I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy

Chapter 17: Chapter 15-1: Best Place To Farm Murder Titles And The Scariest Ever Rock Creatures

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Though it wasn't the famed sunrise scene, yet as of now—

My head had already started to unleash some real deep thoughts unto this lowly realm...

In this cruel world—a land where strength (EXP) was encouraged by murder—maybe—just maybe—

—Something kept a watch on our kill counts.

Maybe the Gods.

Maybe Seggie's child, the System.

I couldn't ever know for sure. There were Killer Titles, after all.

But clearly, something did...

Regretful? I was not. Guilty? Of course. But I don't feel so.

What justification would I even need—? I was dispensed into the much harder game route, to be born as a demonic beast OP Dragon. Then I'll play the fucking demonic beast OP Dragon. Destruction is the norm in this world...

Deepest ever thing that I've ever said.

The moment I thought so—a 'Log' panel appeared in my face. Discernibly, it displayed every notification I've received since birth. A development summary. Fucking helpful.

Then I certainly could define this quarter-hour timeskip effectively. No hard work needed to explain. I went through several EXP stages since...



[17 minutes ago] [[(TOTAL) Judged/Annihilated: [1678][Especially Deadly Cryptid Mountaineer Red Killer Rabbits (Lv239-280)]. EXP Absorbed]]

[13 minutes ago] [[(TOTAL) Annihilated: [1983][Corpse Mite (Lv1-5)]. EXP Absorbed.]]

[10 minutes ago] [[(TOTAL) Annihilated: [7][False Minor Cetus (Lv540-541)], [27][Oceanic Serpent (Lv235-301)]. EXP Absorbed.]]

[10 minutes ago] [[Leveled Up. 469 -> 475]]

[6 minutes ago] [[(TOTAL) Annihilated: [678][Greater Horned Rabbit (Lv21-25)], [167][Murder Hare (Lv120-121)]. EXP Absorbed.]]

[4 minutes ago] [[(TOTAL) Annihilated: [98][Red Orc (Lv91-105)], [1][Red Orc Warrior (Lv125)]. EXP Absorbed.]]

[1 minute ago] [[(TOTAL) Annihilated: [1150][Magnified (Lv×10) Corpse Maggot (Lv20-40)]. EXP Absorbed.]]


...While I may have been slightly tired, or sleepy, since the midsection of the previous chapter—

Slurping up this much EXP completely recharged my nasty little nutsack. There was no boredom. No fatigue. Just EXP.

And there two of these truly disgusting places—the first truly disgusting place, which I had cleaned out a while ago. And the second truly disgusting place, which I had just cleaned out. There wasn't much of a smell. But the sight was a lot worse, compared to our local farming spots, 'Disgusting,,plains' and 'Repulsive.grove'—

These worlds themselves were some big buckets of fish. Some big bucks. Filled to the brim with oversized Maggot creatures. Squirming and churning.

Was I expressively puking?

Was I spamming Blowing Shrek emojis?

Was I harshly vomiting?

Yes, actually. I was throwing up HARD. Throwing up pure light-element MP straight through those amazing worlds. That's what lead to a few notifications listed up there. Above a thousand kills. And I didn't receive any titles...


I went through the following teleportation wall thingy and entered another area. Another monthly paid realm. Another Space Place, one could say. A quick rhyme always works a sweet sprinkle of appeal...

Each Space Place I went into had barely any variation when it came to its available sources of EXP. It was at most a slightly mutated version of the same species, with a minimal level difference.

I've cockblocked my usage of Judgement Aura after I noticed its absolutely insane MP consumption. It, too, just about doubled the charge time for each breath. I wasn't trying to train 'Mana Recovery' nor 'Angelic,' and these mobs were easy kills anyway...

[[Annihilated: [187][Dark Hobgoblin (Lv198-201)], [356][Black Hobgoblin (Lv150-160)]]]

Currently I was wandering through this eternal land of deep darkness. A land of ultimate cancellation from every popular Social Platform. But I wouldn't call myself discriminatory nor wrongful, at all. EXP is EXP. No discrimination nor wrongs, when it comes to EXP sources. If it supplies EXP, then it supplies EXP. Purchasable with a single attack. Just the regular market exchange in an isekai...

[[Annihilated: [125][Black Hobgoblin (Lv149-158)]]]

This place was a bit less populated in its single population. Pretty low leveled.

So I'll move on, once I get some kind of G*blin Sl*yer title...



...That direction looks a bit crowded—

[[Annihilated: [257][Black Hobgoblin (Lv156-161)], [15][Dark Hobgoblin (Lv200-201)]]]

Maybe I should give a short prayer...

[[Title Obtained:[Goblin Slayer I]]]


It really is...

Not just a 'Killer' title. It actually is a 'Slayer' title...


Next area...




It seems...

Our Creation Gamer God Seggie must be handing me this chance to redeem my immoral, sacrilegious self. To cure my sinful soul of its iniquitous evil.

This next area was perfectly white.

Milky white, even.

Jizz-drenched, the highly educated may call it.

It was barren of life. It was a bright blue sight, with those seven light cyan suns glaring at my meager dragon form from above. A unique number of stars for a single planet. Not really sure whether this actually is a planet though.

This was the 9th Space Place I've entered, so I've already gone about a kilometer through this cheesy Isht Ilva place.

This Space Place was different, clearly. The floor was flat and justified. It wasn't a natural biome-like location—it was more of an overpriced house made of 99% marble, and the last 1% made of kira-kira glowing eyes. Furthermore white. These kira-kira glowing eyes lay dormant, eager to roll, within the singlular eye sockets of each the two demon-like statues in the center of the marble ground.

Obviously a form of gargoyle. Not exactly generic. But absolutely common in many light novels...

Looks something like a boss room. I'll be slightly careful, then.

I'll come in a bit closer, then—


[Named Marble Devil (Viscount) Gargoyle (Control-Alpha)] - [Level 750/750] - [Age:1590+ yrs] - [Rating: S+]

[HP: 65000/65000] [MP: 987000/987000]

[STR: 150] [INT: 190005] [DEF: 1750] [SPD: 1650] [DEX: 190005] [LUCK: 100]

[SPI: 1500] [WIS: 50]


You are reading story I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy at novel35.com

[Mana Sense Lv10(MAX)] [Sense Lv10(MAX)] [Detection Lv10(MAX)] [Harden Lv45] [Autopetrification Lv10(MAX)] [Target Lv10(MAX)] [Stone Skin Lv20(MAX)] [Sense Share Lv5] [Absolute Vision Lv1] [HP Regeneration Lv1] [MP Recovery Lv10] [True Connection Lv4] [Thought Acceleration Lv5]

[Extra Abilities]:

[Twin Benefit V] [Ctrl-A]


[Magic Archery (Mid) Lv5] [Heal Lv5] [Magic Manipulation Lv65] [Aim Technique (Mid) Lv5] [Meditation Lv35] [Active MP Recovery Lv50] [Lightning Magic (Minor) Lv10(MAX)] [Illusion Magic (Minor) Lv10(MAX)] [Final Stand Lv10(MAX)]


[Dungeon Miniboss III]

[Named Marble Minor Lindwurm Gargoyle (Control-Beta)] - [Level 750/750] - [Age:1590+ yrs] - [Rating: S+]

[HP: 987000/987000] [MP: 56000/56000]

[STR: 190005] [INT: 150] [DEF: 175000] [SPD: 75600] [DEX: 190005] [LUCK: 100]

[SPI: 50] [WIS: 1500]


[Mana Sense Lv5] [Sense Lv10(MAX)] [Detection Lv10(MAX)] [Harden Lv99(MAX)] [Autopetrification Lv10(MAX)] [Stone Skin Lv20(MAX)] [Iron Skin Lv20(MAX)] [Sense Share Lv5] [Absolute Defense Lv1] [HP Regeneration Lv10(MAX)] [MP Recovery Lv1] [True Connection Lv4] [Courage Lv5] [Flight Lv1] [Flame Breath Lv80]

[Extra Abilities]:

[Twin Benefit V] [Ctrl-B]


[Magic Manipulation Lv30] [Claw Arts (Mid) Lv5] [Blade Technique (Mid) Lv5] [Blade Aura Lv15] [Active MP Recovery Lv5] [Burst Regeneration Lv25] [Body Enhancement Magic (Minor) Lv10(MAX)] [Control Magic (Minor) Lv10(MAX)] [Tenacious Guard Lv10(MAX)]


[Dungeon Miniboss III]

These naughty things were probably carved by some Jesus-level carpenter dude from Earth. Ctrl-A? Ctrl-B? Not much of a reference, honestly.

Twins, though? They were completely different carvings of two different species. Their only similarities were the one eye and whatever marble material they were made of...

The gargoyle thing on the left was rather humanoid. Above 6ft tall. It exhibited this gangster pose, an acute, defined stature. A vigorous chin. Alike a lean goblin, but much more menacing. It had this pair of violent, honed canine teeth, and, seemingly, a loose shirt featuring an intimate, greyscaled anime girl print. Most likely Chino-chan (香風 智乃-ちゃん) from 'Is the Ord*r a Rabb*t?'

But I'm not exactly sure—with all the marble textures in the way. Truly an honorable garb.

The other gargoyle thing, on the right, was somewhat a wingless dragon. A mere wingless dragon. About triple the height over the other gargoyle. It had a single set of legs and a missing claw on its left foot, as well as a nice, long, body and tail that curled and warped over its back. It had this set of designer doggy clothes over its long body, branching out to its single set of limbs. These clothes were engulfed in this compilation of Ahegao doujinshi headshot prints.

Truly a chadlike outfit.

Both smaller than my dragon form—

"—Eyo." (??)


"Huh—?! YO talkin' Dragoune? HUUH? Bitch..." (??)

They're at speech-level intellect...?

"Slippin' motherfucke' lookin' pagan bitch ass—" (??)


"Hoe, dis fuckin' Dragoune be steppin' in we ends, yo—! Bruddah! Come'oune—" (Control Alpha the Gargoyle...?)

The singular eye socketed into the left gargoyle—which was 'Control Alpha,' based on 'Identification'—appeared to flicker—at the same time its widely high-pitched voice played through—

"Bro be shittin' me. What'cha doin' here, bitch? Wan' fuckin' beef, bruv? Bitch gon shank yo' Dragoune ass—B-T-W-yo, fam call' me Alpha—Lil'A—ya'know—" (Control Alpha the Gargoyle)

It certainly was speaking well, in contrast to its rock-hard, stone-stiff body.

But It really was completely static. Completely still. No movement at all, though it spoke with so much action and cheese.

"Seasonal harvest..."

"Heavens! Seasonal harvest!?" (Control Beta the Gargoyle...?)

The eyeball on the right flickered with awe-inspiring intensity.

"That's right. Harvesting EXP. Why are you speaking in bold...?"

"..." (Control Beta the Gargoyle?)

Control Beta, on the right, seemed to show its complex process of thought—in bolded dots.

"...I cannot explain such..." (Control Beta the Gargoyle)

Its once glowing eyeball dimmed, as if it fell upon a shroud of gloom.

So I'll be nice and call them by their true names. Ctrl-A(lpha) and Ctrl-B(eta).

"...My limbs have ached, my heart has throbbed... I have endured such loathsome curse, ever since I was carved by the Great Lord, barely an eon past. This is the eighth hundred and forty-sixth time I've been inquired of such incontestible quandary..." (Ctrl-B)

Ctrl-B's eyeball flickered twice before continuing.

"...I, unfortunately, come in attendance yet with such inability to answer of which. I offer my apologies in issue of such inconvenience." (Ctrl-B)

Barely an eon past...

"—Understandable, indeed."

How bold of Control Beta. To endure such aches and throbs, to endure such torture below even hell and Satan's basement. And yet his Ctrl-B option remains uncontrolled. Rampaging like a beastly hound, free of its chains.

"—Biggie B really be shittin' like dis every fuckin' time tho. We fam, twinz, ey, but bruv he spittin' no fax with dat talks like he be in he ol' 7500's..." (Ctrl-A)

Ctrl-A spoke like some high-level Gangster god tryhard. A true making of an Alpha. He himself, his larynx itself, was a rampaging hound. An unchained beast that roared, never its last, over the unending oasis before the Pride Rock...

"He no' like me, fam... I use to be spittin' fire like dis, fleek, smokin' chicks out ma' days... Now, yo, I bare chillin' here, like, bro, I got nothin' no more..." (Ctrl-A)


"..." (Ctrl-B)

Both their singular eyeballs fell faint, yet steadily depressed.

I couldn't really come up any form of comfort, nor assurance.

Everyone in the room was silent for a moment of respect. Though we may have been bound to battle, bound to this inescapable fate of death and murder—we expressed, right here, in this silent ground, a respect beyond mere fate...

We all knew.

We all understood.

F for the homies left to fade in solitude...

"...Boredom is a fateless happening." (Ctrl-B)


"Bitch, be spittin' straight fax..." (Ctrl-A)

"Indeed... Should a silence be broken, may the forces of the tide come to trade bread and wine. Twenty days without precipitation. Thirty days without excretion... What has been told, of the twenty-six despicable waters? Nine countries? Tell me not. If one were to come in peace, the lands merge. War will never bring confection. Yet amiable pastry brings no beginning and fifty-five ends of the nine fallen kingdoms of the sky. Will a man save his deceased mother, to drown in a droughted famine? Will a woman birth a mother's child, to draw blood from a healthful goat's knee? And yet, the wise King tells his pastor: 'One comes, and one goes. That leads to ruin. Should the footmen spread gossip of my breastless spouse, the cat shall be impaled. That is the Come and Go Problem, hast so the fish states.' Shall the Pope run? Shall the walls come to fall upon the third virgin grandmother that passes the Red Sea, split into five, shared by sixteen? Nay, does the faithless mule tell..." (Ctrl-B)

"...?" (Ctrl-A)

"...Thanksgiving shall be to your wise words."

You can find story with these keywords: I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy, Read I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy, I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy novel, I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy book, I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy story, I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy full, I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy Latest Chapter

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