I Transmigrated To My Desired World

Chapter 12: Kasumigaoka Utaha: Day 6 (1)

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Going out of the taxi, many people can be seen walking on the road, noises that come from different cars' engines, the smell of smoke coming from passing cars, and the weather that was enough to complain that this afternoon is very hot.

Looking up to the sky, Utaha talks.

"So we're here."

"Yeah, this place."

As of now, Kei and Utaha are in front of a building. 



After the war incident, Kei got home peacefully. If he didn't then this novel is already finished.

Thinking about what happened, he thought that he got know a piece of information that he didn't need to know. Well, he thinks that he is just overthinking so he moves on.

Yakuza and gangsters are not his genres but he didn't feel scared of them since he has the confidence to defeat anyone only using his triple kick… unless they have guns. He knows his limitations and since his reaction time sucks. 

He can evade most punches and kicks but not bullet. His renewal taekwondo would always be based on his status; From power, endurance, dexterity, and agility. Since all of his statuses are low so is his martial arts skill power.

Power is not only raw strength but also allows the person to influence the physical law of the world. That means that people with enough powers can generate shockwaves and stuff in their punches and perform other superhuman feats.


Going into his apartment unit, he does his daily things like taking a bath, dressed up, cooking, eating, etc. Just his daily things.

Yesterday (Day 5), when he woke up. He does the same as any other day. However, this time his training for renewal taekwondo is completed. He can't feel any stress building up in his body after 100 triple kicks.

Looking at his own status, he can see that there are no changes. He concludes that training a skill doesn't increase his status and only the power of the skill.

After that, he does his daily things before he goes to his work.

On his way to the Udon shop, he can see that the stores and shops open and returning on sale like there is nothing big happened yesterday (Day 4). 


Arriving at the Udon shop, he was greeted by someone.

"Oh— Megumi. Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, Kusanagi-san."



"You know... You can call me by only my first name."

"Is that so?"

"Well, I've been calling you by your first name for quite times so if you want you can call me by my name."

Realizing his own sentence, he got panic a bit.

"Don't get wrong by me! It's not that I'm picking you up or something like that!"


Megumi is still silently looking at him.

'I kinda regret doing in tsundere way.'

Sighing in his mind, she talks.

"Then... K-k-kei."

She looks away while her face turns red.


Looking at her expression, he saw this gap moe as her lethal weapon.

Megumi's facial expressions are always unreadable to him but this is the first time he saw this shy type of expression, even in the anime or manga she didn't do that. Truly a gap moe.

(Gap moe = when a character does something completely contradictory to what their usual habits/personality/appearance dictates.)

However, he has a big question for himself.

'Is it because her plot didn't start that she's different from what I know? or this world is a news story? No matter what the answer is I don't care and what important is I can see that all my decisions were right in her route. In that case, I'm not gonna give her up and I'm not gonna let her down.'

"Go up and change. Boss might scold you if you just stand here."


Kei for some reason nervous but he knows why he's like that. Her beauty is par on celebrities and the gap moe she show, these two can make you fall for her in just sight but fortunately, he is the only one who can immediately see this since people can't even detect her presence.

Going up to the second floor, he was about to change open the door but he can see that it was a bit open.

'Another trial. Haaa* I know, I know, I know, but... Aaahhh... I want to see... But... But...'

While thinking, not that he knows but his hand starts to move and it's already late that he noticed it.



'Gulp* it is truly big. '

Kei use the edge of his sight to see her big pair of mountains while looking at her face straightly.

Rizu on the other hand, sigh and start to talk.

"I'm gonna give you a second to go and close the door."

He immediately closes the door and waits for her to go out.


A minute passed and the door opens. 

"Come in."

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He follows her.

As they sit down, Kei looks seriously at her. 

"So…Give a reason why I don't need to call cops."

There is a coldness to her voice when she said this as she looks at him like he is trash that is needed to be thrown now.

Using his poker face, he didn't let her see that he is indeed nervous right now while thinking how the hell he would escape this.

However, he couldn't think of any alibi so he decided to do what he is good at. Be honest but also be manipulative.

"The door is open so I thought that there is no person inside."

He didn't blink an eye when he said that and kept his coolness on his surface.

'Acceptable but that's not the problem.'

Looking at him, she can see that he is saying the truth but the problem is he saw her naked. Even though she is not the type of person who would say that " I can't marry anymore" or something like that, she knows that this is a crossing the line.

"I know that I too have the fault about the door but this will not end like that right?"

Hearing her words, Kei spoke something stupid.

"I know so I'm gonna take responsibility for you…"

"Huh?! Wait— ....What are you saying?"

She took a heavy breath and massaged his temple.

"If you can't marry someone else then I will take responsibility and marry you."

A painful expression from the headache that he gives, can be seen on her face.

"What in the world do you think that I'm that kind of person?"

"Is that not the gist?!"


"Haaa* go away."

"But I need to change."

"Oh— then I'm gonna come out now."

She stands up and walks to the door but before she disappears, she looks to her back.

"I forgive you but don't repeat this. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Rizu."

And she walk away as he closed the door. 

'Well, at least she didn't retort me calling her first name. Still, I can't believe it works but her expression before she leaves… no, just move on.'

After that, he changed to his uniform.

Nothing new happened to him and do what he need to do. Take the order, wait, serve, and clean. That's is the summary of his work but that is very tiring to do. Well, he has the refresh skill so we move on.


Today (Day 6) he didn't do any grinding but he do his daily things. He also calls Udon shop that if he can take an absence for today. He also said the reason and when Rizu's dad knew the reason he accepted his absence. However, when he got out of his unit after the call, he saw someone he knows.

"Hello, are you going out?"

He greeted her since this is a form of manner.

"Yes, are you too?"

"Yes, I'm gonna go out somewhere"

"Somewhere? Do you have a job?"

Looking at her face, he can see a curious look in her eyes.

"Well, I am in high school and I have a job but that's not where am I going. I'm gonna go to Fujikawa Shoten since I joined a writing contest."

He didn't mind telling her.

'High school? He didn't look like one... but that doesn't matter to me. However...like me he also... I see.'

While she thinks this, Kei drops the conversation.

"Then I'm gonna go first."

He bowed his head and passed her but she grab his arm.

"I'll go with you"


"I'll go with you. I joined the contest too so I'm gonna go to Fujikawa Shoten too and since we're the same destination, we could just go together, right?"

She said that in a very calm manner but her expression told him that he can't reject her.

'What a headache.'

Looking away from her, he took a breath while scratching his neck. 

"Do you want to say something to me?"

Her smile might be bright but her eyes tell another story.

He shook his head and decided to bring her.

"Sure you can we can go together."

'Haaa... Please myself don't be tempted please, control your desire, Kei. Beautiful women are very dangerous, you already know that in your past life and you still didn't learn. Haaa well, it's very tempting, right? But... But... Arrgghhh....'

Fighting himself in his mind, he glances at the smug on her face.

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