I’m Bearing My Love Rival’s Child

Chapter 24: Chapter 23

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阮恬 I feel very sleepy, like squatting in the waves, the waves undulating, making him feel happy from the inside out. When he blinked, he found that there was no Qin Li figure in the room. The bed was pressed with a strong and powerful note. He looked down on his head, rubbed his hair, rubbed his claws, and then lifted his claws.

Thinking about it with his head, he instantly turned into a human figure and charged the mobile phone with a data cable. When he just turned on, the phone madly rang, and the "beep" sound scared to throw the phone out.

It was not easy to stop the vibration, and I received a call from Shen Wenjin.

"Hey, you are finally willing to start up, sleep well?" Shen Wenjin listened to the yin and yang.

He scratched his head and yawned again. He was sleepy and honest: "It's good."

Shen Wenjin was completely helpless: "Hey, I have your play today, come over to the crew, and then the director will swear."

"Oh..." I thought about it. He did have a play today. As a result, he played too crazy yesterday. He forgot somehow, and then the phone was dead. The original alarm clock was also followed.

He even called Cai Bin quickly, and the alarm clock went on strike. Cai Bin should always remember that this assistant was too insatiable.

Controversy and accusation against the blasphemy, Cai Bin refuted the argument: "Qin always sent me over, mainly to take care of you, sleep is good for good health, compared with your health, filming is of course not important."

It seems quite reasonable to say it.

He was speechless and had no time to refute Cai Bin, and then asked him where he was.

"I am downstairs in the hotel." Cai Bin said.

I washed down and went downstairs, and I was very unhappy. Cai Bin scrutinized and observed that he had to make up for it. He quickly drove to Hengdian and did not say a lot of nonsense.

Shen Wenjin saw him in the distance, and he took advantage of his past dressing and makeup. The makeup artist had a good impression on him, and he was very anxious for him. He played at the crucial moment, but he did not delay the scene to be filmed that day.

The director said nothing, but did not hide the dissatisfaction of his heart.

Liu Qing leaned against the cool chair on the side, squatting coldly and squatting. When passing by, he sneered in a cool gesture: "Some people are big names, let us wait for him."

I didn’t care about Liu Qing, Liu Qing’s anger and anger, and the anger was rolling.

At this time, I have already walked a few meters away, but suddenly turned my head and quickly made a face to Liu Qing.

The other actors who saw this scene suddenly laughed, and when they came over, his play had not yet started, and strictly speaking, it was not too late.

"..." Liu Qing screamed, and it was even more angry.

Liu Qing always remembers to learn the lesson. Although he saw the Qin and Qin Li together, he did not think that Qin Li would care more about it. Like a vase like this, others love him. Face, this love will not fade for a long time. He firmly believes that he is confusing Qin Li, and he is more and more disgusted with it.

However, Liu Qing did not have the opportunity to learn from him. He and Yu did not have a rival, and he was always surrounded by a group of people. He is very puzzled, how can even Shen Wenjin always wander around.

Liu Qing and Shen Wenjin are unfamiliar, but they do not hinder him from hearing the name of Shen Wenjin.

Shen Wenjin graduated from the Film Academy. Before he graduated, he began to receive various films and endorsements. He made his debut at the age of 18 and won countless honors and loyal fans with a classic love movie. The entertainment circle is like a sudden fire like him, but it can stabilize its position and it can be flourishing. Shen Wenjin is unique. Not only that, but he also won the Taiwan Golden Horse Award last year, only one step away from the Golden Horse Award..

There are even more rumors that Shen Wenjin is extremely background, and the background is very hard. This is the main reason why his star route can be unblocked.

“Backstage?” Shen Wenjin finished the play, and sat down and licked the melon seeds and smiled and said: “On the backstage like Shenlong?”

"Your dad is very powerful. I listened to them and said that your company is still among the top 500 companies in the world."

Shen Wenjin didn't take it for granted: "That's my dad's business. It doesn't matter to me. I can get some money. I don't know, my dad's business, my mother's company, it doesn't matter to me. They are divorced and remarried." These heritages are their sons, and I have no relationship with me." He said that he was very careless, but the chill of his eyes was really infiltrated into his heart.

After squatting, I realized that this sentence punctures Shen Wenjin’s pain. He just said casually, how could Shen Wenjin be so excited?

"Give it to you." He bowed his head and carefully picked a tall and tender jujube and handed it to Shen Wenjin. He apologized.

Shen Wenjin squatted, his expression was helpless: "Nothing, you eat."

"You do not want?"

"Don't, it's sour." Shen Wenjin couldn't help but vomit: "Why are you eating sour jujube?" He said, looking at his abdomen with suspicious eyes: "Isn't I pregnant?"

I did not respond to Shen Wenjin, recovered the jujube, and “咔嚓” bit the sound and made a crisp sound.

After this, Liu Qing planned a few lesson's actions, but the results were not as expected. He was like mud, and he was not sure how to hold it. His plan is also very simple. He is arrogant about the costumes of the cockroaches. He is arrogant about the boxing of the cockroaches. He is comfortable with the rest of the seat. He did it well, but I don’t know why there is no reaction. I feel like nothing.

Liu Qing was frustrated. This frustration continued until the smashing of the green, and it failed to dissipate. Because of this frustration, Liu Qing’s filming was frustrated again and again. The number of ng was so large that the director gave the scorpion a hoarse voice.

On the contrary, it was awkward. The filming process went smoothly all the way. At first, because I was not familiar with the position and the lens ng several times, I quickly learned the lesson and basically did not go through it.

Because of this, Liu Qing gnawed his teeth and cursed it several times.

On the day of killing the Qing, Shen Wenjin followed the killing. Both of them received the lunch, so they received the red envelope that was routinely made in the crew. It was a sigh of relief.

Shen Wenjin went to find the red envelope and found the red envelope. He smiled, his eyes bent, and the sly eyes were so beautiful.

"Wait, wait." Shen Wenjin even grabbed his hand and pointed at the red envelope with contempt: "Do you charge so much?"

"Yeah." He said that he handed over the red envelope to Cai Bin behind him. He said to Shen Wenjin: "I have to go to the director."

"You haven't been to the director yet?"

His expression is innocent: "Well."

Shen Wenjin pinched his thin red envelopes and suddenly felt both good and funny. This was too different. He received six red envelopes. Can you actually receive a lot?

There is no heaven.

"Who is this for you?" Shen Wenjin looked at the pile of red envelopes and was very suspicious of life.

He was busy collecting red packets, and he refused to talk to Shen Wenjin. He pointed to Cai Bin and said with a smile: "He told you, I will go to collect red packets first." After that, he ran away and his mouth was happy. Sing a song.

Cai Bin held the red envelope and was tired. He looked at him with a worried look. "You wait for me, otherwise it will be very dangerous..." The words have not finished, and the speed has been speeded up, and the shadows are invisible..

Shen Wenjin took a deep breath, touched the trouser pocket and couldn't touch the cigarette. He grabbed the lighter and slowly played it. He opened his eyes and said carelessly: "Talk about it, what the **** is going on?"

Cai Bin is still very worried. He always feels that he has not followed him. He will step on the banana skin and slam his head or be kidnapped by a robber who does not know where to rush.

During this time he is almost ready to be promoted into an old hen.

He reluctantly pressed his nervous and anxious emotions and said to Shen Wenjin succinctly: "Just received a red envelope from the scriptwriter and was very happy. He took the roadside and began to dismantle the red envelope. He also cleared the amount of money. Other actors passing by saw him. Red, I thought he received this red envelope, so he also negotiated a red envelope."

Shen Wenjin’s action is slightly stunned: “Wait... how is his eye red?”

"Smoked." Cai Bin reluctantly said: "He took a movie and went shopping next door. Just next to the smoked movie, he smoked him."

Shen Wenjin is speechless, puts up the lighter, and finds a slap in the past with Cai Bin. On the sale of Meng, he is definitely better than nothing. This thing has to be replaced by him. It will only become a joke, but it will be replaced by 阮Oh, it’s just another situation.

He is also very willing to lose in this game.

The crew of the evening had a good job, and several actors with good relations with him had proposed to go out to have a meal. After all, they would not come to the crew again tomorrow, and they might not see you again later.

Shen Wenjin heard that he had to ask for a meal, but he also said with a smile on his shoulders, and he said that by the way, the few people were little famous actors. Seeing Shen Wenjin’s willingness to go, naturally nodded and promised to eat. With Shen Wenjing, they treat guests.

Shen Wenjin finally picked up the food stalls, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Arriving at the destination, Shen Wenjin took everyone's horror to the bottom of his eyes and smiled casually: "When you eat, the most important thing is to be busy. Don't underestimate the food stalls and want to eat anything."

Shen Wenjin did not say anything wrong. The food stalls are small but complete, and there is basically something to eat. A few people randomly ordered cooking, big lobster, and a few bottles of beer. Cai Bin also followed, and by the way supervised, so that he would not eat anything, but he obviously wanted more, he was very picky eaters, too spicy or beer and the like would not touch, just peel the big lobster in front of him. Peeling the shell of the shrimp in front of the hill.

There are very few rumors. When I was eating, Shen Wenjin was talking to other people. He occasionally inserted a few words, but most of them asked others, he would say.

After the meal, the person who said that the guest had previously taken the initiative to pay the bill, the meal was not eaten much, and no one was competing. After paying the bill, everyone said the conversation, and the few people took the lead to leave. Both Cai Bin and Shen Wenjin were driving, and Cai Bin was going to pick up the hotel. The two then went on to separate.

Cai Bin opened the rear door to the cockroach, and the hand pressed against the window to prevent the cockroach from reaching the head. Shen Wenjin stared deeply at the cockroach and raised his lips. "When are you going back to the capital?"

He said: "Go back tomorrow, what about you?"

"Go back tonight, I have to rush to announce." Shen Wenjin said that he paused and suddenly approached him, and hugged him in a hurry. His hand was pressed against the back of his spine, and the curvature of his lips was deeper and deeper, and the bottom of his eyes was wrapped in joy. Shen Wenjin squinted and whispered to the ear and said, "Let's go back to the capital and see you again."

When he finished speaking, he let go of his cockroaches, and his careless face could not peep into his emotions. Cai Bin glanced at Shen Wenjin with a vigilant moment. He always felt that something was wrong.

Rubbing his ears, frowning and unhappy: "Why are you talking so close together, I am not inaudible."

Shen Wenjin raised his hand and squeezed his shoulders. He smiled slyly: "Is this not afraid of your ears?"

"Shen Wenjin!" 阮恬 腮 腮 腮 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Shen Wenjin quickly evaded, did not let the squatting, he sprinted to the side to prevent the cockroach chasing over, raised the key with the key, smiled and waved: "阮小恬, goodbye to the next day."

"I don't want to see you again!" The two palms were trumpet-shaped and shouted at the back of Shen Wenjin.

You are reading story I’m Bearing My Love Rival’s Child at novel35.com

Shen Wenjin heard it, but went straight ahead and did not look back, but the smile of the lips gradually deepened, and the pleasure was unrestrained.

Early the next morning, Cai Bin came to pick up the airport. He was still awake and stumbled into the car, waiting for the car to drive to the airport to be a little more awake. Cai Bin had to keep an eye on the luggage and pay attention to it. He couldn’t wait for a few more eyes, and he was relieved after he boarded the plane.

The result was not finished yet. When he shut down, he suddenly found a text message sent by Qin Li.

The text message said that he would personally go to the airport to pick up the phone, and by the way also reminded Cai Bin to take care of it.

Cai Bin even edited the SMS reply. After shutting down, tell this to the next one.

Yongzheng looked out from the porthole and sneaked out, and suddenly heard that Qin Li would come over to pick him up, and he could not help but scared his head. He frowned and carefully remembered his nails. He didn't realize that he made a mistake, and he turned to Cai Bin: "Do I have to do something wrong?"

"No." Cai Bin looked at the pitiful eyes of the poor and inviting people, and did not resist the comfort: "Qin always picks you up, not necessarily a bad thing."

I can't relax because of this: "You don't understand, Qin Li, how can I pick me up?"

"How can I not pick you up when I have nothing?" Cai Bin was puzzled. He admits that General Qin is indeed very indifferent and aloof, and he is indifferent to many things. But in the face of it, isn’t Qin always breaking his people’s settings?

But picking up a machine, it seems that it is no big deal.

I didn’t explain it. I still said something like “You don’t understand” and “You don’t know Qin Li”. Cai Bin did not understand, he took a long while, or took out a small notebook, carrying a sly and quietly wrote "I know that the pick-up is very scary", and then did not forget to add today's date.

When the plane arrived in the capital, he pulled his head and the whole person could not lift his spirit. With Cai Bin walking out of the airport lobby, he quietly looked around and looked forward, shrinking his claws and stalking his feet like a thief.

Qin Li came to the airport alone and didn't bring a driver. He found a strange move, and secretly sighed that he was so cute anyway, and he even appreciated it seriously.

Sending the donkey into the Qin Li car, Cai Bin observed the color, and did not go into the light bulb, and found an excuse to say that he still had something to slip away at the fastest speed.

Sitting in the co-pilot, looking out the window, but could not help but quietly look at Qin Li. Qin Le’s line of sight was straight ahead, and his posture was always extremely straight and straight. His side profile was firm and tough, and he was soaked and sharp, and the neatly sturdy suit was ironed and put on. Abstinence.

Before seeing Qin Li, he was quite nervous, but he met and his tension suddenly disappeared. In addition, seeing Qin Li also reminded Liu Qing. Liu Qing’s little trick is well-known. Although he can easily resolve it, his mood will not be particularly beautiful. The reason why he did not dismantle Liu Qing, not compared with Liu Qing, is also entirely in the face of Qin Li.

It’s not easy to hide. If you don’t see Qin Li, he may still be squatting, but Qin Li will come to him, how can he endure it. When he had a heart, he would understand it and write it on his face. Qin Li knew it at a glance, not to mention the sneak peek at him, and his eyes clearly read the words "Speaking and Stopping".

"Is there something?" Qin Li cherished the words like Jin Dao.

He whispered low and "hmm", and before he spoke, he ran into Qin Qin's pocket and tried to find half of the candy. He picked one and put the rest back into Qin Li's pocket. When the sugar paper was removed, Qin Li drove out of the airport and headed straight toward the home.

My hobby has changed from toffee to sour hard candy, and the sugar in Qin Li’s pocket has naturally changed. With the sour candy, I asked the geology: "You haven't said anything about Liu Qing?"

Qin Li did not expect Liu Hui to mention Liu Qing again: "He made you angry?"

"Well!" He was so frustrated that he quickly began to report to Qin Li: "He casually smashed the costumes of my filming, and said that the lunch was not enough to make me a share, and I deliberately overturned the chair I was sitting on." He said that his tone became more and more wronged: "Liu Qing said that you are friends, so I will not endure it. Then... are you friends?"

He asked the last sentence, his eyes fixed on Qin Li, waiting for him to give himself an answer.

Qin Li's knuckles tightened the steering wheel, and his face was as horrible as he said, and he screamed: "Is Liu Qing really doing this?"

"Well, I will lie to you!" He added a heavy voice. Qin Li’s reflexive question made him listen very unhappy.

Qin Li was frowning and screaming: "I will explain this to you." His words were filled with unconcealed chill.

This time, it was not so easy to be fooled into the past. He snorted twice and felt like a temper, but Qin Li knew that every word he would say was serious.

"You have to make it clear, otherwise... otherwise I will get off the bus and not take your car." He said that he was still trying to pull the car door. Of course, the car door was locked and it was impossible to pull it open.

Qin Li didn't say anything, he took it very seriously. This matter is not to protect the cockroaches, but this will be because Liu Qing, 阮恬 seems to have been hurt. He has completely violated the original intention.

I thought Qin Li still didn't want to say that he immediately slammed the window with his handcuffs: "Parking, I want to go down!"

"Hey..." Qin Li reluctantly called his name low.

His voice seemed to be magical, so that he would calm down in an instant.阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 用 用 用 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬

Qin Li sighed, and it was counterproductive to conceal it. He intended to hope that he would be happy and carefree without any burden.

"Don't scratch the glass, sit well." Qin Li compromised in his heart, but the words were serious.

Hearing his tone of relaxation, he sat down and waited for Qin Li to explain to him the relationship and understanding process with Liu Qing.

Qin Li said in an orderly manner: "That was what happened when you were ten years old. At that time, you accidentally lost it, and it was stunned by the traffickers to take it away. Fortunately, some people noticed that something was wrong, and the traffickers saved you. When the trafficker sees that he can’t take you, he drives the car and hurts the person who saved you.

"What does this have to do with Liu Qing?" Hearing the fog.

Without waiting for Qin Li to answer, he went on to wonder: "And, I don't remember how to have this." He was completely unimpressed by this, and his brain was blank.

When I met the red light in front, Qin Li slowed down and stopped at a slow speed: "You were fainted at the time, and then you were awake, but you didn't have any impression of it. So the aunts talked about it, saying that this is holding you in advance, after all, you still have time. Small, very susceptible to stimulation."

He said that he looked sideways and calmly said: "The reason why I mention this is because the person who saved you at that time is Liu Qing's mother."

After a long while, I didn’t expect that there was so much insider in this matter. Could it be said that Qin Li’s care for Liu Qing was actually because Liu Qing’s mother saved him. Qin Li is because of his reasons, so he will go to Liu Qingjia.

Qin Li has done all this, in fact, is it all for him?

"You are because of me, so..." I was ashamed and confused, and I couldn’t say anything.

Qin Li bowed and faintly answered: "Well, I helped Liu Qing because his mother saved you, but I didn't expect you to misunderstand."

I lowered my head and was ashamed to know what to say: "I... I thought..."

Qin Lidao: "Why?"

"I thought you liked him." The skull suddenly hangs lower.

Qin Li looked at him with a sly look, and quickly regained his sight. The line of sight was complicated with countless emotions that could not tell the truth. Half a sigh was very coldly followed: "No."

"Oh, that's good." The screaming brow suddenly stretched out.

He paused and asked with concern: "Is Liu Qing's mother okay?"


The foraging finger caressed his chin and said: "Hey...she saved me, and I should go see her. You should tell me earlier, I have a good ability and will not be hit."

"It's just not necessary." Qin Li shook his head.

Liu Qing’s story was clear, knowing that Qin Li didn’t like him, and he was happy and happy, and the haze of a few days was swept away. He is very excited: "Can you take me to see her? I want to thank her."

If there is no one to save him, this will probably not be a small one.

The trafficker is not as kind as Qin Li, once he discovers his cat identity, he will certainly torture him. I am afraid of the horrible torture.

Qin Li looked at his eyes and couldn't refuse what he said. He immediately said, "Okay."

The mind quickly cleared all the clues and felt that Qin Li was so good to him. He should not misunderstand Qin Li, and so far, Qin Li is still the best for him, which makes him feel very excited and happy..

What he wants to do will be done immediately, never repeatedly thinking about it. Just as the car stopped, he moved to the Qin Li, and he habitually licked Qin Qin’s neck.

"Qin Li, you are very good." 阮恬 加 加 加 加.

Qin Li was shackled and squatted, only to feel the milk scent of the whole body, and the spoiled appearance was particularly touching. He tried hard to hold on to the desire to move, and raised his hand to pat.

"Quickly let go, block the way." A thousand words, and finally turned into this faint words.

阮恬 "Oh", just about to loosen the arms holding Qin Li, I suddenly smelled a strange smell of Qin Li that made him uncontrollable. His nose was slightly moved, and he followed what he smelled. Then he sneaked into the Qin Li suit and carefully explored it for a while, finally trying to find something like a sachet.

I took this sachet close to the smell, and I felt a softness in the moment, both comfortable and inexplicably excited.

That's right, the strange smell he just heard is from this sachet.

When I suddenly took a scented bag, I couldn’t help but let it go. Qin Li suddenly reached out and took the sachet away. When Qin Li took back the sachet, he put the sachet back in place and solemnly glanced at him, indicating that he would not be allowed to move again.

He felt that his soul had to be taken away by this sachet. The beautiful moment looked at Qin Li pitifully, and found that Qin Li was indifferent, simply squeezing his head into Qin Li’s arms, with a half-squatting Very strange posture to smell the smell.

Um... he seems to be flying.

Qin Li held the steering wheel steadily, and looked down at the cockroach, his lips faintly faintly noticeable smile.

At this moment, Qin Li is confident in the gift that will be given to him.

That gift, I will definitely like it.

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