I’m Overpowered but I’ll Let the Hero Do His Thing While I Save the Last Boss

Chapter 71: Chapter 64 – Mini-boss fight

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It was not until the sewers were built that Kraej City became truly self-sustaining. Before that, a healthy influx of peasants from the countryside was necessary to replenish the city’s population which was constantly decreasing due to diseases.
― Henrik Bohr, “The Ever-Moving Horizon”


“Incoming,” I said. I pointed in the direction where I’d heard edderkop. “Six or more of them.”

Ravn shot one of them dead before they reached us. Sofia’s special skill, Mystic Wind, sped up our movements. Katja’s Tectonic Might skill killed two of them in one blow, one for each of her fists. I couldn’t let anyone show me up, but I didn’t want to waste my anima on Killing Field for these small fries so I used my sword to cut two of them up faster than Oren could cast a fire spell. Oren’s spell eliminated the last one.

Katja and I did the messy work of extracting the monster cores. I had the money I’d been saving for my vacation with my woman, but the others needed the credits.

“We’re pretty deep into the mines, and it’s getting late. Let’s leave and come back tomorrow,” said Ravn.

“I’m getting tired,” said Katja. “I think we’ve mapped enough for one day.”

Unenhanced humans should have gotten tired faster than me, but their stamina had increased so much that they could almost keep up with an A-class EL.

“Alright,” said Oren.

In the distance, I could hear something coming. Something large.

“Incoming. It’s a big one,” I said. “Maybe we should run back to the cavern.”

The mine level we were on was too narrow to effectively use Katja and Oren’s skills.

“Go,” said Oren.

We made a speedy but orderly retreat back to the cavern we’d passed earlier. This time Katja would guard our rear since she’d used up most of her anima. Oren and I were more fresh so we’d take the lead this time.

After a few minutes, everyone could hear the strange moist sucking sound I did.

“What the heck is that?” said Katja. She shuddered.

“Must be a slime,” said Ravn.

“Let’s hope not,” said Oren.

Slimes were bad news. They were resistant to magic and edged weapons. Worst of all, they were quick and their bouncing movements were hard to predict.

Dozens of black slimes appeared at the entrance of the cavern followed by a large moving mass of black tentacles, fangs, eyes, and miscellaneous limbs. It was like a conglomeration of dozens of different monsters mashed together into a giant slime’s body. I’d never seen anything like it before.

It was an S-class monster for sure.

“Fuck,” said Ravn. He stepped forward and started shooting.

Oren and I cut the slimes down, but more of them just kept on spawning. We couldn’t get close to the slime’s main body.

Katja got rid of the few slimes that got past us.

“I’ll clear the way,” I said. “The rest of you, get ready!”

I’d been reserving my anima for something that was a real threat. Now was the time to use my special skill, Killing Field. It was much bigger and more effective now. I walked to the middle of the cavern and gathered my anima until it was concentrated on the tip of my blade.

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“Killing Field.”

Fire anima shot out in the conical shape of my Killing Field, covering most of the area in front of the monster. Not only were my speed, strength, and perception boosted inside my Killing Field, I was also invulnerable there. I cut down the slimes that spawned endlessly, nimbly dodging dozens of black tentacles and leaving Katja and Oren free to attack the main body of the monster from the sides.

My special skill used to last for three seconds, which was enough time to finish off most monsters. It was my mastery of Killing Field that had gotten me promoted to A-class. Now, thanks to the mysterious blessing, my Killing Field leveled up so much that it lasted for a full three minutes. By the end of it, the monster’s volume had been reduced by at least one-fifth.

Sofia healed the minor injuries we sustained. She even had a special skill that partially refilled our anima.

Katja and Ravn did very well, too, but it was Oren who did the most damage. The boy Katja used to call “that little squirt” had improved his fighting skills so much that it was nothing short of miraculous.

Normal humans like Oren weren’t supposed to be able to go toe to toe with A-class ELs, but I had to admit that he was better than me now. He was almost on par with Commander Uriel in physical strength and he was getting close to Commander Sariel’s skill in magic.

“Fire Burst,” said Oren.

We got out of Oren’s way as he used his special skill to launch white-hot serrated discs of fire that sliced the slime’s main body until it was less than half its original size. I tried not to be insanely jealous of Oren’s special skill.

“Way to go,” said Katja.

It happened quickly. Ravn had come too close to the S-class slime. A tentacle lashed out and smashed him against the wall of the cavern before he could react. Then it grabbed him while he was unconscious.

“No! Ravn!” said Katja. Her green eyes turned red and her body started glowing a bright red. I recognized the signs of a breakthrough.

I quickly ran towards the slime and sliced through the tentacle, catching Ravn as he fell free. Sofia ran over to us. He’d be fine since Sofia’s healing skills had greatly improved.

The red glow around Katja pulsed then subsided. She’d learned a new special skill.

“Overload,” said Katja.

She leaped towards the S-class monster. When her glowing fists came down on it, the force of her punch cratered the ground around the giant slime. Then she rained down blows on it until it was nothing more than a smear on the ground.

“Wow, Katja,” said Sofia. She’d finished healing Ravn who was standing beside her staring wide-eyed at the one-sided monster fight.

Incredible. Katja had always been an impressive martial artist, but for her to beat up an S-class monster like this was truly a sight to behold.

Katja stood up and staggered back. Oren helped to steady her on her feet. The first use of a special skill was always the most spectacular, but also the most draining. Her face was white with strain.

“Well, that’s that,” I said.

I poked around the ground for a bit, but I couldn’t find a core. Too bad. An S-class monster’s core would be worth a pretty penny even after we split it five ways. This was why no one wanted to fight slimes.

Katja walked over to Ravn and punched him on the shoulder. “You idiot! Be more careful next time.”

Then, to everyone’s surprise, Katja pulled Ravn’s head down and kissed him.


Now Ravn was with Katja, and Oren was with Sofia. I was the only one around with no partner. If only my girlfriend would show up.

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