I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 40: 40: Friends with wolves

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   Lynn and Cedric sat until close to midnight before sneaking back to the castle.

   Luckily, the journey went smoothly without being caught in the office by Filch's old pervert.

   After returning to the dormitory, Lynn did not take a break immediately. He had already arranged an appointment with Cedric to postpone the curse practice meeting tomorrow morning for three hours.

  Although tomorrow is Sunday, because of this, there won't be many little wizards in Hogwarts.

   Basically all the upper-grade little wizards went to Hogsmeade to hide, and the lower-grades, most of them were still curled up in the warm blanket at eight o'clock.

   Lynn adjusted the light of the desk lamp on the desk, and then turned on the book that Professor Fox gave him today-"Cutting-edge Black Magic: Inquiry"

  According to the professor, this book doesn't have much teaching on magic spells, and more of it explains some of the principles, functions and applications of black magic in a relatively simple way.

   This book is not a forbidden book. It is more similar to a class of textbooks used in the defense against the dark arts class in the upper grades. It teaches little wizards to recognize various dark arts and can only deal with them after they know it.

   Lynn didn't see it too late, he just flipped through the book roughly, turned off the lights and went to sleep.

the next day.

   is still by the black lake.

   Cedric was experimenting with his petrification spell on a frog, waving his magic wand, and chatted with Lynn about last night.

   "I haven't figured out for a whole night, why is there a werewolf who is still sensible after transforming. Or, can someone like Ian be called a werewolf?"

   The moment Lynn shot Cedric's Petrification Curse, his backhand was a curse that immediately ended his curse.

   This spell was taught by Cedric, and the degree of difficulty is not low. It took Lynn three days to fully grasp it.

   "Do you aspire to be a werewolf research expert in the future?"

   "Of course not." Cedric shook his head.

"Then what do you care about his sensibility after he transforms? He can still maintain his sensibility. This is not a great thing for us last night? Otherwise, with the narrow space of the secret road, we have to finish the game. It’s lucky to be bitten and assimilated into a werewolf. The greatest possibility is to be killed on the spot."

   After hearing what Lynn said, Cedric shuddered suddenly when he recalled the scene of last night.

   "In fact, we can come into contact with Iando in the future." Lynn rotated the wand at his fingertips, leaving a series of brilliant silver trails in the air.

   Cedric also agreed with this.

   "It can be seen that he is actually very lonely. In order to conceal his identity as a werewolf, he must keep a distance from people around him. Even if he knows that he will not hurt people after his transformation, others will not believe him."

   "And we happen to know his password again." Lynn spread his hands, "Do you mind his identity as a werewolf, afraid that he will bite you?"

   Cedric shook his head decisively: "Of course not. If he wanted to, he would not let us go yesterday."

   "So he is also very pitiful. I used to see him in Ravenclaw as if he was alone, and no one was sitting next to him even when he was eating."

   Lynn touched his chin: "Hogwarts seems to have no rules. Every little wizard in the academy must eat at the long table of his academy, right?"

   Cedric affirmed: "Of course there can be no such rule."

"that's OK."


   Ian felt that he might have been cursed inexplicably.

   Since coming to Hogwarts, there is no clue about what I want to find.

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   I also miscalculated the time of his transformation last night, which led to the transformation in Hogwarts.

  Unfortunately, the process of transforming was all seen by the two little wizards.

  Especially among these two people, there is a Slytherin boy whose brain is not normal, he can't chat with people and he just wants to talk awkwardly. He is so excited that he is a werewolf but he has goose bumps all over his body.

   This is not the worst. What's worse is that these two little wizards seem to be sticking to themselves!

   Ian was fidgeting holding the silver fork, weighing whether or not to stab Lynn, who was smiling at him with an idiot.

Lyn didn’t think so. He felt that his smile was very friendly. Ian would definitely feel his heart. Then he cried and said that he was his best friend for life. Finally, the system gave him rewards and let him go. On the road of a real mage.

   He didn't think of it again, he couldn't help but smile more friendly.

   This made Cedric, who was sitting next to him, feel very embarrassed, and he tugged at Lynn's robe.

   "Be careful, the saliva will flow out."

   Lynn couldn't help but blushed, and touched the corner of his mouth subconsciously, but there was nothing.

   This couldn't help making him furious, and both hands pinched Cedric's neck and shook it frantically.

   "Okay! You dare to lie to me!"

   Cedric felt that his brain was about to be shaken out by Lynn, but Ian opened his mouth to save him at this time.

   "Why do you come to eat at Ravenclaw's table?"

   The smile on Lynn's face returned to kindness, and UU read www.uukanshu.com as if it wasn't him who had just committed the violence.

"Who stipulated that the little wizards of each college should eat together? It is the four colleges that make up Hogwarts, not Hogwarts is divided into four colleges. The more different colleges, the more we need mutual communication."

   He said that with awe-inspiring righteousness, but Ian apparently didn't buy his account and still said coldly.

   "Then why sit next to me?"

   I'm used to eating flat food here, now Lynn doesn't care about what he says.

   "Isn't it so obvious? We want to be friends with you."

   Ian refused very decisively.

   "Sorry, I don't need it."

   Lynn is ready to stalk her like brown candy.

"Don't be like this, no one can live in this world without friends. Now that you are talking about keeping your distance from other people, isn't it because you are afraid of your secrets being discovered? Me and Cedric, you can rest assured that we will not be right. What other views about your identity."

   said here, he whispered again.

   "We can also help you cover. Every time you disappear by yourself at a full moon, it will always arouse others' suspicion, but with us, you can have a reason."

   Although Lynn doesn't take the initiative to make friends, he can grasp the psychology of others.

   Like now, he gave Ian an excuse to continue getting along with them.

   "What's the reason?" Ian asked.

"Next time you transform, you can tell your roommate that you want to tour Hogwarts with us at night." Lynn said with a smile. Gewarts yearned very much."


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