I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 27: 27: Ian Campbell

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   The first grade astronomy class is at midnight every Wednesday, and the class location is at the top of the Hogwarts Astronomical Tower.

  The little wizards of Slytherin and Ravenclaw all climbed up the astronomy tower yawning. Astronomy professor Aurora Sinnista was waiting for them here early.

   "Ian Campbell!"

   Professor Sinnista frowned and called the name of a Ravenclaw freshman, but no one among the little wizards responded to her.

  Professor's complexion was very bad, and she was in a bad mood because a little wizard skipped class in the first class.

   "Ravenclaw deducts 10 points. Let's go to class first, and I will go to Professor Flitwick to inform him of this situation tomorrow."

   "Today is a full moon, be careful not to let the moon's brilliance affect your judgment..."

   Lynn is setting up his binoculars according to Professor Sinister's instructions. For the Ravenclaw named Ian, he still has some impressions of the white-haired **** boy who is holding the umbrella on a sunny day.

   There seems to be some secret in him, but Lynn is not interested in it.

   At this moment, Lynn’s three roommates Hubert, Michel and Mark suddenly came to him.

   When Lynn returned to the dormitory these two days, he was either reading or sleeping. He didn't even have a word of communication with them. They came here at this time obviously with some kind of conspiracy.

   "Something?" Lynn moved his attention away from the binoculars and looked at them.

   Hubert looked a little twisted, but the two friends by his side kept encouraging him to move forward.

   Lin En narrowed his eyes and watched their performance silently.

  Hubert finally seemed to have plucked up a lot of courage and bowed to Lynn.

   "I was wrong Belloc, I shouldn't laugh at you like that before, please forgive me."

   Lynn stared at him for a few seconds, and then lifted him up with a smile, as if he had completely forgotten the unpleasantness that happened before.

   "Didn't you say that, I have forgotten that little misunderstanding a long time ago, and let us straighten the friendship boat we turned over and stay together forever."

   Hubert didn't understand Lynn's nonsense, but he heard that Lynn seemed to forgive himself.

   suddenly he became happy.

   "That's great. To celebrate our reunion, I specially used my pocket money to order a batch of desserts at Honey Duke Candy Shop. Can you enjoy it with us tomorrow afternoon?"

   The smile on Lynn's face was even brighter, as if he was so sincere and very happy to apologize to Hubert.

   "Of course I am happy, my friend!"

   After getting the affirmative answer from Lynn, Hubert and the others did not leave, instead they used a telescope to observe the trajectory of the planet with him.

   The four people talked and laughed until the end of the astronomy get out of class, and Lynn’s bedroom relationship suddenly became so harmonious.

   "Lynn has really made a lot of face for us Slytherin these days, even the stupid lions of Gryffindor have lost a lot of confidence in talking to us..."

   Even before going to bed, Hubert is still talking about Lynn's glorious achievements, it looks like he and Lynn are the closest friends.

   A friendly night passed.

   At four o'clock in the morning, the biological clock forced Lynn to wake up, who had not slept enough for four hours.

   He washed and changed his robe, and left the dormitory as usual.

   The habit of running in the morning hasn't been abandoned. Cedric usually comes to the Black Lake at five o'clock in the morning. Before then, Lynn had been jogging around the Black Lake for less than an hour.

   At five o'clock in the morning, Cedric arrived on time. He circled Lynn who was sitting on the lawn resting, and he was very surprised.

  We have been together for a long time, and Lynn has not been polite to him at first.

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   "Have you never seen a handsome guy? What do you look at?"

   Cedric scratched his forehead and said uncertainly.

   "I remember the first grade astronomy class is at midnight every Wednesday, right? Why do you still get up so early today?"

   Lynn was also a little slouched.

   "I got used to this point every day. Anyway, there is no class in the morning, so I will go back to catch up after a while."

   Speaking of this, Lynn seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and he was energetic.

   "Can you curse?"

   Cedric wondered why Lynn would suddenly ask this, he drew out his wand.

   "Many little wizards in Hogwarts will have a few evil spells. After all, in some cases, these spells are actually useful. Wibbly (soft legs and soft feet

   said, he demonstratively used a curse on the frog on the lakeside.

   After the poor frog was cursed, he immediately stuck to the ground softly, screaming weakly.

Lynn recognized that he used the soft leg curse, which was also recorded in the book of evil words given to him by Professor Fox yesterday. At the same time, the tongue and throat he used against Hubert on the first night of school was the same. The scope of the evil spell is recorded in it.

   "Then we will practice this today." Lynn took out his wand and determined the goal.

"Why do you suddenly want to learn evil curses?" Cedric thought of the reason, "Yes, you are a Slytherin. Basically, both Slytherin and Gryffindor have a soft spot for these evil curses. ."

   "Why is this again?" Lynn raised his eyebrows.

   Cedric explained: "Because your two academies often fight in groups, the curse will bother the other side without causing too serious consequences."

   Lynn was speechless about this. In the eyes of the little wizards in the other two colleges, Slytherin and Gryffindor were two gangsters.

This morning, Lynn can be regarded as seeing his talent in black magic. The black magic is essentially a magic spell related to black magic. Almost Cedric just demonstrated the evil spell he knows, and he can It’s the first time you can use it successfully~www.novel35.com~ Cedric only has three evil spells in total, all of which Lynn can learn in a morning, and can still apply them proficiently. , Which made him feel the frustration of a long absence.

   "Well, I admit, you are the fastest little wizard I have ever seen to learn spells."

   Lynn didn't think he was complimenting himself at all: "How many little wizards have you seen in total? I might be excited if you want this sentence to come out of Professor Dumbledore's mouth."

   Just as Lynn and Cedric were talking about the lake, not far away, a boy dangling along the lake.

   They all saw the boy's appearance, with conspicuous silver hair, scary white skin, and his robes were a bit tattered, looking very embarrassed.

   Lynn recognized the boy. He escaped from Professor Sinista’s astronomy class last night. He was a freshman in Ravenclaw and his name was Ian Campbell.

   Ian staggered past them, as if he hadn't seen them at all.

   Cedric frowned and wanted to step forward, but Linn grabbed his arm.

   "He looks like he needs help." Cedric looked at Lynn.

   Lynn shook his head and said, "The way he is now may involve his privacy, and it seems that he doesn't want us to help him."

   Hearing Lynn's words, Cedric hesitated for a moment, but finally did not insist.

   Ian finally limped into the castle and disappeared from their sight.

   "Well, let's do this today, it's time for breakfast now."

   Lynn and Cedric put away their wands together, just when they first entered the castle.

   A sharp scream suddenly sounded in Hogwarts.

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