I, Konoha's Life Mentor

Chapter 140: 139: He is your own son, he has to pay more!

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At this time, Ohnogi had already found Hiruzen Sarutobi.

There were no unnecessary words. After finding the target, Onogi swooped towards him.

Sarutobi Hiizan squinted his eyes and made a mistake with his two swords, and a bolt of lightning slashed into the sky from the sword.


The sound of thunder breaking through the sky, silver-white thunder and lightning slanted down from the sky.

Under normal circumstances, he was worried that the guided lightning would accidentally injure his own people, so he didn't dare to use the Thunder Escape Qilin, but now there is a bright target in the sky, what is there to hesitate?

In the blink of an eye, thunder fell.

The big wild wood in the air turned into a pool of fly ash.

In the electric light, a figure shuttled out, and what was hit behind was just an earth clone.


After Ohnogi avoided it, he was thoughtful in his heart.

high altitude-

The way to crack this technique is it!


Now Lei Dun's solution is meaningless.

Onogi looked back.

Wherever he saw it, it was still mostly Yannin. Many Yannin saw him, quickly assembled, broke through Konoha's line of defense, and were approaching here.

The number of Konoha's side is not as good as Iwanin, so Iwanin still has the upper hand.

As long as the three generations of Hokage are killed or captured, the situation will turn for the better...

No matter how bad it is, at least I can use him as a bargaining chip.

The Anbu ninjas stepped forward to protect Sandai, but Sandai waved.

"You go to deal with other people, Oh Yemu is not in his prime, he can't help me at all."

Having said that, he put away the thunder knife.

After all, I am not skilled with knives.

For a real duel, it's not as good as your own ninjutsu.


The Anbu ninjas dispersed.

Oh Yegi is not polite to the third generation. This battle is related to the interests of Yanyin Village. Even if the third generation makes one hand, he will not blush or be ashamed, and he will think that the third generation has given less.

After the Anbu ninjas left, he was not far from Sanshi in the blink of an eye.

But Sarutobi Hizan also instantly retreated.


Countless shurikens came out and flew over the sky and covered the ground. Onogi quickly evaded in the air, and used his rock fist to bless them, blocking and knocking many shurikens into the air.

But before this was done, a water dragon rose up again, and from time to time there were silver-white electro-optical bounces—

Composite Ninjutsu Thunder Dragon Ball!

The third generation has all the chakra attributes, and it is this type of combination ninjutsu that he is good at.

Earth Dun overcomes Water Dun.


When the water dragon bombs blessed Lei Dun's chakra, Tu Dun's defense became vulnerable.

Oh Yegi didn't dare to block hard.

He directly used the earth dragon to hide away from the thunder dragon bullet.


As soon as he escaped, he felt that the whole ground was soft.

Ohnogi immediately knew something was wrong.

He came out immediately, but it was still a full step - the whole piece of land turned into mud, and rushed towards the earth escape defense made by the rock ninja behind like a river.

Onogi was rushed for a certain distance, and then he avoided it with a substitute technique.

When he shows up...

Sarutobi Hidden has been pulled away.

Onogi's Shunjutsu caught up, but he was greeted by earth bombs and huge fire dragon bullets emerging from the soil.

Compound Ninjutsu · Earth Dragon Flame Stream!


It is also a ninjutsu that attacks from a special angle.

Onogi felt the difficulty of Sarutobi Hiizan.

If it is said that Kyoichi is extremely fast and strange, then Sarutobi Hijen is full of experience, various combinations of ninja techniques, and unpredictable angles of use, making it hard to guard against.

In the face of the combination technique, he had to use the technique of stripping away the realm.


When his dust escape devoured Tulong Yanliu, Sarutobi Hiizan had already changed his position.


At this time, Ohnogi arrived in a blink of an eye.

Rock Fist, Weighted Rock.


The whole ground was ripped apart.


A stick broke out of the ground.

Oh Yemu didn't have time to use the dust escape at all, so he had to move to avoid it, but at this time, he felt something was wrong.


this rain...

No, it's oil!

He immediately formed a seal, slapped the ground, and a huge rock arm protrusion protected him.


What came was not a flame, but a piece of lava.

Oh Yegi never thought it was Jingichi.

He also thought that the black rain was a means of the third generation. He never expected that in such a short period of time, Jingyi had already arrived here, and the billowing magma covered it, and Oh Yemu couldn't think about it at all.

He could only use dust escape again.


The consumption of Xue Ji elimination is very large, even Onogi can't use it too many times. He had already used up a lot when dealing with Jingyi, and now he is forced to use it twice.

He didn't have much chakra left in his body.

If there was only one Sarutobi Hizen, he felt that he could still fight, but now Kyoichi has killed him again...

Although there were two or three Iwanin squads surrounding Kyoichi, Ohnogi knew very well that their speed simply couldn't catch up with Kyoichi, and at most they would be involved in the containment of Sarutobi Hijen.

Onogi flew into the sky.

This is the safe height he tried out.

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Under the rain curtain, he couldn't see the surroundings clearly, but through perception, he could perceive a lot of things.

The life and death of loess is unknown.

The elite teams that followed him seemed to be wiped out.

In addition, there are obviously far fewer Iwanin on this road from Jingyi than in other places——

This guy killed all the way.

Without his own limitations, Iwanin had no one to stop him.

The most terrifying thing is.

He has noticed that many Konoha ninjas have a slug lying on their bodies, and some people use the slug technique to heal them continuously.



As far as Iwanin's information is concerned, Tsunade didn't come out of Konoha at all.

I saw a mess all over the place.

He understands...

Iwanin is defeated!

It's pointless to fight.

A trace of sadness flashed in his heart.

The genius of Konoha has been born from generation to generation, overwhelmed by these great powers, and they have finally experienced a bit of a downturn in recent years.

How lucky is Konoha!

He sighed heavily and said, "Stop it, we Iwanin have reconciled!"

"Onogi, what capital do you have to reconcile with us now? Just put down your weapons and surrender unconditionally."

A seal-tailed beast Chakra from Beijing.

The so-called "reconciliation" is just surrender. Another way of saying it is that since Ohnogi has expressed his stance, he basically can't fight later, and he doesn't want to push Ohnogi too quickly.

After all, the other party still has the art of dust escape and boundary stripping.

It has greater coverage.

If they focus on themselves, even if Jingichi is fast, there is no absolute certainty to avoid it completely. If Ono Muzhen is desperate, they really need to be afraid.


Bai Lian still wants to sing.

"There are still many ninjas in my rock ninja that haven't been dispatched. It's not that I'm out of ammunition and food. You guys are really pushing me. The big deal is that we surrender to Yunyin Village and help Yunyin Village fight together."

Onogi sneered.

Although he was soft, he didn't want to be too timid and let Konoha bite away too many benefits.

"What else are you talking about with this attitude? Either surrender, or continue to fight, threaten? Oh, I'll wait for you to join Yunyin Village, but before that, all your sons and subordinates will have to die."

Jingyi said and drew his sword, "Also... Guess who attacked your base camp?"

"Is it Namikaze Minato? But I don't think he can stop me."

If Oh Yemu didn't know what was going on now, he would have lived in vain for so many years.

"Let me give you some popular science. Minato learned a technique from the second generation of our village, and that technique is also the origin of the name of the second generation's 'Divine Speed'."

Jing smiled.

Actually, both of them knew that neither of them wanted to fight any more, and they were just negotiating with each other.


What made Ohnogi annoyed was that the young man didn't want to give in at all.

Isn't negotiation just about you coming and going?

Unconditional surrender.

How can it be!

He took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"I'm not afraid of death, don't even think about surrendering unconditionally, otherwise I'd rather die with you, and everyone should not lose anything."

Onogi snorted coldly.

Although his tone was tough, he had already made concessions in his attitude. The underlying meaning in his words was that he hoped that Konoha would offer conditions so that the two sides could negotiate.

"Onogi, this threat is meaningless."

The third generation coughed lightly and said, "In a word, I need you to send a large army to the rear of Yunyin, and then give money and material compensation, these are unacceptable, then I would like to see, your last dust escape can take me away How many people are there in Konoha?"

The whole place was silent.

Are the conditions of the third generation excessive?

Compared with Jingyi's tough surrender attitude, it doesn't seem to be too much, but after thinking about it, Ohnogi clearly understands what it means after agreeing——

Break the net with Yun Yinyu!

Yunyin is not a good stubborn. Although he doesn't know what happened in Yunyin Village, but looking at Konoha's attitude, it is obvious that they also have arrangements in Yunyin's side.

Once the incident happened, Yunyin Village would have to retreat in a hurry.

What is the difference between raiding and intercepting at this time and courting death?

He was reluctant to agree, but...

Thinking of Huang Tu and Lao Zi, and thinking of the future of Yanyin Village, he had to give in.

Onogi took a deep breath, made a decision in his heart, and said, "Okay! But you Konoha also want to return all the captives to our Yanyin Village, including Ren Zhuli."

"Da Yemu~www.novel35.com~ You have also seen it, I use Renzhuli very easily, don't think about it when I take it back."

Jing Yi also condensed a mass of tailed beast Chakra in his hands.

Murder and punish!

Onogi was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Impossible, Ren Zhuli must be returned!"

"Oyoki, this time it was you Yannin who used the human pillars first, and ours is still in Konoha. Now that we have captured it, you can't take it back for nothing."

Three generations stood up and sang red face.

Oh Yegi naturally saw the truth, but he had no choice. Ren Zhuli had to get it back—he didn't care much about Ren Zhuli's power, but he couldn't let Konoha get it.


Konoha is sitting on the pillars of two people, and the situation of the land of the land is even more dangerous.

"Okay, Ren Zhuli, we'll pay another money to redeem it."

"Where's the loess? He's your own son, shouldn't you add money?"

"Isn't he also in the prison ranks?"

I have never seen any generation of Konoha so difficult to deal with and desperate for money.

Onogi felt helpless.

Why did Konoha come out with such a person?

If it was only Sarutobi Hizan, he would have agreed to his conditions long ago. It is outrageous that the prisoners are sold separately according to their status and identities.

"It's fine if you want it for free. Unfortunately, I accidentally cut off Loess's hand. This kind of injury can only be cured by our village's Master Tsunade. Do you have to pay for the medical expenses?"


Is there a difference?

Onomu's mouth twitched, and then he nodded irritably.

"Okay, no more!"

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