I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 416: 383: Harry Escaped the Cage

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   Chapter 386 383. Harry Escaped the Cage

  Harry stared at the four signatures on the map of Hue Point, as if he had been inhaled.

  The Weasley twins did not see Harry's current abnormal behavior at all, thinking that he was shocked by the magic of the live spot map.

  Fred pointed his finger at the routes on the map.

  "There are seven roads in total, and Filch knows these four now," he said as he pointed it out.

  “However, we are sure that we are the only people who know these roads. Don’t look at the one behind the mirror on the fourth floor. We walked through it last winter, but we couldn’t pass and we were completely blocked.

  I don’t think anyone uses this road anymore, because the beating willow is planted at the entrance.

But look at this. This road leads directly to the cellar of the Honey Duke of Hogsmeade. We often use this road. You may have noticed. The entrance is just outside the classroom, just before the one-eyed witch. Hunchback. "

   "Hey, Fred, I bet we are not the only people who know these four secret paths. Since Lynn can drive the statue, then he has no reason not to know that there is a tunnel behind the statue."

  Fred shrugged when he heard George's words.

"I know Lynn knows, don't forget, he watched us enter this secret path when he was in the first grade, but I don't think Lynn can be treated as a normal person, that's unfair to other people. "

  The two brothers chatted happily on the side, but Harry did not respond to them until then they realized that Harry had been staring at the title on the map.

   "Moon face, Wormtail, Bigfoot and Prongs." George sighed and patted the title of the map alive, "We owe them so much love."

   "You, do you know them?" Harry suddenly raised his head and grabbed George's arm, his expression looking very excited.

  George and Fred looked inexplicable.

  "How could we know them? I don't know which student left this parchment."

  Harry's face was obviously very disappointed, he turned his gaze to the map of the spot again, and kept mumbling.

   "The moon face, big feet, and pointed forks are all blessed by you, and the only ones you hate are the tail of pests, the tail of pests."

  Looking at Harry now, Fred and George didn't understand why he would react so much to these code names that were obviously not their real names.

  But it was almost noon now, and after the twins gave Harry the map of live spots, they had to go to Hogsmeade to have other things to do.

   "That's right," George said concisely, "don't forget to wipe it after you use it."

   "Or everyone would see it." Fred also warned.

   "Just take another shot and say'prank is over' and it will be blank."

   "So, young Harry," Fred imitated Percy's tone, "pay attention to his behavior."

  "See you in Hogsmeade." George blinked and bowed to him.

  They left the classroom, very proud and satisfied.

  Harry did not leave for the first time, he pulled his hair around in the classroom.

"Moon face, Wormtail, Bigfoot and Prongs, who are they? Why are Moonface, Wormtail, and Prongs bless me, but Wormtail will harm me? If they disagree, why would they make them together? This live map?"

  A prophecy that Lynn said to him not long ago, coupled with the names Harry saw on the map of the live spot today, made his brain confused.

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  He even wanted to go directly to Lynn’s office to find Lynn and ask him what the four people had to do with himself.

  But in the office that day, Lynn made it clear that he would not tell him the answer, and he needed to solve the mystery by himself.

  This made Harry angrily hammer his own forehead, wondering with great regret why he disliked Lynn’s prophecy at the time and didn’t look like a master of prophecy.

  Finally, without a clue, he chose to first go to Hogsmeade and Hermione through the secret road on the map of Huosite.

   After all, compared to the predictions, the magic town of Hogsmeade is also very attractive to him.

  It can be said that he is the only little wizard who hasn't been there before in the whole third grade.

  He took out the map again, and was surprised to see a new ink dot on the map, which marked "Harry Potter".

  This villain happened to be where the real Harley was, about halfway through the corridor on the fourth floor.

  Harry watched carefully, the little ink man seemed to be tapping the witch with the little magic wand, nothing happened.

  He went to look at the map again, and next to Harry on the map appeared the smallest bubble composed of spells: "Left and right separation".

   "Separate left and right!"

  Harry muttered to himself following the sign on the map of survival point, and then tapped on the statue of the blind hunchback witch.

  The hunchback of the statue opened immediately, big enough for a thinner person to enter.

   Harry got in, and after he got in, the hole behind the witch closed automatically.

  The one-eye carved out of the stone of the statue flickered, and it seemed to light up with a faint light, but it quickly dissipated again, as if nothing had happened.

  Harry glided quite a long way in the secret road, which was like a stone slide, and it didn’t take long before he hit the cold and wet land.

  He stood up, looked around, it was black all around.

  He raised his wand and used the magic wand lighting spell, and then used the method George and Fred taught him to put away the map of the living point, holding the wand and walking forward on the uneven dirt road.

  This journey takes about an hour~www.novel35.com~ Finally, Harry finally walked down a step.

  He climbed up the steps until his head hit a wooden door before stopping.

  At this moment, Harry even had the illusion that he was a bird escaping from the cage, leaving behind the unknown, Sirius, and prophecy.

  He sneaked into the shop from the cellar of the Honey Duke.

  It was almost crowded with the little wizards of Hogwarts, no one noticed Harry who suddenly appeared here

  He walked through a group of sixth-grade students and saw a sign hanging on the farthest corner: "Unusual attempt".

  Ron and Hermione were standing below, watching a box of blood-scented lollipops, and Harry sneaked behind them.

   "No, Harry won't like these. I think these are for vampires." Hermione denied Ron's recommendation.

   "What about these?" Ron then pushed a box of cockroaches to Hermione's eyes.

   "Of course I don't like it either." Harry said.

  (End of this chapter)

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