I will live a simple life and forget about my childish dream.

Chapter 10: Chap 10 – Running away from Yandere.

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"Alexia?! What are you doing here?" He looked like he wanted to run but couldn't.

"You were supposed to meet me earlier today." She glared at him threateningly.


"I waited for you outside the whole day, but I guess you had other plans"

Her words sounded cold enough to freeze water, but he remained calm.

Sorry I missed our date," he apologized quietly. "Next time we will definitely spend some quality time together."

"It seems you haven't changed at all, darling." "Still playing around with those girls." Her eyes seemed to pierce through him.

"I'm sorry, Alexia. Please accept my apology. 

"Humph! I'm tired of hearing these excuses.

"Run, Bro," he grabbed my arm and ran out of the kitchen. "Run for your life."

"What is happening?"

"She thinks I'm cheating on her with someone."

"Wait, why am I running?"

"If she catches you, it's certain death." 

"Sounds serious."

"Yes, it is, which is why I'm going to use you as a shield later," he said quietly. "Just keep following behind me." 

Because of the festival, we have a whole school and a huge crowd to hide behind. That should be good enough to get away from that crazy woman.

"Okay." I nodded. "Let's go."












We hid in a room where a theater was taking place.

"The prince didn't come; we need a replacement prince," a girl was screaming in the room. 

"But where are we going to find someone to replace him now?" another girl answered. 

They looked at each other for a moment until they noticed our presence.

"Hey, you there," she pointed at me, "you'd make a great prince."

"I am really sorry."

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"He's going to be a great prince," the boy cut me off before I could respond.

"Okay, now you need to change," the girl grabbed my arm and led me to a corner of the room.

She handed me an outfit made entirely from white fabric. It wasn't exactly what I would call beautiful—more like plain, simple, and boring. The only thing interesting about this dress was its color, which reminded me of snowflakes falling gently on the earth.When we arrived, she quickly changed me.

"Do you know Romeo and Juliet?" she asked me.


"That is good." She took out a red ribbon and tied it around my hair. "Now get in there and do your best."


She left me onstage, but I have no idea what my lines are.

This class has no planning at all. How can they expect me to memorize things when we don't even know anything?

Suddenly, a voice said, "Our class will perform Romeo and Juliet." 

With her, an actress entered.

I could still tell she was Elora despite the clothing. 

"Aha!" she exclaimed loudly. "Why aren't you in the kitchen?" 

"It's a long story, but in short, a crazy woman showed up there." 

"Hmm..." she paused for a minute. "Well, the play has begun." 

So she started playing the princess or whatever.

Even though I said I knew Romeo and Juliet, what I knew was just the basics. So if anyone asks me who said something during any part of this performance, I won't remember it. 

"Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou, Romeo?"

"Out in the woods, love."

"Oh, then I'll see you tonight."


And so on. 

As the scene continued, the actors began to look more and more bored.

Then suddenly, the lights went out.
"Lights, please." A man shouted.

Lighting came back, revealing two people standing by the stage door.

One of them was wearing a black cloak with a hood covering his head. His face was covered too.

The second person wore a green robe over a blue tunic and pants. Unlike the first one, however, he removed both his mask and the hood, showing us a handsome young man with golden-brown skin.

His brown eyes twinkled under the light, making him seem mysterious and intriguing.

"Who are you?" The actor holding the sword yelled. "Are you Romeo's friend?"

"No, I am not."

Leo? What is he doing in this play?



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