I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 235: 213: Malfoy: I was wrong, I will never dare to do it again

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Basilisk is not such a difficult creature to deal with.

   Lynn even felt that by finding a professor in Hogwarts and preparing it in advance, he could skin it cramps and add a whole snake banquet to the little wizard’s dinner.

This weakness is obvious. The reason why a creature that is not a big threat to adult wizards will disturb the Hogwarts twice in a row. The biggest reason is that it always runs away after committing the crime. After running away, no one can catch it. To it.

   And now that Lynn knows where his nest is, of course he won't let this thing escape anymore.

   But before that, Lynn had to make sure that he was prepared to be foolproof.

The most notable characteristics of    Basilisk are that it is extremely poisonous, powerful, and will die if it meets its eyes.

The first two are fairly easy to handle. The poison of the basilisk only exists on its fangs. Unless it can bite Lynn, otherwise the so-called virulent poison is in vain; and the power is so powerful that Lynn has not broken the wrist with it. There is no comparison in power, but Lynn felt that even if he overestimated the basilisk's physical power, he would not be stronger than him. At least he would not use this advantage to suppress him.

  The most difficult thing to do is its third feature, when you look at it, you will be petrified and die.

In this semester of the original book, no students died at Hogwarts, but many little wizards were petrified. That is because these little wizards did not directly look at the eyes of the basilisk due to various coincidences, which led to the effect of petrification. Weakened to the extreme.

   Lynn has never forgotten that the petrification effect of the basilisk is its strongest method. Anyone who directly looks at it will die instantly, without exception.

   So in view of the characteristics of eyes, Lynn went to the library to collect a lot of spells and other methods about hurting eyes, among which the most effective is the eye disease curse.

The effect of this spell is very strong, it can directly destroy the eyesight of the enemy, and magic creatures have weak resistance to this spell. In the future Triwizard Tournament, the warrior of Durmstrang School of Magic Wikdall Krum relied on this spell to blind the fire dragon's eyes and passed the first level.

   As the dragon's resistance to magic did not resist this spell, Lynn didn't think that the basilisk's magic resistance was higher than that of the dragon.

   There is also the crowing of the rooster. There are related books that the crowing of the rooster is fatal to the basilisk. Even if the actual effect is not as strong as the book says, it will definitely have a big negative impact on it.

   This weekend is a rare sunny day.

"I think I am a magic waste material Lynn. Every time I show off my newly learned magic to Ian and Cedric, they always look at me with suspicion and think that you have been dropped, despite the facts. It is true."

   Lynn and Xiao Mai have now changed back to their original appearances, lying on the grass outside the castle basking in the sun.

"It's not to blame you. I asked you to pretend to be me and ask you to learn magic by yourself. Others may not see anything, but Ian and Cedric will definitely find something wrong. But I don't intend to keep hiding from them. Two, when they find out, let them help keep it secret."

   "I didn't mean that..." Xiao Mai said twitchingly.

"Then what do you mean?"

   "I mean, my magic talent is so bad, can you lower the difficulty of the exam, or I'm afraid I won't pass." Xiao Mu said pitifully.

   Lynn couldn't help but flicked her forehead: "Why are you so unambitious? After learning magic, you just want to play, haven't you thought about doing other big things?"

   "Playing is my lifelong event!" she said righteously.

   This child is really dead.

   Xiaomai probably had been alone since she was a child, and was scared of boredom. Now she has an unparalleled obsession with playing. No matter what she does, her ultimate goal is to play.

   "How many magic have you learned?" Anyway, as her parent, Lynn still has to care about her learning progress.

Xiaoying broke his fingers and forgot: "There are only five floating curses, lock unlocking curses, descaling curses, repelling curses, and wand lighting curses." She continued aggrieved, "and I don't even dare to hold back when I have problems. Ask other people about your identity for fear of exposing you."

   There are only five...If I remember correctly, now is the weekend of the second week of school, right?

   This is still under the circumstance of her own self-study, and basically no one teaches it!

   Although it is a lot worse than Lynn, if you say that this talent is a waste of magic, then 99% of the entire Hogwarts students can bury themselves in shame!

However, Lynn knows that she must guard against arrogance and rashness. Based on what Lynn knows about her, if she tells her that she is actually a genius and not a waste material, she will immediately throw away her current diligence and resume the whole day. In the state of eating, drinking, and having fun, until the end of the exam was approaching, she temporarily gnawed at two textbooks.

   Can’t praise, of course, can’t degrade, Xiao Bui is just a ten-year-old child.

"It's not considered magic waste, right." Lynn comforted, "At least better than most people, but not much better. Judging from the talents they showed when I was teaching the first grade during this period of time. , You should be able to rank in the upper middle class."

   In fact, the magic level that Xiaomai now masters is enough to be the first grade among first-year freshmen, but she stays with the third-grade students every day and doesn't know her level at all.

   Hearing that he could be ranked in the middle and upper class, Xiao Bui suddenly refreshed.

   "So, I only need to work a little bit to pass your exam?"

"Don't dream." Lynn poured cold water on her, "Do you think I will make you pass the exam so easily? If you really just try to lose it, then you still hug at home during the summer vacation. Watch it on TV and don’t think about game consoles."

   was buried in the grass and rolled back and forth.

   "You are so ruthless, Lynn, anyway, I am also your sister, so I can't be accommodating."

   Lynn ignored her aegyo, but noticed the direction of the Quidditch Stadium entrance not far away, where two groups seemed to be arguing.


   Malfoy is very proud now.

   Ever since Harry was discovered by Professor McGonagall of his extraordinary Quidditch talent last semester and he was specially recruited to the Gryffindor team, he has been very jealous.

   This gave him the illusion that he was inferior to Harry, so shortly after the beginning of the second grade, he begged his father to help send him to the Slytherin Quidditch team.

   Although Lucius Malfoy is one of Hogwarts' board of directors, he cannot directly order the Slytherin Quidditch team to recruit Draco.

   It's not because he doesn't have this power or ability, but it's so embarrassing, and he can't use the privileges so openly.

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But faced with the request of his only son, he was still so motivated in order to get himself into the Quidditch team to prove that he was not as good as Harry’s request. Lucius gritted his teeth and finally paid a lot of money to Slytherin. The Quidditch team donated seven flying brooms that were newly released last month.

   Even though these brooms are not cheap, they were the same for the Malfoys in the past, but they are different now.

Recently, a radical German magic company is attacking the British magic business market. The opponent’s strength is very strong, and there is a ruthless force that injures the enemy 800 and one thousand. Under the suppression and plundering of the market at any cost, including Marl Many pure-blood family industries, including Fujia, have been hit.

Everyone is tightening their belts to live their lives. There are already several family members who have taken the lead in negotiating with the top management of the other company. After all, the price war can only hurt both sides if the price war continues. Doing business still has to be more expensive. What is there? You can sit down and discuss the conditions.

   Draco didn't know these things, he only knew that his father was in a bad mood recently, but in the end he helped send him to the Slytherin Quidditch team.

Today was the first day he joined the team. Draco knew that Harry was training on the court now, so he specifically asked Snape to approve the Slytherin team to use the court training note, just to use In the name of grabbing the court, to show Harry that he also joined the Quidditch team in the second grade, not much worse than him, and everyone on their team has a brand new flying broomstick.

   Harry was obviously disgusted by him, and seeing his expression, Draco felt a strange sense of satisfaction.

Think about how he extended a small hand of friendship to Harry at the beginning, but was rejected by Harry, and then turned around and held hands with Ron. Everyone is good friends. Now, Draco suddenly has a kind of thirty years. Thirty years of revenge pleasure in Hexi Mo's bullying youth.

   However, his pleasure hasn't come for long enough for him to enjoy, the Gryffindor girl with dirty blood in her body tore off the fig leaf on his face mercilessly.

   "At least none of the Gryffindor players need to spend money to join the team," Hermione said sharply. "They came in entirely by ability."

   Malfoy's triumphant expression froze, his face sullen, and he subconsciously cursed the worst words he knew.

   "No one asked you, you smelly little mudblood."

   As soon as he said his words, everyone present was stunned!

   Except for Hermione and Harry who don’t know what the word means, everyone on Gryffindor’s face flushed with anger!

   Ron, who was the only Harry among the three who knew what the word meant, was angrily preparing to wave his wand and cast a wicked spell on Draco when a cold voice suddenly sounded.

   "What did you scold her just now?"

   The voice was very cold, as if it had frozen the surrounding air, making everyone present shiver uncontrollably.

   Everyone on the scene turned their heads to look at the owner of the voice.

   Lynn stared at Draco expressionlessly, repeating his question again without emotion.

   "I asked you, what did you scold her just now?"

   "Lynn..." Hermione ran up to Lynn and grabbed his arm with a worried look. She hadn't realized what had happened, but she had never seen Lynn so angry.

"Bellock, Malfoy just didn't pay attention and said casually, besides, everyone is from the same college, there is no need for this..." Slytherin has a player who knows Lynn and persuades him. Before he could finish his persuasion, he was stopped by a person next to him.

   The person who stopped him was Lynn’s first grade roommate Hubert McLean.

He called Lynn in the dormitory as a mudblood at the beginning of school, and was beaten up by Lynn, and later wanted to avenge him by poison, but Kira found out that his plan was tortured and erased with a drill curse. That Slytherin, he is now also a member of Slytherin.

   "Stop talking, Flint." Hubert pulled his companion nervously.

   He spent half a semester in St. Mungo’s Hospital in the first grade because of Kira’s Heart Drilling Curse and Forgetting Curse. Although he no longer remembers who he was tortured by, he still remembers the name Lynn.

   Whenever he thinks of this, he can't help but shake his hands and feet.

Draco looked at Lynn's cold eyes and swallowed subconsciously. Not only Lynn, he even felt that even the hamster lying on Lynn's head was looking at him with indifference. .

  He knew Lynn, the genius wizard in Slytherin, and Snape's protégé.

The two belong to the same college, but because they are a grade difference, there is no intersection between them. He does not know the relationship between Lynn and Hermione, nor does he understand why Lynn is a Slytherin for a Gryffin. More and angry.

Obviously Lynn did not leave any famous deeds except for studying well in school, but the one person, one rat brought great pressure to Draco. He hid his nervous and trembling hands behind him, wondering if It is clear why this guy who is only one year older than himself would make himself so scared.

   Draco gritted his teeth and said.

   "Am I wrong? Isn't she just a smelly mud..."

   Before he could finish his words, a hand like iron tongs suddenly caught his neck!

   Lynn didn't know when he appeared in front of his face, he slowly raised his arm, and said lightly.

"You can inquire in Slytherin when you have time. The first two people who uttered this word in front of me ended up looking like ~www.novel35.com~ Oh, sorry, actually you don’t need to inquire, either. Because you will experience it soon."

   His face was calm and terrifying, and everyone around Gryffindor and Slytherin was silent, and no one dared to speak.

   Only Hermione has been holding Lynn's hand, persuading with crying in her voice.

   "Don't fight Lynn, you will be punished, because this kind of person is not worth it."

"You don't understand how terrible a word he just scolded you, Hermione, don't worry about me being punished. If Professor Snape learns about this, he will not punish me and maybe give me extra points. "Lynn persuaded Hermione to go away.

Draco was pinched by his neck at this time, and his feet were off the ground. His face turned into pig liver color because he could not breathe. He slapped Lynn's arms with both hands, and the two legs off the ground kept kicking, but So it was impossible to break free of Lynn's clutches.

"I made a game with a senior, I think this game is very good Malfoy, we can even play more tricks, because I will have a lot more evil spells." Lynn loosened his neck and backhanded Grabbing the collar of his robe, sneered and raised his wand.

   "Cry me! If you don't cry out for five seconds to count down, then I will..."

   "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I will never dare to do it next time... "

   Draco was aggrieved and wiped tears like a little girl.

   Lynn's ruthless words hadn't finished, and the countdown hadn't even started, so he confessed his mistakes while crying.

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