I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 414: 381: Lynn's prophecy

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  Chapter 384 381. Lynn's Prophecy

  Perhaps Lynn brought Harry from his aunt’s house to the Weasley’s house, or perhaps Lynn’s reputation in Hogwarts was indeed too high for every little wizard to trust.

  In general, what Hermione said was true. He was indeed one of Harry's most trusted people.

  Since Hermione asked, Lynn naturally took the time to find Harry alone.

   "Christmas is coming soon, this semester will also pass, how have you been recently, Harry?"

  In the office of the chairman of the student union, Lynn lay lazily on the chair and waved his hand. A plate of delicate pastries and a cup of black tea appeared on the table in front of him and Harry.

  Lynn usually doesn't put on the prestige of chairman, like Percy, even if he goes to Hogsmeade on the weekend, he has to wear the armband of the chairman of his style on his sleeve.

  Because of this, Harry is not very restrained in front of Lynn.

   "Of course it's not bad, but my broom is broken. Recently, I can't participate in the team's Quidditch training. I don't know what to do in the next game."

   "I remember that you don't lack money? If it's a big deal, buy another flying broom."

   "The broom was given to me by Professor McGonagall in the first grade. I like it very much."

   Harry said dullly.

  Lynn looked at him and blinked: "What else? You shouldn't just worry about a flying broom, right?"

  When he heard Lynn's words, Harry opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but finally he shook his head and said.

   "No, just because of this."

   "If you have any problems, you can tell me Harry. I may not be able to solve your problems, but at least I can help you look at the problem from a different perspective."

  Lynn’s words seemed to convince Harry, he hesitated for a moment, and then decided to tell Lynn the whole story.

  "I took the prophecy class as an elective this semester. In the first class, Professor Trelawney made a bad prediction to me."

  Harry swallowed, and then said, “She predicted that I had an unknown, it was a big ghost-like dog wandering around the cemetery, and they all said that the unknown means my death.”

"Prophet Trelawney's prophecy?" Lynn curled his lips in disdain. "She does this every year, even when I first met her in the castle, she told me these scares for unknown reasons. Human words."

   Suddenly, Harry was attracted by Lynn’s words. He looked at Lynn: "What did she say to you?"

Lynn shrugged: "She said she saw black clouds, black birds and black eyes, and said that I was unknown. I was the biggest disaster in this world. At that time, she also broke one of her most beloved tea cups by mistake. ."

   "She said you were unknown?" Harry asked, staring.

   "Yes, that's what she said at the beginning. Then, do you feel that the people next to me have encountered any suffering? Or is there something unfortunate happening?"

   Harry shook his head: "No. But, but I saw the dog with my own eyes, the dog Professor Trelawney said!"

"It was a **** dog. The first time I saw it was on the cover of a prophecy book in Lihen Bookstore. The second time I saw it was the last Quidditch match. At that time, I saw the black dog looking at me from the corner of the auditorium."

  Lynn is now figuring out what Harry is worried about, which is obviously frightened by his black dog godfather.

"I said Harry, don’t be too superstitious about Professor Trelawney’s predictions. If she is drowsy, half asleep, and half awake, you can still believe what she said, but if it’s in class, or if she’s acting Is very sober, so basically her predictions are not literal."

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   "Actually, I also have some talent in prophecy. This talent comes from my uncle." Lynn interrupted Harry and said confidently.

   is not like a person whose prophecy talent is 0 and can't even add points.

   "If you don't mind, I can also make a prediction for you."

  Harry looked at Lynn suspiciously, believing the least bit of him was because almost every little wizard in Hogwarts believed that Lynn was almost almighty.

  The slightest suspicion is that when he said this sentence, he appeared too casual, and there is no such thing as a normal prophecy master.

   "Of course I don't mind."

  Lynn looked at Harry pretendingly, and said plainly.

   "I don't think the black dog you saw represents anything unknown. On the contrary, it may be your luck."

   "Good luck?"

"Yes, dogs are the most loyal animals to humans. And in the magic world, black dog blood is an excellent way to deal with ghosts, so I think the black dog you saw is very likely to be your good luck. ."

  Listening to Lynn’s prediction, Harry’s situation didn’t seem to improve, and he looked at Lynn dullly.

   "Why are your predictions so random?"

Lynn raised his eyebrows: "Why do you have to make predictions about this kind of thing? Isn't it a good prediction not to be clear and let others guess? Of course, if you don't like this straightforwardness, I have another version. "

   He cleared his throat and spoke.

  "Listen well. The disaster subsides, and the survivors must have good luck. The moon face, big feet, and pointed forks are all blessed by you, and the only ones you hate are the tails of harmful insects."

  Finally, Harry's face was confused when he turned the words, and he looked at Lynn with a blank stare.

  He can understand every word, but when these are combined, he doesn't understand the meaning at all~www.novel35.com~Lynn didn't mean to answer him.

   "You want to listen to this version. If you want to know the answer, you can solve it yourself. I won't tell you directly."

  Harry left just like that, confused.

  However, the prediction behind Lynn looked like a normal prediction. Combined with the various expressions he had shown before, Harry felt inexplicably that Lynn’s prediction might be more reliable than Professor Lilawney.

  After Harry left, when Lynn was about to finish the afternoon tea break and began to deal with the work of the student union, an owl suddenly fluttered its wings and flew into his office.

  The owl is very familiar. It is the special line used by Old John to contact him.

  A thick envelope was thrown on Lynn’s desk. After opening it, there were twelve magic contracts.

  All the contents of the contract are that XX sold the board of directors seats at Hogwarts to Alfred John.

  At the end of these contracts, there is a unilateral statement that Alfred John voluntarily donated all seats on the school board to Lynn Belloc.

  (End of this chapter)

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