I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy

Chapter 14: Chapter 12: May I Have Some Takeaway Please And Please Do Let Me Take Something Away

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"My Lord... How..." (Ministra)

"Khh..." (Seggie)

"...Low, of you—" (Ministra)

Seggie forcibly teleported me a few meters away, freeing himself from my gnarly grasp. No consent, huh...

He prepared his retreat as he steadied his standing stature.

"Excuse me—It seems—An urgent matter— " (Seggie)

"Gabriel. Jibril. 'Section 99, Eternal Status Inflation: Acceleration.'" (Ministra)

"Nice buff!! I will~!" (Jibril)

"Yes..." (Gabriel)

A glaring beam of light dropped onto both Gabriel and Jibril. This speed buff spell sounded pretty high level.


"Shit—Gotta take a shit... Have a good day..." (Seggie)

Seggie escaped the reach of his faithful archangels as he leapt several kilometers away. At least from what I could see from my seat. Obviously, I wasn't done with the food—I'm probably absorbing a lot of OP energies from this stuff—

"SEG! You're not—!" (Jibril)

Jibril suddenly turned to look at me. Saying something so cheerful and comforting, I could've been cooking a fresh free-range chicken egg...

"Don't worry~" (Jibril)

Man, I've always wanted to be worried. Fuck...! A dream of mine since birth and kindergarten! Ruined...! Boohoo...


I subtly nodded my head.

Really, I'm not worried. I'm never worried. Nothing could ever worry me. It's more like I'd worry everything else with purely my existence.


Jibril was the first to chase after Seggie's faraway back.

And I do realize; being a grandmaster of all isekai and battle technique, I couldn't follow either of their movements. Far too quick for my eyes, my beginner, newborn, mere mortal eyes. Or maybe it's just that I'm THAT far beyond, that my eyes and ocular nerves just don't give a fuck about these kids.

"Track him! Gabriel! Let's...!" (Jibril)

Within a millisecond, she blinked into the distance. Commendable speed, I say.

"Hah..." (Gabriel)

Not like I could count by milliseconds though. Not until I get my nice little Thought Acceleration skill. Obviously it would exist in this world—I've seen more than enough generic features here to know that another generic feature would occur.


Gabriel, regretfully, took a strange glance at my body, as she went on to follow Jibril.

She casted some kind of holy magic that formed a two extra magic circles over her head.

"Fine... " (Gabriel)

Seeing Gabriel looking my body so strangely—

She must be a character to avoid, then.


Every OP character other than Ministra and myself, the strongest of all, had left the room through the large collapsing hole in the wall.

"Hey... Minnie. Please let me wash my hands..."

To quicken the process of negotiation, I gave up my Alpha Male Pride and uttered the widely respected magic word.

It was a conclusive priority. To clean my hands. I mean—coming in dangerous contact with old man Seggie wasn't really...

Best to be safe...

"I understand." (Ministra)

Ministra turned to grab a large dispenser bottle of heavenly hand sanitizer from some kind of crease in the air. Probably the usual dimensional storage space magic. An indubitable essential of isekai. Something I'll need soon enough for more surprising MC scenes. Going into the local guild dismantling room all haughty and naughty, spouting shit like I Got 90 fresh Ancient Dragon corpses. They'll be screaming about me not having the storage space, nor the visual evidence—then—I pull out a colossus of a tail...? No—half an oversized body!? Not just that—a whole body of an ancient dragon from empty space!! 'I got more. Better not piss yourself.' I'd say, exuding this pungent aura of intimidation and sweat.

"But, Minnie...?" (Ministra)

'Mini, like your chest.'

I had a perfectly modest urge to say something like that. It wouldn't be much of an insult anyway, with my current appearance. A waste of words. But I went rather with deep flattery.

"Yeah... Minnie Mouse, a globally respected figure from my original world. Spouse of the War God Mickey Mouse..."

She didn't reply until after seemingly a short while of thought.

"—That's fine." (Ministra)

She gently placed the sanitizer bottle onto the ground beside me. Then I gave it little press. A load of cool, cleansing, juice shot out of its small nozzle. Milk straight out the nipple...

I rubbed the liquid over my hands and wrists, as I experienced this refreshing, antibacterial goodness all over my tiny little arms. Definitely a fun sensation.

"Thank you very much..."

I was absolutely grateful. And so I was a good man who returned a good will.

My Loli hands would have melted, creamed, away in godlike pain and perversion, if not for Ministra. Such a generous angel maid to hand me such an effective clean up item. Would've been a big UhOh to not have cleaned up those Seggie skin flakes...





[Waiting for Administration...]


Still 'Waiting for Administration,' like in the previous chapter?

Well, it's completely fine if Seggie doesn't do anything about it. I do need the EXP to upgrade some of my new holy powers. There might be an EXP booster in heaven, after all. Please work hard, Gabriel, Jibril. Heavenly goodness and luck. Delay Seggie for me...

[[Ability Learnt: [Holy Blessing Lv1]]]

EXP booster in heaven.

Gaining skills from casual eating and halfhearted prayers. Even without the Revenge Skill-Taker MC abilities. Not even a special manhwa VRMMO Legendary Chef Class for food skill absorption. A truly heavenly EXP boost.

And there were another three steamy dishes that Ministra had fit onto the table previously, which I hadn't had the chance to eat—

Though I think I'm running out of time in heaven. Here, Seggie could probably do anything he wanted to if he DID want to do so. Then there wouldn't be much time until he's back to deal with the update.

"Mini, can I have this stuff for takeaway—?"

She looked around, at the few full dishes and the other few half-eaten dishes that remain on the table.

"...Of course." (Ministra)

She cheerfully replied, as a space-themed magic circle appeared directly above each unfinished plate, other than Seggie's. Every last drop of sauce and ever last chunk of food disappeared into 6 separate incandescent cubes. These cubes were slotted into a small, white, bag made of some kind of leather. Probably from another species of heaven's livestock.

"Spatial bag. For you." (Ministra)

She handed me that little white bag.

"Mmh... Thanks..."

"Feel free... To look around." (Ministra)

She shut her eyes, as she ended our second encounter with such a noteworthy suggestion.

"...I shall take my leave." (Ministra)

Ministra left the way she came, the same way she did a few chapters ago. Disappearing into thin air with that specific anime effect.

So this is the dimensional pouch item of the isekai experience. It felt pretty good to the touch. I definitely know of every possible operation method to this thing. Obviously from our respectable Asian comics, manga, so obviously. Something like imaging whatever I want to take out.


Loli-Sized Spatial Extender Pouch [SLR]

[0%/100%] [25.6 ly³]

[Special Abilities]:

[Loli-Yes] [Loli-Energy] [Loli-Soul] [Absolute Ownership (unset)]

Loli-sized...! SLR...! Must be somewhere above LR, or Legend Rare.

Impressive space limit. Cubic lightyear level, as expected of an OP place like heaven. Probably wouldn't ever fill up.


Then, immediately, as I swiped off the 'Object Appraisal' panel—

—A noble, eminent war cry resounded within my head.

Was this—?!

No way...!



[Absolute Ownership: SET]


[Loli-Yes: Unsealed]

[Loli-Energy: Unsealed]

[Loli-Soul: Unsealed]

[Loli-Yes: Inactive]

[Loli-Energy: Inactive]

[Loli-Soul: Inactive]

[Current Contracted Owner: (Unnamed (Loli) Lv442)]

I cheered along with the little pouch. This cultured pouch was clearly an incarnation of culture. Culture itself, even. Clearly a masterpiece-level product...


I guess I should spend the rest of this time in heaven looking through Seggie's drawers.

There are quite a few...


"NO way...!"

Another helpless exclamation from myself. Really couldn't help it.

Thousands of printed images of various Angels captured at various angles. Amazing. I'll take one or two. These might actually be some absolutely insane artifact treasures, being exposed to the Creation Gamer God himself for so long. Some maybe even soaked in Holy Water...


Guardian Angel Picture #15789 [SSR]

A legendary hand-made craft of the Creation God. Blessed by the Creation God.

[Special Abilities:]

[God-Fucked Aphrodisiac] [Flashlight] [Defensive Censorship]

"NO way...!"

I couldn't help but exclaim the exact same thing once again. 'Guardian Angel Picture.' Just a printed photograph was a Specially Special Rare item. And it held a bit of a nutty, naughty special ability right there. I'll take them anyway. Might be useful for torture sessions.

As I shut this current drawer, I continued downwards, opening the next drawer.

You are reading story I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy at novel35.com

A rough, metallic noise sounded from the edges of the drawer, scraping the walls of this container.

Some good stuff in here...?


"NO way...!"

The third time I've said this in heaven. There was really no fucking way. These were 'toys.' Real stinky toys.

Being a less than a week old, a child, a mere toddler, I should be leaving this be, and running away while screaming in fear.

But I'm special...

Forbidden Object #176 [XLR]

One of many Heavenly Masterpieces, as forged by the Creation God. Contains within, a forbidden knowledge.

[Special Abilities]:

[Forbidden Truth]

XLR... At least better than Legend Rare. Wasn't this at the same level as my Loli Transformation thing?

Curious Special Ability—

I held the 'Forbidden Object' forward, my fingers clenched tightly. Really, I just wanted to have a look at what that 'Forbidden Truth' special ability would bring. Maybe something like a dark plot would bust right in from behind the scenes, and our MC will, too, have to come in to save the day, again. Or maybe I'll learn the three forbidden spells—labelled a heretic, I must flee from all who I meet. Ultimate magic? Seggie's dark secrets?

I wouldn't know for sure unless I do cast that special ability...

"'Forbidden Truth—' Whooa—!!"

I leapt back in ultimate surprise. Slamming myself into the wall from behind—paled in comparison to what I saw here—

"NO way...!"

Already the fourth time I've screamed the exact same thing today. Boring? No. It is an absolutely justified horror. I'm glad the censorship came in.

This skill 'Forbidden Truth' truly did present a forbidden truth.

A holographic recording materialized in the space before the 'Forbidden Object.' I couldn't speak of every detail that it brought. Just that the tags for this non-ecchi OP MC story could never handle this level of power...

Of course, I wasn't hard, nor horny, at all. I've said so before that I'm genderless. But it truly was surprising to find so much filth and smut in just a single room of the respected Creation Gamer God.


Something else caught my dirty interest. Buried under all these nasty toys—

Holy Scripture: Recording Magic [SR]

Granted Skills: [Recording Magic]

Low rating is attributed to its low material quality. Teaches the holy magic art of Recording.

Barely 'SR' level... 'Super Rare' in this case. And learning some form of 'Recording Magic' should allow me to take screenshots...

Would be rather useful in some situations. Like accidentally erasing a whole fucking kingdom and I'm the one who gets framed and blamed. I could throw out this little recording of animated Donkey nuts, and I'd already be the ruler of an entire continent.

I rolled up this piece of holy scripture and shoved it into my space bag thingy. I'll look through it later.

Now onto the next drawer...


I felt a bit of weight pressing unto my weak little fingers as I drew out this third drawer.

The underside of this drawer scratched heavily onto the lower side of its compartment as I dragged it out...

There were a number of various things inside. Though, my pupillary virginity remained generally safe. This container—there weren't any obscene things that could've taken my childlike innocence—



[Waiting for Administration...]


[[System Authority Obtained: [Chat Function]]]

[2 Messages Received From: 'xXgamergod420Xx']

[xXgamergod420Xx: hey update prob done, u check stat board for Msgs.. rmb 'Contact God EX'? special chat feature, ur welcome]

[xXgamergod420Xx: brb, gonna send u back soon]

A text message? That username... Probably Seggie. Amazingly deep wordplay. I could read these for seconds, even minutes, if I was slow enough. So that upgrade from 'Contact God' to 'Contact God EX' was this cumsack?

Well, a message function would be perfectly fine and explainable. I was simply startled by Seggie's unique fur-sona R*blox username being used here. Not against it at all. I'm not THAT racist. Really unique. Really expressive. You could tell from one sight. He was a real Gamer God.

I guess I should reply—

Display my status panel please—

There really was a new little button on my status panel's sidebar list of functions. It read 'Chat' as usual with messaging functions. There were a small set of WiFi internet bars next to it, which were all currently filled. Might actually be relevant to internet and connection stuff. I tapped the Chat button, and another panel replaced the current status panel. Under a large title—"Contacts:"—read—"xXgamergod420Xx."

I tapped that certain contact. It expanded into a blank messaging app space, other than those 2 messages the champion xXgamergod420Xx himself sent just recently.

Now my username...

I decided to play along with Seggie's steamy online dating theme. Consistency is fun.

A quick underscore before I type anything else for a touch of uniqueness—

Nutty phrases for a sprinkle of oil—

Some relevant words—

Funny numbers being the coolest kid on the block—

[Chat Username Set: _ilysmdragonLoli6969]

Perfect username for a 5 day old kid...

"I Love You So Much Dragon Loli."

[Username may be changed anytime.] [Cost: 1 gold coin]

Accurate recreation of game management, huh? Really accurate pricing range for just a username change. Not even a free first change, huh?


I returned to the chat room thing, as I replied to Seggie's messages.

[_ilysmdragonLoli6969: Ok]

[xXgamergod420Xx: ur uername wtf]

That's right, Seggie.

[_ilysmdragonLoli6969: uername]

[xXgamergod420Xx: wtv ill TP u down in 5min]

Chat function's pretty helpful.

[_ilysmdragonLoli6969: thx]

Before Seggie deals with the update and manages to send me back down—I should continue looking through this third drawer...


I won't be exclaiming so loudly this time.

But there definitely were some curious things...

A thick, weirdly incandescent hardcover book was to first subject I looked at. [Object Appraisal]...

Holy Grimoire: Spatial Magic Part 1 [SSR]

Taught Skills: [Spatial Magic (minor)]

First book of spatial magic. Contains every 'Set Spell' of Section 1-20 of spatial magic. Holy version is better educated.

So I've found the spell-book of the isekai. One pinnacle of convenience. The envy of all merchants, as declared by every isekai manga when MC goes over to sell some S-Ranked goods to a prominent businessman.

I'll put this in my pouch, and soon, for good use...

Grimoire Compilation of Heaven V3 [SUR]

Taught Skills: [Holy Magic (minor)] [Holy Magic (major)] [Light Magic (minor)] [Light Magic (major)] [Creation Magic (minor)][Purification Magic] [Household Magic] [Convenience Magic]

Creation God's third compilation of his favorite magics.

Hm. A pretty nice item here. This is another kind of book I'd be completely willing to read other than generic Shonen stories. A nice compilation of the recommended magics. Personal favorites of our Creation Gamer God Seggie. All kinds of Priest skills probably enough to make me a Bishop or something like that. The very utmost important topic here were the 'Household Magic' and 'Convenience Magic' skills. Even without 'Identification' I could tell...

These were amongst the highest-ranking magics to exist. The ultimate magics. SSS-rank. Reached Pink Color.

This book would be very helpful. So I stuck it into Loli-sized-pouch-chan.

A third book lay waiting at the bottom of the stack—

Heaven Tourist Part 54: God's Greatest Gambles [SSR]

[Special Abilities]:

[Shamed By Segenam The Creation God Himself] [Overshadowed By Segenam The Creation God Himself] [All Stats Reduced To One In The Presence Of The Creation God Segenam]

Simple compilation of some relevant things. God's most prized feats.

It does make complete sense, that something as nice as a first grader's yearbook would appear in one of Seggie's drawers. A good hall of fame for our arts and crafts favorites, maybe a quick overview on our proudest pogchamps. A load of pages on our most welcome staff members, maybe. A little embarrassing photo of Seggie as a 16-year-old retard boy. The occasional kid with the darker background. Seggies's compilation presented this such unfathomable wisdom. A wisdom beyond even myself...

What? This debuffs the holder...


I'll leave this here...



There actually was another little booklet beneath God's Greatest Gambles...


"NO way...!"


Yeah, yeah...


I know I've said this five times already.

This basic normie exclamation.


But this thing that I'm looking at, definitely isn't supposed to be in a Slice of Life RPG isekai like this.

Well, it's not like I'll leave it here or anything—

It's something legendary I wouldn't have ever found in another kind of isekai.


This is absolutely another Underestimated Overpowered Character plot thingy...

'Ten-Thousand Heavens: Fiery Yang Technique'

I'll have a look first...


What the fuck...

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