I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 15: 15: Newbie

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   There is only one boy sitting in the box.

  His silky silver hair is very eye-catching. His complexion is very white, and even white makes people feel a little unhealthy.

   There is a book on the table. Although the cover is not visible, Lynn only glanced at the content to know that he was reading the spell textbook "Standard Spells, Elementary".

   Lynn's greeting did not get a response. The boy just glanced at him blankly with those blue eyes, and then returned his attention to the book.

   Thanks to Lynn’s face as thick as a city wall, he didn’t feel embarrassed at this time. He found a topic and wanted to re-establish social relations.

   "The repair spell is indeed a very convenient spell." He saw the spell the boy was looking at and tried to find a common language.

   "But this spell seems to be a late course in the first grade. I tried it many times at home according to the introduction in the textbook, but none of it succeeded."

   The boy looked away from the book, his expression very cold.

   "Please keep quiet while others are reading."

   Her hot face was on her cold ass, and Lynn was no longer in the mood to communicate.

   He silently complained that this is such a nasty kid, and shrugged.

   "Well, if you are not in the mood to chat, of course I will be quiet."

   The boy continued to look at his spell textbook, while Lynn looked bored at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

  Although he had just been apart for less than three hours, he suddenly missed Hermione a little.

   The nagging little girl is many times more cute than this little boy.

After   , the two didn't communicate anymore.

   Lynn didn't even have the thought of changing the box, so he kept sitting with the unknown boy opposite.

   There was a witch pushing a cart to sell sweets at noon. Although Lynn loved sweets, he didn't buy anything in the end.

   Mrs. Weasley gave him a sandwich before getting into the car, which was enough for his lunch.

   The cold boy seemed to have no appetite and had nothing for lunch.

   Until the sun went west, the sky was completely dark, and bright lights lit up in the box, and the two of them had not been talking.

   The boy was always studying the spell book. He read the book very slowly, as if he had to read a page three times. After such a long time, he had only read half of the spell textbook.

   Nearly five minutes before arriving at Hogwarts, the boy closed the book, stuffed it into the suitcase, and then took out the Hogwarts school robe and changed it on him.

   Lynn was not idle either, he also changed his school robe, and then walked out of the box after the train stopped completely.

   The train stopped in front of a small and broken platform.

Although the breeze blowing by    is slightly cold, the weather tonight is very good. There are no clouds in the sky. The shining stars and the bright waning moon are clearly visible.

   The students, large and small, all got off the train. The old students were talking and laughing, while the new students were nervously standing still, not knowing what to do next.

   At this time, a loud voice sounded at the right time.

   "First-year freshman! Come to my side."

   Lynn looked down the source of the sound and saw a big bearded giant standing among a bunch of small things. He also held a pink umbrella that contrasted greatly with his size in his hand.

   Because the landmark was so obvious, the freshmen quickly gathered around Hagrid.

  At this moment, a girl standing next to Lynn suddenly looked up at the sky.

   "Is it raining?"

   Lynn was a little inexplicable: "It is impossible to rain today."

   "Then why is that person holding an umbrella?"

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   Lynn looked in the direction of her fingers, and she saw a large black umbrella stretched out among the new students.

   The freshmen around the umbrella were a little nervous. An alien who was holding an umbrella suddenly appeared among them on a sunny day. They suddenly fled like a group of frightened chickens, separated from the boy under the black umbrella.

   The silver-haired boy holding a black umbrella seemed to be unaware of the reactions of the people around him. He still had a pale face with cold eyes and stood calmly on the spot.

   Hagrid roughly counted the number of people. After making sure that there were no missing people, he raised his eyebrows at the silver-haired boy.

   "My child, are you nervous and fainted? Today is a rare good weather, no need to use an umbrella."

   "Not for shelter from the rain, but for something else." The boy's voice was hard, it didn't sound like an explanation.

   Hagrid didn't care either. He had received more new students, and it was not surprising that a few strangers occasionally appeared.

   "Since you insist on doing this, then all right. Listen, children, you have to follow me next, don't fall behind, I will take you into Hogwarts."

   Lynn glanced at the boy who was completely covered by the black umbrella, and then followed Hagrid silently.

   The magical world is not a peaceful place. Even at Hogwarts, it does not mean absolute security, so Lynn did not want to explore the secrets of others.

   Of course there is curiosity, but he will not let his curiosity cause trouble.

   The new students followed Hagrid, separated from the old students on the platform, and walked into a path in the woods.

   The road is a bit rugged, even if Hagrid deliberately slowed down his pace, it is still not easy for a group of eleven-year-old children to keep up with his generous pace.

   The dense branches and leaves of the forest obscured the starlight and moonlight in the sky.

As they deepened, Lynn could no longer even see whether the two sides of the road were the woods. Apart from the rushing footsteps and breathing of the freshmen, all he could hear was the rustling of the leaves blowing in the evening breeze. "Sounds, and the sounds of birds that resemble owls.

   They bury their heads in this way and don’t know how long they have been walking. After making a big turn, Hagrid suddenly stopped. UU reading www. uukanshu.com was caught off guard by a little wizard behind him and almost ran into his ass.

   "Did you see it? That is Hogwarts, where you will live for seven years in the future."

   Hagrid pointed at a giant in front of them and said proudly.

  The new students realized that there was no longer a dark forest path in front of them.

   The narrow road suddenly opened up, and a huge lake blocked them in front of them.

   The black lake is calm and calm, reflecting the stars and the waning moon, like a mirror inlaid on the earth.

Behind the lake is a huge castle built between two mountains. There are countless turrets and towers on the castle.

   The soaring roof is like the pointed hat of a wizard, and it seems to be filled with knowledge and unknown mystery.

  Many little wizards couldn't help exclaiming when they saw this spectacular scene.

   Even Lynn looked at the old castle in the mountain not far away and couldn't help being stunned.

   is not only shocked by this building that originally only existed in film and television, but also a series of system sounds in his mind at the same time.

  【The main mission is complete! 】

  【Open map: Hogwarts Castle. 】

   [Reward: Close your brain, has been issued. 】

  【Awarded title: a rookie who is new to school. 】

   [Newly enrolled rookie: 1. When the title is worn, the students who think that their status is higher than you will subconsciously make things difficult for you.

   2. Teachers care about you twice.

  3. When learning basic magic knowledge, your learning efficiency will increase three times.

  Note 1: The effect of this title will only take effect when worn.

   Note 2: This title will disappear when you enter the second grade. 】

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