I Transmigrated To My Desired World

Chapter 11: Unknown Conflict: Day 4

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At this early hour, the airport is as serene as it ever is. The people move with ease, quiet rivers of humanity freshly roused from their slumber. The floors are clean and white, reflecting the early rays and the manmade light the same.

"It's been a while, Japan." (Said in English)

A very tall, middle-aged Caucasian with fair skin that already has a few wrinkles, has blond hair with blue color eyes and wearing a white suit walking out of the airport and waiting at the entrance with his subordinates. 

This man's name is Adelt Wogner Kirisaki. He is the head of the Bee Hive Gang from America.

Suddenly, a 5-meter long limousine arrived at the airport and stop Infront of him. The driver comes out of the car and gets his belongings to put in.

"Boss, can you just use our private plane? why did you choose to take a public flight?"

"Take it easy, Claude. I already arrived so there's no problem, right?"

'And I need to do some personal business here.'

They go in the limousine as it leaves the airport. While on the way, they talked to each other.

"But man, she didn't wait for me. I thought I can see her again."

"Oh—Madam Hana, yes boss, she is already in England for a business."

"Haaa* It seems that I need to wait until Christmas."

Looking at the back using a mirror, Claude can see his boss having a face of a husband yearning for his wife.

After the short conversation, the silence in the car stopped when they arrived at their destination.

Coming out of the limousine, a house is so big that you might call this a mansion. The concrete is painted in the color white and the entrance has a beautiful garden. Entering the gate, a guard opens it as his subordinates get in his belongings. 

Finishing it all, Claude goes into the limousine.

"Boss, I need to back up them."

Adelt nodded in response and the car leaves away.

'I need to start this before the war gets worsen.'

Sighing back to his house, he calls a friend.



In a traditional Japanese house. An old man goes out of his room.

This old man's name is Ichijo Issei and he is the boss of the Shuei-Gumi Clan. He has long gray hair and bushy gray eyebrows, a few wrinkles around his face, and has dark sanpaku eyes. He is wearing a long black kimono with white trim around his neck.

"Ryuu, Where's Raku?"

"Ah—Boss! Is Bocchan, right? He is going out with his friends."

Putting his hands on his chin as he caresses it like there is a goatee on it. 

"Is that so?"

Suddenly, the telephone in his room rings.

"You can go now."

After he dismissed the man, he go back to his room and answered the call.

"It's been a while, Issei."

"Oh, Adelt. It's been a while too. Are you still good?"

"Yeah and you?"

"I'm good too."

Laughing at the same time, the light mood suddenly down.

"Why did you call me?"

"You already know it right?"

"Straight to the point huh"

"My daughter will arrive here before school starts. Did you already tell to your son?"

"Still not."

Both of them sigh.

"For now, I will take care on my side."

"Well, I'm gonna do the same on my side."

Dropping their calls, he walked out of his room.

'Prevent the all-out war huh— this is not gonna be easy for a while.'



*Wooooshh * wooosh *wooooshh

Three powerful kicks in the air are making noises that come from the feet of our MC.

Kei is practicing the Renewal taekwondo. Since he can still feel the stress that his kick brought up, he needed to train to lessen it.

Luckily, he didn't have too many things in his house so he can take his place as a practice area.

The stress that he got as of now whenever he kicks is much lesser than the first time he uses it.

As he released his last kick, he wipe his sweat and decided to go to the bathroom.

After finishing taking a bath, he immediately goes to his room to dress up and then goes to his kitchen to cook his lunch.

It's already 11 in the afternoon so he is quite hungry. He decided to cook a curry.

'I think I want to eat some cola and chips later... cup noodles too...'

This is something he thoughts while cooking.

Serving his curry, he eats immediately. 

'It's a bit delicious compared to the one I cook in the past. Well, it seems that my cooking has progressed.

After eating, he put his bowl on his sink and start to wash it. 

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He has only an hour before he goes to his work so he thought to read some manga that didn't exist in his past world.

Technically, he already read all of it since Kei-O is an otaku too and his memories merge with him but knowing from one's memory and reading by yourself is a different experience.

After that, he leaves his unit and walks out of the apartment building.

Walking on the street, He can see that this day is peaceful because of the silence brought by the surrounding.

'But this is place is very silent. Too silent. What is happening?'

As he passes some stores, he can see that they are closed.

'Huh?! It's still early, what the heck is happening?'

He immediately fasten his walking pace until he got arrived at the Udon shop.

He saw that the sign say it was closed. 

'The shop closed too?!'

He is now confused about what's happening right now. Even with Kei-O's memory, he doesn't know what is happening to this area since it's been 4 days since he live here in Tokyo. He moves in from Chiba since he wanted not to remember his parents and his past.


On the first day of his transmigration, as he looks at Kei-O's past, Kei can see that Kei-O had a girlfriend but she got herself amnesia. 

Her stepbrother didn't want him in the first place so he said something that can make him feel down every time they meet. He stills can keep up with his words not until  Kei-O's parent's death add to his depression.

Two days later, her girlfriend's amnesia got worsened so her parents decided to take her and live in Los Angeles since her parents are living there.

But a day before the flight, Kei-O and his girlfriend got their last date. They made sure that on that day they would be happy and would not think of any problems.  

"Promise me that you will forget me."

This is something she said before they separated. 

Her amnesia is incurable so she can't fight it. Kei-O on the other hand, can't do anything for his girlfriend since he is only a student. 

After she flies to Los Angeles, Kei-O decided to move in here to Tokyo to forget both his parent's death and his girlfriend.

Going back to the present, he is confused about what's happening right now.

He knocks on the door of the shop and it opens. 

"Oh— Kusanagi, your here. My daughter texted you that today the shop will be closed. Didn't you receive it?"

The one who opened the door is the boss of this Udon shop. In other words, Rizu's Dad. 

He immediately look at his phone message and saw an unknown number message him "The shop is close today". He seems to forget to look at the message when it rings earlier.

"I just read now."

Sighing to him, he put his hand on Kei's back.

"Well, come in before they come."

He pull Kei in and Kei didn't fight it.

"What is happening?"

"You don't know?"

"Well, I'm just new here in Tokyo."

"Oh—right. It said in your application form. I forgot."

"So boss... What's happening? Why are the store and shops are closed?"

"Do you know what is a Yakuza?"


"Do you know what is a gangster?"


"Well, that's the gist. The Yakuza, the Shuei-Gumi Clan, send us a warning last night that this place might get in the war between the gangsters."

'Shuei-Gumi Clan... It's kinda familiar.'

"They are only Yakuza so why you're listening to them? You can just call some police to stop this war right?"

"Well, this land is owned by the leader of the Shuei-Gumi Clan so we can't just do that and he is also a respectable man."

'So that's how it is.'

Suddenly, gunfire can be heard outside.

"It's starting... The war always stops every 3 to 4 hours so you can just sit in some chairs and wait here."

'For him to know this kind of information means that this place is already used to wars.'

"Thank you."

As Rizu's Dad goes to the second floor, he adds a question.

"By the way boss, where is Rizu right now?"

Hearing his words, Mr. Ogata suddenly emits a red and black aura.

"I seem to have been too kind to you, do you want to talk to me, one on one?"

He make his hands cracking noises as Kei saw an illusion of a demon face in Infront of him.

"No, it's just the war is starting. She is a girl so naturally, this place is dangerous for her. I'm just concerned for her safety as a friend and not only her but also Nanami."

Hearing his words, he calmed down a bit.

"There are no other people other than you and me today."

He wanted to retort the friend part but he doesn't have any energy for that so he continue to go upstairs.

'It seems that Rizu and Nanami are in a safe place'

"Well, I'm just gonna wait here."

Sitting in a chair, he searches and reads some web novels.

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