a werewolf, and still in one piece I was pretty sure that I shouldn’t be in any impending peril. I was still absolutely swimming in questions, but at least the crisis should be averted.

What’s the harm in enjoying this a little if the werewolf has taken a liking to me? I wiggled myself gently against the big spoon, adjusting my position to achieve maximum cuddles. I was rewarded with a slight squeeze from the big bad wolf who pulled me close against themself. Perfect. 

Appreciating the attention I was receiving, I let my thoughts wander idly. Were the others back at the farm worried about me? I should probably find some way to let them know that I’m okay. Well, unless I’ve been abducted as some kind of prisoner. Doubtful, given the lack of anything sinister so far. Worth mentioning at least. It was a bit of a shame that I didn’t get to ride the horses. I was really looking forward to that. Come to think of it, I ended up being the one that was ridden.

I paid attention to my bedmate again when I heard and felt them drawing a deep breath through their nose. Their reaction was to once again squeeze me a little closer. Fuck, this was so nice. I have never gotten affection like this before. It was absolutely intoxicating. Not to even factor in the scent that uniquely eased my mind, body, and soul. I still couldn’t describe it even if I wanted to. It was so especially different from anything I had known before that it wasn’t even worth trying.

Another deep breath from the back of my head started, but was cut off abruptly. Interesting. I wiggled myself once more against the giver of snuggles. This time, I could feel a pulsing growth against my lower back. Ehehe, maybe wolfie wants to play again? I would be happy to oblige. A naughty grin played on my lips. 

Sadly, and much to my dismay, instead of nuzzling me again they pulled away rapidly. I could feel movement on the other side of the bed and the sound of feet touching down on the floor of the opposite side. Slowly finding my way up to a sitting position, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked at the human form of the assumed werewolf. 

Wow, they were hot. A sweeping glance showed me a whole lot of lightly tanned skin and toned muscles on a rather feminine frame. The muscles weren’t huge, nor were any abs visible, but they were clearly there under the soft skin that was touching me just recently. They tried, and failed, to cover a large erection with both hands. This, of course, left their chest fully exposed. While not huge, there were nice and perky handful-sized breasts on their chest. Going further upwards, I saw a rather feminine face. Their face was toward the softer side, but had a certain hardness in the angles present. Black hair that stopped around the shoulders was a bit everywhere from bedhead. I would guess that they were in their early twenties. I’d be reminded of a typical lead singer or something from a rock band if I knew the names of any of them. Best of all, finally making eye contact with those beautiful amber eyes. I don’t think I could mistake those anywhere. While not as wild and a little more human, those were one hundred percent the same as the ones from last night. 

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Unfortunately, the look on their face didn’t spell well. They seemed to be panicking about something. Tilting my head a little quizzically, I smiled kindly and said, “Good morning.” I winced a little at the sound of my voice. I was so used to pushing my voice up that with my current vocal chords I sounded like an anime girl if I spoke how I normally did. I lowered my voice to a more comfortable range, still on the higher end of things. “Everything okay over there?”

Their breathing was pretty erratic, that I could see clearly even from here. “I… What… Who are you and why are you in my bed?” Their voice was still a little messy from sleep, but was quite femininely low and clearly upset. I don’t think this bodes well. Do they not remember last night? That would be worrisome. I might seem rather intrusive if the memories of our escapades escaped them.

Still sitting up in bed, and not bothering to cover my chest with the blanket, I tried my best to remain calm. I waved awkwardly, “Hi, I’m Sam. I don’t think that we really introduced ourselves yet. We uh… spent some time together last night.” I couldn’t help but blush and look away as I vaguely referred to the saucy events of our meeting. I fidgeted with my hands on my lap while I waited for them to respond.

“Last night… but that couldn’t-” I had looked up at them when they started speaking, and saw the instant change in disposition from concerned and a little panicky to mortified and shocked. “I didn’t… You… I really-” The color had completely drained from their face at this point and I saw the hitch in their breathing as it stopped. 

As softly as I could while still being heard, I asked, “Is everything okay?”

Slowly shaking their head they replied, “I… No… Oh god.” They started scrambling around the room to the dresser on the side of the bed that I was on, all while trying and failing to cover the half chub that was calming down. Actually, the sexual tension is pretty much gone now. I should stop looking at them like that. I’m pretty sure that it would be rude to keep staring. 

A couple of frantic seconds of searching later, a band t-shirt and a pair of track pants made their way onto the frame of the distressed werewolf. Shortly after, they threw another similar outfit to me without looking at me. “Put this on, I need to get help.” 

Hardly a second later, and they were out the door and closed it behind them. I let out a light sigh and emerged from the cozy comforter. This just got a whole lot more complicated I think. 

I took a moment to admire my body before getting dressed. Despite the weirdness and uncertainty surrounding everything right now, at least this part was great. I would have to wait until later to properly inspect the changes though. I had a feeling that I should quickly get ready and find out who the help was that they had gone to fetch. Hmm, I hadn’t gotten their name yet have I?

I put on the pants that had been offered to me and went to put on the shirt. A band that I may or may not have heard of at some point had their logo plastered in a huge, messy font on the front. The thing that really struck me was how it faintly bore the scent of that person who has yet to introduce themselves to me. It was very hard to not just lose myself in taking a long, deep breath of it, but I countered that train of thought since it was probably kind of a creep thing to do. If we were dating? Well, nothing could stop me. I don’t even know them though, so I’ll have to force myself to pass… for now. 

Now wearing an oversized shirt and sweatpants, I got up and tried to figure out what to do from here. After some mental gymnastics, I came to the conclusion that I should try to find the others in the house. If we were going to be having a discussion on secret supernatural beings, I wanted it to at least be somewhere besides a stranger’s bedroom. 

I opened the door and was steamrolled by the smell of fresh breakfast. Bacon, eggs, toast, and more filled my nose almost painfully. Some time to adjust to the nearly overpowering odor was spent in the doorway. It was still strong, but it was much more tolerable after a brief reprieve. It also made me realize that I was quite hungry. Breakfast wafting through the house was a good sign. It was rather inviting. There was no need for powerful supernatural creatures to lure me in with food, so it was probably safe. Probably.

Without much else to do, I quietly walked out into the hallway of an absolutely extravagant home. The bedroom that I had been in was simple, which strikingly contrasted the rest of the house that I could now see. Down the hallway a bit I found a grand entryway. A railing started where the hallway covered waist-high in artful wainscoting ended, an overlook to the front of the house. Each spindle on the railing, as well as the banister leading downstairs was ornately carved cherry wood. Red patterned rugs trailed the upstairs over dark walnut floors, and a matching runner led down to the main floor which was tiled with a pleasing, light-colored stone pattern. A set of large french doors with patterned privacy glass all around it was at the center of the room. There was an opening on either side wall where other rooms started. 

In a word, I would call the place ornate. I could see custom craftsmanship on nearly every surface and feature. Paintings hung tastefully spaced on the walls, decor was matched and well balanced, and the flow felt natural and elegant. Whoever owned this place had some serious money.

I feasted on the place with my eyes, taking in every detail of design that was used to make this gorgeous piece of art. It was only a little distracting that I could feel my stride was a little off. My hips swayed a lot more than I was used to, and it made me have to put more care into how I walked. The back of my mind was very happy with that fact, but my active thoughts were annoyed that they couldn’t focus on the task at hand.

It didn’t take long to reach the ground floor, my bare feet touching down on what I was sure was real marble tile. I looked around for a moment and discerned the direction that the smell of food came from. Turning one-eighty, I walked next to the stairs toward what must have been the kitchen. 

Too busy admiring the precision-carved casings around the doorways going into the room, I didn’t even notice that there was someone standing at the island between myself and the kitchen side of the room. He was an old, maybe around fifty-ish, grandpa looking fellow. Not the small and frail type grandpa though. He was decently built and had a strong physique. His arms were clearly muscled, but not overly much, and very hairy. He wore a loudly floral short sleeved button-up shirt and khakis from what I could see. Over the shirt he wore an apron with some kind of red-orange paint brush or something on it. Short salt and peppered hair that had receded only a little bit and a pair of antique-looking spectacles adorned his slightly wrinkled face. What really stood out though was the finely groomed bushy beard, in a matching color to the hair on his head. A fairly attractive man, though definitely not my type.

He gave me a subtle nod of his head and spoke up for his gruff voice to be heard over the sound of crackling bacon, “Welcome, why don’t you take a seat? We can eat and then have a little talk. I’m sure that there are a lot of questions that you must have.” 

This was going pretty well so far, I’d say.

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