I will try my best to remain a mob character

Chapter 53: Chapter 48 – They’re never asleep

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I regained my consciousness to annoying birds chirping loudly outside. There was a blunt intolerable pain, like my head’s been whacked with a dull hammer multiple times. Every noise assaulting my ears made it worse. I was not in a mood to appreciate nature today.

It was still dark outside, but the sun was threatening to rise from the horizon. My heavy head thumped synchronously with my heartbeat. When I sat up, I immediately felt the disorientation.

Burying my head in my hands to stabilise myself, I tried to recall how I reached the state that I was in right now.

I can’t remember what happened last night.

Yesterday evening, I came back with whatever amount of alcohol I managed to carry in one go, and started drinking in my room. I glanced at the empty bottles littered across the floor.

What happened after that?

Ahhh this fucking sucks.

No, calm down. My clothes are intact. I’m wrapped in 4 layers of blankets. I’m not waking up beside someone I don’t know. That means the worst scenario is out of the window.

Was Jin the one who incapacitated me with the blankets?

I glance at the couch to see a man curled up on the couch, his unnaturally long legs hanging off the edge.

I stumble out of bed, wiggling out of layers of blankets. Taking a few unsteady steps, I approach the unconscious man who was still fast asleep. Filaments of black hair hid his eyes, his rhythmic shallow breathing gave a calm atmosphere.

Did I say anything I shouldn’t have last night?

… Blacking out drunk which isn’t like me, is this also an effect of being around a main character? If I wasn’t around these high-profile people, would I be happier?

Jin’s let out an unconscious grunt, and burrowed himself further into the couch. 

Oh that’s right, all the blankets were with me. The window was open and it was fast approaching winter.

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The fact that he tried to cover himself with a curtain to block out the cold looked a bit comical.

Having a male lead just sleeping in the same room as me... I wouldn’t have found this funny a year ago. 

“… I guess I got used to being around you.” I whispered to myself, as I retreated. I approach the small table in the room scattered with my design materials.

I grab a charcoal stick in my hand, and walked back towards the unconscious man.

Do you know what happens in a scenario where someone finds a male lead asleep and say stuff thinking they’re unconscious?

They’re awake.

They’re always awake.

I look down at the man whose eyes were unbelievably still, his breathing still shallow. Is this guy awake or asleep? Somehow, I felt like a kid who was trying to catch an actor breathing while acting dead.

The charcoal stick in my hand started approaching his face, drawing a circle on each cheek and a huge shaft along his nose bridge.

Hahahaha if you’re asleep, sucks for you.

Even if you’re awake, you can’t just mysteriously wake up just when I’m vandalising your face, can you? 

Wouldn’t it be more embarrassing to be caught pretending to sleep?

I grinned satisfactorily at the massive penis I've managed to draw on Jin, who may or may not be awake, then left for the bathroom to puke my stomach out.

Maybe it was my hangover, or my brain which didn't work in full capacity because I just woke up, but I forgot the fact that I was dealing with a mind reader character.

This may come back to bite me in my ass in the future.

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