I Just Crave for Your Pheromones

Chapter 71: CH 67

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After leaving the orphanage, the place where they were to stay this time was the Feng Yang Hotel, right in the centre of Yangcheng City.

The car drove straight into the underground parking, and Wang Qi led everyone into the hotel through the staff passageway, without attracting the attention of unrelated people.

Ning Ran looked at Mu Hanfeng and raised her eyebrows, "This is great Film Emperor Mu’s territory."

Mu Hanfeng's lips curled up and said, "Yes, I can give you a free room upgrade if you need it."

Tong Che heard and asked Mu Hanfeng in a low voice, "Mr. Mu, this hotel..."

Mu Hanfeng interrupted him and said, "It's owned by my company."

Of course, Wang Qi knew about this, and he turned his head to look at them, "The program team booked a standard room for you all. It's the most ordinary standard room, but if you want to upgrade, ask Mr. Mu. "

They didn't have to be polite with Mu Hanfeng, and they put forward their requests. He then gave Mi Bebe and Ning Ran, Yin Lan, and Xiao Yao the upgraded rooms they wanted.

Tong Che originally thought that Mu Hanfeng would definitely take him to some presidential suite that was always reserved for him. After all, this was how it always played out in the movies.

But when they entered the room, Tong Che was stunned.

The room was a far cry from the style of the Presidential Suite.

The environment of a top-class hotel, if not a presidential suite, must be excellent.

The wallpaper was ocean blue in this room, and it was covered with all kinds of cartoon marine creatures. The chandelier was shaped like a merry-go-round, but the wooden horses were replaced by small starfish. The bedspread, cushions, and furniture within sight were all having cartoonish characters.

The whole room looks very cute.

"Do you like it?" Mu Hanfeng asked him with a smile.

Tong Che looked back and said, "Teacher Mu, is this... a children's room?"

Mu Hanfeng pinched his cheek, "That's right, the little kitten should live in a child's room."

The tips of Tong Che's ears turned red, but he still nodded seriously, "I like it very much!"

"There's something you’d like even more," Mu Hanfeng took Tong Che by the wrist and led him to a door, "Look here."

At these words, he put his hand on the handle and opened the door.

What met his eyes was a variety of toys. From Legos to puzzles, and many others that Tong Che could not name.

Tong Che's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but turn his head and give Mu Hanfeng a quick kiss on the cheek, "Teacher Mu, you're so nice!"

"I promised to take you to the amusement park before, but it's too cold now. So let's play indoors for a while. We shall go back when it's hot, okay?"

Tong Che nodded heavily, "Of course!"

Coconut Milk, who had been nesting in the cage, suddenly meowed, as if he was very interested in this room.

Mu Hanfeng decided to close the door behind him and squatted down, extending his index finger to tap on Coconut Milk's chubby head, "All the toys in there are your brother Tong Tong's. I'll buy you your own toys. "


After briefly unpacking their bags, a staff member came knocking on the door and asked them to come downstairs for lunch.

Before the meal began, Wang Qi announced the recording for the next three days.

"As I've said before," Wang Qi said, "This segment is called "Shooting Together." I had a long discussion with the other editors and directors about what activities to include in this segment. In the end, we decided that there would be no activities except for a small personal interview at the end."

Everyone was stunned by his words.

What else is there to record when there are no activities?

Wang Qi smiled and then said, "The love of a couple is to return to its most genuine state. Therefore, for these three days, you will still be followed by the camera from nine in the morning. But just pretend the camera doesn't exist and get along as you usually do. Don't worry about not having something for the viewers to watch. There is something about everyday life that is interesting. This is something that our program team has considered for the later stages." 

It was rare for Wang Qi to say something seriously, and everyone was a little moved by it, but Mu Hanfeng immediately shattered all these emotions when he opened his mouth.

He sneered, "Director Wang is not bad. He’s made enough money from the previous live stream, and now he is finally willing to be a person. "

Wang Qi: "......"

You're the only one with a big mouth.

However, Wang Qi was right in saying that there is indeed something interesting about plain life.

After discussing it with Mu Hanfeng, Tong Che decided to stay at the hotel for three days and not go out.

On one hand, he was afraid of the cold, but on the other hand, he had been so busy and on the move for so many years that just staying at home in peace had become a luxury.

Now that he had this opportunity, he didn't want to let it go.

The room they were to live in comes with its own kitchen, so the two of them would be self-sufficient for three meals a day.

When Tong Che wanted to help out, Mu Hanfeng would tease, "Give me a kiss and recharge my batteries. That would be a big help."

And every time, Tong Che would turn red with embarrassment, but he would not refuse.

After the meal, Coconut Milk played with her cat toys on the plush cushion, while Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng nestled on the sofa to eat.

Tong Che reached out and touched his belly and sighed, "I can't go on like this, I'll get fat."

Mu Hanfeng also reached over and touched his flat belly, giving it a gentle squeeze and saying, "You call this growing fat? You can't even squeeze the flesh. "

"If you can squeeze it, it means it's over!" Tong Che was angry at him.

"Don't worry," Mu Hanfeng rubbed the top of his hair, "you'll soon be busy again. I'm afraid you'll lose weight again. "

Tong Che thought about it and felt that it made sense.

Mu Hanfeng thought of something, and warned , "After the show, you must not diet like before, eating only whole wheat bread and boiled vegetables."

After a month of indulgence, Tong Che found that his body and skin condition had not changed significantly, so he nodded and agreed, "Yes, as Mr. Mu says!"

Apart from eating, the two of them basically spent time in the toy room and the audio-visual room.

When they were playing Lego together, Tong Che suddenly said, "Mr. Mu, I heard that there are real-life Legos."

"I think there once was," Mu Hanfeng recalled, "About three or four years ago, Lego had a Q version of the then spokesperson. They were limited to 100 pieces worldwide, and all were bought by his boyfriend within a second of going on sale. "

"Wow," sighed Tong Che, "they must be very close!"

"If you were to endorse this too," Mu Hanfeng laughed and then changed his mind, "No, whatever you endorse, if it's a limited edition, I'll buy it out."

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Tong Che laughed along with him.

The two of them watched movies together, and as a long-time fan of Mu Hanfeng, Tong Che chose his films every time.

Mu Hanfeng usually only watched the movies he had acted in once after they were shot and premiered, and rarely watched them again. Watching them with his little boyfriend was not very interesting.

Of course, there was also another downside-

Tong Che had watched Mu Hanfeng's movies, and even though he had watched them many times, he was still able to concentrate 200%.

Which was okay at first, but when it came to the highlight of Mu Hanfeng's role in the movie, Tong Che's eyes seemed to glow as he stared at the big screen.

Mu Hanfeng couldn't help but pinch Tong Che's chin, forcing him to turn and look at him, asking fiercely, "Do I look good or does he look good?"

Tong Che was stunned. Was Mr. Mu jealous of himself?

But what he said out loud was, "Of course you're the one who looks good!"

Mu Hanfeng let go and snorted softly, "Okay."

But immediately he let go, Tong Che mumbled, his little head immediately gluing itself back to the screen, and he even wanted to go back and make up for the two seconds he just missed.

Mu Hanfeng ground his teeth and said quietly, "Didn't you say I was good looking?"

Perhaps it was Tong Che's illusion, but he actually heard a bit of grievance in Mu Hanfeng's tone!

He laughed and pressed pause. He turned his head and kissed Mu Hanfeng's chin quickly, explaining, "It’s because it was you who acted. That's why I am watching so seriously."

The answer hit 100 points, and Mu Hanfeng was satisfied. He even took the initiative to press the "continue" button for him. 

For three days in a row, Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng only went out once, and the farthest distance was the open space at the back of the hotel.

Coincidentally, the first snow of this winter fell in Yangcheng the day before.

The snow fell heavily, like goose feathers, all over the ground.

When Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng went out, it was already white outside, with snow piled up on the treetops and in the open space.

When the camera man saw the two coming out, he greeted them, "Mr. Mu, Teacher. Che! Teacher Che is dressed really warm today. "

Suddenly being called "teacher," Tong Che was still a bit embarrassed and smiled, "I'm a bit afraid of the cold, and Mr. Mu was not at ease."

It was indeed Mu Hanfeng who was anxious.

Since Tong Che started working as a trainee at the age of 19, he rarely wore a down jacket in winter, relying on his overcoat to support him.

However, knowing that he was going out today, Mu Hanfeng sent someone for a down jacket yesterday, and in addition, he was also sent a woolen hat, a thick scarf, and gloves...

So now, Tong Che was wearing a goose yellow down jacket, a woolen hat of the same colour, with two cat ears on the top of the hat, and a fluffy white scarf wrapped around his neck, which made his face even smaller.

Mu Hanfeng took a closer look at Tong Che and pulled his scarf upwards to completely cover half of his face before he was satisfied.

Tong Che laughed, "Teacher Mu, I'm really not that delicate."

"I know," Mu Hanfeng said obediently, stroking the cat ears and nodding his head, "It's because I want to treat you like you are delicate."

Tong Che stopped talking. The tips of his ears, hidden in his woollen hat, flushed red.

On the other hand, Mu Hanfeng was still wearing only a shirt and an overcoat. The physique of a top alpha is really different.

The two of them spent half the day building a snowman in the open space.

Tong Che circled around the snowman and murmured, "I feel like there's still something missing."

When Mu Hanfeng heard this, he immediately took off his scarf and put it around the fat body of the snowman.

Tong Che was stunned. "Teacher Mu, don't you want this scarf?"

Mu Hanfeng said indifferently, "I’ve now given it to the snowman."

The cameraman on the side wanted to clench his fist. Ecstasy's scarf starts with five figures. He didn't want it? He didn't understand the world of the rich!

Tong Che also felt a bit distressed. Mu Hanfeng leaned into his ear and soothed him, "It's okay, this scarf is from last year. We'll go buy the latest couple's model together when we get back. "

Tong Che's eyes lit up. He smiled, showing his little dimples.

He then handed his mobile phone to the cameraman and asked him to take a picture of him and Mu Hanfeng together.

Handing over the phone, Tong Che pulled Mu Hanfeng and quickly ran to stand behind the snowman, showing a particularly bright smile.

In the shot, the background is white snow, and the little Omega wearing a goose-yellow down jacket was the only bright spot in this scene.

Tong Che was looking at the camera, while Mu Hanfeng was looking at him. The undisguised warmth in his eyes seemed to melt all the snow and ice......

The three days went by in a flash, and a small personal interview was scheduled for the last half hour of the third day.

The topic of the interview was mainly about the concept of love.

In the small room, the staff member in charge read out the question cards: "What is your ideal love, Mr. Tong?"

Tong Che smiled softly and answered without hesitation, "Raising a cat together and having a home with him."

The staff was stunned for a moment, but also laughed, and continued to ask questions, "People's lives are very long. Teacher Tong Che is still very young, and the future is infinite. Do you worry that one day, your enthusiasm for the person you like will fade? "

Tong Che shook his head, with a rare arrogance on his face. His tone was crisp and firm,  "No, I will always be passionate about the person I like."

Tong Che knew that there were many seas in the world, and perhaps he would meet many more in the future, but he only belonged to this sea.

At the same time, in another room, Mu Hanfeng was answering a similar question.

"May I ask Mr. Mu what are the requirements you need in a lover?"

Mu Hanfeng raised the corners of his lips and threw out two words without hesitation, "It's him."

The staff member didn't quite understand, so he asked carefully, "Can you be more specific?"

"What I mean is," Mu Hanfeng's eyes softened as he explained, "the requirement is that it's him."

As long as it’s him, Tong Che, that's all that matters.

He does not have any requirements for his lover. He only wanted Tong Che, and he was willing to take him in any shape or form.

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