I Went Back in Time and Became Otherworldly Handsome

Chapter 11: Chapter 10: New Clothes

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The metallic scent of fresh blood hung in the air after the fight, overpowering the smell of sweat and fear that had filled the air moments before. Xiang Feng's fists were stained red with the evidence of his violence, and the faint smell of iron lingered in his wake.

The girl stood before him with a youthful visage, her petite frame deceivingly hiding the curves of womanhood that had formed beneath her clothing. Her eyes, a vibrant blue, shone with a vigor that betrayed her age. Her age was still in its tender years.

The girl's gaze was like a frightened doe, her silence like a stone. He could hear the faintest whisper of her breath, like the rustle of wind through leaves.

She uttered her gratitude, "Thank you for rescuing me from those boys. Who knows what might have happened had you not stepped in..."

Xiang Feng smiled, bemused. He cast his gaze upon the girl, and could not deny the charm of her countenance. "You’re welcome," he said.

As the exchange concluded, he was ready to set off and perch himself on a bench in anticipation of the bus, when the girl suddenly uttered, "Excuse me, I didn't get the chance to ask for your name?"

He paused, half turning towards her, the question lingering in the air. He realized that he had been so intent on his own thoughts that he had neglected to introduce himself. In the corner of his eye, he could see the girl, looking up at him with a gentle curiosity, awaiting his response. Taking a breath, he gave her a warm smile and answered, “My name is Xiang Feng.”

The girl beamed, a warmth radiating from her small frame. She extended her delicate hand, her voice soft and inviting.

"My name's Yuan Liqin. It's a pleasure to meet you." Her gaze swept over him, an inquisitive look in her eyes that deepened as she noted his appraisal of her. A faint blush colored her cheeks, a telltale sign of her shyness.

A brilliant, beaming grin illuminated Xiang Feng's face, its infectious warmth radiating outward and causing a fleeting blush to spread across Yuan Liqin's cheeks. She was transfixed, her gaze shyly fixed to the ground, unable to meet his gaze. A chorus of birds sang in the background, a melody that seemed to emphasize the moment, as if it was a serenade just for them.

"What is the cause of the rosy color that has colored your cheeks?" Xiang Feng inquired, eyes twinkling.

Yuan Liqin stumbled over her words. "It's not a blush! It's just a symptom of my sickness. Perhaps I'm running a fever…"

Xiang Feng played along, "Why don't you give me your number? That way, I can check in and make sure you're doing alright."

His lips curved into a playful smirk as he asked his question. Yuan Liqin, her cheeks blushing a rosy pink, bit her lip nervously. She seemed to hesitate, unsure of how to respond. Her gaze was transfixed to the ground, her slender fingers pressing together in a rhythmic pattern. Her voice was soft, almost plaintive, as she asked the question. "Don't you have a girlfriend?"

A gentle shimmer glinted in Xiang Feng's eyes as his lips curved into a kind smile, his response warm and honest. "I don't have a girlfriend," he said, the words ringing out in the stillness of the air.

Yuan Liqin was taken aback, not expecting such a response, regarding him with a mix of surprise and disbelief. She squinted her eyes and asked, "A man of your caliber, with such a perfect appearance and strength… How on earth are you single?"

He gazed out into the horizon, his eyes searching the sky for answers. "Perhaps I have yet to come across the right individual," he uttered.

Yuan Liqin's face lit up with a beaming smile as the words of assurance offered by him registered in her mind. Her eyes sparkled with joy, and a wave of relief and excitement seemed to wash over her. She made her decision in that moment—to trust him and believe in his words.

She reached into the pocket of her handbag, she procured a pen and a scrap of paper. The scratch of the pencil, soft and gentle against the paper, creating a gentle melody as it moves across the page. The sound of her fingers tapping the paper, a steady rhythm as she carefully scrawls her number. The faint sound of breathing, steady and calm, as she focuses on her task. "Here you go!"

Xiang Feng's heart tugged as he watched the girl's face transform from sadness to joy. He fumbled with the paper in his hands and said, "Thank you for the number. I wish we could talk more, but my bus is here."

The girl's shoulders dropped and her gaze fell, a hint of dejection settling on her lips. "Do you really have to go?"

Xiang Feng managed a tight smile and offered a solution. "We can call if you want?" Instantly, her eyes brightened and her lips curved up into a smile. "That would be nice!"


The bus jostled and bumped along the road, the vibrations of the engine and the squeal of the brakes echoing through the air. The morning sun shone through the windows, casting a warm hue over the rows of seats and the passengers within. There was a faint, pungent aroma of diesel, mixed with the more subtle scents of sweat and perfume from fellow travelers.

Through the window appeared rolling hills of the countryside, the grass a deep gold in the morning light. The occasional farmhouse would come into view, smoke curling from the chimney and the sweet smell of burning wood wafting in. Birdsong filled the air, the chirps and tweets of the small creatures an accompaniment to the steady hum of the bus.

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The sights, smells, and sounds of the journey were a comfort to Xiang Feng, and he settled back into his seat as the bus carried him onwards.

After a few hours, the bustling metropolis of Beijing came into view. The streets were teeming with people, buzzing with a mix of conversations, laughter, and the occasional honk of a car's horn. The air was thick with the smells of street food and exhaust fumes, and in the distance, there was the faint jingles of traditional Chinese music.

As the bus pulled into the station, Xiang Feng stepped off and was immediately taken aback by the sights and sounds of the city. There were towering skyscrapers, the shops, and the colorful street lights, all reflecting off the hustle and bustle of the city. There hung the fragrant aromas of Chinese cuisine in the air and one would feel the warm air of the city on their skin.

Xiang Feng took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, savoring the unique mix of scents and sounds that made up the city. He could hear the conversations of locals, the laughter of children, and the occasional honk of a car's horn. It was a sensory overload that was both exciting and overwhelming.

"It's good to be back," Xiang Feng said to no one in particular, as he started to make his way down the street.


Xiang Feng squinted his eyes as he scanned the street for a store. He had been searching for what felt like hours and had yet to find one. The sun was setting and he was beginning to grow anxious. Suddenly, he heard the faint sound of laughter coming from down the street. Curious, he followed the sound and it led him to a small store.

As he neared the store, he noticed the bright red sign that hung above the door. He stepped closer to read the sign and saw that it read, "Haute Chic" He was immediately filled with joy and excitement.

Xiang Feng stepped into a store, his eyes wide with anticipation. The walls were adorned with luxurious fabrics and intricate designs. A gentle tinkling of a bell announced his entrance and the store attendant greeted him.

The woman’s eyes widened in surprise as she beheld the handsome figure standing before her. His tall, broad-shouldered frame was clothed in a casuals clothes that fit him perfectly, and his face was adorned with a strong jaw and high cheekbones. His eyes twinkled with mischief as he flashed her a warm and friendly smile.

Xiang Feng nodded and smiled back. Xiang Feng’s voice, deep and mellifluous, filled the air. "I'm looking for something stylish but not too flashy."

The store attendant nodded and gestured for Xiang Feng to follow her. The female store attendant was trembling, her heart pounding in her chest. She was sure she had never seen such a handsome man in her life. The attendant felt her cheeks flush as she continued to stare. She attempted to avert her gaze, embarrassed by her reaction, but she could not take her eyes away.

She led him to the back of the store, where a selection of high-end clothing was laid out. Xiang Feng's eyes lit up as he saw the selection of expensive and stylish clothing. He started to browse, running his hands over the fabric and admiring the intricate details of the garments.

The sound of the shopkeeper's voice cut through the air as she gave Xiang Feng advice on what would look best on him. He listened intently, nodding along as she spoke. Eventually, after much deliberation, Xiang Feng settled on a navy blue suit, with a crisp white shirt. The suit had a subtle pinstripe pattern and was tailored perfectly to his body.

"This is the one," he said, running his hands down the fabric. "It feels so luxurious."

"Yes it does," the shopkeeper said. "It's made from the finest Italian wool and the craftsmanship is exquisite. You can see the attention to detail in the stitching and the buttons."

Xiang Feng smiled. He could feel the quality of the fabric and he knew he had made the right choice.

"I'll take it," he said.

The shopkeeper nodded and began to wrap up the suit. As she did, Xiang Feng took another look around the store. He could feel the luxuriousness of the garments, and he knew he had made the right choice.

“That will be 34,788 RMB,” the shopkeeper said.

Without a hint of hesitation, he reached into his pocket and pulled out an abundance of money, ready to pay for the extravagant garments he had chosen. His wallet was full of crisp notes, and he counted out the exact amount without so much as a flicker of emotion. He handed over the notes.

"Before you go," the shopkeeper said, a twinkle in her eye, "could I perhaps have your number? I'm very interested in getting to know you better."

Xiang Feng was taken aback at first, but then a wide smile spread across his face. "Why not?" he said, and he recited his phone number to her.

The shopkeeper grinned in response. "Thank you," she said, "I'll be sure to reach out soon."

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