I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 51: 51: 2nd attack

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   "Professor Fox?"

   "Yes." George retracted the leg that had just stepped into the secret tunnel.

   "I know you have a good relationship with Professor Fox, Lynn, but I have to tell you that he really has some problems." He said seriously.

   Fred followed George's words.

   "We found that something was wrong with him on the spot map at the beginning of school. He wandered around the castle almost every night for a long time."

   "Yes" George said, "During that time we didn't even dare to go out for a night tour, afraid to meet him in the castle."

   Lynn looked at them suspiciously, feeling that what he said did not match their personalities.

   "When you two encounter this kind of thing, shouldn't you dare to investigate the truth of Professor Fox's weird behavior? Why are you afraid to go night tours out of fear?"

   George and Fred smiled awkwardly, and finally George said.

"You really know us. Well, I admit that we tried to follow Professor Fox in the middle of the night to see what he was doing in the castle, but every time we wanted to follow him, Filch suddenly appeared, even though he We didn’t catch us, but we didn’t dare to take risks anymore."

   Lynn lowered his head and thought for a moment, thinking it was a little coincidental.

   "What about recently? Has he been out in the middle of the night?"

   "No." Fred shook his head and recalled for a while and said, "Probably before the Christmas break, he hadn't been out in the middle of the night."

   "Thank you, I will remember your words." Lynn thanked seriously.

   The Weasley brothers and Lynn said goodbye, and the two got into the secret passage and went to Hogsmeade to make their purchases.

   Lynn continued to look for the responsive house while thinking about what the brothers had just said to him. Finally, he smiled and shook his head, not thinking so much.

   Professor Fox announced frankly when the school just started, he has a secret, just like Lynn has a secret.

   Lynn did not want to explore the secrets of Professor Fox, nor did he want anyone to explore his secrets.

   At least he can be sure that since meeting Professor Fox, he never thought of harming himself, and even gave him a lot of help.

   Therefore, the words of the Weasley brothers did not shake the impression of Professor Fox in Lynn's heart.

   He still thinks this is a cute and respectable old man.


   Three meals a day are Lynn and Cedric when Ian and they meet.

   At dinner time, Cedric told Lynn something he had just learned.

"Raphael was discharged from the hospital in the afternoon. Madam Pomfrey cured all the black curses on him, but she couldn't cure him with your curse. Professor Snape didn't have the materials to configure, so he could only leave the hospital naked."

   Lynn was drinking pumpkin juice, and Cedric's words made him choke.

   "Ahem, that's really unfortunate."

   Ian vomited expressionlessly: "If you don't laugh, at least you will look a little sincere."

   "Who said I laughed? I am obviously sad for him." Lynn explained that he was so pale and feeble.

"You should be careful." Cedric looked at him worriedly. "Although he was not removed from the presidency, he was fined for one month in confinement. When he came out of the school hospital, he was in front of many people. The face threatens to make you look good."

   Lynn curled his lips: "For him, maybe I have sent him to the school hospital again before he retaliates against me."

   As soon as his voice fell, Professor McGonagall trot to the auditorium with an ugly expression.

   "Everyone stays in the auditorium and is not allowed to go out! The female prefects of each college are optimistic about the students in their colleges, and the male prefects immediately retrieve the students from their colleges. Everyone must be found!

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   Hans Boscourt of Slytherin College, Professor Snape asked you to temporarily replace Rafael Williams as the male prefect. "

   There was a sudden uproar in the auditorium. The prefects of the various colleges immediately got up and obeyed Professor McGonagall’s instructions.

   Cedric and Ian turned to look at Lynn at the same time, their eyes were very strange.

   Lin En looked at them dumbfounded.

   "Why are you looking at me like this?"

   Ian's eyes were fixed on him: "Did you do it?"

   "What did I do?"

   "The meaning of Professor McGonagall's remarks just now is obviously something happened to Raphael." Cedric calmly analyzed

   "So what does this have to do with your doubts about me?" Lynn is extremely innocent now.

   "You just said that you want to send him to the school hospital." Ian listed Lynn's confession.

   "I'm just...it's..."

   "What is it?"

   "Forget it, I won't tell you anymore. Anyway, I didn't do it. Even if I have the motivation, I don't have time to commit the crime!"

  Professor McGonagall didn’t give his instructions, and some little wizards who were not in the auditorium were found one after another.

   What happened in the castle also spread to the auditorium.

   is another attack!

  The victim was Rafael who had just been discharged from the hospital for a long time!

   And it was still the same as Hubert. Near the Slytherin lounge, he was tortured with a drill curse and finally erased the memory. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   News spread quickly among the little wizards, and the rumors that had been suppressed before revived again.

   "It's the same again, it's the attack of the dark wizard again, the murderer has never left, he has always been between us!"

   "Who is it, do you still need to question? Hubert hasn't returned to us so far, and now even Raphael has been killed. Then who will be the next person? You? Or me!"

   "Adrien Fox! He is not worthy of being called a professor! He would be so bad at his students! Last time the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic did not capture him, and this resulted in another tragedy!"

   Lynn and they are not in the mood to eat anymore, Cedric said in the novel.

   "Professor Fox's situation looks very bad now."

   Even Ian nodded.

   "Unless the real murderer can be caught, even if there is no evidence, he will definitely be taken away by the Ministry of Magic for a special investigation under the identification of so many people."

   The little wizards condemned the growing wave of Professor Fox, and even some Slytherin students shouted at Professor McGonagall who remained in the auditorium.

   "Professor McGonagall, I don't think there is any need to ask other professors to find the murderer who does not exist in the castle. Where is Professor Fox now? The best thing to do now is to control him!"

   "Go back! Sit down! You don't need to worry about these things! Professor Dumbledore will be back soon!"

   Professor McGonagall said coldly to the Slytherin student.

   She also heard the words circulating among the students, but she is also very anxious now, and can't even testify for Fox.

   Because just when Raphael was attacked, Fox disappeared!


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