I Went Back in Time and Became Otherworldly Handsome

Chapter 10: Chapter 9: Bus

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Xiang Feng let the thoughts of Guo Xiaoli drift away as quickly as they had arrived. He felt no regret or anguish, only a passing of disappointment that his dreams had remained untouched. He thought to himself that he was the kind of man who could have any woman he desired, and a woman like her was nothing extraordinary.

His mind then turned to his sister, and the foolishness of her behavior. Although he was aware of her youth and her susceptibility to the whims of others, she should have been far more cautious with her choices. He shook his head at the thought of her naivete.

Xiang Feng felt a deep sigh escape his lips as his mind began to wander, contemplating the consequences of his actions. Although his face was charming, he had to admit that his decisions did not always reflect his best judgement, and it would often be wise to remain silent. The women in his life didn't make matters any easier either, as they had a tendency to be unpredictable and difficult to read.

As Xiang Feng pondered the tribulations of his life, a thought suddenly occurred to him and he hastened to his computer. Logging in to his bank, he was met with a pleasant surprise; a hefty sum of 100,000 RMB had been added to his balance. It seemed the online gambling site had been true to their word and processed the funds quicker than the advertised 24 hours. With a sigh of relief, he was thankful that the situation had resolved itself without the fear of being scammed.

He considered the possibilities of what he could do with his newfound wealth. It was not a grand fortune, but for a student like him, 100,000 RMB was more than enough to bring a sense of security. Investing it in something to create a passive income would be the sensible choice, but he could not help but let his imagination run wild. In his daydreams, he could already picture himself living the life of luxury. A grand home, a sleek car, and of course, women who would be willing to do whatever he pleased. His looks alone would have been enough to make that a reality.

He contemplated his life - the one he had been blessed with. His father, Xiang Jiao, was 46 and had a safe, albeit unremarkable, office job. It was like a well-worn shoe—dependable and comfortable, yet lacking any spark or life. A mundane existence of predictable routine that provided security, but never dared to reach for the stars.

Every morning, he'd mount his bicycle and ride to work, a journey that kept him healthy and strong. His mother, Xiang Xue, was 40 and still beautiful despite the years that had passed. She was employed at a local food stall, selling dishes like Chinese dumplings and hotpot.

He was content, for he had a roof over his head and a loving family by his side. Even if his life was quite average, it was a life he was proud of, but he could not help but feel like he had not gone far enough. He found himself dreaming of bigger horizons, of greater heights to reach. He wanted to reach for the stars, to see what lay beyond the limits of his current life.

The stars twinkled in the night sky, shimmering like a thousand tiny diamonds, casting an ethereal glow across the horizon. In the darkness, the city lights in the far distance flickered, creating an ever-shifting pattern of illumination.

Xiang Feng lay in bed, his body weary from a long day. His gaze drifted up to the sky, admiring the night's beauty. As he watched, a shooting star streaked across the sky, its tail blazing like a comet. He wished for a brighter future, one filled with possibility and hope.

Finally, Xiang Feng closed his eyes, allowing sleep to take him. His dreams were filled with the promise of what tomorrow might bring. He dreamt of new worlds and adventures, of a life with no limits. He dreamt of a future, free from fear and uncertainty.


The sun shone through the curtains and onto Xiang Feng's face, its warmth seeping through his skin and lulling him awake. He heard the birds chirping away outside, their collective song rising and falling in a beautiful harmony. He lay in bed for a few moments, listening to the gentle melody, allowing his mind to drift into a state of peacefulness.

The sound of a distant church bell ringing broke the stillness and Xiang Feng rose from bed. He slowly walked to the window and opened the curtains, letting in the morning light. He stood there, mesmerized as the sun's rays danced across the sky, reflecting off the dew-covered grass and casting a beautiful glow across the land.

Xiang Feng smiled and looked out at the world before him. He could almost taste the freshness of the air and feel the warmth of the sun on his skin, and he knew that today was going to be a good day.

Xiang Feng felt a sense of anticipation as he thought of the new school year that awaited him. He was eager to return to the school grounds and take part in all the activities that came with a fresh start. He had been away for so long and he was ready to rejoin the bustling life of the school.

As he contemplated the idea of going back to school, he felt a surge of joy. He thought about the classes he would attend and the people he would meet. He considered the new possibilities that awaited him, the chance to make new friends and learn from his teachers. He was ready to embrace all the new opportunities that lay ahead.

Xiang Feng was ready to dive into the new year, and he knew that he had to take the first step and inform the school of his return. He was determined to make the most of this new year and he was filled with a sense of hope and optimism.

Xiang Feng's joyous days were abruptly cut short when he found out he would be repeating the same year of school. All his closest companions, those he had spent countless hours with, had moved on and were now living in the dormitories of their respective universities.

Xiang Feng felt a deep longing for the days when his companions were his closest confidants and the world was theirs for the taking. He harkened back to the days when he and his friends would sit in the park, laughing and sharing stories, and the sun seemed to linger just a little bit longer in the sky. Though he yearned to experience those moments again, he was reminded of the harsh reality that time had passed, and his friends had moved on.

Recalling the distant past, he pondered whether he should reach out to his old friends. Yet, a fleeting moment later, he abandoned the idea, unable to bring himself to breach the divide of time.


As Xiang Feng stared into his closet, his eyes roved over the same pieces of clothing that had graced his frame for years. He felt a pang of disappointment ripple through him. He had been hoping to find something new and exciting, but instead he was faced with the same garments he had worn since the start of the school year.

Xiang Feng sighed and stepped away from his closet, surveying the room with a critical eye. He hadn't realized how little he had acquired during the past months, but now he was painfully aware of the fact. He needed new clothes, shoes, and supplies.

As he lifted his fingers to fasten the buttons of his shirt, Xiang Feng felt the crisp cotton fabric against his skin. He slowly and methodically worked from the top downward, the familiar sensation of the material against his fingertips calming him. His trousers were next, the rough texture of the fabric giving him an odd sense of comfort as he tucked them into his boots.

Finally, he took his leather jacket from the hanger, the supple leather offering a smooth texture to his hands. He closed his eyes and inhaled the scent of the leather, almost as if he was trying to absorb the feeling of being ready to go.

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He grabbed his keys and wallet and was out the door, the fresh air meeting him as he stepped out on the street.

Xiang Feng strode confidently through the narrow cobblestone streets of his small rural village, his black hair glistened in the late morning sun. The inhabitants of the village, most of which he knew since childhood, turned to admire him as he passed. The girls in particular couldn't take their eyes off him, their faces contained looks of envy and admiration.

His tall, athletic frame cut a figure of nobility and grace as he walked, and his sterling gray eyes held a mysterious glint that added to his alluring charm.

The village was alive with the vibrant colors of summer, the bright pinks and purples of the bougainvillea flowers in the gardens highlighted the rich browns and oranges of the houses.

The air was filled with the scent of freshly baked bread and the sound of vibrant chatter from the street vendors as they prepared their wares for the day.

Xiang Feng continued his journey, passing by the local market and the small family-run shops, until he finally arrived at the bus station. The old wooden building stood proudly, a reminder of the village's proud history.

The afternoon sun casted long shadows on the bus station as Xiang Feng approached. As he drew closer, he observed five students standing over a young girl, their voices rising in jeers and taunts. The girl, her head bowed, seemed to shrink away from the onslaught, her hands clutching the straps of her backpack.

Xiang Feng's heart raced with a mix of anger and fear as he took in the scene. He noticed the girl's tear-streaked face, her trembling lips, and the way her eyes darted from one student to another as they shouted and jeered. He could see the way her shoulders hunched and her breath came in ragged gasps.

The five students, their faces twisted in a mix of arrogance and cruelty, took turns hurling insults and jeers at the girl.

“Why don’t you play with us? We are not that scary.”

“Listen to my brother. We could make you feel really good.”

 Xiang Feng could see the way they stood, their arms folded, legs apart, and jaws jutting out in defiance. He felt a surge of outrage as he watched them, their words cutting through the air like knives.

The air was heavy with tension as Xiang Feng stepped forward, his stern gaze fixed on the five boys gathered around the frightened girl. He could feel the anger radiating off of them, and he knew he was about to face a fight. Taking a deep breath, he addressed them in a loud, clear voice.

"What do you think you're doing?" he said. "That girl doesn't deserve to be treated like this. Leave her alone."

The boys scoffed and exchanged mocking glances. "What are you gonna do about it?" sneered one of them.

Xiang Feng squared his shoulders and stared them down. "I'm going to make sure you leave her alone," he said firmly. "She doesn't deserve to be treated like this. Now go."

The boys hesitated, then slowly began to back away. "You better watch yourself," one of them spat.

Xiang Feng leapt into action, his powerful form crashing into the group and sending them sprawling. The girl stepped back, her eyes wide with surprise, as Xiang Feng landed a flurry of punches and kicks, his movements fast and precise.

The first student he singled out was a young man, tall and broad-shouldered. Xiang Feng lunged at him with a powerful punch, catching him off guard and sending him flying backwards into the wall. He then whirled around and continued his onslaught, unleashing a flurry of strikes and kicks.

The other students, stunned and terrified, watched in horror as Xiang Feng clobbered each of his five victims in turn. He punched and kicked with a savage intensity, his movements precise and almost graceful. He seemed to be in an almost trance-like state, his body moving with an almost supernatural speed and strength.

When he was finished, the crowd was silent and still. The only sound was the labored breathing of Xiang Feng, who stood tall and proud amidst the wreckage of his handiwork. His fists were bloody and his eyes were full of a strange, distant satisfaction.

The onlookers murmured amongst themselves, some of them appalled, others impressed by the display. Someone in the back of the crowd exclaimed, "That's one way to get rid of bullies!" and there were murmurs of agreement.

Others, however, were more cautious. "That was some crazy stuff," one woman said, shaking her head. "I hope no one gets hurt."

The fight ended quickly, and the group of boys soon ran away, cowering before Xiang Feng's formidable strength. When it was all over, the girl stood in stunned silence, her gaze locked on Xiang Feng's face.

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