I Haven’t Decided On The Title yet

Chapter 3: The Great Nine Mage School

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              *Ken, Marilee and Edward were going to THE GREAT MAGE SCHOOL in a horse cart*

“hey Marilee you sure you want to go to school” Ken said

“Yes, she do want” Edward replay

“You do know it is a boring place, Let’s just go back”


“sometimes you are an @SS you know that Edward” Ken said while swearing Edward

“So at what rank is your mana , Marilee” Ken asked

“Oh! Mine is at rank B ,What about you”

“Let me guess? you have been stuck at rank B for few months now, aren’t you?” Ken said with a confident look

“Yes! How did you know ?” Marilee asked with curiosity

“It happens, When kids at your age try to grow up there mana at fast rate, there internal mana flow can’t keep up. There growth rate temporarily decreases. That’s why you should train with a experienced mage” Ken said

“So what now, don’t tell me I will be at rank B for rest of my life.” Marilee asked with a crying face

“Don’t worry, I will ask someone at Mage School to add an external mana flow it will balance out the difference and you mana will brock from rank B to A”

“Really you will do that for me”


“Hey! you didn’t tell me about your mana rank.” Marilee said with an exciting face

‘I know you tried to avoid it, It must be that part of the novel where main character try to hide how strong he is, but I want to know how much strong my main character is? May be he is already rank A no may be he is at rank S, that would be too overpower’ Marilee thought to herself while looking at Ken with an face dripping with expectations

“Oh you really want to kno.”

“yes” Marilee said quickly without even letting him complete his sentence

“well my mana rank is immeasurable” Ken said while putting his hand on his hand and smiling

“Don’t kid with me, tell me your real rank.” Marilee said with a serious face

“I am not kidding if you don’t believe me ask Edward”

“Yes, his rank really is immeasurable”

“huh!” Marilee said with a shocked face with her mouth opened

‘This world have a ranking system for mana, You have to put your hand on a plat in front of a large magic crystal and it will show you what your mana rank is. To rank how much mana you have it start with a rank D then rank C then rank B then rank A, rank S , rank SS and finally rank Ex; but few people have a reading as immeasurable, It means that magic crystal can’t read your mana, no! let me correct myself it means that you have way too less mana to be even measure so it gives a reading as Immeasurable, and you are telling me that my main character don’t even have a rank in mana. May be he is late bloomer or he have a hidden talent or may be he is a growing type  main character’ Marilee thought to her self while smiling like a devil

“Marilee, are you okay?” Edward asked with a creeped out face

“Yes father, I was just thinking about somehing” Marilee said with a gentle voice

“what were you thinking about to smile like a devil.” Edward said in a low voice

“did you said something to me father”

“no I didn’t”

“so what is your nature Marilee” Ken asked

“I am water natured and I can even use middle grade magic up to level 2; what about you” Marilee asked with no expectations

“I don’t know myself” Ken said while laughing

 ‘I am not surprised , you can’t find out about your nature if you don’t even have enough mana to get a rank; To find out your nature you have to try to cast a low grade spell of all basic natures and if your are not able to cast any of those then you will understand your nature at a particular time which will not be a basic but a compound nature that is combination of two or three of the basic natures like Ice, stem and etc. but to cast a low grade spell you need to have at least mana of rank D’


*Marilee put her hand on the window while looking out of window she started thinking to her self

 (I know it is gonna be a little cliché and gross but I have to explain the new world somehow so please understand)

The planet I live in now is named as YETRO, there are in total 6 continent And on that 6 continent there are 14 countries, there are other kingdoms but these 14 countries are leading countries and are largest among other countries. So basically other kingdoms are of no match for 14 countries but because of a peace treaty 14 countries don’t initiate attacks on kingdoms so everything is going smoothly among 14 countries, kingdom and other tribes and islands. Rulers of these countries are known as The 14 Emperors.*

*6 continent are named as Blue, black, white, yellow, green, red. It was weird at the start for me too, continent named as colors! but later I realize it is more convenient. Like if you have to locate The Nine Mage Country on map you don’t have to write it’s continent on map you just have to write The Nine Mage Country in green color. So at center of the map there is The Thunder Kingdom being only one country on the whole yellow continent; On it’s right there is the green continent which have 3 countries on it The Nine Mage Country, Ketro and Ariozella. Ariozella is the richest country on the whole planet. More down the yellow continent there is the white continent it also have three countries on it Shantinam, Alvineior and Metal. Metal is a weird name, right? But what is even more weird is that other cities in it are names of metals like Metal’s capital   is  a city Iron. On the upper side of the yellow continent there is the black continent which have 4 countries on it and on the left side of the yellow continent there is the red continent, Red continent have 2 countries one of them is Diadra who’s ruler is decided by majority but all the important and military affairs are handled by Flied Marshal so the president of Diadra is just a public figure he don’t have much power. Actually government plays a big role in peace treaty between 14 countries and other kingdoms, if someone violate human rights in any 14 countries, government will judge them even if they have to go against the whole country but according to peace treaty other countries will also assist. Between the yellow, the red and half the white continent there is the 6th continent the blue continent. Its only have one country on it.*

*Among these 14 countries there are 5 countries which are considered as invincible and there rulers were titled as THE SUPREME ONES. Among the 6 continents there are two continents which are ruled by only one person each, The Thunder Kingdom and The Blue Continent those are two of the 5 countries ruled by THE SUPREME ONES remaining three are Shantinam, Ketro and The Nine Mage Country. Not much is known about The Thunder Kingdom. But the Blue Continent have a lot of connections in every country so we know a lot about it like it’s a best place to go for a vacation. Shantinam is a country ruled by monks and Ketro is ruled by a leader of the lighting cult. I have heard that ruler’s of Shantinam, the Blue continent and Ketro are eldest among all the 14 Emperor and strongest too, THE SUPREME ONE of The Nine Mage Country and the principle of The Great Nine Mage School is a same person. I have heard a rumor that there is a ranking system in The Great Nine School and top nine people are given the title as 9s first place guy is a student at age 25, then rank 2 to 5 are teachers and rank 6,7 and 8 are students again of age 21 …… that’s the same age as me and Ken may be Ken and I will also become a part of 9s. Well rank 9 has been empty from the start may be it is reserved for me ..hha ahh  it will be so much fun everyone will be surprise after hearing my mana rank they will beg me to admit me in School and Ken will beg to me too. Ha aah haaa*  Marilee thought to herself while laughing like a devil

“Edward your daughter is creeping me out” Ken mumbled in Edward’s ear

“I know right she does it sometimes”

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“Huh! Look father we are at capital finally”

“So where is The Great Nine mage School father is it in the center of the capital” Marilee asked

“No we have to go out of the capital city first then we will travel a little further in the Forest of the Dead for a hour then we will reach our destiny The Great Nine Mage School” Edward said while explaining

“That old man really have to build his school…  all the way in that Forest of Dead.” Ken said

“I agree, right?  it would have been much more convenient to build in the capital” Edward said

“ ‘Old man’! whom are you talking about.” Marilee asked

“Principle of The Great Nine Mage School.” Edward replied

“You must be close with him Ken , to call him old man; so how old is he” Marilee said

“ he must be around 76.” Ken said

“Then he is not even old  then ken” Edward replied

‘huh! Oh yes I forgot this world’s people age a lot slower than people back on earth, I mean you are suppose to attend kindergarten at age of 7 here that means at my current age I am suppose to attend high school. Average lives of people here is 160 years you become a adult at age of  24. And people marry at age of at least 31 even my father is 56 year old and here some people still marry at age of 56 so basically principle  of The Great Nine Mage School is a 45 year person on earth, sometimes it is confusing for me’

“Is that The Great Nine Mage School.” Marilee said while pointing at a light coming from a far

“yeas that’s it”

*In front of us was a huge gate.. huge enough to make us feel like little ants. Whole area was surrounded by huge walls and inside was a small city, lighten. There weren’t much people guarding but whole wall had canons on it and robot golem to activate it. Whole area was under the surveillance of the robot golems.(I won’t be calling them robot golem anymore I called them robot golem at start to give you an idea of how the golems look like robot and that The Great Nine Mage school have advanced in science). When we reached the gate a small part of the gate opened  well it wasn’t that small....our cart was able to pass through gate easily but it was small compare to gate. After entering we went through check up it was a more thermal check up so they didn’t ask us to leave cart after that they asked for our identify card and to show our faces… if it matches with the photo on the identify card. after that they asked us to wait for few minutes then they allowed us to go in. Inside was a small city tall buildings and in one corner were dome shape buildings with huge area at that it also had large playground to and in other corner there was a four flour huge apartment type building ,it must be hostels for students. but as we travel further there was another gate it wasn’t  as big as the first gate but it was big enough to not let use pass through there were more human there they asked us to get out of cart and to walk room there on, Inside of that gate was the main building of school. There was a woman waiting for us to guide us to the principle’s office. From the moment I enter the first gate I totally forgot that I wasn’t living on the earth any more I thought I have came to future or something…. every thing was glowing there were robot everywhere. That woman took us to a waiting room and ask us to wait for few minutes*

-------------------------------------------------------------after few minutes ----------------------------------------------------

Nothing happened

-------------------------------------------------------after another few minutes -----------------------------------------------

Still nothing Ken, Marilee and Edward are still waiting

-------------------------------------------------------after another few minutes -----------------------------------------------

“Hell with them!” “dfuuu” Ken said while opening door with a kick with a angry face

“Calm down Ken, let’s just wait for few more minutes” Edward said while trying to convince Ken

 *And like that we broke through the waiting room even though we weren’t locked in it. We were at passage way and a girl and a boy were approaching us Ken looked at them*

“Long time no see …. Darkness.” Ken said while look at her

‘the girl Ken was looking at …. She was a plain beauty. She has black hair matching her black eyes. If I and that girl were to compete in a beauty contest match will end up as draw.. no She will win she have something more important than me her breast aren’t as small as mine  …. No comparing them in the first place is a crazy thought it’s like a comparing a baseball with a basket ball ….no mine are smaller than a baseball ….while her are still baseball’ Marilee thought to herself while crying inside

“Ken? is that you.” Darkness said

“do you know them Ken” Marilee asked to Ken

“Yeas, those guys are my childhood friend… That girl’s name is Darkness and that Boy’s name is Light.”

‘Light,.. if I have to rate him out of 5 stars I will rate him as  ……. 7 stars. That guy is ..freaking hot green hair at that. Even his eyes are green. He is most handsome guy I have seen yet…, wait a minute I think I have heard those names smewhe…. Those are the names of rank 6 and 7 among 9s. I think Light is rank 7 and darkness is at rank 6.’ Marilee thought to herself while dripping her mouth

“it really have been a long time, hasn’t it? Ken” Darkness said to ken

“I missed you a lot.” Ken said while hugging her

“Yesshh!!” Darkness said while hugging him back and crying

“Stop crying; you still a baby” Ken said

“No! I am not crying” Darkness said while wiping her tears off

“So when are you leaving” Darkness said with a sadden face

“don’t know,”

“Darkness are you done, we need to leave.” Light said with  emotionless face

“I didn’t knew trash can even talk now” Ken said while smile

“oh ! I can even Kill you, you wanna see?” Light said

“Why don’t you try?” Ken replied

“STOP IT YOU TOO.” A Middle aged man on a wheel chair yelled from the backside of Ken

“So how have your life been?; Father!”

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