I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 50: 50: The weirdest person

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   The second day of the conflict.

   Slytherin's lounge, Betty approached Lynn again.

   Lynn didn't hide this time, or the special trip was here waiting for her.

   "I heard about Lynn, Raphael troubled you yesterday, and he still used that kind of **** to call you, it doesn't matter."

   Lynn sighed in his heart that he was really a childhood sweetheart and lost to the sky. Raphael was taught that way by him yesterday, and Betty asked at the first time that he was okay.

   "I'm fine, senpai." Lynn still wants to express her gratitude for her kindness.

   "It's Raphael-senpai, he shouldn't be very good."

   Mentioned the ex-boyfriend, Betty did not show any good face.

   "He deserves it. Professor Snape will even deprive him of his presidency after this incident. It is too bad to say that."

   Betty wrapped her fingers around her shoulder hair, pretending to say casually.

   "Why have you eaten at the Ravenclaw table recently? Are you free tonight? My house sent me some snacks, and we can go to the Black Lake to eat together..."

   "Sorry, senpai." Lynn took a deep breath. Although he has never been in a relationship in his two lives, it is not the first time that he has refused a girl.

   is used in two idioms to describe practice makes perfect.

   "I know you have a good impression of me, but I am too young to have a girlfriend for the time being, and... you are a good person."

   Lynn refused too directly, not even giving Betty a chance, which made her very disappointed and embarrassed.

   "Okay, okay."


   It's better to be more direct.

   This will prevent the lotus root from breaking, and there will be some **** routines in the future.

   After the herbal medicine get out of class was over on Thursday, Lynn was going to find the responsive house hidden in the castle.

   He definitely can't go to the previous Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Who knows if something similar will happen in the future.

   He only remembers one clue to the responsive house: opposite the wall where it is, there is a tapestry of a giant monster and a ballet teacher.

   It’s not clear where it is.

   But in the Hogwarts castle, there are many "people" who can ask for directions. He asked the portraits on both sides of the corridor all the way for clues and unknowingly came to the third floor of the castle.

   There are no people here, there is also a statue of an old one-eyed hunchback.

   Just as he passed by the statue, a hand suddenly stretched out from the back of the statue and grabbed his arm.

   Lynn did not panic because of who the owner of the arm he saw was.

   "What are you two doing hiding here?"

   He looked helplessly at the hippy smiling Weasley twins, feeling that they were always fascinating.

  George took Lynn's shoulder.

   "We've all heard about you, beautiful Lynn, I've seen that Raphael is not pleasing to the eye, and I look at people with my nostrils all day long, and who looks down on others."

   Lynn has nothing to do with these two troublemakers who are afraid of the world. He glances at Fred sneakingly hiding behind him.

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   "Don't change the subject, you haven't answered my question yet."

   The twins glanced at each other, as if they had reached an agreement on something.

   "We are going to Hogsmeade secretly to buy some materials for making dung bombs." Fred said.

   "Behind this statue, there is actually a secret road leading to the cellar of the Honey Duke Candy Shop. We plan to pass from here in a while."

   Then, the two brothers pulled Lynn behind the statue together, and Fred God mysteriously took out what he had hidden behind him.

   "We were observing the people in the castle just now. Otherwise, if someone passes by when the secret tunnel is opened, it will be a bad thing."

   Lynn looked at the thing that Fred was holding. It was a piece of shabby parchment with dense ink lines on it. It clearly outlined every part of the castle, including all the secret passages.

   In addition, the most amazing thing is that it also marked the location of everyone in Hogwarts, and as they moved, their names kept changing positions.

Lynn saw Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape staying in his office. Professor Dumbledore’s name did not appear on the map. He may have left Hogwarts, Professor Sprout and the previous university. Part of the time is the same, staying in the greenhouse to take care of the precious magical plants.

   There is also Professor Fox. He is not staying in the castle. His name shows that he is in the hut next to the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid, and may still be discussing about the Red Hat.

   He also saw Raphael, in the Hogwarts school hospital, he was walking around, as if he was about to be discharged from the hospital.

   There are also Filch and his cat, who the twins are most worried about. They are somewhere on the first floor of the castle, so there is no need to worry about them suddenly appearing.

   And Lynn and the others are where they are now, except for them, there is no one around. Obviously this is safe for the Weasley brothers' plans to go out.

   "What is this?" Although Lynn knew the name of this parchment ~www.novel35.com~, he still pretended to be curious.

   "Live the map!" George proudly said its name as if he was introducing a rare treasure in his hands to a friend.

   "This was discovered in Filch's office when Fred and I were in the first grade. At first we thought it was just a piece of ordinary parchment, but it took a lot of effort to figure out its function."

   Fred also showed off.

   "Because of it, I have never been caught by Filch every night or when we go out. Everyone in the castle is under our noses."

   Lynn nodded slightly, and suddenly he remembered something.

   "Then on the morning of Hubert's attack, did you pay attention to the live spot map?"

   George and Fred shook their heads.

   "No, we usually get up close to class. We were still asleep when the attack happened."

   "We are leaving Lynn now, would you like to go with us? There are many interesting shops in Hogsmeade."

   Lynn shook his head, he was not very interested in that wizard town.

   "Still not anymore, wait for next time."

   George shrugged.

   "All right, but I hope you can keep this secret for us."

"no problem."

   Just when the Weasley brothers opened the secret tunnel to get in, Lynn suddenly asked again.

   "Then from the beginning of this semester to the present, have you found any strange people when you observe the map of the live spot?"

   Fred and George both thought about Lynn’s question seriously, and in the end they both said a person’s name.

   "If you want to say the strangest thing, it must be Professor Fox."

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