I’m Bearing My Love Rival’s Child

Chapter 33: Chapter 32

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Qin Lixin gave the medicine to the sputum, licking the fat **** against Qin Li, backing Qin Li thighs, shy and extremely embarrassed for the former limbs Covering your eyes, repeating hypnosis and saying that you are miserable until you are taken medicine is not him, not him, it must not be him. Like him, he is so wise and sturdy, and he will not be touched by humans in the area.

Hey, this ointment is cold and cold, it feels so strange. However, after smearing, it seems that it was really not as painful as before.

- No, no, it is not him who is being treated with medicine.

Qin Li puts light movements, so as not to cause secondary damage as much as possible. The privacy is very narrow, and it is not easy for him to explore the little finger. However, after all, there is no professional equipment, and other tools can not be applied to the exact location, it is not as clear and sensitive as the finger touch.

Applying the ointment, the whole face is hotter than the monkey's buttocks. If he didn't restore his original shape at the moment, he wouldn't dare to look up. With such a thought, he was secretly glad that he would face red again, and Qin Li could only see the hair on his face, and he could not detect it.

Qin Li put the cat in a comfortable posture and let him lie comfortably in his arms. His fingers gently and gently stroked the cat's hair, and the cat that was sleepy was more sleepy.

He couldn’t help but blink, and listened to Qin Li’s low voice: “Hey, thank you. But I still want to say that you suddenly left tonight, I am very worried I almost didn't control to find you."

"喵~" 阮恬 comfort, and twisted his head, Qin Qin hand back to comfort him.

"I didn't blame you." Qin Li continued to touch his head: "I didn't expect it to rain tonight, you must be scared at the time?"

He raised his head and went down. Well, he was really frightened tonight. He was afraid that someone would find him, and he was afraid that the kitten would have an accident. Fortunately, the place he picked was not raining, but despite this, the downpour still caused him great Psychological stress.

I was thinking and grateful to Qin Li. When he returned to the place with his little milk cat, he was worried about what to do if Qin Li left. His kittens are so small, so cold days, they will be frozen. Therefore, when I saw the figure of Qin Li, I was extremely happy. The anxiety of the previous moments was swept away, like finding a harbor that can shelter from the wind.

"Sorry, I should consider the weather ahead of time." Qin Li has some self-blame.

He softly and comfortably "squeaked".

Qin Li can detect the emotions he wants to express, whispering: "Nothing. Sleeping when you are tired, do you want to sleep with your baby?"

of course yes!

The blink of an eye was lit up for an instant, and I couldn’t wait to lift my claws to Qin Li.

He likes to sleep with his kittens. It is the most enjoyable and beautiful thing to give a kitten a hairy hair!

Qin Li picked up and sent him to the bed of the little milk cat. The bed is only half the size of the crib, and it is still more than enough for the baby and the baby who sleep.

When he got in, he quickly adjusted his posture, picked up the warm blanket and opened it, and then hooked the little milk cat into his arms, and smashed the hair of the little cat's head.

The little milk cat felt awkward and squeezed into his arms. The paws instinctively hugged his forelimbs. Compared with his body shape, his small looks fragile as if they were broken.

Qin Li stood in the same place, so he leaned over and looked at the baby and the baby for a long time. It feels like a normal cat, soft and cute, very cute. He then re-covered the blankets for the baboons and the little ones. This picture of the father and the son made him both soft and regrettable, and regretted that he could not participate.

Of course, it is to give Qin Li the opportunity, he will not sleep with the baby and the little baby. He was asleep before, and he was afraid that he would crush the cockroach, not to mention the little one that is so fragile. If you really want to sleep and turn over and press it inadvertently, Qin Li may not regret it.

He focused on the baboon and the little baby, feeling that he didn't see enough, and the bottom of his heart was like a warmth, and the whole person became soft. This is probably the feeling of the father, full of strength, no hesitation, tough and strong.

Qin Li also looked softly, and the phone that was thrown on the bed when changing clothes suddenly sounded ringing.

He was afraid of waking up and babies, and even picked up the phone in the past, and did not have time to see the electric display. Qin Li, the mobile phone that he carries with him, knows that there are not many people who know the number. In summary, the person who can call from this mobile phone is bound to be trustworthy.

"Qin Zong." On the phone, there was a hoarse but calm male voice. After waiting for Qin Li to reply, he reported that he had "recovered Li Huai."

Qin Le avoided the corner of the bedroom and pushed the window away. The cold voice: "What about people?"

"Dead, the body was taken out of the river and has been taken away by the police. Li Huai has a very serious knife wound in the abdomen. It is no wonder that we have not found anyone after searching for so long. It turned out that Li Huai had already been killed."

Qin Li briefly silenced, and then told him: "Press the police, be sure to find out the murderer who killed Li Huai."

Although he emphasized this, he is very clear about the difficulty of the investigation. Li Huai has been dead for so long, and a lot of evidence will surely disappear. It is extremely difficult to find a murderer with a body.

Li Huai is the driver of Qin Mu. He has been in the company for many years, so no one has thought that Li Huai will be bought by people. When he sent Qin Mu to the airport, he tried to kill Qin Mu. Fortunately, Qin Musheng was a big man. He escaped from the car accident, only his legs were paralyzed, and there was no way to walk. After the incident, Li Huai was completely missing. The Qin family and the police sent out the Tianluo network to follow Li Huai. There is still no news. This person is like a human being, and it has never appeared.

Qin Li did not give up searching for Li Huai, he must find Li Huai, in order to ask Li Huai from the person behind him. Since this behind-the-scenes man dared to plan to murder his father, it must be a dangerous knife hanging overhead. Qin Li can't let this unsafe hidden danger exist. However, Li Huai died and the clues were broken.

In fact, after Li Huai’s disappearance, Qin Li thought about various methods to investigate clues, such as checking Li Huai’s account and seeing whether there were abnormal remittance records, such as investigating Li Huai’s whereabouts and whether he met with suspicious people. However, no matter how to check, Li Huai does not seem to have any problems, and it is even more difficult to trace the behind-the-scenes instigators through existing clues.

Qin Li ended the call, simply moved a stool and sat down on the side of the small bed, thinking about the problem while sinking and watching the baby and the baby carefully. At this time, the baboon and the little baby are like the sun with the heat and the light. The closer to the sun, the fading and dark side of his heart will retreat to the corner, and his mood will be much calmer.

Regarding the behind-the-scenes instigators, Qin Li actually had speculation. Qin Li believes that not only can he guess, but his parents can also guess. However, if you guess what, 70% of the possibilities, without substantial evidence, they can't move each other, and more importantly, there is a 30% chance that things are irrelevant.

Qin Li gently rubbed his mobile phone, and his chills deepened. If this matter cannot be clearly seen, he will only take the sword to the slant. In any case, he must not let the danger exist without taking any measures. Since the other party did not reveal any flaws, he simply forced him to show his flaws.

If you have not applied enough chips, add more chips.

The newborn baby cat has changed a lot. Basically, it looks like a day. At first, it is sleeping except for eating. After waking up, it is hungry, and softly and carefully "squeaky" and "squeaky" are called two times to remind father or sister. The breastfeeding is over.

After a few days of rest, he will be able to restore the human form, but he loves the kittens very much, and he sleeps with the kitten every night, and he gives him his hair and dedication.

The kitten was very comfortable with him, and he became more and more close to him. He would start to "hit" and "snap" him if he didn't see him.

Yan Baitang and Hu Shi are looking forward to the kittens who can grow up quickly and become human figures. After all, although it is clear that they are cats, this little cat is indeed their grandson, but from the appearance, the two have There will still be a sense of violation. Before they learned about their identity, they never thought about having such a grandson.

According to the cricket, it takes at least half a year for the kitten to change shape. This is still a little dull in the case of his talent, and it will probably be delayed until one year later.

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After he said it, he said with a slap in the face: "My kitten must have a natural talent. It will be transformed six months ago. He is the cutest and most intelligent little civet."

At the time, the little milk cat opened his eyes and listened to him, and he held the ground and softly snorted.

The little milk cat is indeed not an ordinary cat. This is clear to both Bai Botang Hu Shi and Qi Qi. But ordinary kittens will think about it, will they like to listen to music, will they be keen to listen to bedtime stories? I am afraid that the little milk cat is not only smart, but also smarter than the average human baby.

In addition to the shape, another thing that makes everyone headache is to name the little milk cat. The little milk cats follow Qin Qin's surname, and they all have no opinions. After all, the situation of the Qin family is clear to everyone. Without a child, Qin Li will be in a very dangerous situation.

This incident made the cockroaches somewhat unhappy, and it was very unhappy for a while. I felt that Qin Li was going to grab the kitten with him. Until the end of Qin Li guarantee, said that he and the kitten would not be separated, and then he was happy again.

Therefore, the small milk cat still follows the name of Qin Li.

Named Qin honey.

The word "honey" is a must for the strong request. For this reason, it also explains a big pass. It is said that the word "honey" is sweet and sweet, and it is very suitable for his beautiful kitten. And all the foods that add "honey" are very sweet, and he hopes that the kittens will be sweet and happy. The most important thing is that the word "honey" is very good with his "sweet" word.

It’s rare to insist on this, so even if you think that the word “honey” is used by the boy, it’s not appropriate.

After the name change, the name of the little milk cat was officially designated as Qin Mi, but everyone is still used to calling him a nickname. The nickname is a slap, screaming, very popular.

However, although the name is fixed, but in the form of a small milk cat at this time, the official registration of the account, but only wait for him to shape and then solve. After all, if a cat is said to put it under his account, Qin Li thinks that everyone will think he is crazy.

After the small milk cat officially joined the family of the family, it naturally took the attention and curiosity of the aboriginal glutinous rice, tiramisu and coconut balls. Two cats and one dog have no interest in people, but they are very interested in kittens and scorpions, especially when they smell the scent of the little milk cats. They are more curious about the kitten scorpion.

In the ordinary home, there is a big devil sitting in the town, and the little milk cat is a veritable group of pets, so the two cats and one dog can only hold their curiosity and dare not act arbitrarily.

Two cats and one dog are usually oppressed by the power of the cockroaches. In fact, they are also very wronged. They can’t hide and can’t resist. They are not intelligent, and it is not clear why they are so terrible. This is more like an instinct. The subconscious makes them dare not move. However, despite the fact that the two cats and dogs are still clear, they have been bullied by the facts.

Their low intelligence and sensitive sense of smell are also sufficient to judge the fact that the little cat is a sly cat. So the two cats and dogs who had suffered from arrogance struggled for several days, and finally decided to punish them with a small punishment, so that they would not dare to oppress them. And since you can't move, then go to threaten the scary kittens.

After the two cats and one dog made this decision, it was difficult to find a suitable implementation opportunity. Whenever there are always countless people around the house, they don’t say that they threaten the cat scorpion, they are close to some will be expelled..

This made the two cats extremely dissatisfied, as well as cats, and they would be disgusted.

Two cats and one dog waited patiently for the opportunity. Finally, they worked hard to live up to the cat. They waited for a good chance of leaving the kittens in their homes.

On this day, Qi Baitang and Hu Shi were going to work. Qi Qi had a friend to go out to play in the morning, and the family was only left with the little milk cat. After the kitten fell asleep, he received a phone call from Qin Li, saying that he had to send the food along the way, but he would have to go on a business trip. I heard that there was a food and I promised nothing. Anyway, I went downstairs, and the kittens fell asleep. I don’t think there will be any accident.

Before leaving, he closed the bedroom door where the kitten was asleep, and quickly went out. When he goes downstairs and finishes the food, he will go upstairs immediately. He is responsible for his dedication and love. He will not let the kittens feel lonely!

The two cats and thieves who secretly hid and found the cockroaches and quickly left the bottom of the sofa or the corner of the wall. They turned around the bedroom for a few laps. They wanted to intimidate the kittens, but they did not find a way to enter the bedroom.

The two cats and one dog actually didn't want to hurt the kittens. Although they didn't have to be parents, they didn't have the chance to experience the feelings of their parents, but they also understood the principle of caring for the young, so they only wanted to be a big demon, not fierce. The language threatens the kittens and gives the little demon a little lesson.

Since I can't get into the bedroom, the two cats and one dog will simply scare the kittens through the door panel. Anyway, the room is poorly soundproof and the effect should be no different.

Two cats and one dog said that they would do it. When you started to say a word, I threatened the kittens. They taught them very hard. For a moment, the house was infinitely circulating "Wang", "Wang" and "喵" and "喵", 瞧It’s very lively.

Qin Mi was awakened. He will have been almost full for a month, because the nutritional value of the milk powder is high, and there is a good companionship and enough sleep, which makes him grow very fast. Although the appearance is not burly enough, it is completely capable of running and jumping, and it can be mischievous.

He was very upset after being woken up, and he was even more unhappy when he didn't see it. Turned over and rolled around again, climbed up and licked the soft fluff, and found that the noise outside the door still did not stop, and suddenly became even more angry.

If the kitten is angry, the consequences must be serious.

His weak, small body was like a huge amount of energy, screaming and grabbing the net and quickly crawling out of the crib. He looked up at the door handle and looked up, then jumped up and hugged the door handle with his claws. Not as he expected, the door really opened.

He saw it once before, and he will learn it once. He is very smart!

The closed door of the bedroom suddenly opened, and the two cats and dogs that were threatening the kittens and screaming at the door were frightened.

Qin Mi is so small, but it is a prestige, he has a high head, and his slender tail is also awe-inspiring. Then I took two steps and stopped slowly.

The two cats and a dog looked at it with great vigilance.


Qin Mi’s face screamed fiercely.

The sound of "喵" has not stopped yet, and the cute little milk cat will raise his claws fiercely, making a black tiger's heart, sharp and sharp claws of cold light, and scratching the face of the foremost Shiba Inu..

"Wang Hao..." Shiba Inu suddenly jumped back and forth, hurt and feared, and grievously smashed two tears.

The chubby, fat and sturdy orange cat and the raccoon cat quickly and quickly retreated in this situation, and did not dare to stay for a while.

I don’t want to lose money before I see it! I didn’t expect such a small cat scorpion to be more fierce than the big devil!

It’s almost the same life! This kitten scorpion enjoys both the rich and the rich, and the relatives and mothers hurt. And these underlying shackles are completely devoid of pain and no love for the mother.

This is too difficult, hehe!

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