I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 429: 396: Old things

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"This is, what are you doing?"

Lupin suppressed his pain, looked at the chaotic scene in the cellar, and asked in disbelief.

The time for the actor to be in place was just right, and Lynn snapped his fingers in satisfaction, and by the way filmed the dumbfounded scene of Lupin.

"Very good professor, you came at the right time. We just caught Black. Now Harry is listening to him explain what happened back then. Are you interested in listening together?"

Lupin did not answer him.

At this time, he could no longer restrain his desire to transform. He knelt on the ground in pain, exhaling white breath constantly from his mouth, astonishing changes manifested in him.

At the scene, Ron and Harry were stunned by this scene. They watched their favorite Professor Lupin complete the transformation from human to werewolf in just a few seconds!

However, no wolf howling sounded.

Lupin, who had become a werewolf, still retained consciousness. He had drunk the wolf poison potion that Snape had given him before he came here.

"what happened?"

His voice was hoarse and dull, completely different from his gentle tone when he was a human.

Ron screamed without answering him first.

"Werewolf! You are a werewolf!"

"Calm down Ron, it's no surprise that Professor Lupin is a werewolf. As long as you pay a little attention, you will find that his behavior is different from normal people, and Professor Snape has already given you tips."

Lynn said so, but Ron and Harry still couldn't calm the shock in their hearts.

Only Hermione had discovered that Lupin was wrong when Snape assigned the werewolf homework, so she was not surprised at this time.

Lupin did not consider his identity to be discovered because he was shocked by the state of Harry and Black.

"You caught Sirius!"

"Remus, maybe you are here at the right time, listen to me, Harry, stop first, and you, Remus, can you please listen to me and finish talking first."

Sirius now had a bruised nose and swollen face. He panted hard and kept explaining to Lupin and Harry.

Hearing Sirius and Lupin's call to each other, Harry stared at them both blankly.

"You know each other?"

The werewolf Lupin didn't deny this, he took wide dewclaws and walked to Harry and Black.

"We used to be close friends who talked about everything, not only us, but also your father."

Harry looked at Lupin's werewolf face, and his brain connected him to a code name in an instant.

"Moon face! You are the moon face!"

Lupin looked at him in surprise.

"How did you know this code name?"

"These codes are recorded on the map of the live spot. Is it yours?"

Lupin and Black lying on the ground showed a clear expression.

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"That map is a masterpiece of our students' affairs, but it should have been taken away by Filch. I don't know how it fell into your hands."

Harry didn't explain why the map of survival point fell into his hands, but looked at Lupin angrily.

"So Professor! Are you also with Black? You helped him sneak into Hogwarts! Help him escape from Azkaban."

"No, Harry, don't be so excited. I also hate Blake's betrayal. I don't know why you caught him here, but do you want to hear the cause and effect? ​​I mean, you want to know us. Was there something that happened in student days?"

Lupin looked at Black with his wolf eyes and said in pain.

Blake also panted and said, "Yes, Harry, you have to listen to it, listen to Remus to finish it to you, and then I will tell you the next thing, the facts are a little different from what you know, no, It should be different from what most people know."

Harry looked around at a loss. After beating Black a lot, he was relieved a lot and his reason regained the high ground. Hearing Lupin and Black's words, he didn't know what to do for a while.

He looked at Lynn, his eyes asking for help.

Lynn had already put the camera away at this time, and the most exciting part was taken, so there is nothing to be done next.

Seeing Harry's gaze, Lynn shrugged at him.

"Don't worry, no one can run away without me, so why don't you listen to it when you have this time?"

After getting Lynn's assurance, Harry got off Black, willing to listen to Lupin's recount of the past.

A very old-fashioned story about friendship.

Probably, Lupin was bitten by a werewolf and turned into a werewolf when he was young.

He always tried his best to conceal his identity in school, and every time the full moon turned into a screaming hut, he would endure that kind of pain alone. Since then, Hogsmeade has had the legend of a haunted house.

But later, several of his friends, Harry's father, Blake and Peter, eventually discovered Lupin's secret.

However, they did not feel afraid and alienated Lupin. Instead, they tried to learn how to learn the advanced transformation art of Animagus in the fifth grade, and become an animal to accompany when the moon is full. Lupin, who became a werewolf, after all, werewolves only harm humans but are not interested in animals.

They used the convenience of animal forms to travel throughout Hogwarts and Hogsmeade at night, and discovered many hidden secret passages, which is why they can make a live-point map.

"...We used to be like that, but I never thought that Black would betray James in the end." Lupin said sadly.

"I dare not tell Dumbledore that Black is actually Animagus. I feel ashamed and I feel that I have failed Dumbledore's trust.

When none of the other principals was willing to accept me, he accepted, and he had no idea that I broke the code, which he made for the safety of me and others.

He never knew that I had led three classmates to illegally learn to become Animaji. Every time we make plans for an adventure next month, I always try to forget this guilt, and I haven't changed..."

Lupin’s voice became disgusting with himself.

"This year ~www.novel35.com~ I have been fighting with myself, and I'm not sure whether to tell Dumbledore that Sirius is Animagus.

But I did not say, because I was too timid.

Telling him, it means that I have failed his trust when I was a student, and it means admitting that I have led others with me. For me, Dumbledore’s trust is extremely important.

When I was a child, he accepted me into school. When I was an adult, I bumped into walls everywhere. Because I was a werewolf and couldn't find a paid job, he gave me a job.

In this way, I convinced myself that Sirius used the evil methods he learned from Voldemort to get into the school. He became Animagus has nothing to do with this. So, in a sense, you are right I was right Harry, I was indeed Blake's accomplice. "

Lupin's wolf's head was hanging down, and as soon as he had finished speaking, Black cried out.

"Enough! You don’t have to feel guilty of Remus! You have never helped the evildoer, and I am not what you think. I think that James and their deaths are related to me. I killed them, but I definitely did not betray them. ! The one who surrendered to Voldemort is not me either!"

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