I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 41: 41: Lynn's Christmas Eve

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   The weather is getting colder gradually.

   Hogwarts also officially started the Christmas holiday.

   Before leaving, Cedric invited Lynn to go to them for Christmas, but Lynn did not agree.

   He has been in this world for more than ten years, and he has not had the habit of this holiday. What's more, Christmas is spent with his family, and he used to be a stranger.

   As for Ian, although he doesn't resist getting along with Lynn Cedric now, the relationship is not so good that he invites Lynn to go back with him to see his parents.

   After a few days of contact, Lynn also found out his family background.

   Like him, Ian is from a pure Muggle family, but he has a father and a mother, unlike Lynn, who is an orphan.

   Hogwarts began to become deserted. There were basically no little wizards left in the castle. Now they don’t even eat at the branch college, but the remaining little wizards share a table.

   Professor Fox didn’t look like he was leaving Hogwarts. Lynn mentioned it carefully during the period. The professor said that he is now a bachelor, and his home is wherever he goes.

   The day before Christmas, Professor McGonagall informed all the little wizards who stayed at school-tonight in the auditorium, Professor Dumbledore will accompany everyone on Christmas Eve this year.

   On Christmas Eve, Lynn came to the auditorium carefully decorated by the professors.

   There is a huge Christmas tree in the center. It was specially selected by Hagrid in the forbidden forest. When he carried it this morning, Lynn greeted him.

   There are also those little golden stars floating on the Christmas tree, belonging to Professor Flitwick's handwriting.

   Given his height, it is not easy to cast spells on this Christmas tree. He has two stools on his feet, and two little wizards have been specially hired to help hold the stools to prevent them from falling.

   Professor McGonagall conjured many ribbons, bells and garlands around the auditorium a long time ago, making the originally monotonous auditorium a lot more dazzling.

   There are also the flowers and plants arranged by Professor Sprout, and Professor Snape's stinky face, which makes the atmosphere of Hogwarts festival very strong.

Although there are not many little wizards staying in the school, almost all the single professors are there, including the hunting ground guard Hagrid who is not a professor, the castle administrator Filch, the librarian Mrs. Pins, and the school doctor Mrs. Pomfrey. Everyone gathers together.

Not only the living people, but also the ghosts of Hogwarts. They escorted the Pepi ghost and forced him to dress up like an elk. The blood man Barrow also came to the auditorium to join everyone. attend banquet.

   Professor Dumbledore has been sitting in the middle of the long table long ago. Today he wears a red Christmas hat and has a gentle smile on his face, like a harmless grandfather next door.

The dinner was also rich. The long table was filled with Western delicacies, large portions of turkey with expansion curse, tree-like trunk cakes, German-style gingerbread, sausages, roast suckling pig, and everyone in front of them. There is a Christmas pudding.

   After the little wizards, professors and ghosts sang Christmas songs to the Christmas tree, the dinner officially began.

   The professors did not sit together in a concentrated manner, but were scattered among the little wizards. Lynn's position was a bit strange, he was sitting next to Professor Dumbledore.

   This is the first time he has been so close to the greatest white wizard of the 20th century. Dumbledore looks really old, with gray hair and beard, loose skin, and a lot of wrinkles.

   But he still looks vigorous, he doesn't seem to be a centenarian.

   "Lynn Bellock, right?" Dumbledore's eyes always gave people a trustworthy feeling. When Lynn first walked in, he waved and called him to sit beside him.

Lynn was actually a little uneasy. Dumbledore could be said to be the wizard at the top of the world. He was not sure whether the Occlumency, which was rewarded by the system, would work, and he didn't know this half. Why did the principal who didn't appear in the school for the entire semester know himself?

   "Yes, professor, do you know me?" Lynn's nervousness was not acting.

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   Dumbledore smiled.

   "Adrian often mentions you here, saying that you are the best student at Hogwarts he has ever met."

   Well, the murderer has been found!

   Lynn's face was a little dark, he was sold by his most trusted professor.

   He vaguely glanced at Professor Fox who was chatting with Professor McGonagall, and then shook his head.

   "Professor Fox is too acclaimed, I am still far behind. Among the little wizards I know, Cedric in the second grade and Ian in the same level as me are better than me."

   "They are indeed very talented students, but you shouldn't underestimate yourself, you all have a great future."

   Dumbledore has been tasting his Christmas pudding carefully. He is known for his old honey, and like Lynn, he loves sweets very much.

   "Are you still used to living this time at Hogwarts?"

   "The professors are very good, the classmates are very friendly, and the magic is also very interesting. Compared with my previous living alone, it is not an exaggeration to call it heaven."

   Lynn feels that this wave of flattering is fine~www.novel35.com~ will surely delight the old beelong.

   Sure enough, Dumbledore laughed happily, but his next sentence made Lynn unable to laugh.

   "I heard Minerva say that when I was not at Hogwarts, your roommates tried to frame you once, don't you hate them?"

   Lynn was trying to figure out what the old bee meant, but couldn't think of any clues, he could only bite the bullet and said.

"Of course I will have a resentment professor in my heart, but you know, Hubert has become like that. He has been punished enough. And I can’t change their minds. I don’t hate them, I just want to be able to Avoid them."

   Lynn's emotions were a little low, Dumbledore comforted him.

   "Bellock, everyone has their own ideas of persistence. You don't have to bear anything because of other people's prejudices. Think about your friends and professors who care about you. They are all people you can trust."

   "Thank you Professor Dumbledore."

   "You are welcome, come and taste this pudding, it tastes really good."


   Hogwarts teachers and students are celebrating Christmas Eve, and in front of the castle underground storage room, a young girl in a white dress is also chewing on a steak in her hand with a happy face.

   Her hands were covered with oil, even the parts near her mouth were stained with oil, and she patted the wooden door with her little hand while eating.

   "Sophia wants another piece!"

   Not long after, another steak appeared on the empty plate in front of her.

   What the people behind the wooden door said, Sophia, who was crying happily, nodded repeatedly.

   "I know I know, I will leave when I'm full, I will never doubt Lynn."

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