I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy

Chapter 18: Chapter 15-2: Most Difficult Boss Fight And The Greatest Armor Items Of All Time Which I Currently Don’t Have

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The rock-hard, stone-stiff adventurers had ventured nowhere, but into the vast worlds within the minds of their own selves. Not once had they left this cursed coliseum of marble. Not once in a thousand years... Presumably. Maybe they've left once or twice for a quick shop for groceries. I couldn't know myself.

They were gargoyles, as the world considered them. But... That was until a dragon came. Came right onto their faces. They were then... Merely tools utilized for the growth of another. Merely another among the deceased. Beaten and battered. But that shall be a story for another time. 

For not until another passed 10 minutes...

""Cleaving Sixty-Five Battalions! Lightnin' Shanks—"" (Ctrl-B, Ctrl-A)

Quite the creamy naming sense—


'Mirror' and my MP-Spread Armor couldn't censor much of Ctrl-B's ahegao hoodie, nor mask much of that caffeinating air from Chino-chan on Ctrl-A's shirt. A nasty load of their attacks had passed through unreflected, unblocked. Low level skill issue.

It was then... 

That I took on a high-calorie portion of the blushing and embarrassment, losing me about a tenth of my HP. A rather deep few slashes on my chest. That honestly was a bit of a strong attack. But that said lost tenth of my HP already is helping up nice and well. 

Ctrl-A and Ctrl-B really are going a bit nuts here.

[[Ability:[Pain Tolerance] Leveled Up:[Lv1 -> Lv2]]

That didn't hurt much though.


"Alpha..." (Ctrl-B)

"Bruv, Combos' Numba' One ain't workin'... This Dragoune shit goin hard..." (Ctrl-A)

"...Certainly, does such make not a desirable result. Clearly, such 'Combo' must be judged a misjudgement..." (Ctrl-B)


"Shit ass, we should be doin' Combs' Numba T'ree—" (Ctrl-A)


"...Third Combination of such!?" (Ctrl-B)

Oh... Oh! It's happening—

"Quite understandable. Though Fourth of which—such may prove its worth before a Dragon..."

—The in-battle discussion, that drags out the final battle scene—

"Numba' Fours Combos'... Don't got no shit be talkin'... Stinkin' brats... Steamin' fags..."

The absolutely fucking SICK villain that just stands there, loud and proud—

"...A'right. Bruv, yo doin' da holdin's"

—waiting patiently until the MC and the homies discuss what to do next—

"Such arrangement can be agreeable! 'Precipitation of such Blades' + 'Breath of Flame.'" (Ctrl-B)

—against this fucking SICK villain. Against this sweaty, porky demon king...

"—Yo I'm gonna be startin' da magicks wordin.'" (Ctrl-A)

"Understood." (Ctrl-B)

"You better be..."

"—Eyo, chicks... I ain't no chirpsin' but tell me, yo... Ma' moves kinda SICK, sheesh, bruv..." (Ctrl-A)

Generally, Control A and B were playing dirty with their own casting words. Like Ctrl-A, this absolute Gangster cheesing his chant downtown to incomprehensible lingo. Reading his private diary or something. At least, that's what I assume is a chant. He said something like—'startin' da magicks wordin'—which I could assume is his unique way of saying so—

"...See dat, bruddah? Ma' man, I got dis Dragroune shitass motherfucka'. Take dat bottle, da fags, bring dem 'ere. We—"

So I could do that too. Right—?

A cheesy form of my ability shoutouts.

First and foremost...

I'll bust right in to SigmaChad mode. Doing that kind of generic supervillain bad guy speech.

"Hoho... Little noobs. Done with that little talk? It's MY turn to talk now...!"

Edgy as fuck.

""Wh- What"" (Ctrl-A, Ctrl-B)

I'll just limit the MP in my throat. Then these gargoyles wouldn't evaporate in 1 hit. I'll scream my vile special attack name too:

"—'✭Pettan Breasts~✭! Flat Dragoune Justice Breath~✭!'"

Something about 'Heaven Aura' made my visible MP look vividly piss-colored.

"Hea- Heavens—! 'Enhancement: Noble Endurance'" (Ctrl-B)

"Pissin' ass—! What did you—'Lightn Blocks'—" (Ctrl-A)

I let out a wide, round, beam of light that was totally flat, as everyone in this space did see. It surprisingly broke through Ctrl-B's defense enhancement buff, and amazingly passed through Ctrl-A's lightning-based barrier...

That stripped off about half of their HP, telling from 'Identification.' I'm just glad their shirts and hoodies were fine. Well, they would be in any situation.I'm definitely taking those clothes after this battle.

They began their counterattack immediately, as my strike ceased. True unhesitating experts, who already have gone through their 6-hour (1 minute in real time) discussion.

"'True Connection: Continue de Magicks Wordin'—" (Ctrl-A)

"Quite the difficulty. Towards such battle—though hopelessness may have been a truth—I had held such hopes towards the least... To even hope... Mistaken I may have—" (Ctrl-B)

"—Mistaken indeed. Please do continue..."

Ctrl-B DID pack some heavy slaps, which I could block rather casually with my combined MP barrier and base DEF.

"—As shall I do so..." (Ctrl-B)

I truly was the most difficult boss fight to ever exist. My DEF and HP were high. My MP and STR were insane. Everything else was a bit underleveled. But most importantly was my absolutely mad attack pattern. You'd expect a range of nuts and strokes—and all you'd get would be one stroke, then one nut. Every single time. Boring ass. No variation at all.

"'Vibin' Thunda'strikes: Openin'" (Ctrl-A)

As Ctrl-A finished his Magicks Wordin' (chant), a collection of nine colorless magic circles were summoned below the sky above me. Various, constant sounds began to play. Something like a vibrator. This thing tracked my head around as I tried moving. 

"—Oh. Okay..."

I already had 'Mirror' on...

"Cease the banter, Dragon. Take thy focus towards mine! Not another." (Ctrl-B)

And there was another skill I had...

What was it...

Thats right—

...I might try stacking on 'Refraction' on top of that. I've never properly used that skill before anyway.

And maybe release a tiny amount of aura... It might be relevant...

"...!!!" (Ctrl-A)

As I blocked off another several hits from Ctrl-B, I could sense this little bit of MP gathering above my head. 

"'Vibin' Thunda'strikes: Chor's'" (Ctrl-A)

There was a new, larger, colored, magic circle that was further above the other nine. Most likely the actual attack. The others were probably something in preparation.

I'll let it hit me as a quick test of my 'Refraction' skill.






Inpenetrable Loli Dragon scales...!

Ultimate protection of Loli Dragon...!!


[[Ability:[Refraction] Leveled Up:[Lv1 -> Lv2]]]

[[Ability:[Aura Control] Leveled Up:[Lv2 -> Lv3]]]

...The whole of Ctrl-A's lightning strike was split into multiple smaller beams, and was forcibly curved towards every random direction available. Including towards myself. These events happen as his magic-based lightning entered my aura. Then—I was right about the 'Refraction' skill during Chapter 1. It did work just against little kiddie moves.

I devastatingly took the greater brunt of damage from, possibly, one tenth of its original MP value. Worth about a whopping 2% of my HP. Huge. That was fucking dangerous. A grave mistake. I should've just gone for the slip. The prosperous evasion.

"A f- farce—!" (Ctrl-B)

"No use... Cancel Magicks..." (Ctrl-A)

"—We should end this meaningless battle." 

"Heavens befallen..." (Ctrl-B)

I really should end this soon.


The infection EXP excitement definitely is getting to my head. My thoughts twisted, my senses clouded, my actions lawless, and all that...

"..." (Ctrl-A)

"This farce... as you have said."

"...Indeed we shall—'Thousand Steel: Murderous Devourer'—" (Ctrl-B)

A blood-red steam arose through Ctrl-B's fierce, reptilian nostrils, veiling his vicious, spear-like teeth and riddling his steamy breath. Finally, he reverts to his primal instinct. As he lifts his serpentine body, opening his two deadly jaws, to reveal an endless throng of jagged fangs and denticulation.

"...'Storms Boltin': Big Fams'..." (Ctrl-A)

A line queue of magic circles of different sizes appeared on Ctrl-A's command.



And expand my aura—

Instantly splitting, interrupting, then dispersing the magic circles above me.

That sent some MP flying around—


No damage this time...

Then I'll do the coolest move to ever exist. The SuperSigmaGigachad move. No shonen fantasy action anime is complete without this move. Before anyone could even finish theirs—


A small wave of MP erupted from my reptile crotch, as another proceeded to erupt from both my lower calves.

As fast as possible. Gotta show off a bit.

"H—" (Ctrl-B)

There was no sound at all.

There was no explaination needed.

All that happened—

That next moment—

I was already standing, proud, behind the two rebellious gargoyles.

'Dragon Claw Arts.'

There lay a single, bright line.

That line was a single, clean strike. 

From my weakest skill shamelessly named 'Dragon Claw Arts.' Barely any damage done to either of the targets.

Since today, I realized... My claws weren't fully developed anyway. My razor-sharp claws slicing them into two were part of my imagination. My imaginary self-insert fanfic.

I actually missed. I really did.


"—eavens!!" (Ctrl-B)

"—Shit." (Ctrl-A)


I should keep up my appearances either way.

"M- Merely a warning. Foolish... Creatures..."

""..."" (Ctrl-A, Ctrl-B)

They exchanged a fearless look.

"You fuckin... shit..." (Ctrl-A)

You are reading story I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy at novel35.com

"...You jest—Once again... I have been... Agh..." (Ctrl-B)



Was that not needed?


[[Defeated: [Control Alpha (Lv750)], [Control Beta (Lv750)]. EXP Absorbed.]]

[[Leveled Up. 475 -> 539]]


Their bodies were cut into ten unequal parts. Five in each serving. The four cuts should be blamed on my four longer claws.

I thought I missed though...

I definitely missed...

I didn't hit them at all. Really don't know how they died.


Soon enough, their bodies had reverted back to marble, into two sets of exotic decorative marble brick stairs. 

Yet to me...

They were...





That was not what I felt. 


It was satisfaction. Not guilt. 

Not guilt at all.

Wh- Why—?

E- Even though this Dragon was such a good person...?

H- Has he—

Betrayed goodness? To have murdered so ruthlessly. So coldly...

To have—even worse—forsaken paradise in heaven—?

Oh, no. I have not. Because—

Boohoo!! Kneel and repent...!! Devilish creature—!!


[4 Messages Received from: 'systemxd']

[1 Message Received from: 'zawarudo4373nyankonyakonyannyan']


[systemxd: System desu. First time Dragon Onee-chan killed a Miniboss!! Good job♡!! FREE EXP Bonus [x3] this kill♡!!]

[systemxd: Dungeon Miniboss Rewards!! Hai, hai♡! stupid Daddy likes Dragon Onee-chan, so System likes dragon Onee-chan too... System can give Dragon onee-chan the 2 Gargoyle onii-san's unique abilities♡♡! 'Ctrl-A' ♡and♡ 'Ctrl-B' desu♡!! Dragon Onee-chan is welcome♡!!]

[systemxd: Yes! Yess!! dragon onee-chan's first time reaching Level 500♡!! Whaaa! So fast desu??! I can give [5x] experience points bonus!! ♡Happy-nya♡!!!]

[systemxd: Sorry♡Dragon onee-chan!! System has to leave... System is only allowed to talk when any Onee-chan or Onii-chan does something cool!! Bye bye♡♡♡!!]


—I'll think about...

This thing...


Onto that other guy—

[zawarudo4373nyankonyakonyannyan:  (`・ω・´)  ]


(auto-translation: those two fucking retards will respawn in 12 hours. please leave before then. You cant take the EXP again anyway. this message is automated. please do not reply to this message. Or I will hate you foreverr!!)

This is the kind of dungeon with respawning mobs, huh? Even the bosses? Maybe its one of those dungeon master MC's. And at least OP level to employ such surprisingly wholesome resurrection magics.

Ctrl-A and Ctrl-B didn't seem to mind dying anyway.


[[Ability Obtained: [Ctrl-A]]]

[[Ability Obtained: [Ctrl-B]]]

[[Ability:[Ctrl-A] (Auto) Renamed:[Select All]]]

[[Ability:[Ctrl-B] (Auto) Renamed:[Bold]]]

[[Provided Equivalent EXP Value: [14][Control Alpha (Lv750)], [14][Control Beta (Lv750)]. EXP Absorbed.]]

Fun game. That [EXP x5] stacked after [EXP x3] was applied. Same as killing Ctrl-A and Ctrl-B 15 times.

[[Leveled Up. 539 -> 655]]

[[Ability:[Acceleration] Leveled Up:[Lv3 -> Lv4]]

[[Ability:[Mirror] Leveled Up:[Lv5 -> Lv9]]]

[[Ability:[Refraction] Leveled Up:[Lv2 -> Lv5]]]

[[Skill:[Dragon Claw Arts] Leveled Up:[Lv6 -> Lv10(MAX)]]]

[[Ability:[Magic Manipulation] Leveled Up:[Lv65 -> Lv69]]]

[[Ability:[Angelic] Leveled Up:[Lv3 -> Lv4]]]

[[[M-ATK Up (Minor) Lv99], [INT Up (Minor) Lv99], [P-ATK Up (Minor) Lv58], [STR Up (Minor) Lv87], [SPD Up (Minor) Lv99], [DEF Up (Minor) Lv94], [DEX Up (Minor) Lv12], [LUCK Up (Minor) Lv3]. Given Stat-Up (Minor) Abilities Total Above Level 500. Automatically Fusing...]]

[[Ability Obtained:[All-Stat Up (Mid) Lv1]]]

[[Ability:[Dragon Scales] Leveled Up:[Lv5 -> Lv9]]]


...Mh. I'll try understanding what just happened later.

I'll reply to that 'zawarudo4373nyankonyakonyannyan' guy for now. Definitely another reincarnated person, with that name. Would be cringe to mention it though—this would be a rather random setting to meet another reincarnator...

[ilysmdragonLoli6969_: Ok Thx]


[zawarudo4373nyankonyakonyannyan: (deleted message)]

(auto-translation: What the fuck)

This translation thing is pretty effective...

[zawarudo4373nyankonyakonyannyan:  (´;ω;`)  ]

(auto-translation: sorry, leave pls)

[ilysmdragonLoli6969_: thats right. you approached me first...]

[ilysmdragonLoli6969_: who are you]


[zawarudo4373nyankonyakonyannyan is typing...]


[zawarudo4373nyankonyakonyannyan is typing...]


[zawarudo4373nyankonyakonyannyan is typing...]



(auto-translation: idk)

I don't know either.


I'll close the chat off, then.

[1 Message Received from: 'zawarudo4373nyankonyakonyannyan']




I'll look through my current status...

[Young Prismatic Light Dragon (dragon form)] - [Level 655/999] - [Age: 6+ Days] - [Rating: 4S-]

[HP: 2987342/3065000(+1%)] [MP: 12550000/12550000(+1%)]

[STR: 4798230(+1%)] [INT: 4603400(+1%)] [DEF: 10094900(+1%)] [SPD: 1334010(+1%)] [DEX: 1095000(+1%)] [LUCK: 15100]

[SPI: 7890] [DVN: 12]


[Refraction Lv5] [Sense Lv10(MAX)] [Dragon's Breath Lv22] [Dragon Scales Lv9] [Flight Lv4] [Object Appraisal Lv1] [Identification Lv2] [Mana Recovery Lv19] [Mirror Lv9] [All-Stat Up (Mid) Lv1] [Shapeshift Lv4] [HP Regeneration Lv2] [Mana Sense Lv2] [Angelic Lv4] [Holy Blessing Lv2] [Acceleration Lv4]

[Extra Abilities]:

['A Bit of God's Power'] [Perfect Language Comprehension] [Immortality (ON)] [Select All] [Bold] [Extinction III] [ロリ✭~変身✭~] [Contact God EX] 


[Dragon Claw Arts (Minor) Lv10(MAX)] [Magic Manipulation Lv69] [Active MP Recovery Lv2] [Cold Tolerance Lv2] [Pain Tolerance Lv1] [Basic Evasion Lv7] [Light Magic (Minor) Lv1] [Holy Magic (Minor) Lv1] [Act Lv4] [Recording Magic Lv2] [Aura Pressure Lv3] [Aura Control Lv2] [Territorial Detection Lv1] [State Awareness Lv1]

[Worn Item Skills]:

[Loli-Yes] [Loli-Energy] [Loli-Soul]


[Reincarnator] [Alpha Tester II] [God's Personal Monster Exterminator+3] [Giant Killer CCLXXV(+275%)] [Crowd Controller IV] [Dual Soul] [Spirit Killer I] [Goblin Slayer I] [Rabbit Killer I]

Whoa... I'm rated [SSSS-].

DEF stat above ten million in DRAGON form too.

Item skills...






Oh no!

I just remembered...!

That Chino-chan T-Shirt!!

That ahegao hoodie!!

—My fucking dragon claws—!!

I really must come back later for it. The gargoyles respawn. Their shirt and hoodie weren't damaged when I came. So they've been repaired even after previous kills. These clothes will be the Main Goal of this story until 12 hours later once I return for my loot. The most important. Slime did tell me to put on some clothes, after all. I'm a good friend. A good listener.

I couldn't just kill them. Their bodies returned to their initial state of marble statue the moment their HP dropped to 0. So did the clothes, following their current owners. I didn't know any way to knock them out either. Just slapping them, or hand-chopping them by the neck, the carotid area like in anime, especially Ctrl-A, might instakill them at this point. Ctrl-B would most likely survive at least a few hits... But I didn't know where his neck was anyway. His body isn't humanoid...

Threatening Ctrl-A with 'Aura Pressure' should work well enough, now that my MP and INT have gone this high. Maybe a bit of an extra touch, in LOLI form with the insane INT boost. I noticed his surprise when I output even just a portion of my aura. So that means; I actually am above regular dragons in terms of at least some raw stats.

Then for Ctrl-B...

I could strip him down, with my SPD more than 10x his highest. Even higher with 'Acceleration.' But without, possibly—'Thought Acceleration'—I couldn't commit to many specific actions while doing so. So I'll have to perfectly set up, then execute, my controlled hand movements to collect the ahegao hoodie. With absolutely perfect timing...


You can find story with these keywords: I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy, Read I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy, I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy novel, I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy book, I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy story, I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy full, I Reincarnated as a Dragon, and I Decided to Destroy Anything I Wanted to Destroy Latest Chapter

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