I Went Back in Time and Became Otherworldly Handsome

Chapter 9: Chapter 8: Hope

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Xiang Feng heaved a forlorn sigh, a deep and sorrowful sound that seemed to reflect the depths of his soul, as Guo Xiaoli tenderly embraced him, her delicate arms looping around his arm. Together, they slowly made their way to the livingroom, where his father and sister had paused in their activities and fixed their gaze upon the couple, their expressions a curious and slightly bewildered combination of surprise and confusion.

His father peered at Guo Xiaoli who stood beside his son with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, his brow furrowed in question. "And who might this be?" he cautiously asked.

"This is Guo Xiaoli—a friend I made at the market today," Xiang Feng replied.

“Hello sir,” said Guo Xiaoli, presenting herself with an air of deference as she bowed to his father. She smiled warmly, her voice soft but confident, as if she had rehearsed the perfect introduction and was determined to deliver it flawlessly. Her poise and politeness were unmistakable, expressing the ideal model of filial devotion that one might expect from a beloved daughter.

Xiang Feng was uncertain as to the intentions that this particular maiden had in store for him, yet he was determined to keep vigilant of her every move.

His father gave a measured nod of acquiescence, his countenance lightening in mirth. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance," he uttered, the corners of his mouth tugging upward in a knowing smile. "I can only hope my son hasn't done anything rash or foolhardy," he jested, his expression conveying kindly amusement. "It's comforting to see he's chosen himself a sensible young lady."

"It is far too dark for her to be traveling about on her own," he declared, "She should remain here until morning."

Guo Xiaoli's eyes widened in astonishment, a grin spreading slowly across her face. She suppressed the urge to leap for joy, keeping her composure as she graciously bowed to Xiang Feng's father.

"Thank you for your hospitality," she replied.

Xiang Feng's father gave a nod of assent, yet said nothing more. He returned to perusing the paper that he held in his grasp.

Xiang Feng, a towering figure, spoke to Guo Xiaoli with a voice that seemed to reverberate in her ears. "Come with me," he commanded, and she felt a chill run through her body in response. Her eyes grew wide with apprehension, yet she managed to give a slight nod of agreement before slowly following him.

Her heart racing with uncertainty. She glanced up at him, trying to discern his expression, but his face was unreadable.

The two of them stepped into Xiang Feng's bedroom, and a sudden blush crept across Guo Xiaoli's face. Xiang Feng was taken aback, for he had expected someone of Guo Xiaoli's station to be better versed in matters of the heart. He watched her intently, studying the delicate flush that had spread across her delicate features and admiring the way the soft light of the room accentuated her beauty. He couldn't help but wonder what thoughts were running through her mind as she took in the sight before her.

"Now be honest with me," said Xiang Feng, his voice low and alluring. His gaze lingered on Guo Xiaoli, the delicate curve of her lips, her long lashes brushing against her cheeks. He stepped closer, close enough to feel her breath against his skin. "What are you doing here?"

Guo Xiaoli's cheeks flushed, her eyes avoiding his. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

Xiang Feng moved even closer, his lips mere inches from hers. He whispered, "Tell me the reason why you're here, or I'll kiss you."

Guo Xiaoli's face was as crimson as a freshly picked tomato, the flush of shyness and nervousness and shame seeping through her entire body. Just moments ago, she had been the picture of confidence and poise, yet now she was cowering, her face hidden in her hands while her lips remained pressed firmly together.

"Very well, then," Xiang Feng murmured. He felt a wave of heat rush through him as he pressed his lips against Guo Xiaoli's. His heart raced, because this was his first kiss. The sweet taste of her lips was unlike anything he had ever experienced before, and he found himself wanting more. He could feel her lips curl into a smile against his, and he felt the gentle pressure increase until they were both tasting each other. He heard her make a low, melodious sound, and the sensation only made his heart beat faster. His hands moved up to cup her face, and he kissed her more deeply, exploring every inch of her mouth with his own. He wanted to savor the moment forever, but eventually they had to break apart, and Xiang Feng felt his cheeks flush with pleasure.

Guo Xiaoli was out of breath, her cheeks glowing with an embarrassed shade of pink.

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"What's the matter?" Xiang Feng inquired.

She averted her gaze, her face growing increasingly bashful, and replied, "That was my first kiss."

Xiang Feng felt a wave of surprise wash over him as he looked at the girl before him. Despite the blush that had spread across her cheeks as she entered his room, it seemed unbelievable that this stunning creature had never before experienced a kiss. How could someone so breathtaking not already be familiar with such a tender moment?

"What?" she queried, her voice trembling with indignation. She lifted her chin, her brown eyes blazing with emotion. "Is it so unexpected that a pretty girl such as myself, just experienced her very first kiss? Did you think I was a slut or something?" Her words were sharp, cutting through the air like a diamond-edged blade.

Xiang Feng's reply was flat and unyielding. "Yes, if I'm being brutally honest."

Guo Xiaoli felt her heart sink; her cheeks grew flush with hurt and indignation. She fought back tears, her voice soft and tremulous. "Xiang Feng. Just because you're extremely good-looking doesn't mean you can act like a jerk."

She turned to leave, desperate to escape the confines of his room and the discomfort of his presence, but his grip on her thin arms was firm.

"Don't make me sound like the asshole here. You're the one who's strange, isn't it strange to visit someone's house unannounced after they've just met?"

Xiang Feng's eyes were hard as sapphires, his expression unreadable. Guo Xiaoli tried to read the depths of his gaze, to catch a glimmer of understanding or compassion, but found only a distant, formidable wall.

Guo Xiaoli was silent. She averted her gaze, not daring to meet his, and slowly made her way over to the bed. Xiang Feng stood and watched her, his expression inscrutable, yet still somehow conveying the weight of his thoughts. The air was heavy with an unspoken tension; neither of them wanted to be the one to break the silence.

"I think it's better if I go," Guo Xiaoli suddenly declared, her words slicing through the quiet of the room like a blade.

Xiang Feng stepped towards her, his brow furrowed in confusion. "But you still haven't told me why you came to visit in the first place."

The anger surged in Guo Xiaoli's chest and her cheeks burned with indignation. She stepped away from him, her voice shaking as she spoke. "It's because I thought you were a kind and understanding person, but it turns out you're nothing more than a judgemental brute."

She spun on her heel and strode quickly towards the door, not pausing to look back. Her tears threatened to spill over, but she held them back, determined not to show him any sign of weakness. She descended the stairs, the sound of her shoes echoing through the house. Then she was gone, her footsteps fading away into the night.

Xiang Feng felt a sense of dread settle over him as he realized his mistake. He had thought that, tonight, he'd be able to experience something new—to lose his virginity. He hadn't expected that Guo Xiaoli was pure, and that he had taken her first kiss.

A thousand possibilities raced through his mind as he wondered why she had gone to such lengths to find his address. Had she been determined to find him, whatever the cost? Or had her search been more desperate, a last-ditch attempt to make contact? The thought sent a wave of anxiety through his chest, and he took a deep breath to calm himself, pushing aside his worries. Instead, he thought of the future, of the possibilities that lay ahead.

He thought not of the present, but of the future and its endless possibilities. A man of such mystique as he surely wouldn't struggle with finding companionship and affection.

Rather than dwell on the past, his thoughts wandered to what might be, the opportunities that awaited him. To one of his peculiar character, the thought of romantic entanglement was far from a distant dream.

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