I, Konoha's Life Mentor

Chapter 121: 120: Telescope technique, what kind of person do I look like?

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Kyungsoo had a good night's sleep.

Although there is no bed, lying down is much more comfortable than sleeping in the wild.

Get up the next day.

He went out for a walk and saw that Zhishui and the others had gotten up early and started exercising, while Yueguang Yimu and the others had gone out again. It was estimated that it was time for the front line to perform tasks or fight the autumn wind.

This team of people played a game two days ago, and now they are a little obsessed with it.

Kyungsoo didn't care.

Moonlight Izuki and their strength are indeed qualified to roam and hunt on the battlefield. As long as they are not greedy, there will generally be no problems.

He was more concerned about another thing.

"Kyoichi Shangnin, three generations of adults, please come in."

"Thank you."

Jing Yi nodded, then opened the curtain and entered.

The three generations and Jirai also communicated in the camp.

At present, the third generation and Jirai are also in the stage of business handover.

As soon as Jing stepped aside, Jiraiya and Sandai did not stop, and quickly exchanged information and the situation of the camp. Sandai nodded while listening.

The layout is not too big of a problem.

According to what he meant, it was a positional battle with Yanyin Village, but...

Can the positional battle beat Iwa Shinobi?

He doesn't approve.

"Kyoichi, what do you think?"


When Jing came back to his senses, both of them looked at him when they saw them.

He was puzzled.

He didn't even show any expression!

"You have always had ideas, and the tactics of the East Territory are very good. If it weren't for you, we might have to fight Wuyin Village now, so... it doesn't matter, tell me what you think."

Naturally, the three generations did not know what Jingichi was thinking.

He simply felt that Kanda Keiichi might have new ideas.

After all, whether it was the ninja school education or the later battle in the Eastern Realm, it all showed that Jingyi thought differently from others, and maybe he could come up with different tactics this time.

Jirai was also afraid that he would have scruples, and said, "My arrangement is not very good, because we have to deal with two villages, so the pressure will be great."

"Well... I'm not very mature, and I don't know if it's right."

Kyungsoo couldn't be sure.

He didn't study war. If he was really sure, he would have spoken long ago.

But at this time, Sandai and Jiraiya were both looking at him with a "hurry up" expression, so he had no choice but to catch the ducks on the shelves.

After thinking for a while, Jingyi said: "I don't think we can fight a positional battle with Yanyin Village. Their ninjutsu is too strong for positional defense and fortification."

He didn't think much of it just by watching the anime, but after taking a trip in person, he could better understand the strength of Yanyin Village's positional warfare.

The defenses include Tuliu Wall and Tuliu City Wall.

The key is that everyone can do it, unlike Konoha, only a small part is good at soil escape.

Offensive -

The techniques of mountain soil and ground movement can destroy the defense built by Konoha.

Not to mention the demolition team.


In a positional battle with Iwa Shinobi, it is completely using one's own weaknesses to attack the enemy's strengths.

"We also understand this, but if we don't fight with them, can we give up on this side?"

Why don't Sandai and Jirai know about it?


The Country of Grass is their ally, and they gave up here, and the head of Yanyin Village drove straight in, and then went to the border of the Country of Fire.

Until then, where to give up?

Not realistic.

"We can fight mobile battles, lure the rock ninjas over first, stretch their fronts, attack their weak points, and even... mobilize the eastern power to eat the rock ninjas they rushed in first."

Keiichi said.

Although the wisdom of the predecessors has only been learned, it seems to be feasible to use it up to now.

The brows of the three generations are almost locked together.

Move east?

In this case, wouldn't the troops in the east to deal with Yunyin Village...

So adventurous!

"What about the east?"

Jirai also felt inappropriate. He could understand Jingyi's idea of ​​lure the enemy into, interspersed, surrounded and eaten, but the pressure on the east side facing Yunyin Village was just as great.

If it wasn't like this, he and the three generations wouldn't have to worry so much.

"You can keep some elites in the east, temporarily give up some sites and slowly block the enemy, wait for the battle to be quickly resolved here, and then send people to support the east."

Keiichi said.

Adjust the power to fight one side first, and just block the enemy on the other side.

The third generation understands a bit.

After thinking about it again and again, he understood another reason why Jingyi proposed this plan—

"Watergate's Flying Thunder God can help us transfer some people faster!"

"That's right."

Jing nodded.

In the ninja war, the strong almost have the ability to turn the battlefield.

Not to mention Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara.

The most classic is Hanzo.

Without Hanzo, Yuyin Village would have no right to clamor with Omura.


The existence of Fei Lei Shen can instantly strengthen the battlefield on one side, and it is simply a ninja fighter.

in addition.

Origami combined with the detonating charm, is it barely a bomber?

In sports battles, Konoha still takes advantage.

When Jing thought of this, he became more and more confident.

Jirai is not a stubborn or pedantic person. According to Jingyi's vision, this plan is indeed better.

He thought about it for a while, and then added: "If they use Tudun to build city defense along the way, we can also use Tudun to destroy it. After all, we can't defend ourselves, but it is very simple to do damage."

"That's the truth."

Jing nodded.

Destruction is easier than construction.

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At the same time, he secretly regretted.

The three generations and three forbearance people know everything, and it is really difficult to cut high-rated leeks from them.

The three generations pondered and said, "But there is a problem. The country of grass is an ally with us. If we let the rock ninja come in, I'm afraid people will be criticized."

"Communicate with them and let them evacuate in advance, and they can come back after defeating the rock ninja. If they don't agree, we don't need to stick to the border for others."

"Besides, I don't see the grass ninja protecting their own home."

"Maybe if we withdraw our front feet, Kusanagi Village will help Yannin to beat us on the back."

Keiichi said indifferently.

To the grass ninja village…

He really didn't feel good about it.

This Shinobi Village has the same name as theirs, just like the grass, which way the wind blows, and if Iwanin is not allowed to come in, they immediately turn to Iwanin.

Speaking of which, he thought of a person.

Fragrant's mother.

The whirlpool people are also poor people.

"Grass Ninja Village... It's really not a good bird."

It's hard to say anything.

This Ninja Village makes people unfavorable, because all these people think about all day is to stealthily learn other people's ninjutsu, and then find ways to target and crack them.

If it is hostile in wartime, it is understandable, but they are usually stealing black hands.

That's all.

The grass on the wall is also their characteristic.

For example, now, the front line did not see the grass ninja's contribution, and all shrank in the rear.


To take his own tone of voice is naturally "the wisdom of a small country", but it would be false to say that he has no opinion.

He thought for a while and said, "Otherwise, I will negotiate and force them to join us in resisting the rock ninja. If we don't agree, we will stretch the front and withdraw back to the country of fire."

"Lord Jiraiya, leave this kind of thing to a young man like me. It's normal for young people to be overzealous."

Kyungsoo smiled brightly.

He was also speechless for a while.

let you go?

That grass forbearance will definitely not be on the front line, he can see that Jingyi is eager for grass to bear to die.

he does not know.

Not only Jingyi, but now Yahiko and the others are also eager to endure the death of the grass - the grass can't bear to die, how can they have a chance in Yuyin Village?

The three generations were speechless.

From his point of view, it is naturally impossible to sell the country of grass so hastily, but he hesitated again.


Judging from the effect, Konoha's thoughts in the past made Konoha weaken step by step.

And Jingyi's strategy can allow Konoha to preserve more.

Secondly, Grass Ninja Village is indeed this kind of grass, and it is not firm to Konoha and the Kingdom of Fire.

"Teacher, let's just decide, don't hesitate, Jingyi, go get ready, I'll talk to the Kusanagi gang today, and I'll deal with them without any effort."

Zilai also made a decision, and that one was called Happy.

He had long wanted to deal with this bunch of bastards, but he was worried about the opinions of the village before, but now three generations have come, and his attitude seems to be a little emotional and scruples...

He knows the teacher too well.

Let the three generations make their own decisions, and may have to wait until tomorrow.

Do it now!

"Okay, then I'll go now."

Jing nodded.

Of course, he was not in a hurry to talk to Kusanagi, but wanted to find the Whirlpool clan.

Saving people is like putting out a fire.

Who knew Kusanagi Village found out that she didn't?

Jirai was also a little strange, he scratched his head, looked at Sandai, and said, "It seems that Jing and a pair of grass ninjas are really annoying."

"Hey, I don't know if this is right or wrong..."

Three generations sigh.

In this way, although the strength is retained, the image of Konoha may be made a big fuss by the enemy.

I don't even know how to say it.

He also wants peace in the ninja world.

But Kusanagi's actions really disappointed him.

If there is no better way, he can only stick to the border defense, and the grass country will help, but now there is a better plan, he does not want Konoha's ninjas to bleed and sacrifice for the grass country.

"Teacher, where are we going this time?"

"Grass Ninja Village."

"Why are you going to Grass Ninja Village?"

Asma was puzzled.

Now is the time of war. Isn't it a waste of time to go to the grass ninja village with such combat power?

Jing glanced at him.

Afterwards, he walked forward and said lightly, "Take a look at the situation in Xiaonin Village."

He actually wanted to bring Mukai over.

Mukai's white eyes can see more clearly the individuals who have chakra within the range, and it is easier to find the mother of Xiang Phosphorus. Relying on them is like looking for a needle in a haystack.


If it can't be found in Cao Ninja Village, it means that Xiang Lin's mother has not been taken to the hospital at this time to be used as a medical tool.

If you are in the grass ninja village, UU reading www. uukanshu.com turned around to find a way to save her.

Afterwards, Jing took a look at the system panel.

After convincing Sandai and Jiraiya, he heard a reward prompt, but it was only now that he had time to see what the reward was.

After opening...

He felt bewildered for a moment.

Telescope technique.

Although I had long expected that the reward might not be too great, at least it was a normal thing.

Reward this thing...

Do I look like that kind of person?


Looking back, you can consider preparing a crystal creation.

There is no other meaning, it is simply convenient to check the battlefield situation, he is not the third generation or the kind of person.

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