I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 16: 16: Hogwarts

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   Lynn squeezed his smooth chin. Before he could feel the changes in his brain and the new title, he heard Hagrid say loudly.

   "Only four people can sit on a boat!"

   He pointed to the row of boats docked by the Black Lake and repeated again, "Attention! Each boat cannot exceed four!"

   said, he took the lead and jumped into a small boat.

   Lynn got into a small boat with three other little wizards he didn't know.

   Soon, Hagrid looked around for a week, and when he saw that the freshmen were already on the boat, he gave orders to all the boats like a general:

   "Okay, let's go now."

   The small boat went automatically without wind, and carried a bunch of freshmen quickly across the Black Lake.

   There were two men and a woman in the boat where Lynn was sitting. Their brows were twisted together, their lips were tightly pressed, their faces were pale, and they looked very nervous.

   Lynn was the only one who was in a relaxed mood.

  The effect of the newly obtained title looks quite good. Although there are some side effects, such side effects can be avoided completely. At least it is better than the previous title that insulted others.

The only drawback of    is that the name is a bit ugly.

   picked up a handful of lake water, and when he approached his eyes, he realized that the water of the Black Lake was not actually black in the true sense, but dark green.

   "Are you not worried at all?" The girl with two pigtails and a little freckled face asked him puzzledly.

   Lynn blinked: "What are you worried about?"

   "Sub-college test." A boy said, "They will have a special method to distinguish which students belong to which college. According to people who have experienced it, this process makes them reluctant to remember for a lifetime."

   Lynn remembered at this time that Hogwarts still has such a tradition.

   But he is not to blame. After all, it has been almost 20 years since he read the Harry Potter series of books, counting the time of this life, and he really may not be able to think of some details.

   Lynn looked at them innocently.

   "I have been living in a normal society before, and I have little understanding of these things in the magical world."

   Lynn was so calm and composed. The three little wizards on the same ship had originally expected him to be an insider who knew something about him, and could reveal the gossip to them in private, but in the end he didn't know as much as them, and he was a little disappointed.

   "Your parents are both Muggles?" The other boy looked at him suspiciously.

   Lynn nodded calmly: "If the Muggles in your mouth refer to ordinary people who don't know magic, then I guess they should be."

   The boy straightened his back, as if he was kindly giving him something about Cop Hogwarts, but there was a hint of contempt in his tone.

   "Then it is impossible for you to be assigned to Slytherin. Hogwarts has four academies. Slytherin only accepts those with pure blood wizard blood and excellent magic talents, such as me.

For the other three colleges, Ravenclaw values ​​wisdom, Gryffindor values ​​courage, and Hufflepuff values ​​loyalty. Well, my parents told me that the criteria for selecting students in this college are very lax. It is said that most Muggles with no qualifications The family wizards all come from here, so it is estimated that you will be assigned to this academy with a high probability. "

  I've seen this kind of unpleasant little boy Lynn in the orphanage a lot, and I've long been surprised.

   He shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently: "I can go anywhere, but I heard the wizards in Diagon Alley say that the best college at Hogwarts should be Gryffindor right now?

   It is said that our principal came from this academy, but Slytherin's reputation is not very good. They all say that there are a lot of dark wizards. "

   The boy was obviously from a pure-blood family with pedigree discrimination. After being stabbed so little by Lynn, he blushed and wanted to argue.

   But he mumbled for a long time and he couldn't think of a rebuttal.

   This little episode did not take Lynn to heart, because soon they had passed through the Black Lake and came to the other side of the lake.

   Hagrid led them out of the boat and walked together to the oak door on the front of the castle, and then knocked on the wooden door three times with his fist twice the size of an ordinary person.

   The door was immediately opened from the inside.

   Professor McGonagall, who has always been serious, stood upright in front of the freshmen.

   As soon as he saw Professor McGonagall, Lynn couldn't help thinking of his daring cat-spinning behavior at the time. Although he knew that Professor McGonagall didn't care, he still shrank his neck with a guilty conscience.

   "I brought the first-year freshman, Professor McGonagall."

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   Professor McGonagall nodded and glanced at the little wizards. The stern look made many freshmen who saw her for the first time daunted.

   "Thank you, Hagrid, let them leave it to me next."

The little wizards followed this serious and well-known vice-principal to a small cubicle in a castle. Professor McGonagall gave them a routine training every year, and then left to prepare for the sorting ceremony. NS.

   A group of freshmen who had been depressed for a long time immediately fry the pot.

   Some of them had already known each other on the train, and now there was no professor's caretaker, and they immediately began to talk about each other.

   Lynn turned his ears to eavesdrop on some of what they said at first, but lost interest after discovering that there were basically some groundless suspicions about the sorting ceremony.

  It is the system in my mind that has released a new mission after completing the main mission of Hogwarts.

  【Main task: Obtain awards and bonus points from the corresponding course professors.

   Reward: Compatible magic talent and effect + 1]

   Lynn lowered his head to think about the new tasks given by the system. The system widened the scope of praise. Like Professor McGonagall before him, just a compliment from his feelings can enhance the talent of Transfiguration.

   So it seems that it is not difficult to complete this task, as long as you are a little more active in the class after the beginning of school, it is basically enough.

   What makes Linn care about is, can I use this method to repeat the brush points?

   Although I feel like I want to fart, I can still try it.

  Professor McGonagall quickly returned here. She lined up the freshmen, and then led them out of the cubicle to the Hogwarts auditorium which is also the dining room.

   The hall was very lively. Students from four different colleges were sitting at four long tables, while professors were all sitting on a long table on a high platform. Linn saw Professor Fox at a glance among the professors.

   He is still wearing the long windbreaker which is extremely inconsistent with his wizarding status, and he is still wearing a tie.

   Fox also noticed Lynn's gaze, and smiled and waved at him.

After staggering his eyes with Professor Fox, what caught Lynn the most was the one sitting in the middle of the professor’s table, with a big white beard and strange half-moon glasses on his face, looking like an old man with a friendly neighbor. , Headmaster Hogwarts who has been smiling: Albus Dumbledore.

   Without giving Lyndor time to observe the most outstanding principal in Hogwarts history, Professor McGonagall led them to a high platform, then took out a bench and put a dirty and torn hat on it.

   After the famous sorting hat sang its song happily, the five long tables, both students and professors, burst into applause.

   For a school like Hogwarts, the opening of the school is indeed a happy thing for all the little wizards. Among so many people present, UU reading www.uukanshu.com only the freshmen are not very happy.

   After the sorting ceremony that was nervous for so long, it turned out that wearing a hat is as simple as wearing a hat, and no one is in a good mood.

   But it finally made them breathe a sigh of relief, after all, wearing a hat is not difficult.

   Although this hat looks dirty and it sings strangely.

   "Meen Agnes!"

   Professor McGonagall called the name of the first little wizard.

   A black-haired boy stumbled all the way, sat on the corner stool under the gaze of all Hogwarts students and professors, and put on the hat.

   Under all eyes, the Sorting Hat quickly shouted: "Ravenclaw!"

   There was a burst of cheers on Ravenclaw's long table.

   Lynn's palms were slightly sweaty.

It must be fake to say that he is not nervous in this environment. He is very close to the long table in Gryffindor, and he can even hear the grumble of annoyance by a senior wizard in Gryffindor, enrolling in the first freshman. He lost the bet on the allocation.

   "Lynn Bellock."

   Lynn’s name is in the third place, he took a deep breath and trot to the side of Professor McGonagall.

He hadn’t lied before, and Lynn did not care about what college he was assigned to. He had no prejudice against Slytherin, and at the same time he didn’t have too much enthusiasm for Gryffindor. He yearned for Ravenclaw’s wisdom, and Acknowledge Hufflepuff's loyalty and low-key.

   What he is nervous about is the sorting hat itself.

   The system-rewarded Occlumency, Lynn can't control it, so he doesn't know whether it will work.

   But it's useless to think so much now, all he can do is put this hat on his head.

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