I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy

Chapter 16: Chapter 14: I Agree With The Slime, This Place Is Weird

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Tonight was not a boring night.

Just a bit of magical aura could've beaten these mobs to the lower limit; to the bottom of the food chain; into a hunk of non-vegetarian dough. Hard and throbbing. Minced and juicy. Oiled and spoiled.

After I left Slime to chill in her broken dungeon apartment, I went on a quick jog, first time in several weeks including the time in my previous life, towards wherever the closest Adventurers Guild probably was.


With Slime going on about the 'dragon thing' in my aura—I just had a harmless little thought—this isekai world probably had that 'aura' problem that could come up rather routinely in highly developed isekai worlds. So I tried a certain Hiding-True-Power MC move. Retracting my aura thing. It would be unfair to leave it out all the time, running amok, causing devastation to all things around myself.

...It was somewhat like drinking water, through every pore of my skin. A hugely hydrating experience.

It was then, that I noticed a lot more cowardly little bugs that flew nearby, surrounding the field around me. Maybe my youthful Loli skin was just THAT enticing, now that there were no dragon-like scary weary odors wandering around my body.


"~Hwy~! UwU~" (Mud Fairy Thing 1)

Is that? The fuck? What?

Does my language skill extend to bubbling muddy surfaces--?

"Comw~Mhw~We havw sweets~UwU~" (Mud Fairy Thing 1)

"Mommy told me~✭ No following~✭ Don't take candy from strangers~✭~✭" (Actually Me)

Some kind of floating lump of mud fairy—Loli-like Gr*mer...

The mud fairy thing was quiet for a second or two before continuing.

"But yowr sow kawaii desUwU~! Lets gow pway!! Towgethew~!" (Mud Fairy Thing 1)


So I went on to release my aura again...

"Fuck you~✭~Fairy-chan~✭~!" (Actually Me)

"╥﹏╥" (Mud Fairy Thing 1)

This time, I tried straining, outwards, a bit as I unleashed my aura. Somewhat like taking a difficult but watery shit with yet mild constipation symptoms, once again, through every pore of my skin. Really strenuously spraying that shit out through the asshole, though that shit, of which, already was watery enough. It was a curious sight. The innocently pungent grass, crusty old trees, insignificant creatures that delivered no EXP at all, everything around myself crashed, cascaded, collapsed flat unto the ground. Limp and lifeless. Foaming at the mouth. Freshly made vegetable cakes and meatloaves. Some high in uncooked carbohydrate fibres, some high in raw, authentic protein and fats. All just about absent of starches and sugars...

A perfectly well-balanced breakfast. A very palatable meal...

[[Eliminated: [1][Lesser Mudling (Lv30)]]]

[[Skill Learnt:[Aura Pressure Lv1]]]

[[Skill Obtained:[Aura Control Lv1]]]

Barely a kill notification.

Worthless creatures.

No levels gained...


Well, there probably would be some nice EXP materials ready for harvest, around that mountain area I'm about to go through. There's no way it wouldn't. Really, with such an insightful, deep, edgy name like 'Isht Ilva'—


...I'll continue unleashing MP to expand my amazingly vigorous aura, then. It works to train my 'MP Recovery' at the same time as collecting EXP from less fortunate living creatures. Truly an apex predator. I truly am...



[[Crushed: [56][hard Rock Slimes (Lv187-201)], [79][Rock Slimes (Lv149-157)], [12][Stink Wolves (Lv78-90), [2][Coarse Boggers (Lv351-376)], [1][Lesser Mudling (Lv31)]. EXP Absorbed.]]

[[Leveled Up. 442 -> 443]]

While my level-up rate may currently have become disgustingly slow, my thoroughly exuded aura does seem to be slightly larger and heavier than I had expected. I hadn't seen anything living nearby, after all, even before unleashing my aura. How staggering that everything I had crushed was already outside even my field of vision. This only shows further, just how powerful I am. Just a tiny portion of MP in form of gaseous excrement through my porous skin, and, unanimously—

I had reigned supreme—


Beyond Supreme—

—Over a meager land, such as this...


It has been at most 5 minutes since I've left that 'Disgusting,, plains' area to enter some kind of close relative, maybe a nearby cousin, of such place—'Repulsive.grove.'

It, too, had this nasty typo issue, or, in our Godly developer's case, something similar in Biblical terms.

So, just maybe, it actually was no simple typo.

Possibly a simple test of courage. A little misfit period placed abhorrently between its pair of words, without any spaces, and incompletely capitalized in terms of its second half.

This was a challenge of bravery. An enigma of valor. Could one ever muster the courage to ever face such an unsavory lingo—?

Oh...! How could I ever know...?




I did try unblocking my sense of smell, just to have a quick sniff of the surroundings—only to be reintroduced to the very same nasty smell as the earlier biome...

It was a case of similarity between distant relatives.

Really disappointing. I had hoped for AT LEAST a different experience—if not an even worse one.

But all I got was the same thing.



Looking around; there still was nothing living other than myself. Nothing came in with 'Sense' either.

So I just thought; I should try doing some skill combo moves on the way.

Since I had nothing else to do...

Going for the excretion (release) side of 'Aura Control' would spread my MP aura over a large area—

And 'Mana Sense' for sensing MP particles—

'Mana Sense' + 'Aura Control'

This made my aura very slightly opaque. Steamy scene...

But nothing else really happened.

My widespread MP particles only became visible.

Then I tried a combination with the normal 'Sense' skill—

'Sense' + 'Aura Control'


The scene here was a lot steamier than the previous.

I could feel it all.

The sweet, saccharine warmth of the grove.

The gleaming, golden warmth of yellowed foliage.

The syrupy, distinctive warmth of dirty mucus and ooze...


...A honking hogan load of environmental information streamed sharply into my very conscious mind.


Headache from a skill again...


Light migraine symptoms...

And I'm still not getting 'Thought Acceleration...'


[[Skill Learnt:[Territorial Detection]]]

[[Ability Learnt:[State Awareness]]]

[[Ability:[Magic Manipulation] Leveled Up:[Lv64 -> Lv65]]]

[[Crushed: [14][Stink Wolves (Lv84-89)], [3][Coarse Boggers (Lv354-355)], [41][Viscous Swamp Slimes (Lv34-51)], [12][Rock Slimes (Lv165-168)]. EXP Absorbed.]]


So playing with my aura was fun enough to generate two new skills, then upgrade another. And serve several lighthearted kills and tiny loads of EXP as side dishes.

Headaches are nothing.

Headaches are absolutely nothing...

...Compared to such a fulfilling achievement.

OP growth is severely important for the survival of a defenseless Loli.

'Area Detection' would generally be self-explanatory. Wouldn't want to waste any time looking at it and activating 'Identification.'

But—'Territorial Awareness'—kinda emitted this Alpha stench of an apex predator.

—Clearly I should look, very carefully, at this ability...

Territorial Awareness [Level:1/10] [B/R] [Passive Ability]

  • Senses of User within an available 'MP Domain' (that originates from the User) is made accessible (Lv1) and improved (Lv2-10).

[Available Skill Combo]:

  • Increased range when 'MP Domain' is expanded with [Aura Control]
  • Compliments [Area Detection]

I'm sure I've seen some of these specific terminologies before, certainly around the 'Available Skill Combo' description bullet point...

But that's not much of a nut-blocker. It was the familiarly strong words—'Domain'—'is expanded'—that sprinkled a touch of curiosity onto my hair...

I'll see what this MP Domain is about...

...Should be in the 'World Info' section...



World Info...


MP Domain...


World Information:

[MP Domain]

Every separate, individual MP domain is different. *Unless theyre the same* *ur ip address actually ik*

  • Region within the User's present aura. *basically the space that,ur aura covers*

Use of: [Aura Control]

  • Compressions relatively increase weight. Physical DMG relevant.
  • Range may be expanded/reduced.

(*)Edited by User:xXgamergod420Xx


Increasing the weight of my aura sounds pretty fun. Might scoop in a lot more EXP than something weak and halfhearted.




Using 'Aura Pressure'

Then I'll spend a bit of MP. Enrich my aura a bit. Nice and healthy concentrations. Rich in nutrition.

Imagining something, as usual with magic skills—


Pressing downwards—like those overused hydraulic press things...

I'll throw out...

...Half of my MP...


[[Suffocated: [9][Stink Wolves (Lv81-85)], [11][Rotten Horned Rabbit (Lv36-43)], [7][Bog Bunny (Lv20-27)], [3][Lesser Mudling Lv31-32], [36][Hairy Boglin (Lv50-53)] EXP Absorbed.]]

[[Crushed: [9][Coarse Boggers (Lv334-356)], [1][Viscous Bogger (Lv350)], [37][Viscous Swamp Slimes (Lv37-49)], [3][Willow Ent (Lv198-222)]. EXP Absorbed.]]

—Not even 1 level.

[[Skill:[Aura Control] Leveled Up:[Lv1 -> Lv2]]]

[[Skill:[Aura Pressure] Leveled Up:[Lv1 -> Lv2]]]


Such a huge improvement in the vigor and sweat of my aura that—


Our Holy Heavenly Lord Seggie's good son, the system, decided to split this kill notification into two. Handmade for the occasion. That's just shows—how breathtaking my Half-Dragon, Half-Angel aura can be. Even predatory creatures like those 'Stink Wolves' had lost their breaths before their bodies had the chance to get crushed.

—And that variety of species of EXP material...

Whichever species—they're all happy and welcome, as long as they freely trust me with their EXP. They're all welcome to happily adopt a happy amount of happy damage from my happy attacks. More productive than ever before. Naturally productive, as my free-range EXP produce.

But spending this extra little amount of my MP didn't improve my EXP gain at all. It's still the same little EXP materials that get consumed.


So now that my aura's stopped eliminating weak little 'hard Rock Slimes' from 'Disgusting,, plains'—

Based on the map function—I should already be—


[[Ability:[Mana Recovery] Leveled Up: [Lv17 -> Lv18]]]

—A kilometer from 'Disgusting,, plains.'

I may be slow. traveling on foot. But my aura's just THAT big and strong. An approximate kilometer in width. My upper-level existence just fucks this lowly world in the ass. I understand, yes, it gets boring, like every time I've said something like this, repeating like Di**olo's saddest ever experience. But, like every time I've said something like this, true. Absolutely true.





You are reading story I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy at novel35.com




—Still 43 kilometers until the mountain range.




Oh no...!

Delayed my Exciting Underestimated MC Local Adventurers Guild Surprise Scene again...!

Wasted all this time playing with my fucking amazing aura...! (????????)

Tsk, tsk, tsk! (????Angry Effect????)

Tch! (????Angry effect????)

I should fly in DRAGON form—!!

'ロリ✭~変身✭~: DRAGON'—!!

[[Ability Learnt:[Acceleration Lv1]]]


Now that I look at it—

Now that I see this 'Ability Learnt' notification—

I might actually have an active EXP boost. Not merely limited to heaven. Easy game. Low skill level requirements.

Like those JRPG beginner starter packs with the free 'x10 EXP' and 'x10 Gold' for the first 7 days. Then the free full set of Level-Matched Unique-Rated Class-Specific equipment every 5 levels. Just to keep their noobie boobies active and carefree...


[[Ability:[Acceleration Lv1] Leveled Up:[Lv1 -> Lv2]]]

[[Skill:[Aura Pressure] Leveled Up:[Lv2 -> Lv3]]]

[[Swept/Crushed: [107][Viscous Swamp Slimes (Lv35-48)], [91][Rotten Horned Rabbit (Lv31-47)], [135][Bog Bunny (Lv15-31)], [24][Lesser Mudling (Lv23-34), [4][Hairy Boglin (Lv51)]. EXP Absorbed.]]

Only the lowest leveled mobs died...

Maybe it's just my speed.

Less time provided to take sufficient damage.


I'm no retard.

Obviously I'd keep my full-on pressure-cook aura mode ON while flying around, spilling my fresh MP all over this wonderful world. Always satisfying to collect my casual offline idle game x500 dungeon sweep rewards...


[[Swept/Crushed: [175][Viscous Swamp Slimes (Lv34-47)], [57][Rotten Horned Rabbit (Lv32-48)], [32][Bog Bunny (Lv17-34)], [1][Lesser Mudling (Lv24)]. EXP Absorbed.]]

[[Leveled Up. 443 -> 444]]

Just 1 level up...




The mountain rocks look pretty close...


[[Swept/Crushed: [376][Average Invasive Viral Stone (Magistone-C) Possessor Spirit (Lv15-16)], [12][Lesser Mudling (Lv23-24)]. EXP Absorbed.]]

[[Title Obtained:[Spirit Killer I]]]


New title.

So I'm definitely close enough to kill those stony monsters.

I'll retract my aura for now.

Draining my MP so much wouldn't be healthy.


What's this feeling?


And I do think I've felt something like this before...

Late at night...

Just about nothing else to do...

Just grinding EXP...

Yeah. I think I'm a bit sleepy...

[[Ability:[Mana Recovery] Leveled Up:[Lv18 -> Lv19]]]


It's a pretty tall rock...

Towering over everything below its peak other than myself. Though yet it was so far away, nearly another 20 kilometers from my reptilian snout—I felt an incomprehensible pressure. An incomprehensible pressure from myself to arrive at my destination as soon as possible, into any possible Adventurers' Guild—



—That woke me up a bit. Surprising. That pumped out an arousing heap of cortisol and other wake-up juices—

[Area Restrictions: Flight, Teleportation]


Haven't learnt any space moves...

I have a Loli form...

Pointless restrictions, if I were to be asked.

...Though, game balance certainly is necessary for the fair enjoyment of every player. With my staggeringly high power level here—My staggeringly insane gamer beast OP angelic dragon Loli power level here—our nice developers should at least limit something like movement for something so shamelessly unbalanced, so unfairly overpowered, something so disgustingly powerful. Something like me. A no-fly, no-TP zone like this would certainly stop the quick rampage of this high-flying villainous demon beast...

Thank you so much for all the hard work put into this game...!!

A bit sad. With those restrictions.

So the peak of the big mountain there...

'Dragon's Breath.'

—Blowing off just the tip—

[[Annihilated: [1][Mountain Wyvern (Lv.567)]. EXP Absorbed.]]

[[Leveled Up: [444 -> 449]]]


This naughty little place was really a bit weird. I'm able to agree with Slime on this matter...

Every possible hundred meters I moved, the entire fucking scenery changed from someplace to another. It was as if I suddenly traveled from a world to another.

Alike powerpoints without any transitions. It just snaps to the next slide of the presentation.

It started off as some stone ocean—a sea—of slate and stone. Some pale-orange, white-green ores dotting the many sections of rock.

A few steps later, then—

From a mystical, sparkly, forest, covered in a heterogeneous mixture of bright purple and silver firefly thingies—

To some nutty almond skin-colored layout of unnaturally stacked reddish-brown sandstone plateaus, completely populated and coated in a dreadful swarm of deformed, rabid-looking, bloodthirsty hares—

Curious place.

Illusion magic areas—?

Illusion formations—?


...This kind of thing should be appearing in a 'Weak to Strong'+'Strong to Stronger' Cultivation MC training arc in either the occult Bamboo Labyrinth Field of Yē-Sū or the legendary Ten-Thousand Gōng-Shān Staircase...

Or, at least, in my case, a total 'Strong From The Start' MC story, this illusion conflict part should be placed lot later into the manga. This illusion kind of stuff should come in once Author-san runs out of normal battle ideas. Just gotta throw in some forced internal conflicts for our Externally Strong MC!! Fisheye effect on the closeup of triggered MC's face—once MC sees a holographic illusion of his family who all died in a random monster outbreak 10 years ago. No other details... Boohoo...!!


I was strolling through this fourth 'illusive' section. Fourth, as I've seen from this 'Isht Ilva' place. It was as I described. Crimson structures of sandstone and dust. Rising hills and plateaus. A large population of rabbit-type EXP materials.

So I should shoot a few beams.

Breathe a bit of fresh air.

And I could try out my most Angelic ever ultimate skill here...


Because I realized something...

(Negligible Deep Quote)

"If MP is just aura—Then, aura is just MP...

Then, MP into aura—is aura into MP... Huhuhu..." -Me

A shocking realization. A mind-boggling enlightenment. Then an emotionally deep self-sourced quote. A quote deeper than even the Mariana Trench. Always works to start up a big, mighty breakthrough during the later stages of a Cultivation manhua involving generic stage concepts like Lower Xiǎo-Rén Bottom Layer to the Topmost Zhōng-Guó-Shěng-Zhǎng Transcendant Layer—

'Dragon's Breath' + 'Angelic: Judgement Aura.'

I unleashed my attack as a normal beam. No attempt to control its size.

—BOOM!!胸部!(As my Angelic Dragon's Breath said, in form of onomatopoeia...)

[[Judged/Annihilated: [598][Especially Deadly Cryptid Mountaineer Red Killer Rabbits (Lv241-278)]. EXP Absorbed.]]

[[Title Obtained:[Rabbit Killer I]]]

As with my usual breathing techniques, a tunneling hole was left, cutting through the terrain of the current area. Many lives sacrificed for my greater personal good. Survival of the fittest.

[[Leveled Up. 449 -> 457]]

Though there only was a single species I managed to drive to endangerment...

Really weird.

Just a single species? I thought there was something else that I killed on the way. A wyvern or something.

A few extra shots, then.


[[Judged/Annihilated: [1678][Especially Deadly Cryptid Mountaineer Red Killer Rabbits (Lv239-280)]. EXP Absorbed.]]

[[Leveled Up. 457 -> 469]]


Maybe I should take a step into the next hundred meters...

Just to—





I was completely right.


Illusion land actually does come much later.

And there definitely is a huge nutsack of EXP ready to be harvested.

Now I disagree with Slime. This place wasn't weird at all.


This place was too generous. Far too generous.

There was no illusion formation. No illusion magic at all.


This was some kind of spatial magic.

A bunch teleportation pathways. A warping land full of twists and turns.


Nothing was damaged nor harmed in this next area I entered. Even though—My Dragon's Breath shots in the previous area were absolutely longer than a hundred meter shlong—sweeping off so much dust so thoroughly.

This next area remained unharmed, thriving with life. Thriving with fresh livestock of Experience Points. Then this couldn't be an illusion. Otherwise the stuff I'm harvesting wouldn't be limited to a single species of EXP per area. Otherwise I wouldn't be getting EXP anyway.


I had plenty of livestock to handle, within every hundred square meters.

Free EXP...

Like those insane EXP stages in a gacha game—!!

Grinding EXP isn't boring at all.

It's very exciting.

So I wont be falling asleep...



Good night...

To everything caught in my breath...




I should sleep sometime after this random Power Up scene...

Maybe I'm running out of that starter energy I saved from my 2-day sleep session inside the egg.


You can find story with these keywords: I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy, Read I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy, I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy novel, I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy book, I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy story, I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy full, I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy Latest Chapter

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