I’m Bearing My Love Rival’s Child

Chapter 29: Chapter 28

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Qin Li will send him home, because he reported his peace to his parents in advance, so the two have given up the idea of ​​reporting. Throughout the call, Qi Baitang's air pressure was extremely low, and the tone was indifferent, and he did not hide his anger.

Of course, he is also clear that his father was so angry that he was completely worried that he would have an accident. He only listened with trepidation and softly voiced his father to repeatedly apologize.

Ruan Baitang’s anger has not disappeared: “Go home and say it again.” After that, he hangs up the phone with a bang.

He sent the donkey upstairs, Qin Li saw him frowning and restless, and he calmed and squeezed his palm: "I will accompany you in?"

"Nothing, I can go by myself, my parents are also worried about me."

Qin Lidao: "You are right, this is not something you can control, don't be too self-blaming."

"Well, let's go, my parents saw you, and you have to be polite. They yell at me, I will listen, let them vent their vents." He looked very firm.

He said that the words are reasonable, and then the uncles and aunts are so painful, they will not really scold him. Qin Li sighed again and then turned and walked toward the elevator.

The eye-catching Qin Li left, and sighed deeply to take a breath, then raised his hand and knocked on the door. When he knocked on the door, he became more and more embarrassed. He rubbed his toes tightly on the ground, and lowered his head and put on a good gesture of misunderstanding.

With the "beep", the closed door quickly opened. When I hadn't recovered, I was slammed into my arms with my wrists. The familiar temperature was close to two seconds and quickly separated.

Hu Shi grabbed his shoulder and examined him from the hair to the sole of his foot. After checking that the cockroaches were not injured, Hu Shi relaxed, and then began to scold again. He was angry and angered: "You are a stinky boy, where have you gone in the past few days, do you know that your parents are worried about death?" Anyway, if you go to play, you must report it every day, and you don’t even have a mobile phone. If Qin Li guarantees you are fine, my parents really think you..."

When Hu Shi said it, he suddenly couldn’t say it.

Looking at his mother, his eyes turned to his father next door, very sincerely said: "Parents, sorry, I will not be like this in the future."

Hu Shi sighed and touched his head: "The attitude of acknowledging the mistake is very good, but you must say clearly about this. Where did you go these days? And Qin Li, why should he hide your whereabouts? Don't be afraid. If Qin Li bullies you, my parents will definitely be the master of you."

Obviously, the deliberate concealment of Qin Li's time ago has greatly reduced his credibility.

Qilian explained: "Mom, Qin Li didn't bully me. Thanks to him for helping me in the past few days. Don't misunderstand him." His expression was very urgent, and he didn't look like a fake.

Ruan Baitang did not have a good air: "Then you will tell the matter clearly, what is the matter, can you find Qin Li, but can't find a solution for your parents?"

I want to be able to seriously analyze the tone of his father's words. In fact, he can hear the vague meaning of the words in the cypresses.

However, he will have no mood at all. He filled his head and wondered how to explain to his parents, Qin Li sent him home on the way, he also thought very seriously. Qin Li also suggested that he couldn't make it clear, so it would be better to lie than to lie.

"Parents." He decided to adopt Qin Li's proposal. He whispered uneasily: "This is a complicated matter. I don't want to talk now, can... can I talk about it later?"

He carefully requested it, but he was also very guilty, lest his parents would sternly oppose it, and forced him to tell the truth.

I don't know if this performance falls into the eyes of his parents, but he misunderstands what has been wronged, so he is unwilling to reveal the scars. The two exchanged their eyes and agreed to give up the question temporarily. The facts at the moment are not the most important. The most important thing is that they are safe and sound.

Hu Shi promised: "Well, then wait for what you want to say, and then talk to your parents. But in the future, you can't suddenly disappear like this. Mom and Dad are too old to stand such stimulation."

Zheng Zheng focused: "Well, I won't be in the future."

"have you eaten?"

"not yet."

Hu Shi’s line of sight turned to 阮柏堂, and hurriedly said: “Daddy, fast, give 阮 恬 恬 端 。 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Mom will cook the bowl for you and put an egg."

I was moved, and rushed over to hug my mother. The soft and soft air was still touched by the low crying cry: "Mom, you are so good, thank you." After he finished his head, he kissed his mother. a bit.

Before Hu Shi was full of anger, he was immediately diluted by the kiss. She touched her face and couldn’t hide her smile. She said deliberately: "It’s too big, it’s still spoiled, and I won’t be able to take advantage of it later.”

When he looked at his words, his mother turned to laughter, and he relaxed with ease. He kissed his mother's arm intimately and smiled sweetly: "I haven't grown up yet, it will always be your little baby."

"Yes, yes." Hu Shi was full of pets: "Let me break my heart."

"I will obey afterwards and will not let you worry."



As the two men talked more relaxedly, the originally dull and depressed atmosphere dissipated, and returned to the relaxed and happy family atmosphere before and after laughing.

After eating it, I found a mobile phone and sent a message to Qin Li, saying that he was fine, and his parents had forgiven him. Qin Li waited for holding the mobile phone. When he sent it for a while, he quickly got the message from Qin Li: Well, let your parents.

I put my mobile phone in satisfaction and put the bowl into the kitchen. I ran to the sofa where my parents were sitting. He squeezed into the middle of his parents' sitting, took off his shoes, and then poked on Weibo to share his comments and fans with his parents.

Hu Shi did not care to help: "Be careful of the children, don't be as before, and squat and jump."

"The baby is very tenacious." This cognition is like engraving in the mind. He can't trace the source, but he can trust it exactly. The kitten is the one he is carrying. He can clearly feel that his kitten is very powerful and will not be as fragile as a human fetus.

Hu Shi shook his head helplessly, but he was helpless and unwilling to blame. When you pick it up, it's like sweet and delicious cheese, and when you squat it, you feel sweet and refreshed.

He poked the Weibo he just published, and found that the time of this meeting, Weibo forwarding has exceeded 10,000. He then opened the comment and found the bad things he had done before, and he even showed up so soon.

The comments were divided into two parts, some of which racked their brains to praise the beauty, and some of them began to discuss the matter of Qin Li Weibo's concern.

Annoyed to continue to comment, so quickly exposed, Qin Lizhen will not know soon. Qin Li will not blame him, will he be angry with him. I was thinking about it, and my good mood suddenly seemed like an upset and a cold water, and I was both annoyed and upset.

Under the commentary, many netizens began to exert their imaginations and wondered why Qin Li would pay attention to him. What is his relationship with him? In exchange for other people, netizens will not have such a big reaction. However, it is Qin Li who is concerned about the Qin family. Qin family is now a family member. Since the opening of Weibo, Qin Li has never been concerned about the number of people.

As for the artist who is the first to pay attention to his company, his significance is somewhat extraordinary.

阮恬 阮恬 评论 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真 认真Lek has an improper relationship, and there are well-founded reasons to say: having such a beautiful face is certainly the best tool for taking shortcuts.

Ruan: It’s no wonder that the entertainment circle is chaotic, and there is no real evidence. It is said that he and Qin Li have an improper relationship. Moreover, he looked down at the kitten in his abdomen. He did have an improper relationship with Qin Li. How could anyone fly over and bite him?

He didn't care what the netizens said. What he really cares about is how Qin Li will react. When I was sitting on a needle felt, I felt that I had not left Qin Li for a while, so I had some empty ground.

The living room is spacious and tidy, and the TV opposite the sofa is inlaid with a TV set, which shows a family drama that parents love to watch. Reluctantly saw the meeting, but no interest, I felt more and more sleepy, and could not help but take out the mobile phone to brush Weibo. His heart was like a cat scratching, and he was eager to know the follow-up progress of the incident.

This brush microblogging, I found that the heat of the event has increased. The media also came over and forwarded, and published some ambiguous opinions, guiding the attention of netizens in the direction they expected.

Brushing Weibo was very timely. He just turned the topic for a while and found that Qin Li was even more bloggy. He even quickly pokeed Qin Li Weibo and found that Qin Li only published two words that were incomparably simple and neat: hand slippery.

Then went to see Qin Li's Weibo attention and found that Qin Li really canceled his concern.

Somehow, I was a little lax, and my heart was a bit unclear about the sense of loss.

Qin Li must have guessed that he paid attention to Jia. Although it is the most correct way to cancel attention at the moment, he still feels very unhappy. He can't help but wonder if Qin Li is not willing to pay attention to him. It began to entangle.

I hate this feeling of tangling. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he grabbed his mobile phone and went to the balcony to ask Qin Li.

Qin Li quickly connected the phone, and the tone was no exception: "Is it not good to accompany my parents?"

The anger was up from the heart, and even the corners were too lazy to turn, and straightforwardly asked with aggrieved: "You canceled me."

The implication is that you canceled me, so I am very unhappy, you have to give a statement, or give me a happy.

Qin Lidao: "This is the best way to clarify."

He admits that he is slipping and cancels his attention to the embarrassment. The netizens will only regard this as a farce, so they will use it to pour the dirty water, and naturally they will lose their effectiveness. Although Qin Li is not afraid of public opinion, he must still think about it.

Oh, of course, this is clear, but the truth is one thing, and the feeling is another. He does not hesitate to emphasize: "You have no hesitation when you cancel the attention..."

Qin Li: "..."

阮恬 Continue to poke the balcony railing with your fingers: “This is exactly what you want, you didn’t want to pay attention to me.” The more he said, the more his guess was true, the tone was even more sorrowful, carrying a full Condemnation of Qin Li.

Qin Li saw that the more he said, the more outrageous he was. The more he said that he deviated from the orbit, he interrupted: "The Weibo number is rarely used."

"Oh..." I still can't lift it.

"When you boarded Weibo, didn't you find another Weibo number?" Qin Li couldn't take care of it. He thought about being happy and couldn't let him misunderstand: "The Weibo number is commonly used by me. On the day you opened Weibo, I will pay attention to you."

You are reading story I’m Bearing My Love Rival’s Child at novel35.com

阮恬 Instantly surprised: "Really?"


"Then you send me the Weibo number, and I will pay attention to you."

Qin Lidao was good, and when he saw the sorrow and returned to the happy appearance, he relaxed his breath silently. The two then talked again, and they urged Qin Li to send him the Weibo number. He should immediately pay attention to Qin Li, and he said that he would go to accompany his parents and not talk to Qin Li.

When I finished the call, I was in a cloudy and sunny mood. I sang the song into the living room and immediately received the Weibo number from Qin Li. When he glimpsed the name of Weibo, his heart didn't come to the ground for a while. Qin Li, the frequently used Weibo number, was called Xiaoxiao.

His face was slightly hot, and he was exaggerated to be embarrassed. He then added Qin Li’s attention and hesitated for a while, putting him in the most important group.

After adding attention, he slowly turned the Qinlu this microblogging number.

When Hu Shi saw his squat and sat back, he smiled and joked: "I haven't seen this for a while, and I want Qin Li?"

"No, no, I asked him about it." As it is, but somehow it was a bit sloppy.

Hu Shi’s face, I understand that I don’t know how to disguise your expression, and turn my eyes to the TV series. This TV series can be seen well, the story is wonderful, and the plot is tight and not dragged.

Looking at his mother, silently withdrawing the words of explanation. The explanation is to cover up, the cover is to tell the story, so he does not explain, but turned his head and looked at Weibo seriously.

Compared with the large size of Qin Li, he has a lot more microblogs, and he has a stunned discovery that 90% of Qin Li’s content is related to him, with 10% left. I can't understand without reading. But why did Qin Li quietly send so many Weibo related to him?

Kneeling, suddenly blessing to the soul to figure out something, but can not tell what exactly figured out.

He also lowered his head and carefully turned the microblogging, and he felt that he was suddenly quiet, and he could only hear the sound of the TV show, and whispered the whisper, adding a bit of sensation to the atmosphere.

When he first noticed this, he felt his parents' hot eyes on him. He didn't take it seriously and continued to check Weibo.

And when he bowed his head, his face was puzzled and unbelievable Hu Shi, and suddenly he took the courage to pull his ears.

Hey, he grimaced and asked his mother: "Mom, what are you doing?"

His mother's strength is not small, licking the painful and numb ears, but also wondering what the **** is doing, nothing to pull his ears to play, and then he will sit on this, there is nothing wrong with it.

When I thought about it, my thoughts came to an abrupt end, and I suddenly realized what went wrong.

He had just been hurt by his mother. The ears were not on the sides of the cheeks, but the two white snowy ears that didn’t know when they came out quietly.

He was shocked for a moment, and nervously looked at him behind him, and found that his tail did not know when it leaked out. The long tail was placed along the gap in the sofa, and the tip of the tail swayed gently.

Hu Shi looked at him with a stunned look, and the instinctive reaction made her stand up, vigilantly away from the hustle and bustle, and her expression was filled with panic and uneasiness.

Yan Baitang is a lot calmer. He frowns and examines the shackles. He asks: "Is this a prop?" He quickly denied himself when asked, and there would be such realistic props.

"What is going on with this?" Hu Shi was anxious and panicked. Then he said, "What monster are you? Hey? What are you doing?" There is a clear warning threat and fear in the words. Emotions.

He grabbed the sofa nervously, and his **** away made him look very hurt. His whole squatting down on the sofa, grievances and fear of the earth: "Mom, I am awkward."

He said that he tried to retract his ears and tail, but somehow he was probably too nervous or too anxious, and he failed to do so repeatedly.

Hu Shi’s eyes flickered, and I wonder if I should believe this person. She would also doubt her eyes because she had a living monster in front of her eyes. She never thought that the monster actually existed, which completely overturned all her cognition for decades.

Yan Botang’s cognition was obviously subverted. He reluctantly calmed down and walked to Hu Shi’s side and glared at her shoulder: “Don’t worry, no matter what, listen to him and explain it.”

Hu Shi nodded his head and then turned off the noisy TV set. After the protagonist’s controversy stopped in the play, the atmosphere of quiet and dead in the room will be magnified infinitely.

He couldn't help but swallow his throat. He was both annoyed and annoyed. He had avoided his parents before, but he was afraid that his parents would be aware of his true identity. The result went around and he turned back to where he was, and was caught by his parents. Looking at the current situation, he has no other reason to escape, besides being honest.

He can't be nervous, and he can't predict the reaction of his parents in advance. What's more, parents may drive him out.

Tightly tightening the body next to the sofa, hiding the tail as much as possible, and lowering the road: "Parents, I am really awkward. Sorry, I have been deceiving you, I am afraid, I am afraid if you know My true identity will drive me out, don't want me. I... I must be a good monster, never done a bad thing."

When he said that he was pleading, he looked at his parents with pity.

In the end, Hu Shixian relented, and she reacted innocently, and felt embarrassed by the previous instinctive reaction. After all, no matter what, they are their sons, he is a man or a demon, and there should be no change.

Hu Shi reluctantly calmed down, and she apologized: "Xiao Xiao, my mother was scared, and you don't mind if you say it. But you still have to talk about it, what the **** is going on? If you are a demon, before How could it appear here?"

They have been with each other for so many years, and of course they are very familiar with it. Therefore, observing what he said and the tone of his speech, he no longer doubts the actual identity of the deaf.

After he was in a hurry to explain, he asked his parents uneasily and said: "Would you like to drive me away?" After he said this, his eyes were already foggy, as if his mother said "will", those rich The mist will turn into a stream of water that will spew out.

Hu Shi’s heart was soft, and he couldn’t help it. It’s a bit strange now, and he’s going straight to hug. She squeezed her ears and found that without any prejudice, this look was really cute.

She then felt the hustle and bustle in her arms trembled, and even patted her back and lowered her voice: "Sorry, my mother's reaction is too intense, scaring you. How can parents go after you?" You are our son one day, and our son is our son in this life."

He was both afraid and moved, and shouted softly with a crying cry: "Mom."

"Oh, my mom is wrong. So you suddenly disappeared before, for this reason? That Qin Li... Does he know your true identity?" Hu Shi whispered in a whisper.

The emotion gradually calmed down and slowly said: "Well, I suddenly couldn't become a person a few days ago. I was afraid of being discovered by you. I went to find Qin Li. Fortunately, Qin Li took care of me. Later I recovered, I know. Mom and Dad, you are very worried about me, and immediately think about going home. But before something happened, I came back too urgently, and I can’t maintain the human form steadily, so I will suddenly reveal the stuffing.” He said the tone when he said this. Wronged.

"It turned out to be like this." Hu Shi said, and then asked a question that she and Qi Baitang were most concerned about at the moment: "What about you, what are you?"

He gestured to his parents to prepare, and then he withdrew from his mother's arms. He was ashamed and embarrassed to pull out the hidden tail. Then quickly turned out the original shape, showing his gesture to his parents without reservation.

He stepped on the sofa slowly and gracefully from the left to the right, and from the right to the left, then kneel down, beautiful dark blue eyes docilely and staring at the parents.

Suddenly, the original shape was changed. Even if Bai Botang and Hu Shi were prepared, they were still very shocked.

After the shock, the two carefully observed the original shape of the cockroach. After the psychological fading of the fear, the two men only looked at the amazement. The original form of the cockroach was a cat. No wonder he loved the cat so much, and he always stayed from small to large. The soft and cute appearance of the deputy.

Probably the sly cat's original shape is too cute, perfectly confusing the cypress and Hu Shi, the two immediately accepted the true identity of the cockroach.

However, after careful observation, Yan Baitang suddenly showed a thoughtful expression. He always has the feeling of deja vu, as if he has seen this cat.

"It's the stairs." Hu Shi first thought of it: "When the cockroach disappeared, we bought food back, didn't we still see a cat?"

He wandered around the sofa for two turns and then reverted to human form. After he changed his shape, he touched his head and found that his ears and tail were still there.

"That is me." He admitted: "I am afraid of being discovered by you, so I ran."

Ruan Baitang sighed, used to sigh his head, whispered: "Frightened you? Your mother is right, we will not have an opinion on you because of your identity. In the future, we still have worked hard like us." For more than ten years, you must be very tired. You don’t have to worry anymore. How do you love it? From the day you adopted you, my mom and I never thought about giving up."

Hu Shi sat next to the donkey and also said: "Now think about it, there are still many doubts, but I am too big with your dad, I don't think much. Also, Qi Qi said that she saw the puppet cat at home. That is also you?"

"Well, it is me." He nodded. These words made by my parents made him feel moved, and the heart that had been hanging all the time finally fell back to the original place.

Then he told his parents about his life, and he never remembered. He also frankly said that he had deliberately went outside the house of his parents. He would already know that he had to have a parent, so he would like to make his own parents, and he can still eat and drink..

Of course, what he actually longed for was the latter.

After listening to Hu Shi, he smiled and looked at the cypress, and smiled and realized: "No wonder the surveillance can't find you. Are you jumping directly into the community from the wall?"

When they checked the surveillance, they only looked at where the child was coming from, and did not pay attention to whether or not the cat entered.

I was very shyly clutching the tip of the tail, and did not deny what his mother said.

"This is also a fate." Hu Shi sighed.

It’s true that the singer’s decapitation agrees. The cockroaches just picked them up and happened to block the deadly disasters for them. It is true that they should sigh.

He immediately thought of something, and stunned: "No wonder when I checked, I found that your organs are different from humans. Since even the demon has it, then the demon will be pregnant, and it is not too difficult to understand."

It’s hard to understand, of course, silently. He is a public servant and should not have been pregnant. Of course, these words are only silently thought of in the bottom of my heart, and have not actually been said.

In short, he always felt that Qin Li, who could make him pregnant, must not be a good human being.

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