I’m Bearing My Love Rival’s Child

Chapter 30: Chapter 29

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Unexpectedly discovering the true identity, the expressions of 阮柏堂 and Hu Shi are very suspicious of life, and from time to time sneak a sneak peek, I did not expect them to raise ten The son of a few years, actually turned out to be a monster. There is still no lethal cat demon, although he has always stressed that he is a civet, and Bai Botang and Hu Shi still chose a noun to understand.

In short, no one is right.

After that, the family went on to watch the TV series. Although the two people looked at the TV screen, they still thought about it. I still have a lingering fear, but for him, the biggest hidden danger is lifted, but it is still more pleasant and more fearful.

He calmed down and calmed himself down, and sneaked out of QQ and sent a message to Qin Li.

Hey: Is it? You are calm and calm, I have a very big explosive news, do you want to listen?

Qin Li quickly replied, and the speed was so fast that he seriously doubted whether Qin Li was equipped with a special radar for Xiao Xiaoyu. When he received his news, he would automatically transmit brain waves.

Qin Li: Said.

阮恬 组织 组织 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬Fortunately, my parents said that no matter what I am, they will not drive me away, and will not deny me. I am nervous and afraid and happy, my parents know my identity, I can no longer disguise in the future.

Qin Li will only return after a while: Are you okay?

Hey: I am fine, the kitten is okay, Qin Li, I am so happy!

Qin Li’s response took longer, and he stared at the words “Kitten”, and his heart was filled with complex and bizarre emotions. The kitten is awkward. It turns out that this is the name of the child. It feels very cute and very subtle.

Before he learned about his identity, he never expected that he would have a kitten as a child.

After the series was released, Qi Baitang and Hu Shizhao often went back to sleep and entered the room. Hu Shi turned his head and looked at him. He said, "Do you want to tell Qin Li's parents?"

"No," he said without hesitation. "This is too ridiculous. What should I do to scare them?"

阮柏堂 said: "Yes, it is not clear whether they can accept it, let alone, if you say it or not, it will not affect your feelings."

Hu Shi was persuaded and screamed as usual: "Go to bed early, don't play too late."

"Yeah." He got up and went back to the room, just in case he stressed: "Parents, you have to keep it secret. When I was a child, my parents were chased by the bad guys, I will lose it, so this Things can’t just be said to outsiders, it’s bad if they lead to bad guys.”

"Parents know, you can rest assured." Ruan Baitang solemnly said.

One month after Qin Li received the news, his grandfather returned from a foreign tour. The old man appreciates the beauty of the exotic country. The whole person is like a young man, ten years old, with a childish face, full of red light and spirit. Liu Wei, who accompanied him to travel, also laughed, probably because the journey was really enjoyable, and she made a few smiles to Qin Mu and others.

In order to celebrate the return of the old man, a large family specially gathered in the old house to meet with the father, and the old man laughed loudly. He gathered a group of younger generations and chatted happily about the interesting journey. Qin Li sat quietly on the side, but not much, but he listened very seriously.

Father said: "This is why I have played all the time I have never played before. When I parachute, Lao Liu said that it is not safe, not to jump, the coach also said that I am older, jumping this is not safe. Nonsense, I Will you be old? When I was ninety-nine years old, I wouldn’t be afraid to jump on this umbrella."

A bunch of grandchildren next to the old man rushed to raise their hands and asked: "Grandpa, then you jumped?"

“Is skydiving fun?”

"Grandpa, will you take me to play later?"


Father enjoys the joy of his children and grandchildren, and smiles: "Of course, jump, when a man can swear?" He said and touched his grandson's head: "You remember, men must have a sense of responsibility, encounter difficulties, but also Stand up in front of your wife and children, have a role, know?"

"Know it." Grandchildren sang.

The spacious hall of the villa is brightly lit, showing a very harmonious and warm atmosphere. The family can come to the old house, the women gather to talk about costumes and jewelry, and the men still talk about the business, everyone seems to have a happy smile. However, it is still difficult to conceal the contrast between the comparison and the back.

Qin Mu and Sun Shenxi sat together, and the two whispered something, and they set a clear boundary with others.

Liu Wei is far away, like what is with Qin Fu - Qin Le's three uncles. Qin Fu is different from Qin Xiang. He does not have much ambition. At best, he is a younger brother. He remembers eating, drinking and having fun all the time. In addition to giving trouble to the Qin family, from time to time, there are small artists or tender models with illegitimate children trying to marry outside the giants. Didn't make much trouble.

Qin Fu listened to his mother's words, and his face was extremely impatient. For him, as long as there is money to spend, there is a woman to sleep, the other is that the sky has fallen, and it has nothing to do with him.

His mother said that it is undoubtedly to let him work hard like a brother to fight for the Qin family.

However, Qin Fu knew that he was not the piece of material. Without Qin Mu, there is still no Qin Li. Their eccentric father, when to give them a chance.

Everything in the hall is different, and each has its own minds. Perhaps only those children who have not yet touched the society will have a clean and unpolluted heart.

Qin Xiang was the last one. Before the meal, Kankanka entered the room and smiled at the table and told the father that he would punish the wine. Father, this will be in a good mood, did not care about him, Qin Xiang still insisted on three glasses of wine, this is the seat. He was not idle when he was seated, like to draw all his attention to him, and began to show off the big order he had just signed with the old man.

"Sorry Dad, I should have come back soon, but there is something wrong. I signed the contract and let the driver come at the fastest speed." Qin Xiang said: "If the general business, of course, did not greet you important, but this In cooperation with Levao, Levao has signed a contract to hand over the company's two years of production of electronic products to Soteng. From today, Sotton will also be Levao's largest product supplier."

When Qin Xiang’s words came out, the table suddenly sounded like a cool and amazing voice. As we all know, Levao's electronic products such as computers, mobile phones and cameras are extremely popular. Basically, every new product will cause great sensation at home and abroad.

Therefore, it is possible to obtain the production rights of Levao, which will bring immeasurable benefits to the Qin family. More importantly, this will undoubtedly further strengthen the status of the Qin Group.

As for Qin Xiang, he did not hesitate to let Li quickly talk about cooperation, but also chose to openly discuss cooperation matters at this time. The purpose is of course self-evident.

He said that his eyes turned abruptly to Qin Li, his face was full of laughter, but his eyes were hidden with a chill. He deliberately yelled at the yin and yang: "Speaking, this is still thanks to me." If he wants to give me a lottery, I have no chance to cooperate with Levao. Dad, Qin Li ability I agree, but it is too emotional. But I understand him, he wants me to shine, I don't give it without complaints?"

The old man didn't know it. He paused in action. The previous smile was also tempered by Qin Xiang's words. His eyes turned to Qin Li, and he said: "Is this true?"

Qin Li casually took a look at Qin Xiang. Qin Xiang’s smile and his eyes are full of arrogant smiles. He has been planning for so long, waiting for this to clear the old account with Qin Li. He proves Qin Li’s feelings and proves his ability to his father. When good things start, I won’t be able to bring down Qin Li in the future.

Qin Li looked at the crowd and slowly said: "Uncle, you don't mention this, I almost forgot. You may wish to explain with grandfather the glorious financial statements and the losses in successive years? Also, the person you promoted. With the Qian’s group’s money-spoken rules artist, do you explain the explanation by the way? Oh, you said Levao, the head of the company had asked me to talk about cooperation before, and you probably misunderstood the strength of the Qin family. Business is not that we ask Levao, but Levao asks us. I guess, Levao's price, have you dropped at least four points?"

He is not in a hurry, he is not flustered, and his calm gesture is very appealing.

Qin Xiang’s face was so ugly that he was so ugly that he promoted this cooperation and expressed the sincerity of Sotton, and he took six points to Levao. This made him look like an egg at the moment, and he couldn't say a word at the moment.

For a long while, Qin Xiang reluctantly retorted: "Well, then talk about the embarrassing thing, don't think that I don't know, your family and your family, this will be all family-friendly. How? A man, you still think I am very proud of this? Let the outside world know how the Qin family will be. You are the CEO of the Qin Group, but you are not leading the way. This is where the Qin family is located, where is my dad!"

The more he said, the more he intended to raise his tone. In the end, the tone was filled with reprimands and questions. It seems that Qin Li is doing sinful things and should be condemned.

The atmosphere on the table was sharp and tight, like a tight line that was about to break. Even if the surface still maintained peace, it was already choppy and confronted several times.

Qin Li twisted his eyebrows and slowly put down the chopsticks. He slanted his second uncle, and his eyes were unconcealed and murderous. He sighed: "I will not worry about this second uncle, I was prepared to tell Grandpa tonight." Since he said this, he also did not deny the true degree of Qin Xiang's speech.

Qin Xiang proudly sneered, this is his second move. He still wants to continue to increase the bargaining chip, but he listens to the father suddenly slamming the tableware and angered: "Dining! The family is making trouble, and then saying something after eating!"

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"Dad..." Qin Xiang is not willing. His father listened to this, and he was very partial to Qin Li.

The old man did not give Qin Xiang the opportunity to continue to make trouble. He couldn’t refute and screamed: “When you eat, whoever dares to raise your anger, I will roll it!”

Qin Xiang squatted, and he screamed and furiously picked up the chopsticks and forced the chicken into the mouth.

The dinner table was restored to calm, but it was able to clearly feel the waves rolling under the calm. No one talked for a while, even the innocent children, as if they felt the strange atmosphere, just burying their heads and eating seriously.

The good family gathering was destroyed before, until the dinner was over, the old man was still angry, and he simply took all the people away and saved him in front of him.

Qin Li is also going to explain this to Grandpa. The old man is a little slow to his face, tired and tired: "Tonight is too tired, let me talk about it again." Then he lowered his voice and said: "Come quietly and quietly without these messy things. The days come."

Qin Li bowed his head and sincerely greeted Grandpa with a few words, asking him to remember to take care of his body and walk out of the old house. Qin Li has not walked for a while, and he found that Qin Xiang turned his head and looked at it from a distance. He noticed Qin Li’s line of sight and gave him a fierce and threatening look.

Qin Li did not pay attention, Gu went to the parking place, at the same time, he also noticed that Qin Xiang stood next to the teenager. The boy fixedly stared at him, his eyes wide open.

The light outside the house is dark, but it still reflects the beautiful face of the young boy. The facial features are soft and the eyebrows are exquisite, like walking out of the picture.

That face gave Qin Li a very weird intuition, a similar intuition that he only saw in the shackles. However, compared with cockroaches, this boy is more like a poisonous poppy, beautiful but extremely dangerous.

The young man stared at Qin Li, and quickly regained his sight. He turned to Qin Xiang, his eyes did not hide the loyalty that never betrayed.

Qin Li slightly brows, somehow aware of the uneasiness, but also can not tell the source of this sense of uneasiness.

That night, but the idea of ​​flashing my mind suddenly, Qin Li smashed, and then left it behind.

After that, Qin Li went to Grandpa and talked about the embarrassing thing.

Grandpa and Yu have met, and it’s hard to be a good-looking, simple-hearted one. It’s hard to make people feel good, not to mention that they are very sweet. Every time they see the old man, they will be called “Grandpa” far away. Wrapped around the old man, not afraid of the father.

Compared with the face of their own struggles for power and power, the father prefers to be jealous. It seems like seeing you, just like seeing the cleanest and most innocent things in the world. There is a role in purifying the soul, so that his heart will calm down.

If the old man can make the Qin family bigger and stronger, it will not be a pedantic person. Qin Li and Yan are together to accept it.

However, the elders are looking forward to holding their grandchildren. Of course, the old man is no exception, especially in the capacity of Qin Li, but not without future generations. This is why the father really has concerns.

Qin Li could not help but relax a little. If it was for this reason, then the grandfather would have passed this.

The old man didn't know what Qin Li thought, and he noticed that he obviously relaxed. He even knocked on the table and emphasized: "I haven't agreed yet!"

"Grandpa, you can't repent if you said it." Qin Lidao.

The old man said one thing in his life, and immediately patted the table and vowed: "No regrets, but the child is good, but in the end it is a boy, I can't give birth to a big fat grandson."

"If so, can you?"

The old man was slightly stunned, and then his face was discolored: "Qin Li, you can't do the conscience, this transsexual surgery..."

"Grandpa." Qin Li was helpless. He didn't expect Grandpa to guess that, and he couldn't laugh and cry: "Of course not, the body is awkward than the average person."


"Well, you should have heard of the sexes, you are. And, he is still carrying my child now." Qin Li calmly threw a heavy bomb. In view of the need to keep his true identity, he simply changed his mind and the results were consistent.

The old man didn’t react at the moment, and he said, “Who is your child?”


"You didn't lie."

"You don't believe you can check the pregnancy test report, and you have been pregnant for more than five months. I don't have to lie." Qin Li's remarks are very firm.

The old man knocked on the temple, as if he had something that he couldn’t understand, he couldn’t tell the channel: "Is there really a double sex?"

"Well, the world is not amazing." Qin Li said and asked again: "What do you say is counted?"

The old man said helplessly: "You counted grandfather for this matter, grandfather can still repent? You, you, gave me a set from the beginning, let me unknowingly come in. Then, take your wife to see you in the next day. grandfather."

The word "wife" represents both the old man and the old man, and the father recognizes that he is the identity of his grandson.

Qin Li’s mind’s tight strings are loose, and the lips are faintly smiling. Although Grandpa does not recognize his identity, he will still be with him, but he will be recognized and blessed by his grandfather. He and He will obviously be happier. He hopes to give all happiness and happiness to him. Do not want to leave regrets.

Qin Li sank and said: "Grandpa, thank you. But you can ask for confidentiality if you are pregnant? If the secret is leaked, the lighter will be disturbed, and some departments will be alarmed. I am very I hope that I can live this life without any worries."

This request the father to understand, of course, do not have to confess, he will also keep secret. Immediately, it means that the secret to him must end here.

Qin Li did not stay in the old house to eat, he was quietly coming over this time, if the second uncle saw it, he might use another storm to make another noise. Grandpa is no longer like this year, and he has hated similar battles. He only hopes to have a family harmony, so he has not left Qin Li.

When Qin Ligang drove the car out of the old house, he received a call from his parents and asked what attitude the grandfather had today.

Qin Li did not repeat it. Simply explain the attitude of Grandpa. Grandpa has agreed to his peace. Sun Shenxi was still very worried about this matter. She was afraid that Qin Xiang would be agitated, and Dad’s attitude would become tough. However, it would be good to be able to pass Dad’s customs. Qin Li’s and Yu’s affairs would not be hindered.

She and Hu Shi are many years of girlfriends, and now they can become a family. What's more, I still have Qin Le's children. In any case, she does not allow Qin Li to bear the burden. If Qin Li wants to bear the blasphemy, she will no longer see Hu Shi in the future.

Sun Shenxi’s peace of mind, and then Qin Qindao said: "When you are pregnant, people are most likely to be irritated and upset. You must be patient, don't be too busy at work, have time to spend more time with you."

When she said what she seemed to think of, she continued to sigh: "Hey, now it has been more than five months, isn’t there a child who has been born for more than three months? It’s so fast, I didn’t think I was so fast with your dad. I can hold my grandson."

Qin Li heard a glimpse and then felt more headaches.

He had previously thought that as long as he had been pregnant for more than nine months, he later learned about the original shape, and he also explained to him that the civet would be pregnant for two more months than humans. In other words, the actual month of the child’s birth will be at least two months later than Qin’s parents thought.

"..." Qin Li could not help but frown.

He just solved a difficult problem. After not relaxing for a while, he has another big problem.

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