I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 415: 382: Harry's Christmas Gift

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  Chapter 385 382.Harry's Christmas Gift

  Seeing these things, Lynn smiled naturally on his face.

  With these things, in legal terms, Hogwarts, a thousand-year-old school, already belongs to him completely.

  At the same time, old John also sent a letter attached to these contracts, which explained in detail some recent abnormal behaviors of the pure-blood family.

  Including that if you don’t need property, you only need Jin Jialong, and after getting Jin Jialong, you secretly purchase something.

   More than a dozen families are connected together, as if they are about to make a big move.

Of course, what these pure-blood families are doing, Lynn knows better than old John, so he wrote a special reply, letting old John concentrate on managing the company that is already the largest in the UK, the pure-blood family. He has his own arrangements.

  There was no public announcement about the transfer of seats on the school board.

  Now no one knows that Hogwarts castle has changed hands except the eleven families that have signed the agreement and the old John Lynn.

  Lynn didn’t mean to announce it specifically, he just specifically told Dumbledore about it.

  Dumbledore was a little surprised but not too surprised.

  He knew very well what was left of him in Lynn's house. It would not be impossible, if not easy, to buy the entire Hogwarts with those money.

  Christmas is coming soon.

  The weather is getting colder and sooner. Most of the little wizards put on heavy robes this weekend, preparing to go out for the last Hogsmeade week of the last semester of this year.

  Harry can still only watch Ron and Hermione go out together, staying alone in the castle.

  Hermione and the others comforted Harry before leaving, but Harry didn't seem to be as unhappy as the previous few times, but rather a little absent-minded.

  "You can go to the library to read books when you have time. I remember Professor McGonagall left us a lot of homework." Hermione urged.

  But Ron and Harry obviously sneered at her.

   "There are still three days before Professor McGonagall's class. There is no need to worry about writing homework." Ron said.

  Harry did not want to write any homework at this time.

   "It's already uncomfortable for me not to be able to get out of the castle, Hermione, don't talk about homework."

  Hermione looked at them angrily.

   "You are always like this, as if you just need to learn a little bit more to make you lose your head. Humph, but your good days are not long."

  Harry and Ron didn't take Hermione's words to heart.

  Snowflakes began to float outside the castle, and Harry bid farewell to Ron and Hermione who had surrounded him tightly, and then walked boringly in the empty castle alone.

  As Harry was wandering the corridor on the fourth floor, he turned to see Fred and George peeking at him from behind a hunched one-eyed witch sculpture.

   "What are you doing?" Harry asked curiously, "Why not go to Hogsmeade?"

  "We are going to give you something to surprise you before we leave." Fred said mysteriously, "Come here...This statue seems to be alive. Lynn has called her more than once."

  He nodded to the empty classroom to the left of the old witch sculpture, and Harry followed Fried and George in.

  Before he left, George even winked at the statue of the blind hunchback old witch, "I hope you don’t complain to Lynn."

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  The old witch looked at him with one eye, without giving him any promise.

  Fred closed the door gently, turned his head and looked at Harry, smiling.

   "A Christmas present for you in advance, Harry."

  Fred happily took out an object from his coat and put it on the table. It was a big, square-shaped, shabby parchment with nothing written on it.

  Harry somewhat suspected that this was a joke of Fred or George, but just stared at it.

"what is that?"

   "This is the secret of our success." George patted the parchment lovingly.

  "This is a helper, given to you." Fred said, "but we only decided yesterday that you need it more than we do."

   "In any case, we know it works." George said, "Leave it to you, last time because we really didn't need it anymore."

   "What I need is an old parchment?" Harry asked.

   "An old parchment!" Fred said, closing his eyes and making a face, as if Harry had offended him mentally.

   "George, you explain to him."

  George gave Harry a vivid explanation of how he and Fred stole this thing from Filch’s office.

  "This is almost the biggest secret between me and George. No one knows that we have this thing." George said proudly.

  Fred debunked: "No, you forgot George. He was in this place three years ago. Lynn saw us using it."

   "Sorry, this incident is a bit too long, I almost forgot. At that time, he seemed to ask us for help. What is the problem?"

   "The anomaly taught in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class that year, yes, we told him."

  Harry didn’t think it was strange that Lynn also knew about it.

  In his impression, Lynn is as nearly omnipotent as Dumbledore.

   "So what's the use of this parchment?"

   "Oh, yes!" Fred said slyly, "This baby teaches us more than the teachers in this school."

   "Are you blindfolding me?" Harry said, and he looked at the shabby and old parchment ~www.novel35.com~Oh, isn't it? "George.

  He took out his wand, touched the parchment lightly, and said, "I solemnly declare that I have done nothing good."

Immediately, the thin ink spread out like a spider web centered on the point George’s wand touched. The ink lines were connected to each other and stretched to the corners of the parchment. The words began to appear on it, a large, curved cyan. letter.

The most amazing thing is that the thin ink dots are moving, using scribbles to mark places and people everywhere. Harry bends down in surprise to look at it. The small dot in the upper left corner shows Professor Dumbledore in his study. Walking inside, Filch’s cat, Mrs. Lorris was walking towards the second floor, and Pepy Ghost was now jumping up and down in the memorial room.

  The whole Hogwarts seemed to be completely open to him.

  It even contains all the secret passages to the outside of the castle.

  But now Harry’s eyes did not notice the magical pictures on the map, but was attracted by the title at the top.

  【Moon face, Wormtail, Bigfoot and Prongs, the auxiliary supplier of magic prank makers, all of you proudly present the map of live points! 】

  (End of this chapter)

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