I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 236: 214: Enter the secret room

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Master Draco's nickname is not for nothing.

   He is the only son of the Malfoy family. He has been doted in the center by his family since he was a child, just like Dudley in the magical world.

   After all, Draco was just a spoiled child at the age of thirteen.

   Lynn had really killed people before. The kind of aura he showed, coupled with the fear of being choked to death at any time, made him really scared.

   Listening to Draco's soft crying, Lynn couldn't help but feel a little speechless. He didn't even start, so he cried.

   Around, a group of people in Gryffindor laughed happily, and the people in Slytherin looked at Draco with contempt.

  If it's about the relationship, the entire Slytherin team has accepted the flying broom that Draco's father gave them. If Lynn really does it to him, then they will go up and help anyway.

   But now that people haven't done anything, he himself has counseled first, and this makes the Slytherin people even faceless if they want to help.

   Lynn carried Draco by the collar and dragged him in front of Hermione.

   "It's useless if you tell me you know that you are wrong. You have to tell her and apologize to her. If she forgives you, the matter will be over."

   Draco wiped his tears, lowered his head, and choked softly: "Sorry, I was wrong."

   "Be louder! Didn't you eat? The sound of such a small voice was just a curse!"

   Draco could only say it again aloud in humiliation.

   "Sorry! I was wrong!"

Hermione feels sweet now. She doesn’t care about Draco’s apology. She still hasn’t figured out why everyone will be so angry after he scolds that word. What she is happy about is the way Lynn is angry for her now. .

   "I forgive you." She grabbed Lynn's hand and said cheerfully.

   Draco Rumeng amnesty, he raised his head and looked at Lynn with crying red eyes. Lynn loosened his collar and didn't intend to continue embarrassing him.

   was just a thirteen-year-old child after all. Judging from his performance in the original book, Draco eventually chose red beans instead of black beans like a fat translator. This proves that he just lacks education and his nature is not too bad.

   After Lynn let him go, he left the court dingy.

   There were no seekers, and the Slytherin team on the scene did not have the need to continue to compete with Gryffindor for the court. The snakes eventually dispersed.

"Malfoy won't just leave it like that." Ron said to Lyn worriedly. "He will definitely go to his father. His father used to be a Death Eater and very rich. It's Hogwar. The school director of Ci also has a wide network of contacts in the Ministry of Magic."

   Lynn freed her arm from Hermione's arms.

   The little Nizi hugged her too tightly, and she panicked.

"I know that in traditional routines, I beat the old to the younger. I will beat the old one. When he wants to retaliate against me, I will show off my strong identity, and then he will only apologize to me. It's a classic one. Bonet’s attire forced a face-slapped routine."

   The surrounding Gryffindors all looked dumbfounded and did not understand what Lynn meant, but Hermione heard that Lynn would be in trouble, and she persuaded Lynn.

   "Why don't I go to the professor with you, this is not our fault, the professor should help us."

"Don't worry, Malfoy and his father won't bother me. He even thanks me for helping to educate his son." Lynn was about to say goodbye to them, "I have something to do, you continue to play, goodbye. "

   Lynn did not go directly to the castle with Xiao Bui, but came to the owl room.

   He found his owl, wrote a letter there and asked it to be given to Old John.

   Lynn doesn't have time to play some tricks with the Malfoy family. He not only has to go to class, but also prepares to deal with the basilisk in the secret room. Time is tight enough.

   And this time is not an opportunity. Lucius Malfoy is a father who spoils his children. Yes, he is also a qualified businessman.

   After Voldemort's downfall, he could quickly regain his position and still retain his position and reputation in the British magical world, which proves that this is a very capable grassroots.

Today’s incident can completely allow Old John to get on the line with him, saying that the child is ignorant, and the two have some small conflicts, and they are generously willing to compensate him for some of the shares in the "new company". The two sides have exchanged each other, can the Malfoy family's contacts in the British Ministry of Magic be shared?

Lynn is very rich, but some things, especially political matters, can’t be done with money alone. Gifts need to find acquaintances to act as intermediaries. The Malfoys are undoubtedly Lynn’s involvement in the UK. A stepping stone to the politics of the Ministry of Magic.

   Owl flew away from Hogwarts Castle with the letter Lynn wrote to Old John, and Lynn also officially put the plan to open the secret room on the agenda.

   After two weeks, he has basically prepared everything he can prepare. If Hogwarts hadn't banned various technological products, Lynn even planned to buy an infrared night vision device from Muggles to use.

   Late this Friday night, Lynn sneaked out of the professor's office, fully armed.

He held a rooster borrowed from Hagrid in his hand. In order to make sure that it crowed when it shouldn’t be crowed, Lynn specially sealed the chicken’s mouth with tape and gave it a patch. Seal the tongue and lock the throat.

According to Hagrid, this rooster is the most diligent of the chickens he raises. It croaks more than a dozen times a day on average. Sometimes he can’t sleep because of the noise in the middle of the night. Lynn uses Lockhart’s When asked his identity to borrow the chicken, Hagrid happily gave it to him.

In addition, he also found some potions from Snape that were similar to lime powder, which would damage the eyes as long as they were sprayed without taking them, and a cold weapon that Old John bought from the fairies—— Knight's long sword.

   I bought this sword to prevent the basilisk's magic resistance from being much higher than he imagined. Magic has no effect on it. He has a good weapon when he can only fight hand-to-hand.

   Originally, Lynn was going to ask Dumbledore to borrow Gryffindor’s great sword, but unfortunately Dumbledore is often out of school these days and goes out to do errands.

He tried to pull the sword out of the sorting hat in the principal’s office, but he didn’t know if it was because he was not a Gryffindor student, or because his behavior at this time did not possess the quality of courage. That broken hat was Don't give him the sword.

   There is no way. To be on the safe side, he can only ask Old John to help him buy one from the outside and send it to him.

   Lynn now holds a sword in his left hand and a stick in his right. There is still a big rooster in the middle of the squeak nest, walking through the castle in the dark.

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  Because it is not easy to use the phantom spell, he is still holding Lockhart's appearance to prevent being touched by the patrolling Filch. (Actually, even with the title of professor in his current appearance, Filch would ask him with a vigilant look why he chose to get up in the middle of the night to kill a chicken.)

   The entrance of the secret room was of course forgotten by Lynn, but he still remembered that it was a girls' bathroom, and there was also a ghost who died of a basilisk in it-Myrtle.

Myrtle is relatively well-known among the girls at Hogwarts. She usually stays in the girls’ bathroom on the first floor, and she often cries with great resentment, causing the girls to take a few more steps. Going to other places, I don't want to go to the toilet in the bathroom on the first floor.

  Professor Lockhart is very popular at Hogwarts Little Wizard. His class is interesting and allows students to learn real things. If it weren't for too many homework assignments, his popularity could be even higher.

   Lynn casually expressed interest in the ghost of Myrtle during the break, and immediately several senior girls who had misconducted him uttered all the information about Myrtle.

   At night, the stairs that like to play tricks on the little wizards who are about to be late during the day will be quiet, and they seem to have to rest.

   Lynn went all the way down the stairs of the castle and came to the corridor on the first floor. The process was fairly smooth. He didn't meet Filch or some Gryffindor who didn't sleep in the middle of the night and appeared to explore.

   He found the girl's bathroom on the first floor, and after making sure that there were no other people around, he walked in with a lot of things.

   As soon as Lynn entered the bathroom, he heard the faint cry of a woman echoing in this bathroom.

   midnight, women's toilet, crying, these always bring some bad associations to people.

   But in Hogwarts, ghosts are not uncommon creatures. They don't have any special abilities except that their physical shape is different from that of humans. They can't even use magic.

   was hiding in the toilet cubicle alone, myrtle heard the footsteps, she passed through the partition and floated quietly to Lynn.

   "Are you a professor at Hogwarts? Why did you come here without sleeping in the middle of the night? Still holding a chicken and a sword?"

"I'm here to find an entrance to a place. It has nothing to do with you. Please don't disturb me if it's convenient." Lynn put the sword and rooster in his hand on the ground, and stepped forward to check the faucet in the bathroom. , Look for the one with the snake carved.

"Woo, are you despising me?" Myrtle cried aggrievedly, "I know everyone dislikes me for being short, fat, and acne-prone, so I rarely go out from here, but you If you come here by yourself, you have to despise me again, oh oh oh..."

   Lynn ignored her, this ghost character is just like that, low self-esteem and likes to cry.

   It is undoubtedly convenient to find something with a goal. Lynn quickly found the brass faucet he wanted to find with a snake engraved on the side.

   Myrtle was still crying on the side, Lynn took Tom out of his pocket after determining the goal, he pointed to the faucet and said.

   "For this thing, use the language you are born to say: Open."

   Lynn is not a snake-like voice, this thing is as natural as Yi Rong Magnus, and he can't learn whether he can or not, but he can't but Tom can.

   Tom followed what Lynn said, brewing for a while, and then made a "hissing" sound at the water faucet.

   The next moment, the pool under the faucet separated, revealing a huge water pipe.

   "Will you be in danger after you go in?" Tom asked worriedly.

   Lynn hugged the chicken, put the sword on his waist, and put the wand in his sleeve: "Don't worry, I'm ready, and I can escape even if I can't beat it in the end."

   He put Tom back in his pocket, got down, and got into the huge water pipe.

Myrtle, who was crying, was stunned at this moment. She was killed by the basilisk in an instant. She didn't know how she died, and of course she couldn't know where she had been hiding for decades. With such a secret room.

   Lynn crawled down the pipe, and soon he fell to the ground again.

   He was standing on the side of a long, dimly lit room. Many stone pillars engraved with coiled and entangled serpents towered and supported the ceiling dissolving in the darkness of the heights, casting a long, treacherous shadow on the entire room filled with green glow and mystery.

   Lynn pulled out the wand from his sleeve, and unlocked the tongue-locking curse on the rooster he had been holding in his arms. Before the basilisk appeared, he tore off the tape on the chicken mouth.


   The loud crowing sound reverberated in this secret room underground. The rooster seemed to be suffocated and kept crowing continuously.

"Yes, just scream like this. If your scream is effective, I will let you go when you go back. If it doesn't work, you can wait to be eaten." Lynn hugged the rooster and whispered again and again, cautiously. Walked deep.

   The big snakes coiling around the pillars gave Lynn a feeling that they were living creatures, staring at him with those hollow eyes.

He was vigilant for twelve points. Every time he took a step he would observe up and down, left and right, to ensure that he would not be attacked. It didn't take long before he reached the end of the secret room~www.novel35.com~ there was a room and the room itself. A statue of the same height clings to the dark wall behind. It was an old, monkey-like face, and a sparse long beard dragged almost all the way to the hem of the wizard's robe carved out of stone. Two big gray feet stood on the smooth floor of the room.

   Lynn knew who this was, one of the four founders of Hogwarts, and an early supporter of pureblood theory-Salazar Slytherin.

   This is the secret room he created. It is normal to have his statue.

  The secret rooms are all normal. The dark environment, the weird stone pillars and the statue of the owner of the secret room have everything that a normal secret room has, but the only thing missing is the most important thing.

   Basilisk is gone!

   The whole secret room has everything, but there is no basilisk alone.

   Lynn searched for a few times in the secret room, but still did not find the huge figure.

   He held the mentality that the snake might have ran into the pipe to find a mouse to eat supper in the middle of the night, and waited in the secret room for most of the night, but in the end he didn't even see a snake's shadow.

   Lynn sat next to the Slytherin statue, beside him was the **** that was crowing and crocking.

   He tried to recall the plot in the original book, and made sure that it was mentioned in the plot that if no one gave an order to the basilisk, it would not run around, but now the basilisk is indeed not in the secret room.

   That means, someone took the basilisk away before Lynn entered the secret room!

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