I Went Back in Time and Became Otherworldly Handsome

Chapter 8: Chapter 7: An Unexpected Guest

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The evening was bright and the air held a palpable anticipation as Xiang Feng, along with his family, attentively watched the swimming competition. His beloved sister had just returned home and, though she gave him a quiet hello, she remained mostly silent for the duration of her visit.

Xiang Feng, however, was paying close attention to the swimmers from the very start, and when the 100-metre race was done he turned his attention to the 200-metre sprint. All of his family's attention was focussed on Liu Zige, the outstanding Chinese swimmer, and as the race commenced, he could feel the energy of the group reverberating in sync with her every stroke.

The crowd erupted into thunderous applause as the young Chinese swimmer, clad in a glistening aquamarine swimsuit, stepped forward to the edge of the pool. She took her place on the starting block, her face an expression of steely determination. Taking a deep breath as the starter's pistol sounded, she dove gracefully into the water and powered her way through the waves, each stroke propelling her closer to the finish line.

She moved through the water with a grace and ease that belied the effort of her strokes, a beautiful and supple form that glided effortlessly across the pool, a living embodiment of strength and agility. Her strokes were powerful yet precise, her body slicing through the water with a fluidity that was mesmerising to watch. Like a swan, she glided past the others, her strength and determination propelling her forward. She was a force of nature, a perfect example of how a woman could excel in the water.

The spectators cheered frantically, willing her on and begging the universe for a victory.

At last, the final lap began and she surged ahead, her legs pounding the water for what felt like an eternity.

She pushed on with admirable strength, her lungs heaving with every move.

With just a few seconds left to go, the race came to an end, and the Chinese swimmer had attained an insurmountable lead.

As her fingertips touched the wall of the pool signalling her victory, the stadium was full of unbridled joy and celebration. Tears streamed down her face, a tribute to her accomplishment after years of hard work and dedication. She had won, forever immortalizing herself as an Olympic gold medallist.

As soon as the Chinese swimmer crossed the finish line, Xiang Feng leapt from his seat, pumping his fists in the air in triumph. He had won a bet and with it, a great deal of money. His joy was infectious and it spread quickly among his family. The air was filled with cheers and applause, celebrating the victory of the Chinese swimmer and the good fortune of Xiang Feng.

Heaving a sigh of joy, he returned to his chamber, and hastily logged onto the online betting site. With a trembling finger, he clicked on the button to view his account balance, and his eyes widened at the sight of the 100,000 RMB displayed in glorious numbers. He felt an urge to leap up and shout with elation, for never before had he possessed such a lavish sum of money.

Xiang Feng was overwhelmed with joy. "I'm rich! I'm rich!" he exulted, then quickly clamped his hands over his mouth, casting furtive glances around to make sure no one had heard. He knew that, if one suddenly acquires wealth, one should never let anyone know, for it changes the way even one's closest family and friends interact with them.

He tapped on the pay out button, confident that in a day's time, the funds would be transferred to his banking account.

In that moment, he had forgotten one crucial detail—online gambling was forbidden in China, a factor he had not previously taken into consideration.

He uttered a pithy expletive of frustration, yet he was not unduly concerned; for, as he was already aware, there was no lack of ways to circumvent such a dilemma. He had every confidence that he would eventually discover a method of laundering the funds in question.

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After switching off his computer, he made his way down the stairs, his feet creaking upon the aged steps, and into the dining room, where the savory aroma of his mother's cooking wafted in the air, a sure sign that dinner was soon to be served.

In the gloaming of the evening, a magnificent banquet had been prepared, and the family sat around the table, each eagerly partaking in the shared repast. As the meal progressed, his mother and father, and even his sister, chatted with vivacity, excitedly recounting the day's events. Yet, although Xiang Feng's sibling frequently gazed his way, she maintained a complete silence toward him.

Xiang Feng, his voice suddenly inquiring, posed the question that none had expected: "How's Qi Zhen doing?" Startled by the unexpected inquiry, his sister, seeking to compose a reply, momentarily remained silent. But, at length, she uttered a response: "How should I know? I haven't seen him anymore."

The family, including their parents, regarded her with a dubious expression, for it was apparent that she was not conveying the truth.

"Are you telling the truth?" her father demanded, his face a mask of stern inquiry. He leaned forward, the veins in his neck standing out in stark relief, and she could feel his intensity radiating from him. She hesitated, her mouth opening and closing wordlessly, until finally she spoke, her voice trembling. "Y-yes...father..." In a swift and sudden motion, her father's large hand crashed down upon the table, sending a shudder through its surface and causing almost all the drinks to spill over its edge. The jarring sound startled her mother and sister, who both gasped in shock. He glared at her, his eyes narrowed and his lips drawn into a thin line. "I said, are you telling the truth?" he repeated, the words a low rumble that reverberated through the room.

"Right," she declared, rising from her seat at the table, "I've been visiting him in the hospital. What does it matter to any of you? Can't you see that Xiang Feng is playing you all for fools?" Her father's voice boomed out in response, "Remain here!" yet before he could finish his edict, she had already left the room.

Xiang Feng heaved a deep, heavy sigh; his sister, so guileless and artless, was completely under the spell of Qi Zhen, and he was at a loss for how to disentangle her from his wily charms. He wished he could protect her from the dangers of his crafty advances, but he knew she was too headstrong and naïve to be dissuaded. He could only hope that she would come to her senses on her own and realize that Qi Zhen was not the man for her.

Xiang Feng arose from the table, having completed his meal, and assisted his mother in clearing the dishes. Upon his task being fulfilled, he strode towards the entrance of the dwelling, intending to take an evening stroll. Suddenly the doorbell chimed, and he opened the entrance, expecting his sister to be on the other side. To his surprise, however, it was not his sibling, but a young lady—Guo Xiaoli, and in her possession, a gift.

"Hello, Xiang Feng," she uttered, her voice as soft and melodic as the breath of a summer breeze. "I have a present for you, would you would be so kind and accept it?"

Xiang Feng, who had been rendered speechless by her sudden appearance, finally managed to form words. "How did you find this place? How did you know where I live?" The woman smiled mysteriously, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "I have my connections… May I come in?"

With a measure of trepidation, Xiang Feng accepted the offering, pondering if he should allow Guo Xiaolil to enter or not. Yet, before he could make up his mind, his mother's startled voice rang out. "Xiang Feng! Is that your sister?"

Making her way to the door, she took a closer look at the young girl standing outside and exclaimed in pleasant surprise, "And what a lovely young lady this is! What is she doing out here?" Turning to him, she gave him a knowing look, a smile spreading across her voice. "Come now, invite her into the house."

Xiang Feng, a bit embarrassed, motioned for Guo Xiaoli to come in with a slight wave of his hand. She glanced up at him in a manner that could only be described as carnal, her lips moistened with her tongue when his mother wasn't looking. A burning desire in her eyes as she gazed at Xiang Feng.

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