I, Konoha's Life Mentor

Chapter 139: 138: Can't fly Thor, a kind of "super speed"

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"Lord Tuying!"

The rock ninjas were furious, and their hearts were full of fear.

When they saw Ohnogi counterattack before, they also thought that Jingyi was killed, but in an instant, the other party used a strange technique to transform into paper and reorganize to escape.

not only that.

In the end, Onogi was locked by ice with both hands...

As long as the ninjas who use jutsu, no one can leave their hands, and the hands cannot move, it means that they can no longer use ninjutsu.


They can't wait to rush up to replace Oh Yemu, but at high altitude, they don't even have a chance to rescue, they can only watch and pray that Oh Yemu can crack the other side's ice escape.

Well in the next moment...

Layers of rocks appeared on Oh Yemu's arm, followed by a roar, the muscles in his arms burst out, and he broke free from the ice lock directly by strength.

Fortunately for Ohnogi, his technique of stripping away the realm was hit anyway.

Although the other party used a strange paper escape technique to avoid it, it was obvious that Jingyi's wings were one size smaller and his flight speed was slower than before.

If it weren't for this, the other party would not have fled away on the ground just now, but rushed over and stabbed directly.

Onomu was in a cold sweat, and after thinking about it carefully, he felt that he could do it again.

He has already seen the flaws in Jingyi's flying state——

Unless you use strength, the speed of flying is not enough to catch up with his light and heavy rock technique, and at that speed, his dust escape hit rate will be greatly improved.

Above this height, Kanda Keiichi is no longer a threat!


As soon as Jing raised his head, he felt helpless.

Onogi is worthy of being Onogi, he saw the speed problem of his flying form so quickly, and seized the critical point of his speed drop and shot.

The blow nearly killed him.

Fortunately, there is a paper of God.

If not, he may have to use Muji to heal before he can survive.


It is definitely not a wise choice to fight with Onogi at such a height. At present, Onogi will not come down at all, and it will be useless for him to chase.

"Master Jing, what should I do?"

The moonlight followed, impatient.

He thought he could help, but it turned out that he couldn't help the big guys in the battle at all, and he wasn't even qualified to help out.

Because they simply can't jump that high.

"Let's give Hokage-sama a headache, I'm enough to delay for so long, and now I've exhausted my means and there is no other good way."

Kyungsoo took a few breaths.

Don't look at him and Onogi's fight for so long, but the consumption of chakra and physical fitness is not low.


The key is that the means by which he can threaten Onogi are seen through.

If Ohnogi didn't take the initiative to fight with him, he couldn't keep the opponent at all.

Although there are other tricks that can be entangled, it is not necessary, because Da Yemu is sure that there are not many chakras left, as long as the three generations can drag them down, they will win.

"Then next..."

"I'll go to Hokage-sama's side, you can figure it out for yourself."

After thinking about it for a while, Jing Yi decided to kill the three generations.

Although he didn't mind the life and death of the three generations, if Sarutobi Hijen really died, the old guy from Danzo would probably die of laughter.

Compared with the third generation, he didn't want Danzang to be happy.


Go ahead anyway.

Jingyi put away his shark muscles.

Although the shark muscle is strong, it is not suitable for breaking through and killing people, especially when it comes to Iwa Shinobi.

Most of the rock ninja's techniques are substantive soil and rock, and the shark muscle is not very useful. It is not as straightforward as a knife.


He put on the beheading sword.

In terms of sharpness, it is not as good as the one cast by Jingyirang three generations, but it is very heavy, and the destructive power combined with the magic power is amazing.

Earth walls, stone pillars?

All destroyed in one sweep.

The next moment, a knife attached to Feng Dun Chakra swept through the throat.

On flat ground, his speed was much slower.


The killing efficiency is surprisingly fast.

Oh Yemu sees blood dripping from his heart, but he has no choice. This kid is too difficult to deal with, and there is no benefit to risk killing - the commander and leader of the other party are the three generations of Hokage!



"Captain, do medical ninjas kill too?"


Namikaze Minato did not hesitate.

In fact, he was the first to catch up. Iwanin had a lot of ninjas in the back, but these people obviously couldn't stop their elite team.

Bai Yun didn't hesitate any longer in the morning.

He turned on the breathing activation technique, cooperated with the instant body technique, and instantly arrived in front of the rock ninjas.

The earth wall, earth thorn and earth bomb all greeted each other.

But at this time-

Draw your sword, vacuum sword!

The howling wind cut everything, and the rocks and clods were swept away by the wind sword and swept towards those who resisted.

next moment.

More than a dozen Flying Thunder Gods Kunai flew by.

The rock ninjas hurriedly avoided.


In an instant, a golden light came through.


Blink of an eye.

Jin Guangliuying shuttled through their crowd, almost invisible, and after he passed, Konoha's ninja no longer cared about them, and directly chased after them.

Only then did they feel the pain.

Blood splattered all over the place.

Not only Minato, but Oil Girl Zhiwei and others are also killing people, especially Oil Girl Zhiwei, his bugs are almost invincible in this kind of battlefield, and Iwani can't stop the attack of the bugs at all.

Although there are only twelve people, but...

Totally one-sided.

This is a massacre!


There was no plan to surrender at the rear of the rock ninja. They quickly organized defenses, but these defenses quickly collapsed, some people defended, and some fled to the direction of Onogi.

In less than a quarter of an hour, there was no one alive in the camp except them.



In the forest, there is also a melee everywhere.

Positional warfare is Iwanin's specialty, but this kind of wild melee is not their forte.


In order to guard against the thunder unicorn, Yan Ren had no choice.

There are a lot of rock ninjas, and Konoha is far inferior to Iwanin in number, but the quality of Shangnin is higher than the other party - this is also due to the several waves of assassinations in the early stage of Jingyi.


When Jing Yi came over, the situation was basically open by 55.

He saw flames rising in the woods.

It was the flame towards the peacock.

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Dai opened six doors?


He pondered for a moment, did not go to the third generation, but went to Dai's side first.

Although loess is not capable of dust escape, weighted rocks, and light and heavy rocks, his strength is definitely not weak, and all kinds of defenses may not be enough for Mattdai.

Matt Dai is strong, but the flaws are more obvious than Kai.

Kyungsoo ran over.

When he got there, he saw Loess with four or five teams besieging Mattdai, Kosuke, and Asma, and there were many corpses of rock ninjas around Mattdai and Kosuke.

They killed too many people, which attracted the attention of the loess and the others. Now all the elite squads participating in the siege are composed of elite Jounin and Chunin. Their strength is not comparable to their "old and new" combination.

One after another of earth escape ninjutsu, Dai and Gu Jie were unable to perform forcefully.

No wonder Matty had to open six doors.

Jingyi restrained his breath, and Chakra secretly refined and formed.

Moonlight Yimu they followed.

Jingyi glanced back, and then typed a series of orders.

Catch the loess alive, and the rest...

Kill all!

Although Jingyi feels that the third generation is basically stable, no one can say whether there will be accidents, so it must be resolved quickly.

order issued.



A cracking sound rang out.

When the loess heard the sound, he immediately sensed that there was an enemy attacking, and quickly resisted it with the earth flow wall.


When the earth flow wall rose, a figure had passed over the wall.

Kanda Keiichi!


Loess shouted, made a seal, slapped both hands, the ground shook and lifted, and Tushan surrounded Mai Tedai and them in the middle, and then quickly closed.

He wanted to attack it and save him, distracting Jingyi.


Jingyi didn't care about that at all, because he knew that the technique of the earth and mountains could not kill Matt Dai and the others, not to mention that Dai could open seven doors, even if he didn't open seven doors, he believed that Gu Jie could do it.


The next moment, the mountain water spewed.

Obito hid in the mountains through the Hidden Rock Technique, while Lin and the others used both the instant body and the substitute technique to escape from the closed mountains along the speed of the torrent. The next moment—

Seven doors, open!

Wearing the speed to the extreme, dragged Kosuke, who had used up the water escape ninjutsu, to escape from the inside.

Loess wanted to run after throwing ninjutsu.

But a knife light passed by.

The loess "dodged" dangerously and dangerously. He was sure that he had dodged Jingyi's sword, but his foot was still injured. In the next second, a figure fell in front of him.

One hit, two hits...

He found that his chakra was sealed.

The Hyuga family?

The loess still wanted to resist, but the other party clicked four times, followed by the quick knot, and pressed a hand on him.

Seal the Evil Seal!

His chakra is almost completely sealed.

Loess still wanted to use physique, but as soon as he hit it, two chains flew sideways, tying him in an instant.

The rock ninja team turned back to support them, but they were greeted by two "wind wings" that spread their wings——

Double Sword Flow · Feiyan!

The gorgeous wind escape chakra condensed and turned into two light blades flying in the crowd.

Yan Ninja's response was already very fast. Many Yan Ninja tried to use the earth to turn their palms to counterattack, but when they saw the two sword lights, their eyes were sluggish for a moment.

The next moment, a figure flashed by.

Blood flowers bloomed in the crowd.

"Don't look directly at his sword!"

The East Dead immediately reminded.

Joinin's reaction was really fast, he dodged a blow and even threw dozens of shuriken.


dong dong dong...

Shuriken one after another passed through Jingichi's "body".


His mind went blank.

The next second, the phantom moved and turned into a flowing shadow coming towards him.

The East Dead believed that it was a clone technique, and only used sclerosis to strengthen himself.

A blood sword sprayed out.

It turned out...is...the real body? !

He looked unwilling.

This is a special "snapshot" derived from water-stopping in the future.

Under the extreme speed, dozens of "clones" seemed real and illusory, indistinguishable, invisible and unstoppable.

Three seconds later...

"I'm going to support Hokage-sama, you can finish it yourself."

As soon as the voice fell, all the figures of Jingyi disappeared at the same time——

His real body had already left and was on a tree more than 30 meters away.

So fast!

Zhi Shui was stunned. He admitted that he was very fast, and he just kept on writing wheel eyes. What was the result?

Can't see anything.

All avatars seem to be real.

This only shows that the teacher's speed is so fast that he can't see it at all.

All that was left was Iwa Shinobi's pained groan.

At this point, Matty and Gu Jie stood still.

He wanted to use the day tiger to fight back, but he looked around...

It doesn't seem to work anymore.

The loess is sealed.

Four or five ninja squads were harvested within seconds. Although some of them were still alive, they either lacked arms or legs, and their strength was mostly useless.

"Second-generation adults, you have a younger generation as powerful as you!"

Kosuke whispered to himself.

From Kyoichi, he saw the shadow of Senju Tobirama.

Jingyi can't fly Thor, but...

What if not?

The tailed beast coat, the seven-day call and the instant body technique are superimposed, but they exert a speed comparable to the flying thunder god~www.novel35.com~ Of course.

What surprised Gu Jie the most was not only the speed, but also Jingyi's swordsmanship. He was also a master of swordsmanship, so he naturally understood the name of Jingyi's few swords just now.

The fusion of illusion, wind escape, and physique...

Such swordsmanship.

Even the second Hokage couldn't do it.

Gu Jie was shocked, but the reaction was very fast, and he regained consciousness in an instant.

"You go to support other people, just have us here."


Moonlight nodded, then raised his hand and made a gesture.

In the blink of an eye, the four of them disappeared.

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