I Haven’t Decided On The Title yet

Chapter 4: The Demon Of West

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A middle aged man was on a wheel chair and a girl was pushing that wheel chair. That man has white hairs and black eyes, Pale face sitting on wheel chair he yelled “STOP IT YOU TWO”

“So how have your life been? Father!” Ken said while looking backward

“Darkness and light go..; you have to take a look at security ..., leave.” That middle aged man said to Light and Darkness

“Yes father!” Darkness said while nodding her head

“Mr. Edward , let’s talk inside.” Middle aged man said

“It would be my pleasure THE SUPREME ONE.” Edward said while bowing

‘NO WAY , you are telling me that Ken is son of one of THE SUPREME ONES and that darkness and light are siblings of Ken. but still I don’t think light and Ken get along that much.’

“So what is it Ken? What was so important that you came to meet me yourself after so much years” THE SUPREME ONE said

“It was about my daughter ,THE SUPREME ONE, I was thinking if she could get admitted in The Great Nine Mage School, I thought it would be easier if I bring Ken with me” Edward said

“Don’t call me that sir Edward , you can just call me by my name Bernard and I would like to thank you for the ‘bribe case’ and  I also appreciate all the funding we get from your household but I still can’t accept her in The Great Nine Mage School. We did send her our invitation and she rejected it. You can’t accept from us that we will let you attend the school in the middle of high school year.” Bernard said to Edward

“I understand what you are saying sir Bernard but..” Edward said

“Just tell us what you want, Old man” Ken said while cutting Edwards sentence

“So , are we getting directly to main topic? okay then I want you Ken, attending this school too; So do we have an agreement or not?” Bernard said

“Okay I will attained it, but don’t blame me if I got kicked out This school” Ken said

“So if we all then there is no reason for any more conversation, Tina guide that girl to the testing yard and ask them to give her a basic qualification test.” Bernard said to the girl standing in his back

“Yeah Sir” Tina relied

“Sir Edward, would you can also to accompany her? No I insist you should watch how your daughter perform.” Bernard said Edward

‘I bet sir Bernard wants to talk to my main character alone and I am dying to know what is it that they are going to talk about; but I have to go take this test I can’t miss on it twice’

“She passed with flying colors, Ken” Edward said to Ken

“We will see you guys tomorrow at school” Bernard said

“Ken, I didn’t knew Bernard was your father and Light and Darkness are your siblings, you should have told me sooner” Marilee said while smiling “must have been nice meeting them after so long”

“They aren’t my relatives” Ken said while laughing “We were at same orphanage and Bernard used to be Father there”


“you guys will be staying at guest rooms until we find you an hostel room, so wait  patiently” Tina said to Ken and Marilee “this is school rule book , tomorrow Sir Headmaster have something to announce so please be at announcement hall by 9”

*Next day at attending hall in Main school building*

‘mumble, mumble’

“Have you heard there are going to be new transfer students”

“Isn’t it weird though, transferring in the middle of a school year.”

“I heard one of them is daughter of Edward Gunton.”

“I even heard that She is freaking hot.”

“Well, aren’t you guys the center of attention.” Darkness said to Ken “Hey I wanted to ask you since yesterday why is face covered with bandage tape.”

“well, I kind of got scar on my face and my doctor said it will take few years to heal it and I need to cover my face until then.” Ken said to darkness “Well any idea what is this announcement is going to be about.”

“He is finally going to chose a student for rank 9” Darkness said “Line up, here he comes”

“Headmaster Bernard have an announcement to make” one of the teacher said while adjusting mike.

Tina was pushing the wheelchair on which Bernard was sitting on to the stage; she adjusted the mike for Bernard she checked if the mike is working or not, she put wheel chair in front of mike. “I named this school as The Nine Mage School because; If someday something threatening happened to this school, to our country or to you student,  the greatest nine mages of this school will lead the students to fight against that threat but up until now only 8 ranks were given, I haven’t given that 9th rank to anyone, but I think it’s abut time I give it to someone”

‘Don’t tell me I am already getting a ranks in 9s; well I am not surprise, I really am a talented person ,so me getting a rank in 9s as soon as I enter school, do make sense ( no it doesn’t)’Marilee thought to herself

Bernard continued his speech “So I would like to introduce the 9th of the 9s, please come forth Ken Sawaki.”

“Seriously I thought they are announcing rank 9”

“I thought no one was at rank nine”

“I thought there was no 9th rank it was Headmaster who was at 0th rank.”

“you have to be an idiot to believe that rumor”

“you believed in that rumor too”

“Hey!! You were the one who spread that rumor”

“I thought Anwar from class A from first years will be the one to get rank 9”

“he even self proclaimed it”

“Well; after Abel the rank 1 guy only Anwar comes near in strength”

Students were discussing, some were confused and those who were aiming for that spot were in rage

‘WHHHAAAATTTTTT?’ Marilee thought to herself with her mouth open

And some were surprised

Ken walked toward the stage he climbed on it he walked toward the mike and said in mike “I know many of you guy don’t agree the Headmaster Bernard, many of you even think I am not qualified to be in this school right?with I mean you guys don’t even know who am I? or how strong am I? is that right?”

“sigh! Have you guys heard of The Demon Of West? he was considered to be the youngest criminal to ever destroy a whole military base in Diadra. But recently he was killed. Want to know who killed him?” Ken mumbled in mike “it was me.” “And if anyone still thinks that I am not qualified to be the 9th; you can challenge me whenever want”

“Wow, that guy is awesome”

“Have you heard about that Demon, Do you know anything about him?”

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“Never heard of him, Didn’t he say he is from west?”

“So are you going to challenge him I bet if you won you will be talk of the school”

“Are you out of your mind to be a part of 9s you have to be at rank A in mana and higher grade spell casterat least, there is no way I could win against those guys”

-Behind the stage-

“Madam president, I have heard about those rumors, about the Demon Of West and it’s true; he did destroyed military base but that wasn’t all I heard, in the official report given to the main base of Diadra it was written that  Demon was totally drunk and some soldiers even said that he was half a sleep when he destroyed the base and few years ago he disappeared” One of the students said to the lady standing in front of him

“You are serious” She relied while looking back with a little feared face “you are tell me that someone destroyed a military base, a place where at least 3 or 4 people were at Ex rank in mana and Natural grade spell caster are present and armed at that and that Demon crushed the whole base and wasn’t even half conscious. And that guy killed That demon, hahnhaahn” she laughed a little “if it’s all true then that only means that either he is lying or he is a Monster”

“Well, that’s it for the day, Now every one go to your classes” One of the teacher takes mike away from Ken and said

“That was a good speech Ken” a woman said “Oh my name is Kura  and I am your’s and miss Marilee’s class teacher by the way”

“Nice to meet you I will be in your care from now on, miss Kura” ken said while bowing

“So in which class are we, miss Kura” Marilee said while walking toward them

“You guys are in class A of first year of high school, your class is on the third floor of the left building” Kura replied while pointing her finger to show the way “don’t got to the right building its of junior school and the middle on is of the middle schools and that building in the back is university. Don’t get lost”

“Thanks for directions , mam Kura” Marilee said

---And somehow they reached there class---

“Hey look , it’s Marilee she so cute.” One f the guys said while Ken and Marilee entering in class

*there were only two empty sits in back for them*

“hey Ken, didn’t thought we will be sitting next to each other.” Darkness said while wavering her hand

“Nice to meet you Ken Sawaki, my name is Anwar Franksman I am class representative.” Anwar said while lifting his hand for a handshake ‘Just you wait you Fucker the day I find out your weakness I will beat you in a official match how dare you talk to my Darkness and now there is even Marilee how dare you talk to my girls, Darkness don’t talk to anyone except Light ,I can beat that guy anytime; only this guy is a threat to me now but he will be no match for me too, soon.’ Anwar thought to himself

“Nice to meet you too, I heard you are strongest after the rank 1 guy” Ken replied  while shaking bhis hand

“Well I used to be but not any more. I can feel your overwhelming power” Anwar relied ‘I am such a genius, honestly I can’t feel a thing but if I lost to him in future other’s will say that I already knew the power difference but I still fought and if I won they will think that I am a humble person, And strongest after rank 1 my foot even the rank 1 is the strongest student the only reason I and rank 1 is considered as strongest student is because the Strongest students don’t show off there power or they don’t fight in official battles with others, like Student Counsel president she is a monster but she never participate in official battle I was after her I wanted to make her mine but I gave up half way when I saw her crushing her opponent and there is that Akira, boss of the under school all there is no way I can match, them but I don’t have to all I have to do is act like I am strongest after the rank 1 I already was strongest in this class so now first I have to beat this guy in a official fight and then every thing will be as it used to be’ Anwar thought

“Oh! You can actually feel my overwhelming power well I guess you really are the 2nd strongest in this school.” Ken said while smiling “Hey you guys want to hear about my fight with Demon” Ken said to everyone in class



“Why not”

“Hell yeah!!”

“I want to hear too”

“So I was traveling in world, back then. It was few years ago ; I was traveling through a forest it was night time, I had missed my bus, so I wanted to reach to the forth town as soon as I can. I was walking as fast as I can but also not fast enough to burn out my stamina before I reach town. That’s when I heard a sound  ‘Help ,Someone Please help me.’ I ran toward the direction of sound and when I got there, there was a man lying down , I checked his breathing but he was already dead; I walked a little further and in front of me was The Demon. He was covered in blood from head to toe but it wasn’t his blood, he wasn’t even wounded. The bloodshed ,It pissed me off. I ran toward him and unleashed a terrifying punch; but even after taking that terrifying punch he was standing and at that moment I knew if I let my guard down even for a moment I won’t survive and then our fierce battle begin but in the end I end up being victories. But he was the strongest person I have faced.” Ken said while explaining his story

“wow! It must have been a real fierce battle?”

“So, was you rewarded for your action?”

“tell us more stories.”

“cough, cough !” miss Kura coughed while saying “I know he is awesome and you all want to hear his stories but I think we should study too, don’t you agree Ken?”

“Yeas!” Ken said

------ later in evening at the main gate ------

Edward was in the horse cart, he was going back to his house, “Eat three meals a day, sleep for at least 8 hours and don’t overexert yourself.” Edward said while looking out of the window wavering his hand “I will miss you so much, take care of yourself.”

“Dad, you are embarrassing me.” Marilee said while covering her face with her hand

*Marilee was going toward her hostel *

“So, Edward left?” Ken said while walking toward Marilee

“Yes, somehow he left.” Marilee said while sighing “By the way I Didn’t know you had a fierce battle with The Demon, Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Who had a fierce battle with Demon?”

“Wait, you didn’t kill him?” Marilee asked with a surprised face

“No, I did kill him butt it wasn’t a fierce battle, I sneaked up on him and stabbed him in back”

“No way, you lied.”

“Yes I did, What you expect, I needed to bluff a little if I hadn’t I would have been chewed down by other students.”

“Then what about that time when that Anwar guy said that he can feel your overwhelming power.” Marilee asked with curiosity

“Oh that guy, He was just bluffing, he said that so that he can give an excuse later if he lost to me.”


“So, The so called 9th rank is nothing but a weakling, He will be a good bait for me to use in my plan” a boy hiding behind the pole near them said to himself, his face was covered with a hoody “Hah ahh hah! And I thought it will be impossible to take this  school down, but now I will use the so called protector of The Great Nine Mage School to destroy it.”

---- Few days later----

Boys were discussing about something ,one of them said “have you heard? someone challenged 9s”, other replied “yeah! I heard two of the 9s were challenged they are going to have a match tomorrow.”

“Light (rank 7) was challenged by Anwar and Ken (rank 9) was challenged by Bicorn and the match is today you sh!thead.” “Bicorn, isn’t that the guy who is on par with Anwar, so who do you think will win”

“For first match I think Anwar will  win, i mean he is the strongest after rank 1 and for the second match it will be hard to decided but I think Ken will  win”. “At what time is the match.” “At 13 O clock , what time?” “13 : 09 .” “Run you sh!theads or we will miss the fight” and they left to ward the dome shape buildings

--- In one of the dome shape building ---

“I can’t believe it, The match between Anwar and Light is already over. It ended in an instant” Emcee said on mike.


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