I Reincarnated and became a VTuber?

Chapter 15: Unexpected guest

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Waiting for my order. I couldn't help but yawn a little. I am not accustomed to waking up to up so early in the morning.

I am aware of it but I've become so lazy lately...

But anyways what is bubble tea? I am embarrassed to admit it but I never went to the cafe not counting the last time, I was here.

So the names of these fancy drinks always confuse me.


I forget to say what syrup, I would like from my pancakes.

Should I ask for it now? Well, I guess it is my loss today. I don't want to bother people.

I shook my head in resignation and looked through the window.

It is really a different world than my own. I was really surprised when a girl from before tried to flirt with me. In my old world well in my previous country, it was forbidden. You could go to jail if someone reports you.

But in this country, people have a completely different mindset. It's really interesting to observe these differences.

"Here's your order, I hope you enjoy it ~"

Said a voice beside me. Making me turn back.

Seeing a plate full of pancakes with sliced strawberries and red syrup. I was happy and a little surprised. Adding a pink drink standing near my plate. I was a little speechless.

"Is something wrong?"

Rising my eyes, I wasn't sure what to say.

"No, I am just a little surprised"

"You don't like strawberries? I didn't know what you like and I just...."

Said the girl trying to explain herself.

"Stop, it's ok. I like them"

I smile a little entertained. It looks really girly. Still, I don't care that much.

"Is that so then I am happy. Please enjoy it."

Said the girl with a charming smile and walked away.

Seeing this, I started to eat.

5 minutes later....

After I ate all my pancakes. Honestly, I shouldn't eat that much. My small belly is not accustomed to it. Additionally, I don't know if there was a mistake but I got six of them, not five as I ordered.

Drinking Bubble tea that's delicious. I thought that today seems to be my "lucky day" and didn't bother too much about it.

Suddenly on the chair in front of me. Sat down a girl from before. Smiling and asking in a friendly manner.

"How is it? Did you like it? "

I raised one of my eyebrows a little surprised at her bold action but still answered.

"Yes it was really good even though, I am more black fruit fan."

I said after pondering a little.

The girl smiled and spoke to me with interest in her voice.

"Is that so? Then what are your favorites?".

She is so obvious...

"I guess blackberries the most but I like other berries too."

"Blackberries? my brother loves them too. Next time, I can suggest some really nice blackberry drinks for you."

The talkative girl said.

"It's nice of you but I don't think, I will come here again."

I said casually.

"Eh... really is something...?"

The girl with the white bob haircut exclaimed, a little distressed.

I feel bad teasing her. But it's just too easy.

"Well, I am being discharged today."

"Oh.. that's a case"

She said trying not to sound sad.

"Okay, I will be going thanks for the meal"

I said and stood up because I already finished my drink.

'I am still the same '

But before....

"Sorry, can I know your name?"

I looked at her with my normal expression and answered.

"My name? Why would I say that?"

Seeing her expression that was to crack any second now. I added.

"You should tell me yours first. It has to be an equal exchange after all."

The light in her eyes brightened instantly.

"I'm Adelia"

"Nice to meet you, Adelia. I'm Kate. It was nice to meet you today but I have to go."

I should go. Not sure when they will pick me up.

I didn't turn back as I left the cafe.


As I was walking through the corridors, I meet someone I didn't expect to meet.

Strolling directly behind her. I pondered when will she finally look back and I could scare the hell out of her.

Such a childish action but I can't help myself but think that's quite funny.

Acting always like an adult is tiring...

Walking through a door to the patient's area. She still didn't realize.

'Alice you are such a silly '

Having a look at her long wavy hair that was a little different from my straight one and of course, shorter.

It's pretty much apparent that she is heading in the direction of my room.

Looking if there are many people around us. I decided to surprise her.


I said suddenly taking a hold of her shoulders.


She shriek and jumped a little like a frightened animal.

"ha ha ha ha...."

After the momentary shock. She looked behind, clearly pissed off.

But that only made me laugh harder.

"You know that doing something like that can cause someone's heart attack?"

She asked me seeing that I still didn't stop laughing.

"Well, I guess you are still not too old to worry about that pfff..."

I said wanting to be a little mean to her.

"Kate you're the worst!"

She said clearly taking "emotional damage" from it.

"Sorry, sorry don't be mad it's just haha.."

It was hard to stop.

"Come on.. stop laughing"

She said looking a little helpless.

"Okay, Okay my room?"

"Yea, sure"


Entering my room, I walked to the sofa and directly fell on it.

"So aren't you working? I don't think that you have time for a poor, lonely girl like me."

I asked with curiosity looking at her sitting on the sofa in front of me.

"Kate~ stop that."

'You know that pouting cutely will definitely NOT help in that'

"Okay, I will stop so....Why are you here anyways?"

I answered thinking that I should stop. Enough is enough.

Regaining her calm she answered.

"Well, your parents will be here soon so, I wanted to say goodbyes.

"Ha? How do you know?"

I said looking at her questioningly.

"I have my source of information. Don't ask."

She said smirking at me.

You are reading story I Reincarnated and became a VTuber? at novel35.com

"We don't have much time then"

I admitted.

"Yes, we don't...I have a question why didn't you tell me about it beforehand.?"

I guess it's important for her if she is asking.

It's kinda funny for her to be so worried.

"Actually I forget."

I said and she looked at me like an idiot.

'I didn't find the right opportunity '

This was what, I wanted to say but it was hard to explain so I ended up automatically saying something else.

"How could you forget something like that?"

She looked at me incredulously.

I shrugged my shoulders saying.

"Happens sometimes."

Wanting to change a subject, I asked.

"Okay, so how much of a break do you still have?"

"Hmm? Like 20 minutes I guess"

She answered looking at her watch.

"So why don't we play a game?"

I asked smiling with my eyes.

"A game? What game?"

She said sounding a little confused.

"Well, simply, I am saying something that I haven't ever done, and if you did that you have to explain yourself. After that, you are doing the same thing and repeat.

I can see that she doesn't know what to talk about. I am honestly in the same position and because of it, I thought of a game so it wouldn't get awkward.

Smiling a little unsurely she said.

"I don't think this game is supposed to be played like that."

"Duh.. that's obvious so what do you think, wanna play?"

Supporting my head with my hands looked at her clearly. I asked a little provocatively.

'You don't dare' my expression was saying.

"Okay, sure I don't mind"

She said surprisingly excited about it.

"Nice, so I will start?"

Mimicking my position. She lay down comfortably. Nodding her head that she is fine with it.

"Never have I ever stolen anything"

'She certainly did that' I thought.

Not surly how to start she said.

"Already a hard question?"

"Yup, why not? I will not ask you boring questions."

I answered feeling that's quite obvious.

"You surely did that "

I added. Smirking a little.

"Okay, I will tell you but there is no way you didn't steal anything in your life, you liar."

She said looking at me a little indignantly.

"Well, you see I am a good girl compared to you."

She just snorted upon hearing that.

"Coward~" I said.

'What are you so shy about?' I thought.

"Okay, I am telling....?"

With a last resentful glare, she started.

"So in the first place, it's not like, I intentionally wanted to steal..."

When she looked at me trying to read my expression. I nodded my head like it was perfectly understandable.

"I was young and wanted this one bar of chocolate that was wrapped in pretty pink plastic. Actually, I wanted it because it looked pretty and not because I like sweets that much"

She spoke out gesturing with her hands in the process.

Not interrupting her, I keep listening.

"I was at the shop with my mom. I asked her for it but she said that it was unhealthy and she wouldn't buy it...."

She stopped for a second there like she was recollecting something. But continued soon after.

"I was young, you know..."

She looked at me wanting me to understand.

"How old were you ?"

I asked with a bit of interest.

"I don't remember, maybe 8 or 9"

She answered a little unsurely.

"Mhm..Then it's okay. Besides, it's just a game. I am not here to judge you so don't be so nervous, girl.

I said and smiled a little this time genuinely.

'I don't care even if you stole something yesterday ' I thought to myself.

Maybe feeling a little relieved by my assurance. She finished telling a story.

"I took it when my mum wasn't looking. When we got home it wasn't long until she finds out. She scolded me a little but surprisingly wasn't as mad about it as I thought she would ."

Playing with her lock of hair she added another thing.

"Couple of years later, I got to know that after she discovered the truth. She went back to the store and paid for it."

"Ha? They didn't catch you?"

I asked a little surprised.

"No, they didn't..."

She said pretty embarrassed about something.

"Soooo where did you hide it?"

I asked knowing full well, where this was going.

"I'm not telling you"

She said with a blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Are you sure?"

I said in a voice like I don't care. But it was easy to hear that in fact, it's not like that.

"Yeah you are not getting this answer out of me"

She answered pretty much adamant about it.

"Well, we will see about that"

I said and stood up from the sofa.

"Wha..What are you doing?"

She said looking at me with a bit of perplexity.

Nearing her, using the fact that she was still lying on the couch. I directly sat on her.

"Kate..Wh..wha.what? are you doing..."

She asked stuttering in the process. Feeling uneasy.

Taking additionally a hold of her hands with ease, I answered now in much closer proximity.

"Sooooo are you gonna tell me or not?"

Making her blush even more. But beneath this expression, I could see that she was probably really pissed off. Hating the annoying smirk, I showed her a moment ago.

"Well if you don't want to tell me... you didn't leave me a choice "

I said a little mysteriously.

"What ... do you mean?"

She asked, lying helplessly beneath me. It's really surprising, she didn't even fight it. Not like, I was forceful with her in the first place.

I...started to tickle her.

"ha.. ha.. ha.. Kate plea..please stop"

'Let's see has long you will last' I thought. Seeing her wriggling in every direction wanting to escape.

"Kate ha..ha.. you are too much"

She was speaking something to me but I didn't pay it any attention. Focusing entirely on making her laugh non-stop.

Through the process, I discovered that her neck area is making her tickle the most. So I focused on that. Making a mess of her hairstyle.

If someone saw her now. Someone surely would think about, what she had to be doing on the break to look like that.

I finally stopped, seeing her taking deep breaths. Pretty exhausted after laughing for so long.

Actually, she looked incredibly cute like that. With slightly red cheeks, wild hair and a rapidly going up and down chest.

Placing my hands near her sides. I looked at her and she looked at me.

'Oops...maybe it was too much...'

Suddenly a door opened.



Taking a turn 180 degrees he instantly left the room. Shouting about something like "not seeing anything".


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