I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 28: 28: Assault

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   Lynn and Cedric heard the harsh scream.

   They glanced at each other.

   "Under the ground." Lynn said quickly.

   The two did not stop, and ran quickly to the place where the sound was heard.

   There was a girl in a Slytherin robe sitting there. She trembled as if she was frightened and looked at the corner of the corridor with a pale face.

   There was a little wizard lying there, quietly, as if dead.

Lynn and Cedric were the first two people to come to the scene. They completed the division of labor in two seconds. Cedric stayed in place to appease the frightened girl. Lynn walked to the "corpse" and looked at it. Is there any help?

   After seeing the front of the man lying on the ground, Lynn's pupils suddenly shrank.

   He knew people, and it was his who pretended to apologize to him yesterday and his good roommate—Hubert McLean.

   Although he was lying on the ground motionless, he seemed to be alive, his chest was undulating, and his eyes were open.

   However, his eyes were dead gray, without the slightest expression, his appearance looked no different from a dead person.

   "What's the matter with Lynn?" Cedric couldn't help but asked anxiously after seeing where Lynn was for a long time.

   Lynn did not touch Hubert's body without authorization. Some curses in the magical world are very evil, and a little carelessness may cause trouble.

   "This situation is not something we can solve, we have to wait for the professors to come over."

   Lynn stepped back to Cedric's side and wanted to ask if the Slytherin girl knew something.

   But the poor girl hasn't recovered until now, sobbing quietly with her head in her knees.

   It's getting late now, and many little wizards who are going to the auditorium to have breakfast are attracted by the scream, including the two prefects of Slytherin.

  Betty came to Lynn's side.

   "What happened to McLean?"

   "I also came here listening to the sound. I don't know what happened." Lynn shook his head.

   The little wizards got together more and more, and soon the first professor arrived.

   is Professor McGonagall.

   "Disperse! Disperse everything for me! Those who have classes are ready to go to class! Do you want your college to be deducted points!"

   This place has been surrounded by little wizards, and Professor McGonagall had to expel them first.

   When Professor McGonagall squeezed into the scene, she was stunned when she saw Hubert's appearance, and then her face quickly became pale, and her voice trembled and shouted.

   "What are you doing in a daze? Send him to the school hospital for Madam Pomfrey to see!"

   Slytherin's male prefect Raphael and female prefect Judy, together, immediately raised Hubert's two arms and helped him to the school hospital.

  Professor McGonagall looked at the group of little wizards who were still in place, and asked with an ugly face.

   "Who was the first to find him?"

   Everyone gathered their eyes on Lynn and Cedric, and Lynn had to stand up and explain.

   "Professor, this girl should be the first person to find him. Cedric and I found him based on her voice."

Presumably because the professor was present, the girl also recovered, but she stammered that she had just come out from the Slytherin lounge to go to the auditorium for breakfast, and then she ran into lying there. Hubert, who was on the ground, could not provide any useful information.

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   The whole thing is boring, Professor McGonagall can't investigate what is the reason, she can only speak to the group of little wizards who remain.

   "Hubert will be fine, I will investigate this matter clearly, everyone is gone now."

   Professor McGonagall is the second most prestigious person in Hogwarts besides Principal Dumbledore. The little wizards did not dare to disobey her orders and left the scene one after another.

   Lynn and Cedric also walked towards the auditorium.

   "That person seems to be your roommate?" Cedric asked.

   Lynn nodded: "Yes, he should have been attacked in that way, and his condition doesn't look good."

   Cedric frowned: "Your relationship is not good?"

   "He thinks that my background insults the Slytherin Academy." Lynn shrugged, and without any evasiveness, he directly explained the contradiction between them.

   Cedric has nothing to say about such a thing, he patted Lynn on the shoulder, sighed, and exhorted.

   "Then be careful, the professors may talk to you again."

   Lynn spread his hands and said, "You are my alibi, and I have been with you all morning."

   "I know, if that time comes, I will testify for you."

   The two separated in the auditorium and walked to the long table of their own academy respectively.

   One breakfast time, the whole school knew that the little wizard was attacked in Hogwarts.

Many people on Slytherin’s long table heard that Lynn was one of the first witnesses, and they all ran over to him to find out if they knew what was going on. UU reading www.uukanshu.com provoked Lynn. Too annoying.

   I don’t even know if it’s a psychological effect. Even the breakfast is no longer as delicious as before.

   He stuffed a few mouthfuls of bread into his mouth, drank another glass of milk to deliver the food, and quickly fled the auditorium.

  While passing the Hufflepuff long table, he saw Cedric encounter the same situation as him, but with his good personality, it is estimated that he would not get out so easily.

   No class in the morning, Lynn went straight back to the Slytherin lounge.

   It wasn't until he found out in the dormitory that the other two people in the same dormitory, Mark and Michel, were still here.

   When they saw Lynn, his expression was a little strange.

   Lynn narrowed his eyes and asked Mark suddenly.

   "Do you know where Hubert is?"

  Mark looked a little nervous and stammered in reply.

   "He, he went to the owl shed and borrowed the owl mail to buy dessert money."

   Compared to Mark, Michelle’s acting skills are much better.

   "We will be able to enjoy those delicious desserts in the afternoon. I wonder if you have heard that there is no Lynn, Honey Duke's candies are very famous in the wizarding world..."

   They obviously didn't know about Hubert's attack, but Lynn was not in the mood to play home games with them again, so he interrupted Michelle.

"Hubert doesn't know who attacked him. He is still unclear about his life and death. The situation is very bad. He has been sent to the school hospital. If you don't believe it, the professor will immediately send someone to call you to come over and learn about the situation. It's your responsibility. Think about the consequences for yourself."

   The open-mouthed boss of Mark and Michel, they were stunned by Lynn's words.


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