I Just Crave for Your Pheromones

Chapter 72: CH 68

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On the night after the interview, Wang Qi invited the guests and the entire crew to a casual dinner at the Feng Yang Hotel.

Wang Qi joked with Mu Hanfeng, "Mr. Mu, don't you want to give a discount?"

Mu Hanfeng looked at him askance, "You want a discount?"

Wang Qi intuited that his next sentence was not good, but he still nodded, "Of course I want. Everything in your hotel is expensive. "

Mu Hanfeng also nodded, but did not deny Wang Qi's words. He just faintly threw out four words, "I’ll think about it."

Wang Qi: "......"

I knew it would be those four words again!

But he was really joking. Discount or no discount, this meal had to be taken care of.

All of them were still sitting at one table drinking, except for Tong Che. Even Mi Beibei had some fruit wine.

The wine was pale pink and served in crystal clear goblets, which looked more beautiful than the drinks in them.

Tong Che took one glance at the wine and then couldn't resist taking a second one. His face was full of "longing."

Mi Beibei noticed and asked him with a smile, "Would Brother Che like to have a taste? It's delicious; it doesn't taste like alcohol; it's sweet! "

When she described it, Tong Che was even more excited, and he couldn't help but swallow.

He was about to say "yes" when Mu Hanfeng gave him a gentle squeeze on the back of his neck, warning him, "Don't take a single sip."

Tong Che: "..."

He turned his head to look at Mu Hanfeng, aggrieved.

Mu Hanfeng couldn't bear to see this look on Tong Che’s face, and he was really willing to indulge him, but not in this case.

The drunk kitten was too deadly!

So, Mu Hanfeng came up to Tong Che's ear and whispered, "Kitten, have you forgotten what happened after you ate the chocolate with a wine heart two days ago?"

Tong Che flinched and shook his head like a rattle, no longer feeling aggrieved.

Mu Hanfeng smiled and reached out to rub his earlobe. "Okay, wait until we get home before you can drink."

Tong Che was stunned for a while.  He didn't know whose house Mu Hanfeng was talking about when he said "home", but it wasn't the right time to ask, so he just nodded his head obediently.

The farewell dinner lasted until late in the night. The six people had been together for a month, and were more or less reluctant now that it was really over.

Wang Qi rushed them back to their rooms, "Okay, okay, don't be sad to say goodbye. You are all in the circle, when will you not be able to see each other in the future? "

This was a reasonable statement, and everyone went to their respective rooms without further ado.

Wang Qi shouted from the back, "Tomorrow at 2pm, gather at the underground parking!"

The only response he got was the lazy backs of six people.

But lazy as they were, they were all still reliable.

At 2 pm the next day, the six appeared in the underground car park with their suitcases and pet bags on their backs.

They would all go back to the show's headquarters to count the coins, distribute the prizes, and record the show's finale.

The task of counting the gold coins began in the car on the way back.

Come, come, come," Wang Qi clapped his hands, "hand in all your big gold coins!"

On Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng's side, the gold coins were packed in Tong Che's suitcase.

He opened the suitcase to get the gold coins, and when his fingers touched the soft teddy bear, he couldn't help but think back to the first day he came to record the show.

That day, was also in the car, and when they had to check for prohibited items, he carefully hid the teddy bear, and Mu Hanfeng seemed to have covered it up for him.

At that time, he did not dare ask, but now he dared. After handing the gold coins to Wang Qi and closing the suitcase, Tong Che came up to Mu Hanfeng's ear and asked him in a whisper, "Teacher Mu, do you still remember the first day I came to record the show, when I secretly hid the bear?"

Mu Hanfeng smiled, "How could I not remember?"

"Then... were you covering for me at that time?"

Mu Hanfeng tilted his head to look at him, his eyes drenched in laughter, and asked rhetorically, "What do you think?"

Tong Che nodded his head, "I think so!"

Mu Hanfeng avoided the camera and his lips quickly rubbed on Tong Che's ear temples, "Congratulations on the correct answer. Your reward is a kiss from your boyfriend."

The tips of Tong Che's ears that had been kissed then burned again.

Arriving at the show's headquarters, Wang Qi led them straight into Room 101, the meeting place on their first day of recording.

It was like a circle that circled back to the starting point.

"Earlier in the car," Wang Qi spoke up, "We counted the gold coins; Mr. Mu and little Che's group had a total of 12 coins, placing them in first place! Teacher Ning and Bei Bei's group had 9 coins and came in second! Mr. Yin and Mr. Xiao's group had... 7 coins and are in third place! "

Yin Lan said angrily, "Director Wang, why don't you just say that we're the last? Third place sounds more like a mockery. "

Everyone burst out laughing.

"Don't be discouraged, don't be demoralized," Wang Qi consoled carelessly, adding seriously, "Actually, the result is only a very small point. The month you spent together is what matters most. "

This was a statement everyone agreed with. This month would always be a very rare and valuable experience for each of them.

"Well, without further ado," Wang Qi raised his pitch and spoke in a passionate tone, "let's move on to the last exciting part of this show-the awards!"

Everyone applauded with respect, and Yin Lan even blew a loud and clear whistle.

Wang Qi gestured towards the back. A staff member came forward carrying a tray and walked up to Yin Lan and Xiao Yao.

The two simpletons looked at each other and spoke in unison, "We get a prize too?"

Wang Qi smiled, "Of course, everyone has one. There's just a difference in the prizes."

On the tray, there was a small golden velvet box. Yin Lan reached over and immediately opened it.

There were two silver rings lying side by side inside, the plainest of styles. But they did match the aura of the simple steel alphas.

"They’re strangely beautiful." Yin Lan said, surprised.

Xiao Yao also took a serious look and agreed, "I think so too."

"Why don't you put them on quickly if they look good?" Wang Qi urged them.

Wang Qi's intention, of course, was for the two to put the rings on each other's fingers. But these two simpletons didn't get Wang Qi's good intentions at all. As soon as they heard that they could now put them on, they immediately reached out and took out one ring each and put it on their own fingers.

Fortunately, the positioning was correct as they both wore the rings on their middle fingers, which means they are in love.

Wang Qi gestured again, and a second staff member came up. He walked over to Ning Ran and Mi Beibei, still holding up a tray, which also had a small gold velvet box on it.

"I feel like there are rings too." Mi Beibei whispered.

Ning Ran responded, "I feel it too."

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As she spoke, she reached for the small box and opened it.

As they had expected, inside the small box were indeed two rings. as well.Only, these

two were female models, with very delicate flower patterns carved on them.

"They are so beautiful!" Mi Beibei exclaimed.

To prevent them from repeating the same mistake as the clueless duo, Wang Qi spoke out in advance to remind them, "Please put the rings on each other."

Ning Ran and Mi Beibei smiled at each other and put the rings on each other's middle fingers.

The last group was, of course, Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng.

Before the staff came over, Mu Hanfeng said, "Ours is also a ring. Do you believe it or not, Tong Che? "

Tong Che never doubted what Mu Hanfeng said. He immediately nodded, "I do!"

Mu Hanfeng added, "And it should be a custom model, the kind with our initials on it."

Wang Qi growled. He was so angry that he called out his name, "Mu Hanfeng! Did you take a peek at the prize in advance? "

Mu Hanfeng looked at him and asked coldly in return, "Do I need to peek at this kind of set up in advance?"

Wang Qi was so tired that he simply ignored him.

Mu Hanfeng guessed it quite well. Although everyone's prize was a ring, the first place prize was special in that it was custom-made.

The slightly larger ring had the letters TC engraved on the inside, with a sketch of a kitten next to them.

The slightly smaller one, on the other hand, had the letters MHF engraved on the inside, with a kitten's sketch next to them.

Tong Che looked stunned, and he couldn't help but ask Mu Hanfeng, "Teacher Mu, did you really not say a word to Director Wang in advance?"

Mu Hanfeng shook his head and said, "I really didn't."

If he said so, then he really didn't.

Wang Qi explained, "There was no competition for the last three days, meaning your gold coin count was already determined three days ago. So the program team started preparing the prizes in advance."

Only then did Tong Che understand, and he smiled with bright eyes, "They’re very nice. Thank you, Director Wang!"

"Tong Tong," Mu Hanfeng called him in a low voice, "Let me put it on for you."

Tong Che looked back and watched as Mu Hanfeng bowed his head and picked out the smaller ring from the box.

Without waiting for Mu Hanfeng to remind him, he consciously extended his hand.

Mu Hanfeng smiled as he moved gently and solemnly, putting that ring on Tong Che's middle finger.

After putting it on, he also gently lifted the small hand and kissed the middle finger.

The camera zoomed in on the two people for close-ups, and Wang Qi was overjoyed. Look, this is textbook level!

Tong Che hung his head and spoke in a whisper, "Teacher Mu, it's... it's my turn to put it on you."

Mu Hanfeng warmly replied, "Okay" and extended his hand in front of Tong Che.

Tong Che took out the other ring from the small box and carefully put it on Mu Hanfeng's middle finger.

Even though he knew that this was a recording session, Tong Che's hand could not help but tremble slightly.

After hesitating for a second, he came up to Mu Hanfeng's ear and quickly whispered, "Teacher Mu, I feel like we're like... like at a wedding ceremony."

Mu Hanfeng gave a pause, his eyes instantly deepening. He wrapped his arms around Tong Che's waist, rubbed his side twice, and seriously responded, "Kitten, there will be that day. And when the time comes, the ring should be worn on the ring finger. "

Tong Che thought for a moment. The ring finger is for wearing a wedding ring!

Marrying Teacher Mu!

This thought was enough to make Tong Che happy just by thinking about it.

"Alright," Wang Qi did the final finishing touch, "Let's stand in front of this camera for the last time, and each CP pair make one pose to say goodbye to everyone!"

The cameras were all in position, with a close-up shot in front of each pair, and a camera further away with a panoramic view pulled specifically of them.

In the camera, Yin Lan and Xiao Yao were very brotherly, making fist bumps together, except that their rings were clinking against each other in a vaguely ambiguous way.

Ning Ran and Mi Beibei each held out a hand and shared a heart, the rings glittering.

Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng were even bolder, each kissing the other's ring-wearing middle finger.

Wang Qi shouted the slogan one last time, "Love is me and you, stacked together for the Nth time! I declare that the second season of "The Power of Love for the Nth Time" has officially ended!"

With his words, the room was filled with colored eggs, and the camera was fixed on this moment. There were no regrets, just a faint reluctance and many, many completions.

The recording was completely finished. Wang Qi stretched his hand out and they bumped their fists together. With Wang Qi leading the way, everyone said sincerely, "Thank you for everything!"

"The broadcast is tentatively scheduled to start next month, " Wang Qi said, getting down to the final business, " The specific time will be notified to you in advance."

Everyone responded, and after saying goodbye to Wang Qi, they walked together towards the car park.

Their respective agents or assistants were already there, so they waved goodbye. Tong Che and Mu Hanfeng got into the car driven by Yun Su himself.

Only when the car was already on the road did Tong Che suddenly ask dizzily, "Teacher Mu, do you... do you know where my house is?"

Mu Hanfeng gave a start and tilted his head to look at him, "Do you want to go back to your own home?"

Of course, Tong Che didn't want to go back to his own house. But he had never been in a relationship before, so he didn't know if two people would live together when they were in love.

Thinking of the possibility of returning to a state of living alone, only being able to meet Teacher Mu on dates from time to time, and no longer being able to sleep in Teacher Mu's arms at night. Tong Che's whole being was wilted. If there were little ears on his head, they would all be drooping right now.

"Silly kitten," Mu Hanfeng probably guessed what Tong Che was thinking. He reached out and pinched Tong Che's cheek, asking him with a light smile, "You're all mine now. Why don't you come home with me?"

Tong Che was stunned and suddenly raised his head, staring at Mu Hanfeng with wide eyes, "Can I?"

Without any guilt, Mu Hanfeng asked slowly and deliberately, "Shouldn't we live together as a family?"

Tong Che nodded his head without hesitation, "Yes!"

Mu Hanfeng smiled and rubbed the top of Tong Che's hair again, "Good."

Tong Che's bad mood was instantly swept away. His whole heart was filled with the thought, "Ahhhhh, I'm going to live at Mr. Mu's house," and he was so excited that he wanted to go out and dance on the roof of the car.

While waiting for the traffic light, Yun Su, who had been silent, looked at Mu Hanfeng through the rearview mirror and mouthed three words at him: "You old rascal!"

Tong Che was still immersed in his own excitement and did not see Yun Su's small gesture.

The corners of Mu Hanfeng's lips hooked, and he also mouthed back, "Thank you for the compliment."

Tong Che was excited all the way, and he only remembered after a while that he had to say hello to Ruan Tang.

He fished out his phone and clicked on the Ruan Tang dialog box. Before he could type out a text, she had sent him a message first.

"Brother Che, look at this! Brother Lou has been taken away by the police for questioning! "

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