I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 430: 397: the truth

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Genius remembers this site address in one second: [] The fastest update! No ads! Harry didn't stop Black from defending himself.

Just like Lynn said, it's not a big deal to hear him say a few words at this time, they can't get away anyway.

"When choosing the confidential person, I persuaded James not to choose me, because everyone knows that our relationship is so good, like brothers, those Death Eaters will surely guess.

So I recommended Peter to James and made Peter their secret person, and I used it as a bait to lure all the Death Eaters’ targets on me. James agreed, and he did. . "

Blake's face became extremely resentful at this time.

"But we didn't expect that Peter had already taken refuge in Voldemort a year ago, joined their camp and hid among us as an undercover agent.

The night James died, I caught Peter and forced him to have nowhere to escape. He yelled all over the street. He said that I had betrayed James and Lily.

Then, before I could curse him, he blew up the whole street with the wand hidden behind his back, killing everyone within twenty feet of him, and finally fled into the gutter with the other mice! "

"With the other mice!" Harry shuddered suddenly at this time, and he keenly grasped the words Black said.

"Yes, except for Lupin, I, your father and Peter, the three of us have all learned Animagus. Peter's Animagus form is always a rat!"

When Blake said this, Harry's gaze and Ron glanced at each other.

Ron's face turned pale, and he kept mumbling to himself.

"Impossible, this is impossible..."

"Nothing is impossible!" Black shouted at Ron gritted his teeth, "Your pet is Peter! He hid in your house after escaping from my hands! He hid for more than ten years!"

Of course he wasn't hating Ron, but he couldn't help gritting his teeth whenever he mentioned the name Peter.

Hermione raised the question at the right moment.

"But you have always been in Azkaban. How did you recognize Ron's pet as Peter?"

In order to answer this question, Black made a request to Harry.

"Let me go, I need to show you evidence, don't worry, I can't hurt you without my wand."

Harry didn't speak, but turned his head and glanced at Lynn.

Lynn blinked at him, and then beckoned to the black rope that tied Blake. The black rope loosened from Blake's body like a snake, and then turned into a black metal. The stick flew into Lynn's hand.

"Extremely clever polymorphism."

After Blake was released, he didn't make any drastic actions. He absently praised, and then put a bird's claw-like hand into the robe and took out a crumpled piece of paper.

He smoothed the paper and showed it to everyone.

It was a photo of Ron's family with Harry, published in the "Daily Prophet" this summer, and Ron's shoulders were splattered.

"How did you get this newspaper?" Lupin asked Black, startled.

"Fudge," Black said. "When he visited Azkaban last year, he gave me this newspaper.

That's Peter, on the front page of the newspaper, on the shoulder of the boy next to Harry. I immediately recognized him. I don't know how many times have I seen him deformed? I remember exactly what the rat he became.

The commentary under the photo says that Harry Potter was very happy with his new host family! "

Lupin also discovered the distinctive features of the mouse in the photo.

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"Look at its front paws!"

"So what?" Ron said regardless.

He didn't want to believe this fact at all. Although Shaban had been lost, he had always had a deep affection for his pet.

"It lacks a toe." Black said.

"Of course." Lupin whispered, "At the scene where you were arrested, they only found one finger left by Peter."

"Then, that Scabbard might have fought with other mice or something else! It has been in our house for many years..." Ron defended.

"Twelve years, right?" Lupin said, "Have you never thought about how it can live so long?"

"We... we have been taking care of it!" Ron said.

"But it doesn't look very good now, does it?" Lupin said, "I guess it has been losing weight since I heard that Black was on the run..."

"That was scared by Hermione's cat!"

Ron's explanation became paler and weaker. At this time, basically everyone could see that it was wrong.

Black continued.

"I have been waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the chance to catch Peter without disturbing any of you, but before I started, I found that Peter had disappeared from this boy!"

There was a surprised look on Lupin's wolf face.

"Peter ran away?"

"Yes, he escaped. I was tricked here by these children with a mouse pretending to be Peter tonight."

Lupin looked at Lynn with a deep meaning. Of course, Blake would not know what kind of character appeared in Hogwarts after spending so long in prison, but Lupin knew exactly what kind of character came out of Hogwarts.

"You are not at a loss, or there are no accidents."

Lynn didn't pay attention to Lupin's peeking gaze, because at this time it was up to Harry whether he believed what Blake was saying.

Harry didn’t know what expression to show now. He looked at Ron, then at Lynn, and Hermione glanced at each other, and then passed Blake’s bruised and swollen face, and finally he looked at Lupin. .

"What is Peter's code name? You call Moonface, what about him?"

Lupin didn't know why Harry wanted to ask this ~www.novel35.com~ but he calmly replied: "Wormtail, his Animagus is a mouse, so he gave himself the code name Wormtail. "

Harry was really shaken at this moment.

Because the prophecy Lynn had previously told him perfectly matched the facts told by Black and Lupin.

But Harry couldn't guarantee that Black and Lupin would come together to lie to him, and even Ron could not accept such a thing.

"Anyway, Shaban is lost! No matter what you say about him, he has no way to defend it! You can all put it on the rat who doesn't know if it is a human being turned into if there is any mistake!"

Ron no longer wanted to stay here. When he stood up and was about to leave the cellar irritably, Lynn stopped him.

"In fact, it's easy to check whether Black is telling the truth."

He took a bottle of potion from the pocket of his robe.

"I remember you said Mr. Black at the beginning. You don't mind using Veritaserum to test if you are telling the truth?"

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