I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 14: 14: Weasley 1 and 9 and 3/4

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"How should I explain to Ron when I go back? I promised him that after he enrolled in school, he would send Scab to him to raise, but it is now lost. Our family is so poor, there is really no way to buy him a new pet. NS…"

Percy looked frustrated, but Wei was really not very good at talking.

Mrs. Weasley's face was dark, but she still comforted her third son.

"Okay, Scabba is a mouse and we will have a good time if we leave it. Now it's late, the train is about to leave, and we have to leave."

"Let me take the liberty to interrupt..." Lynn moved two steps to the Weasleys' side, poking his head over and shouting to attract the attention of a group of Weasleys.

"I didn't deliberately overhear your conversation, but... Did you lose this mouse?"

He pinched the splattered tail, and handed the mouse that was sluggish as if it had been knocked on medicine to Mrs. Weasley.

Immediately, the four Weasley brothers surrounded them in surprise.

"It's great, Shaban didn't lose it." Percy excitedly took Shaban from Lynn's hand and looked at him with gratitude.

"thank you."

George and Fred were familiar with Lynn, who had just met.

"My name is Fred, and his name is George. Here are Percy and Charlie. We are both named Weasley. Which one is our mother. Thank you very much for bringing Scab back. I didn’t seem to see it at school. After you, are you a freshman at Hogwarts? What's your name?"

Although Lynn was thick-skinned, it was still a bit uncomfortable to be treated so intimately at the first meeting. It was Mrs. Weasley who saw Lynn’s embarrassment and she patted off the twins’ arms on his shoulders in dissatisfaction. , Angrily reprimanded.

"Polite! I told you to be polite outside, otherwise others will say that Weasley has no tutor!"

Then her face instantly softened.

"Thank you kid, are you going to the station? Didn't your parents come to see you?"

"It doesn't matter, ma'am, my parents are ordinary people, they didn't come." Lynn didn't mean to lie, but he saw too many poor eyes. Although there was no malice, he was also bored.

Mrs. Weasley smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"It's not too early now. If you don't mind, you can go in with us."

"Of course I don't mind Madam. I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Lynn Belloc. I am a freshman at Hogwarts this year."

Getting a positive answer, Mrs. Weasley immediately urged her son.

"Hurry up, the train is about to leave, Charlie walks in the front to go first, and then let Lynn follow behind. You don't need to be nervous, kid, just go straight through with your eyes closed, then Percy, George, and Fred. Reid, I'll keep it for the end."

Charlie obeyed Mrs. Weasley's arrangement and walked through the wall first. The two twins, George and Fred, squeezed their noses and smiled.

"You see, mom always treats other people's children as her own, and we all picked them up."

"Of course, mother's maternal love is broad. She can have love for all the children in the world, but she is strict with us. Hiss! It hurts... Mom, we were wrong!"

Mrs. Weasley picked up the twins and one ear one by one, and said angrily, "What weird things are being said here, you have begun to release your nature before you get to Hogwarts, then you won't be able to turn it over when you get to school. sky."

The twins are really good-natured.

Lynn thought of it silently in his heart, and then trot all the way to the wall behind Charlie.

He originally wanted to force himself to keep his eyes open, but when he was less than half a meter away from the wall, the brain's reflex nerves still played a role.

He closed his eyes subconsciously, his eyes darkened.

The next moment, he seemed to have passed through something, and it seemed that he had passed through nothing.

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"Okay, Lynn, it's okay, you can stop."

Charlie's voice came in his ear, and then Lynn stopped his steps and opened his eyes again.

A bright red steam train caught his eye.

There is a conspicuous sign in the center of the front of the car, which says:

The Hogwarts Express train departs exactly at eleven o'clock.

The noise from the surroundings came to his ears, the dragging of the suitcase, the calls of owls, and the chattering of students and family members mixed together, but it didn't make Linn feel the slightest boredom.

This place is like Diagon Alley, a world that belongs exclusively to wizards.

Soon after him, Percy, the Weasley twins, and Mrs. Weasley also passed through the wall and came to the station.

Without more instructions, Mrs. Weasley clapped her hands.

"Well, kids, you are about to start a new semester again. I am still saying that everything is safe.

Also, George and Fred, both of you, did less mischief. They wrote me a lot of complaints about the castle keeper just one year after enrolling. You are really capable. Percy, you are responsible for supervising them. No matter what they commit, you must report it to me. Don't force me to write a yelling letter to both of you.

Remember to take care of your new friend Lynn, and take care of him less to engage in boring pranks with you. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM"

George and Fred looked at each other knowingly, squeezed their eyebrows, and said in unison.

"We will be obedient, mother."

Mrs. Weasley didn't believe the promise made by her two troublesome sons. In the end, she gave Lynn a sandwich that she made herself, saying it was a thank you gift so that he should not dislike it.

Lynn readily accepted, and after bidding farewell to Mrs. Weasley, he followed the four Weasley brothers on the Hogwarts Express.

After they put the suitcases away, Charlie and Percy left separately to find their friends.

George and Fred who were left were one term older than Lynn, and they sent an invitation.

"Would you like to sit in the same car with us? We can introduce our friends to you. All the students in Gryffindor are talented and they speak nicely."

After hesitating for a moment, Lynn finally rejected them.

"No, I'd better find a freshman's compartment. Everyone is just entering the school. It will be easier to get along with each other in advance. However, I will ask you to help you familiarize yourself with the school after you get to Hogwarts."

When George and Fred heard this, they immediately patted their **** with their heads upright.

"Then you can find the right person. In terms of understanding of Hogwarts, the professor may not be better than us.

Then we will see you at school, and hope you can be assigned to Gryffindor. "

After separating from the Weasley brothers, Lynn wandered leisurely in the carriage of the train.

Eventually he found a cubicle that was not full yet.

He sat in and introduced himself with a smile.

"Hello, this is Lynn Belloc."

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