I’m Bearing My Love Rival’s Child

Chapter 32: Chapter 31

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The twilight sky, the gray sky is covered with heavy black clouds. The streetlights that stand on the grassland are covered with fog, and the light is getting lighter and lighter. The people who walk in the park gradually disperse. After Qin Li’s body, they will always cast curious eyes. Perhaps it’s hard to understand why Qin Li stood alone. In particular, this will already have a pattering rain. Looking at the thickness of the clouds at this time, the rain may be getting bigger and bigger.

A good-hearted old man reminded Qin Li that the rain would get bigger and bigger and advised him to go home quickly. Qin Li stubbornly did not move, he told him to wait. The old man followed the sight of Qin Li, and only the dark and quiet park through the rain screen, he shook his head and accompanied his wife to leave.

The rain of the pattering wet Qin Qin clothes, and hit the trunk of the petal and the wet ground, the sound of the rain is crisp, playing a happy and joyful tune. Qin Li was completely unintentional. He was very anxious and impatient. This feeling was unprecedented, like stepping on the hair under his feet, and then going down to the abyss. The more impatient he is, the calmer he will be, the more tight his mind is, the tighter and tighter he is, the more he will not care about the growing rain.

During this period, Qin Li considered many countermeasures, such as looking for cockroaches, such as finding someone to come over. Although the park is large, it is easy for him to find someone or find a cat. But he has a hidden intuition, a subtle and nervous intuition. He will not leave him at will, and he will not leave in the current situation. Then he is so rushed, and even eager to get out of shape, it must be a major event that must be solved.

No matter how Gu Qin guesses, all doubts point to the same thing. That is, his child is likely to be born.

He predicted in advance that he would not be in his own face, so he was eager to find a remote corner.

This will inevitably hide in a remote corner of somewhere, I wonder if I can avoid the rain, maybe I am experiencing the moment of life and death, maybe he urgently needs the help of Qin Li, or, I just hope that no one will bother he.

Qin Li could not judge the situation. Only by obeying the meaning of jealousy, he said that he could give birth to a baby alone. If there were people next to him, he would be more urgent.

Then the only thing Qin Qin can do at this moment is to wait and wait until I don’t know when to return.

This is really a terrible experience. Qin Li has never been so helpless for more than 20 years. He has never let the situation out of control, even if it is worse, he will become passive. So only this time, he can do nothing.

He was very worried, worried that the heart would be held tightly by one hand, and a sharp knife with a sharp edge on his head would fall.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, the original patter, this will be like a big big bean squatting down, the raindrops madly tapping the vegetation ground, making a loud and deafening sound, as if all the sounds in the heavens and the earth are silenced, only left Under the rumbling rain of the sky.

With the sound of the rain, the surrounding wind began to blow, and the whistling whispered through.

Qin Li stood still in the same place, and was soaked by the rain. The hair that had been combed with hair gel was always wet and wet, and it was hard to see the endless wandering.

The rain poured into the shoes, and the flowing water flowed from his feet to the distance.

Qin Li can't find a cockroach, only he is waiting for him in the same place. He knows that he will come back to look for him, he will.

And even if you choose to go to the parking place, the place where Qin Li is located is the only way to go.

The process of waiting is extremely long. Qin Li has been watching the direction of his departure for a long time, and he is looking forward to the appearance of a sly figure in the next second.

Finally, after repeated hopes, Qin Li clearly saw the figure from the layers of rain. The cockroach still maintains the original shape of the cat. The beautiful long hair is wet by the rain, and it is soft and wandering. He walks slowly, his pace is steady, and there is a small thing in his mouth.

Qin Li realized what it was, and he ran quickly. This will also find Qin Li, and then speed up to run over to him, the original faint scorpion, also because of Qin Li's waiting to light up.

When I walked closer, Qin Li clearly saw the little milk cat squatting. The milk cat is too small, not as good as Qin Li's palm, being squatted and not noisy, his limbs curled up slightly, probably too low temperature, and still shivering gently.

Qin Li immediately took the little milk cat and slammed his mouth. The little milk cat fell into Qin Li's palm. He couldn't wait to see it carefully. He opened the shirt that had not been wet, and put the little milk cat close to his abdomen to warm it.

The little milk cat had an instinctive relative to Qin Li, did not make any struggles, and trembled with tenderness and skill.

Qin Li held a small milk cat with one hand, and the other hand leaned over and picked up. The cockroach was a lot lighter, and when he was picked up, he also squatted into Qin Li’s arms, a look that was both tired and happy.

Qin Li's head, holding a large one and two cats quickly rushed to the parking. There was a dry towel in the car. When Qin Li took it, he would wipe the wet hair and rubbed it with his claws. He pushed the Qin Li hand and let him wipe the baby. Qin Li can only wrap the shovel with a towel, and then take a new towel to dry the rain.

This Qin Li will completely see the appearance of the little milk cat. The little milk cat is too small, the hair is wet, and the eyes have not been opened. He gently squirmed Qin Qin's palm. When Qin Li carefully wiped him, he would not control it and hurt the little milk cat.

The color of the little milk cat is almost the same as that of the cockroach. The top of the hair is still a few hairs. Even if the place of birth is hard, and the rain is unfortunately drenched, the little milk cat exudes a thrilling vitality, from time to time. It will emit a low and low humming sound.

Qin Li carefully wiped the rain from the little milk cat, and wrapped him in a dry towel. The little milk cat was born, and was tossed when he was tossed, so he fell asleep directly in the towel. The towel wrapped him tightly, revealing only a small cat's head, which was extremely cute and painful.

Put a small milk cat, Qin Li then wiped it. He put the squat on his lap and took out the towel to cover it completely. From the top of his head to the tip of the tail, he had not let go of a place that had been drenched in the rain. He would accidentally touch some sensitive parts when wiping. Holding your head is both awkward and embarrassing.

Qin Li gave the cockroaches dry hair as much as possible, and wrapped the cockroaches in the same way. He was tired and sleepy. The car steadily drove back to the community. He squinted and couldn't resist sleeping slowly. The past.

Qin Li is still dripping, and he remembered the little baby before, and he still has time to look after himself. Seeing that the baby and the little baby are safe and sound, Qin Li’s original hanging heart finally landed.

Although the picture of this family of three is quite different from what he had imagined before, he still feels very warm and happy. He doesn't mind if he is a cat, and he doesn't mind if the baby is a cat, and he is also looking forward to the day when the baby becomes a human.

When Qin Li drove and called the 阮柏堂, he first told him that the child had been born and that both father and son were safe and sound. Secondly, please ask Bai Botang to prepare the cat milk powder for the little milk cat, and wait until the small milk cat can Drink the warm milk powder. After a long delay, the little milk cat must have been starved.

Yan Baitang and Hu Shi heard that the news was shocked and panic, and they prepared the hair dryer and the cat milk powder in a hurry. These were all prepared by Qin Li in advance. I have to say that Qin Li thought it was very thoughtful. At the beginning of these things, the two people of the cypresses were still thinking about it. As a result, Qin Li turned the day and sent the supplies together.

When Hu Shichong was on the milk powder, Qi Qi, who had just arrived home, was still awkward. She sat on the sofa inexplicably and watched her parents busy and busy, and even asked a few words about what happened, but only got a sentence, "You don't add chaos." Similar to disgusting words.

Qi Qi did not agree to "cut" the sound, secretly you do not say pull down, she is not rare to know.

She took out the phone and played the game, or couldn’t help but curious and sneaked over to see his mother rushing to the milk powder. The bottle used by his mother is very small, much smaller than the bottle for normal babies. Because of the small size, the amount of powdered milk powder must be precisely controlled. When Qi Qi looked boring for a while, she held the milk powder jar and looked at the sign and read the instructions.

This can of milk powder is very delicate and small, the amount is not much, the packaging is all in English, very standard, it feels valuable. Qi Qi holds a milk powder can and studies it carefully. Fortunately, her English is good, and she quickly read it.

However, because she understood it, she was even more puzzled. According to the instructions outside the package, this can of milk powder is specially designed for the newborn kitten to drink. Is the cat in her house squatting?

Qi Qi will dispel this thought in a flash, not to mention that her mother cat has been sterilized, that is, she has not been sterilized, the kitten can also drink the milk of the female cat, and it is not necessary to use the milk powder, let alone this one is from Senior milk powder shipped from abroad. This kind of milk powder people will feel extravagant, not to mention the cat.

"Mom, are you sure you didn't buy the wrong milk powder?" Qi Qi even noticed the abnormality and said: "This milk powder is for the cat to drink. You should never give me a drink, it will make people come." Still not born, what are you doing in a hurry with the milk powder?"

Before Qi Qi just blocked Hu Shi, Hu Shi did not push her open: "You don't want to mess up, I will explain it to you." And on the cypress hall: "Daddy, find Qin Li to buy the small bed and lay it out. , spread warm and point."

阮柏堂 hastened to find a small bed. This cot is specially made for the little milk cat. The bottom is equipped with wheels. The outside of the bed is wrapped with a net for cats to climb. When the little cat is a little bigger, he can Grab the net and climb up and climb down.

When Qin Li wetly held a big cat and a kitten into the house, Qi Qi was still awkward, her expression was full of puzzles about the status quo, and her nothing was in stark contrast to the busy two.

Hu Shilian used to catch the kitten and let Qin Li go to change clothes, paying attention to not catching a cold. She finished watching the little milk cat that was so similar to the ordinary cat. It was impossible to imagine that this was her grandson. How do you think this is an ordinary little milk cat?

When the little milk cat just arrived at Hu Shihuai, he slowly woke up. It was probably hungry. He kept whispering low and low.

Hu Shi holds such a small milk cat, lest he should force him to hurt him. She took the milk powder that was just right, and carefully sent the **** to the mouth of the little cat. The little milk cat smelled the milk scent, opened its mouth instinctively, and began to **** it up with a pacifier. While sucking, the low-satisfying sound is heard from the throat.

Qi Qi did not expect that there was really a small milk cat, but I did not expect this little milk cat to be brought back by Qin Lige. She looked at the little cat with curiosity and tried to reach out and touch it.

As a result, her hand did not touch the little milk cat, and she was blinded by her mother. Hu Shi whispered: "You have more bacteria on your hands, and the kittens are very fragile. Don't touch them."

Qi Qi’s hand hung in the air, but she still took it back, and then complained dissatisfiedly: “Mom, have you not taken the wrong medicine? In the end, I am your own, or he is your own.”

She said that she was blinded by Hu Shi again: "Don't say, it's okay to go, right, plug the hair dryer into the power supply."

"You don't want me to get in the way, insert yourself." After Qi Qi said that before his mother's attack, he quickly slid to Qin Lige.

Qin Li will concentrate on rubbing the wet hair, and the hair is longer than the small milk cat. It is even easier to wipe it. I woke up before entering the door, and of course I found my sister. He didn't listen to his parents before and said that his sister would come back, so he squatted and thought about the appearance of him and his kittens. I am afraid there is no way to pick up my sister again.

Qi Qi went straight to Qin Li and then asked him strangely: "Qin Lige, my mom said that you went out with my brother, my brother? Why didn't he come back?"

"..." Qin Li's movements did not change, feeling that his body was slightly tight, and he calmly vultured his back and asked Qi Qi: "Are you on vacation?"

"Well, I have a winter vacation. Qin Lige, you don't care too much about me?" Qi Qi was very depressed. His parents were mysteriously stunned all night, Qin Lige was also mysterious, and his brother has not appeared yet.

You are reading story I’m Bearing My Love Rival’s Child at novel35.com

Qin Li was busy with the recent embarrassing things, but I really didn't notice the winter vacation. Besides, he has no direct interest in the winter vacation, so he pays less attention.

"Oh." Qin Li responded and continued to comb the knotted hair.

Qi Qi’s line of sight turned to the cat in Qin Li’s arms. When she thought of the previous little milk cat, she asked: “Is that little milk cat its baby? Why don’t you feed the baby yourself?”

As she said and looked at the cat, her mind tumbling, and in a moment, Qi Qi’s mind suddenly appeared. She quickly grabbed it, and Horan found that the cat that Qin Lige was holding was exactly the same as the cat she had seen up at night, and there was no difference in her eyes.

Qin Li’s daggers affirmed Qi Qi’s speculation, and then said: “He is very weak. In fact, there is no difference in drinking milk powder.”

"Oh." Qi Qi's attention was shifted, and the problem of milk powder was not completely entangled.

She looked at the cat suspiciously, and turned her head to look at the **** little girl who blew the hair to the little cat. This hair dryer should also be specially bought, otherwise it is impossible to barely hear the noise.

The little milk cat is full and full, and this will already go to sleep again. It is the feeling that the hair dryer blows the hair and can't affect its sleep.

阮 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电 电For example, why did she see this cat at home? For example, Qin Lige Ming Ming accompanied his brother to go for a walk, why did he suddenly hold two cats back? For example, why is his parents so nervous about a small milk cat?

The little milk cat is very fragile, so there is no need to let it enjoy the higher level than the baby level? His parents had never liked cats before.

"Qin Lige." Qi Qi swallowed nervously. She looked at the beautiful eyes of the cat and saw another familiar figure from the bottom of her eyes. She was solemnly difficult and very ridiculous: "You Don't lie to me, he..." Her hand trembled and pointed at the cat curled up on Qin Li's leg: "He shouldn't be my brother?"

After Qi Qi asked this question, the room was at least a dozen seconds of silence, and only heard the extremely light sound of the hair dryer. The more this reaction, the more I will feel uneasy. She would rather parents would laugh at her exaggeratedly, saying how she had such incredible thoughts, and she did not want this reaction.

Because of this reaction, it is undoubtedly a notice to inform her, Bingo, congratulations on your guess!

The ghost knows how she suddenly came up with such thoughts, and it seems that what she said has inadvertently come true.

This is really not a wonderful thing.

I have no plans to take advantage of my sister. His relationship with his sister has always been very good. Apart from this incident, there is no other secret. He will not hurry to succumb to the lenient and strict, and his sister will be angry.

"喵~"阮恬 said the proverb, picking up a forelimb and setting a hand to shake hands with his sister.

Qi Qi slammed the hand with the cat, and noticed that the cat patted her hand three times. These three long and two short, is the secret code she had previously reached with her brother, and they will both be in the second phase. I feel that someone will pretend to be the other person, and they will agree with each other. Seeing this sign is like seeing me.

Qi Qi was red eyes, and suddenly hugged her, and looked sad and sad: "Brother, how can you become like this? Who turned you into a cat? You told me, I will avenge you!" ”

After her ridiculous and earth-shattering words, the room suddenly fell into a more dull silence, this time even the slight sound of the hair dryer was gone. The sound of the rain outside the window caught the sound of the wind, as if it was far away.

The head of the skull was resting on the forelimbs, and it was smashed by the words of the sister. It was reacted in a blink of an eye, and even his sister shook his head.

Qi Qi licked her hair with a headache: "Oh, my parents and Qin Lige, can you sell it? Is this a dream? Is it that I haven't woken up yet?"

Qin Li sighed: "You have no dreams, this is true, he is a beggar, and it is indeed a child of me and you." Qin Li said the last sentence, his vision also led to the Hu Shi holding Small milk cat.

Qi Qi feels that this news is too difficult to digest: "Is it a cat in the end, or is the cat my brother?" After she said this, she felt that her head was fainting.

阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 阮恬 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦She, purely did not find the right opportunity, after all, suddenly ran to the honesty of Qi Qi, it will feel very strange.

After listening to it for a while, Qi Qi had nothing to say. I finally understood how my parents had always been mysterious, and they were so innocent to the little milk cat. It turned out that this little milk cat was actually his brother’s child, and she spent more than a dozen with her. The brother of the year turned into a cat from human beings.

When Qi Qi was shocked, she was shocked, but she quickly reacted. She took the lead to be faithful to her brother. She sincerely said that no matter who is a man or a cat, he will always be her brother. This relationship will never change.

After the loyalty of the table, Qi Qi used to observe the incredible observation of the little milk cat, and finally was impatiently taken away by her mother, saying that the little milk cat slept very well, don't be jealous to avoid awakening him.

The sleeping little milk cat was pushed into the bedroom, Qin Li blew his hair and held him into the bedroom.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, he struggled to go to the little milk cat. Qin Li will go with him all the time, put the cockroaches into the bed of the little milk cat, then turn and take the medicine out of the drawer.

This medicine was prepared by him early, and the kitten was born, and the body did not hurt at all. Considering that he is not willing to go to the hospital, Qin Li has consulted the doctor directly and bought the medicine directly to smear it.

阮恬 Lightly fell into the cot, softly squat down, guarding his cute kitten, and then raised his head to start licking the kitten. The small head of the head should be shackled, the hair of the back should be licked, and the soft belly should be smashed. He was so serious that he could do his duty and feel that he was the most responsible and loving person.

Therefore, when Qin Li looked for a good medicine and came to hold it, he found that the big cat had a wet baby cat that was wet, and the hair that had been blown very dry, which would also stick to it wet. However, despite this, the little milk cat seems to be able to smell the smell of cockroaches, which makes him feel safe and fascinated, and it will be completely in his arms.

Qin Li is very helpless, and the dark road is what a strange hobby, and there is a small milk cat in the mouth.

However, looking at the expression of 阮恬, this should not be a problem, Qin Li considered it, or did not interfere with the behavior. He loves you, hey, it seems that cats have such a habit, and then say that your little baby, I feel quite right.

Qin Li's big cat's head, lowered his voice and said: "Tonight's hard work, I will give you medicine."

Apply medicine? Looking up at Qin Li with a sigh of relief in his head, he immediately responded to what Qin Li said. He just gave birth to a baby, Qin Li will take the medicine, the destination is obviously only one place.

When he was nervous, he contracted nervously, and even shaking his head indicated that he did not need to take medicine. Although his place was a little bit painful, he still had some blood. However, I feel that he is very resistant. This injury will soon be good, and I will definitely not need to take the medicine. What's more, Qin Li gave him medicine, how shameful it is.

During the pregnancy, the body of the cockroach was invisibly changed a lot because of the relationship between the kittens and the cockroaches. For example, he added a hole in the inner wall of his rectum, which is connected to the organ that replaces the uterus. When the kitten is mature, it will be born from the narrow hole through the rectum.

This process is actually very smooth, and I have not encountered too many obstacles. However, the key point is that his identity is destined to be more difficult than the average civet, so it is normal to have problems such as painful bleeding after giving birth to a small milk cat.

Determined that he can self-recover, one is extraordinary self-confidence, and the other is uncontrollable shame. Because he couldn't restore his human form because of a small milk cat, he only had Qin Li to do the work. When he thought that Qin Li would touch his secret part, he would be ashamed to lift his head.

He is still very shy and embarrassed, not so easy to accept high-scale things.

Suddenly talking about medicine, he really can't do it, he doesn't want to face it.

Qin Li looked at him for a long time, as if he could guess what he thought through his expression. I don’t want to choose a place for a long time: “If you go to the hospital to check the medicine, the doctor has to say nothing, then you don’t need to take the medicine.”

He pulled his head and stared at Qin Li with a sad look. Qin Li Ming Ming knew that he would not go to the hospital, but also deliberately said such a thing, the wife is too much.

When Qin Li saw his attitude slightly better, he tried to take the cat out of the bed. The little milk cat seemed to feel the embarrassing departure, and the paw waved dissatisfied with the air. When I saw it, I licked the hair of a small milk cat. The little milk cat was quiet, and he did not struggle to hug it with Qin Li.

He was very nervous when he was taken out, and his body was very tight. Qin Li's cat's head whispered and calmed: "I will look at it first. If it is not serious, it can be done without medicine."

"Hey~" He turned his head and pleased Qin Qin's back.

He didn't want to take medicine, too shameful about QAQ.

"Nothing, don't be nervous, I won't do anything." Qin Li continued to appease the cockroach, and said that he would gently turn over and let him back to Qin Li's legs, revealing tender and soft. abdomen.

I am embarrassed to close my eyes, and my heart is filled with subtle and complicated emotions that are unclear.

Qin Li really has no other thoughts, he will not be emotional to the cat. In addition, the action lifted the cat's waist very lightly, and the gangster tried to make the last struggling tail to press.

After the furry tail was pulled down, the covered wound was completely exposed to Qin Li.

Qin Li's face color became very difficult to see. The wounded condition of the cockroach was even worse than he had imagined.

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