I’m Bearing My Love Rival’s Child

Chapter 25: Chapter 24

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Before getting off the bus, the head was buried in Qin’s abdomen, and he refused to let go, and wrapped up Qin Li to ask him for the sachet.阮恬 阮恬 撒 阮恬 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦

He was very wronged, and looked at Qin Li with a sullen look. He hoped that Qin Li could change his mind and give him this sachet.

However, Qin Li did not change his mind. He got off the bus and opened the door. He carried the octopus around his shackles and lifted it to the elevator. He pressed him to the floor and then smashed his fingers around him. When I went home and took a good rest, I quickly walked out of the elevator. I stayed in a hug position, and my eyes were unfortunate and unbelievable. The watery water seemed to flood the car in the next second.

Qin Li resolutely left, not even looking back, smashing the car against the nails, the whole sorrow was sad to the extreme.

The sachet does not know what to put, the taste is especially unique, and it is pleasant to smell. After a few days, the tip of the nose seemed to haunt the scent, and it didn't scatter, so that you could scratch your heart and feel as if you were going to smash.

He was lying on the sofa and licking the cat, and the cat slammed into his arms, fearing that he did not dare to move, screaming at the cat, screaming and screaming, and he was very angry with Qin Li before Moved, as a result, Qin Xianglian District is not willing to give him a sachet, it really hurt his heart.

"Is that sachet is very valuable?" 阮恬 阮恬 糯 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋Is Qin Li too much? Well, too much, he said that it will be good to me, and the ghost will believe him in the future. And you, if Qin Li comes over, you will hurry to hide the sachet, oh... The sachet smells really comfortable and comfortable..."

He said and grieves, throwing away the glutinous rice and licking the pillow and venting it like a sip, and suddenly took the pillow as Qin Li.

About half a month later, his twenty-fourth birthday arrived as scheduled. He was so excited that he couldn't sleep early, and he rolled up from the bed and climbed up. The soft meat pad stepped on the quilt and then slammed to the ground. At the moment of landing, the cockroach instantly turned out the human form, and made a big yawn, then turned to the mirror, looking forward to curiously picking up the pajamas, fingers close to the abdomen, gently squeezing the soft swells gently Belly.

The kitten has been in existence for four months now, and the abdomen is more clearly visible in the abdomen. He hopes that the kitten can grow up quickly, so he only feels that time is too slow and too slow.

It will take a long time to meet the kittens.

I gently touched my abdomen with great expectation, as if I could touch the kitten. His kitten must be very cute, with soft fluff, little finger-like cat ears, tender and small, can be freely held into the palm of his hand, and soft and soft, milky milk to call him.

I was so excited when I was thinking, I can’t immediately meet with the kittens, I want to lick the kittens. He also wants to feed the kittens a lot more delicious, and he will buy a lot of beautiful clothes for the kittens, and dress his kittens beautifully, which is a hundred times better than all humans.

However, I am still worried. The kitten must be at least one year old to be transformed into a human form. Before that, it can only maintain the shape of the kitten. When the time comes, his parents and Qin Li’s parents ask him what to do with his grandson. I can't always pass the kittens and say that this is their grandson.

He still doesn't want to scare his parents and uncles and aunts.

Besides, the puppies will have two months more pregnancy than humans. When they are pregnant in October, they have no signs of giving birth. Maybe they will scare the elders on both sides. I am very worried to think, will he be regarded as a monster because of this? Or, parents and uncles and aunts will think that he lied, thinking that the kitten is not Qin Li.

If this is the case, I am afraid that there are two mouths, I am afraid it is not clear.

At noon that day, Ruan Baitang and Hu Shi gave a big table to the kitchen, which was very delicious. Each dish is full of flavors and scent, tempting the taste buds that the original willpower is not firm. He quickly sat down at the table and enjoyed it with joy and joy. Of course, he still loved the fish. Hu Shi knew it. He specially cooked him with braised fish, chopped fish head, and pickled fish. He loved to eat whatever he liked.. In short, today's birthday, he talks most usefully.

Still eating rice, he received a call from Qi Qi, saying that he wished him a happy birthday, and then asked if he had received a gift from her.

"Received." Shouted: "Thank you sister."

Qi Qi bought a scarf for her. When she was shopping with her scarf, she listened to it and said it was like it. So I wrote it down and waited for my birthday to buy a birthday present for him.

Qi Qidao was fine, and asked with expectation: "Brother, do you like it?"

"Like." He said seriously.

"That's good. Hey, what gift did Qin Lige give you?"

阮恬 A little silence, followed by a slight movement, the expression is also somewhat depressed, but the words are deliberately pretending to be indifferent: "He did not send."

Qi Qi was surprised to surprise: "Hey, how come? Qin Lige did not send the gift to you very early."

He continued to pretend that it didn't matter, but the tone of his voice was fierce: "He forgot."

"Qin Lige never forgot, how can I forget this time." Qi Qi heard the angry dissatisfaction in his brother's words, even comforted: "I may be too happy to give Qin Qin, so I will give gifts, brother." Don't worry, Qin Lige will never forget, I can guarantee."

The comforting words of Qi Qi let the mood change slightly, but the surface is still reluctant to admit the authenticity: "Hey, don't send it, don't send it, who is rare."

He also remembered the sachet that Qin Li refused to send him before. The gift that was given this time would not be easy to forgive Qin Li unless it was a sachet.

Hey, he is still very tempered, and will not be easily bribed to buy!

Ruan Baitang and Hu Shi listened to these words and turned their heads to look at each other. The bottom of my heart also felt very strange. Qin Li never forgot his birthday, and he gave the gift to him every morning. As a result, why didn’t he still move this year, wouldn’t he really forget it?

I really forgot...

Ruan Baitang and Hu Shi had a tacit understanding of each other's worries, and then they turned their eyes to the still bleak.

Don't look at what you said just now, the actual Qin Li really wants to forget his birthday, I am afraid it will be turned over.

After the meal, Qi Baitang and Hu Shi ate too much, and said that they had to go downstairs to stroll and eliminate food, and asked if they wanted to go.

When I finished eating, I went back to the sofa, licking my pillow and wondering what my sister said, and whether Qin Li was too busy or forgot his birthday. The more he wanted to be depressed, the more he didn’t feel moved, he couldn’t go. It’s like squatting.

Yan Baitang and Hu Shi looked at each other, so the worry at the bottom of the eyes was even worse.

Throughout the afternoon, I couldn’t tell the sorrow and irritability. When he lay down on the sofa, he felt that the whole cockroach was not right, and he did not want to admit what he was thinking about. Every minute, he would habitually look at the phone and found that there was no phone, no text message, no qq message, and the whole one was like an exhausted effort.

When I took the phone again, the screen that was originally turned off suddenly lit up, and the ringing of the ringing phone sounded.阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

No gifts, not happy, not happy, not happy!

"Hey, hey, why don't you talk?" Shen Wenjin smiled and teased: "Hey, this is to become a little stunned."


Shen Wenjin squatted down and noticed that he was not happy. He said very convincedly: "How? Who dares to bully you? Tell the brother, brother to avenge you."

"Qin Li." He spit out two words.

"..." Shen Wenjin suddenly stopped, the previous words were too big, and sometimes he did not come to Taiwan, and then simply did not say that sentence, transfer the topic: "That, happy birthday, I will not be in the capital, change the day to supply You present."

"Hey!" He couldn't help but notice that Shen Wenjin's behavior of transferring the topic could not help but scream.

Shen Wenjin is also quite helpless. If he wants to change his personality, he can still try to find the other person. However, Qin Li... He is not happy to find Qin Li. Isn’t it just to find a good time for himself? Besides, the relationship between Qin Li and Yu, maybe the two will turn around and be as good as ever, it will seem to sacrifice his value. nothing.

So this proposal is firmly opposed.

The night outside the window gradually dimmed, and the thin mist filled the air.

I didn't wait for Qin Li's news, and the sofa has completely turned into a dethron. I didn't even bother to move again. However, when he had completely given up and decided to turn Qin Li into the blacklist from now on, he suddenly heard a vague and familiar voice coming from outside the corridor, accompanied by the key inserted into the keyhole, and then the sound of the door opening..

The closed door was pushed open, and Hu Shi said happily: "Small, come over, see who is coming?"

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He didn't move, squinting his eyes and squinting at Qin Li, and quickly retracted his gaze. He snorted coldly and snorted, and did not hide the strong emotion of "I am so angry and angry that you must marry me."

Qin Li’s line of sight was taken back from the shackles and turned to 阮柏堂. They were taken for granted: “Then I will pick up Xiao Xiaoyu first.”

"Well, take it and pick it up." Hu Shi was so refreshing and even like to urge Qin Li: "He is not as good as going to your home."

"Yeah, I remember that you didn't give him a gift on this day." Yan Botang also followed the road.

When I heard this, the hair burst in a moment and loudly replied: "I don't! I don't want a gift!" As he spoke, his face whispered unconsciously.

Qin Li bowed to the cypress hall and bowed to the sofa lying on his knees.

Suddenly nervous, he turned his back to Qin Li, and buried his head in the pillow, posing a typical gesture of refusing to communicate.

Qin Li leaned over and squatted, his eyes focused on the body, low and low: "I pick you up to see gifts."

With a silent mouth, I made up my mind to ignore Qin Li.

"I don't want to see a gift?" Qin Li said with a very calm tone: "You will definitely like it."

He will definitely like it?

His ears are vertical, and the insistence on the bottom of his heart has become shaken by this words. Like a cat curious, he can't help but guess what kind of gift Qin Li has prepared for him, and Qin Li's gift for him every year. He likes it very much, what will it be this time?

My curiosity was completely swayed by Qin Li.

Qin Li also sincerely said: "Today is busy preparing gifts, so I didn't contact you, forgive me this time, okay?" His voice was very low, and he passed the tip of his tongue and carried a very awkward tone, both Su and beautiful.

I suddenly wavered and began to unconsciously find reasons to forgive Qin Li. Um... Qin Li said that he was preparing a gift for himself, so he didn’t contact him. It’s better to forgive Qin Li this time?

"That can't be the next time!" After compromising, he stressed that he was fiercely arrogant.

Qin Li seriously said: "No."

"Okay." He squinted his head and turned and sat down.

When he left with Qin Li, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was not strong enough to make him feel particularly vulnerable. So he stared at the broad and straight back of Qin Li, and added another chip to emphasize: "If the gift I don't like, Don't forgive you."

Qin Li stopped his footsteps and looked at him slightly. His side profile was exceptionally handsome under the illumination of the overhead lights. Qin Li whispered mysteriously: "You will love it."

The curiosity about this gift is even stronger.

The cool wind at night dispels the heat of the day, and the distant sky glows in the sky, which is like a picture of the world.

Qin Li drove to the villa, all the way to silence, turned his head and looked out the window, desperately trying to control curiosity, not asking Qin Li what the gift is. He was both excited and expecting, and mixed with a little bit of tangles, and Qin Qin gave him a gift. If he didn't like it, did he say that he liked it or didn't like it?

If you don't like it, will he still have to continue to breathe Qin Li?

Oh... my head hurts.

In short, he blames Qin Li. Since he is ready for a gift, why not send it in advance, but he has to take him over and over.

I will have to move the gift home afterwards, and it will be more troublesome.

I thought about it all the way, Qin Li’s car has already entered the villa area. This villa area is located in a prime location, and it is worthy of money. It is not available for money. To some extent, it has been branded as a Qin family. The family who live here are basically Qin family. There are Qin family members, there are other branches, just like a solid, leafy tree, entangled in this wide area.

After the car drove into the villa, after stopping, he just wanted to collect the gift with great interest. Qin Li suddenly handed him a blindfold.

"What?" He was not very happy to wear. He just wanted to find a gift as soon as possible, and he was so curious that he was about to burst.

Qin Li succinctly said: "Don't wear."

His tone is heavy and he carries a stubborn attachment. He was so embarrassed and stunned, or he was covered with a blindfold and his eyes were blindfolded. This mystery made him extremely excited and full of expectations.

What gift will Qin Li give him?

This time it is so mysterious, it must be a very precious and precious gift. You can't help but start to fantasize. Maybe you will pick off the blindfold, and he will see a golden jewel in his place. He is also very fond of these sparkling things.

He also imagined whether Qin Li could send him a big bed of jewels all over the jewels, and he felt Qin Li slammed down. Qin Li loosened his hand tightly and then wrapped around his body and slowly removed the blindfold from him.

The eye mask that blocked the line of sight was taken off, and then he opened his eyes with excitement and excitement. Then, in addition to a vast grass in front of his eyes, he was very surprised after nothing.

“What about the gift?” He looked at Qin Li in a confused way.

The opposite reaction to the expectation made Qin Li suddenly very uneasy. His emotions were very good, and he calmly pointed to the grass that seemed to be in front of him and could not see the end. He said: "This is a gift."

Looking at the grass in front, I blinked incredulously: "You sent me the grass? Did you send so many grasses?" He was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

Give him a dry grass, he is not a cow, not eating grass.

Qin Li couldn't help but panic: "This is catnip, I specialize in transplanting." He planted catnip, and also specially vacated the half garden, and removed the original bouquet of vegetation. Qin Li is still very certain that the gardener who received his order at that time certainly had some doubts about him. After all, no one will remove the expensive plants, but instead plant some catnips that have little value.

He was seriously suspected that Qin Li was deliberate. He felt that he was insulted.

"Can you eat?" He held the thought of possibly Qin Li, and asked again.

Qin Li shook his head. He began to feel that he might have sent the wrong gift. After all, he did not show any excitement and excitement in his imagination. Instead, he seemed to question his IQ.

"Otherwise, do you smell?" Qin Li proposed without hope.

阮恬 线 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑 怀疑

"Is there anyone in the villa?" He walked over to the catnips in one place and turned to Qin Li.

Qin Li said: "No."

His voice just fell, and the squat instantly turned out the original shape. The cat, covered in beautiful chocolate and white hair, gracefully enters the lush catnip, the fluffy hairy tail swings side to side, and the soft meat pad does not make a slight sound on the leaves and the mud.

Qin Li looked at the cockroach intently, and the line of sight turned with the cat's figure. Under the glimpse of the sunset, the beautiful cat in the cat's mint was like a pink dress.

The next moment, witnessing the claws hooked with catnip, suddenly held him a full scene, Qin Li immediately realized that he did not give the wrong gift.

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