I, Konoha's Life Mentor

Chapter 122: 121: Konoha blocks the way of surrender

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The country of grass is not big, about the same size as the country of birds, but there are not many ninjas in them.

This pattern is not healthy at all.

It's no wonder that they have both sides, as long as there are any resources, they must be drained——

Especially with outsiders.

Jingyi looked around, and there were many farmlands in the country of grass. If war came, these fields would be destroyed.


When he arrived at the grass ninja village, what he saw was the grass ninjas who were not at all flustered.

What to do or what to do.




"We help them, why are these people not friendly to us at all."

Shishui asked in a low voice.

Kusanagi didn't welcome them. Seeing Jingyi's Konoha forehead guard, their eyes were cold, and they didn't see the attitude of their allies.

Jing took a look around.

All the grass couldn't help it, and didn't look at him at all.

They see it.

Kyōichi is Joinin!

Konoha's Joinin is not easy to mess with.

"Simply because we got in their way."

Kyungsoo said with a smile.

Then, holding the hilt of his sword, he walked step by step to the Chunin who was in charge of registration at the entrance of the grass ninja village.

"excuse me, you are?"

That Chunin did not dare to neglect.

The Konoha ninja army is at the border, which is really annoying, and the responsibility inside is not something he can take on as a chunin.

"Konoha Jorin Kanda Kyoichi, was ordered to come to visit the leader of Kusanagi."

"They are my disciples."

Kyungsoo handed over the paperwork.

"Yes! You can go in after registration, but our leader may not be there..."


Kyungsoo smiled.

not there?

Ha ha.

It's okay if he's not there, Kusanagi doesn't want to talk, he hangs the notice in front of Kusanagi's office, then it's not whether Kusanagi wants to talk, but whether he wants to talk.

A bunch of short-sighted guys.

Jingyi brought Zhishui and the others inside, and Zhishui carefully looked at Cao Ninth Village.

This is the first time he has entered another ninja village.


It looks very weird.

It is clear that the land of grass is in danger, but as ninjas of the land of grass, they seem to be very numb, and even hate Konoha's intervention.


It can only be said that Shishui does not understand it.

Kyungsoo understood very well.

Konoha blocked their way to surrender to Yanyin!


It is said that the country of grass is really helpless.

What's around?

Country of Fire, Country of Earth, Country of Rain, and Country of Taki.

Not to mention the first two.

It is the latter two, that is also the big guy in the small forbearance village, not the country of grass.


Jingyi was born in Konoha, and their troops were all on the front line, but Kusanagi just "expressed" it, and it was completely ineffective.

So he can't sympathize.

Walking in all the way, he observed the surroundings secretly, and Chakra Perception was also investigating.

There are many ninjas.

But with the breath of so many ninjas, it was impossible to tell which one belonged to the Uzumaki clan. He turned around everywhere, and the grass ninjas hid one after another.

Asma and Yuhika are also confused.

They didn't understand this situation at all, but Jingyi didn't elaborate, so they had to think about the reason for themselves.

pondering for a long time...

No results.

Well, let's wait for the answer.

They stop thinking about it.

Jingyi turned around and walked to the remote area of ​​the village. The houses here were very different from those he saw before. Not to mention the dilapidated ones, there were also a lot of **** scattered here and there.

Someone in the house is watching them!


If that's the case, Jing Yi wouldn't pay too much attention, but through the cracks in the tattered wall, he saw a bright blood red.

Vortex people?

His heart moved, and then he noticed that many grass ninjas were watching them secretly, and the hostility was even worse.

It seems that Kusanagi has discovered her abilities, and has given her a separate room.

Jingyi continued to move forward, intending to turn some places, so as not to arouse suspicion.


The next moment, a figure fell in front.

"Master Jing, our leader is back. I heard that you are coming, let me come to find you."

A grass ninja.

Jing took a look at the front and said, "Don't worry, I'll go around."

"Master Jing..."

"Okay, since the leader is in such a hurry, I have to go to see him first. I originally wanted to see the customs of your grass ninja village."

Kyungsoo is very sorry.

Shishui and the others followed, their expressions didn't change, but from what they knew about the teacher, they knew that the teacher was very concerned about the people in the room just now.

Because he stopped for a second or two.

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Kyungsoo leaves.

The grass ninjas breathed a sigh of relief and dispersed, while Jingyi went to the grass ninja building under the leadership of the Anbu ninja in the grass ninja village.

The grass ninja leader "come back".

He had to come back. Although he didn't know the purpose of Kanda Keiichi, he had heard of this person.

Konoha was newly promoted to Joinin last year.

It is said to be strong.

I really want to hang out, maybe all the information on the grass ninja village has been collected.

"I heard that you were out, so I thought about going around first and then coming back. I didn't expect you to come back so soon. I'm afraid I'll miss your business by visiting you rashly?"

Jingyi's face was full of apologies, and his words seemed sincere, but...

To the leader of the grass ninja, it was not like that at all.

He smiled stiffly and said, "What are you talking about? During this period of time, Yan Ren has aggressively attacked our country. It was Konoha who helped us to stop them. No matter how urgent it is, it doesn't matter to you!"

"That's good."

Kyungsoo motioned for him to sit down.

A look of anger flashed across the face of the grass ninja leader, but he still sat down.

"Yesterday, I took people to the Land of Earth to take a look, and by the way, I killed three or four elite rock ninja squads... Alas, I have to say that Ian Ninja's strength is too strong, especially in positional warfare, we are not opponents at all."

Later, Jingyi said, "Also, we are fighting on three sides, and we are really short of manpower."

"This... Didn't you hear that the east is over?"

The grass ninja leader looked complicated.

Three or four elite squads?

If this person in front of him is not bragging, then this person is really strong, and I am afraid that one person can defeat their grass forbearance or ten teams.

Fortunately, I didn't offend, otherwise I can't afford it!

"Who knows if Kiriyin will fight again? We can't pin our hopes on Kiriyin's kindness, so there are still many ninjas left in the east. There are currently insufficient staff, and I don't know if there can be more people in your village. Let's fight back together!"

Jingyi didn't bother to go around the corners, and went straight to the point.

The grass ninja leader looked embarrassed, and after a moment of hesitation, he said: "Our grass ninja team has been sent to defend together. Now the village is full of chunin and lower ninja.

"Chunin is also very useful on the battlefield. In addition, medical ninjas and supplies are also indispensable. Konoha's three sides are too stretched to fight. If it is not possible, we can only temporarily abandon the grass country front."

Kyungsoo sighed.

"What? This... this can't be done!"

The grass ninja leader was in a hurry.

Some people in Grass Ninja Village want to go to Yanyin Village, but he hasn't decided yet, because at present, Konoha East wins, and the situation is very good.

Konoha may not lose.

If you bet now, it's too early.

Grass Ninja Village has not fallen for many years, just by repeatedly jumping horizontally, but now Konoha suddenly plays cards out of common sense, knocking him into a daze.

In Jingichi's words, let this problem be in front of you in advance——

Where are you standing?

Jingyi didn't speak, just looked at him.

His heart was very confused, but he asked: "Is this what Hokage means, or?"

"Lord Hokage is on the front line."

Kyungsoo replied.


Right on the front lines.

This is the meaning of Hiruzen Sarutobi!

How can it be?

He couldn't believe that a person with a character like Sarutobi Hizan would make such a decision, forcing them to stand in Kusanagi Village, and he wanted to deal with it with ambiguous words.


Jingyi didn't give a **** at all, just smiled and responded.

"It really doesn't work, otherwise you villagers in the country of grass will migrate to our country of fire first, and then let them move back after defeating the rock ninja."

Keiichi suggested.

"This...how can this be done!"

The grass ninja leader almost scolded.

Going to the country of fire to settle down, those villagers will have ghosts if they come back!

Although he didn't know why Shinobi Village needed economic support, he also understood that Shinobi Village couldn't be separated from the land of grass and the support of these villagers.

In short, he refused to let go of anything.

"In short, this is our plan. If you intend to counterattack together, then send someone to discuss specific matters. If you don't agree, then our Konoha ninjas will evacuate within three days, which will not cause too much trouble to the country of grass. ."

After Jingyi finished speaking, he bowed slightly and turned to leave without giving him a chance to answer.

This is an ultimatum.

After he left, he vaguely heard the sound of smashing things from above.


Nothing to understand.

Jingyi came to Cao Ninth Village to achieve both goals, and there was no longer any need to stay. After leaving the building, he went straight out of the village.

The grass can't stop it.

After leaving the village, Zhishui asked, "Teacher, you don't seem to have any plans for the grass ninja to come out, is that so?"


Jing Yi nodded lightly, "You have studied Cao Ninja Village, you know that this village is located in the middle of various villages, and it has always been a battlefield of great powers, and their strategy is to rely on whomever is forced to rely on them."

"From the current situation, it seems that we Konoha are at a disadvantage, but we won the east side some time ago..."

The words were so clear, Asma understood instantly.

No wonder.

Now, most people in Kusanagi Village feel that Iwanin can win, but the leader of Kusanagi and a small number of people feel that Konoha also has a chance, so they are undecided.

Not wanting to do too much damage, but also hope that the situation can be maintained as it is now, while they can watch the follow-up development.

It's so beautiful to think!

He sneered ~www.novel35.com~ and said, "No wonder I see all the grass ninjas on the front line are sick. It turned out to be intentional."

"I don't know how they will choose."

Shishui thought.

Grass Ninja Village is now forced to choose.

This situation...

It seems to be somewhat similar to Uchiha.

"It's definitely not going to be a counter-attack."

If Kusanagi could agree, he really dared to take it with him to counterattack, anyway, he couldn't spend it on the ground with Yannin.

But, is it possible?

It's hard.

Jingyi didn't have any expectations, he had already started to wonder in his heart, when would he come to Cao Ninth Village to hunt for people.

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