I had no choice but to apologize no matter what he said, because it was our fault.
The guards immediately rushed out and surrounded Reizen with spears.
The guard stopped at one point, but he immediately broke off the right half of the spear with his hand.
The guard was quite puzzled and took a few steps backward because the spear they thought was impossible to break was broken.
This time, the guard seemed to be readying the sword at their waist, but after seeing the strength of Reizen, they were too afraid to take a step forward.
I mean, he’s really tough.
But he’s this strong even though he hasn’t used his martial arts yet.
His defense is high, and his attack power is also considerable, which makes him stronger than me.
That’s not it!
This is no time to be impressed!
“Reizen, wait a minute!”
“It’s okay!”
[[[[Okay my ass!?]]]]
The heck with ‘It’s okay’?
We’re afraid because we don’t know what you’re thinking right now!
What the hell are you trying to do!
As I tried to step forward, several guards surrounded us.
They don’t want to let us move, though, because they can’t get their hands on Reizen……
If it ain’t us, no one can’t stop him you dumbass!!
This is going to be bad if no one could stop him.
So I tried to catch him using infinite water manipulation, but before I could do that, Reizen leapt and landed in front of the prince.
Judging from the slight explosion at his feet, he must be using explosion fist skill.
Therefore, my infinite water manipulation could not reach him in time.
Even if I tried to make a move now, the distance between us is quite long, so it probably wouldn’t be any hindrance for Reizen to make a single move.
Dear lord.
Reizen grabbed the prince by the side and lifted him high in the air.
The nobles and guards must have seen this and thought that the prince had been taken hostage.
Then, while still in that state, Reizen throws a few words at the prince.
“Prince! You look lame!”
“You’re totally lame!”
“A-are you making fun of me!?”
“But it’s not my fault you’re so lame! You’re not cool at all!”
Hearing Reizen’s overly straightforward words, we can see even here that the prince was downhearted to the core.
The people around him were, frankly speaking, in a state of shock.
But we know that he won’t harm the prince. ……
That scared the hell out of me. ……
Not to mention, he’s too rude even though he’s just met him.
Well, it’s Reizen agter all
That guy has a personality that can brute force communication.
Even though he can’t speak English, he seems to have been able to fit in well overseas, so he must be a powerhouse at communicating with others.
Still, I can understand why he says that the prince’s clothes are lame.
He probably wanted to look cool.
But the clothes were not appropriate for his height, and the way he was walking didn’t seem very nice.
This was Reizen, who had an eye for cool things.
He probably couldn’t stand to see that kind of thing.
The prince seemed shocked for a while, but then he looked at Reizen’s attire.
He was wearing the similar cloak, with many belts wrapped around his black-based attire.
On his chest, a triangular plate was fastened with belts from three points, and the gold embroidery on his black attire seemed to float.
Seeing this, the prince’s eyes lit up.
“Oh! Oooh! Where did you get these clothes from?”
“This was made by a blacksmith in the Kingdom of Garrot!”
“C-cool! I want to wear something like that!”
“No, it’s hard to do that since you’re royalty. …… Isn’t there an appropriate attire?”
“Uuuh ……. Then what should I do?”
He move his arms and legs to and fro while being lifted up and pouting.
However, Reizen does not look troubled when he sees it.
“It’s okay. I can’t dress like me, but I can do something that looks like this.”
“I- is that true?”
“There are some things that need to be corrected. The way you walk and the way you act!”