I’ve reincarnated in a world with benders

Chapter 29: How I meet the Avatar

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'It was a game night for the  Fire Ferrets and I was invited to come to the match by Mako. Since Nya couldn't come since she was working on a very important project I came alone.

I meet Mako and his water bending teammate Hasook. I greeted them and we went inside. I had a nice chat with them on our way to the player lounge. When I went inside I saw Bolin talking to a girl. I immediately recognize, she was Korra.

"Pssst. Bolin."


I was looking at Mako and Bolin talking about her. Mako saying that she should leave and Bolin saying that she has a good feeling about her, I jump into the conversation as well.

"You know what? I think Bolin is right for once. What's the problem in her staying here till you come back."

"If you're ok with it I guess it's fine, but Bolin, you need to stop doing this."

"Sure thing bro."

Then Bolin comes to introduce his brother and me to Korra. As expected Mako ignores her and walks away. After the three-player team leaves the lounge I remain alone with Korra and I present myself."

"Hi, I'm Ethan. Nice to meet you! Are you a fan of the Fire Ferrets?"

"I'm Korra. Nice to meet you too. Yes, I was a big fan of theirs, but now I don't know, Mako seems to be very rude, not at all like how I've imagined him being."

I laughed.

"Yes, he can be like that sometimes. He takes a while to warm up to people but deep inside he's a nice and caring person. So did you come to Republic City recently?"

"Yes, how did you know that?!"

"HAHAHA, it was pretty easy to guess that you are a foreigner by the way you look with awe at everything, and if I had to take another guess you must be from the Water Tribes. The clothes give you away."

"Haha, your right. I guess I'm pretty clueless. It's my first time in Republic City. Are you from here?"

"Born and raised. Its streets are part of my home, its people are part of my family. Republic City is the place that never sleeps. No matter the hour you can find something to do or someone to talk to. I love it here. What about you, how is life back at home?"

"It was strict, all I did back there was train and learn about different things."

"It must have been tough. Well since you are here you should enjoy your time here. I recommend visiting the center plaza, the Town Square, and last but not least Air Temple Island if you can. It has an air of serenity that is hard to come by."

"Thanks for telling me."

We talked a bit more and then the match started. I laid back on the bench and look and laugh at how immersed was Korra in the game.

When Bolin and Mako came back, Bolin started to talk to Korra about the fact that they need one more win to get in the championship tournament. It was a funny sight I didn't know how was more excited. Mako on the other hand was still a jerk to everyone.

'What can you do that's how Mako is.'

After Hasook stormed out of the room Korra told us that she was the avatar. I had a blast seeing the faces that Bolin made.

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We all went to the training hall and Bolin started to teach Korra some modern earth bending moves. She learns quickly and impressed both me and Mako. While I wasn't stingy with my praises, Mako was. I don't know why he is like this. I told him numerous times that a little goodwill can come a long way.

On the way out I had a chat with Korra.

"And your excellency how is it to be the avatar."

"Boring all I do is train, train, and train some more."

"Well, that's what we all do in the end. So if you're here to train what are you training for."

"I'm learning air bending with Master Tenzin."

"Tenzin let you out to watch a pro-bending match. I thought he hated them and thinks that they are a mockery of the art of bending. How did you convince that stubborn man to let you came here."

"Wait!? How do you know Tenzin?"

"Well, you can say we are family friends. My grandma was a good friend to his wife, Pema and she would usually come from time to time to have chats with her. After grandma died I started to sometimes spend time on Air Temple Island and help around."

"I'm sorry to hear that. If she was friends with Pema, then she was a good person."

I look blankly in front of me and respond.

"Yes, she was the best parent anyone could wish for. She was loving, kind, caring. Everyone loved her. Anyway, you didn't give me an answer to my question earlier."

"Well... I kind of sneaked out..."

"HAHAHAHA! Tenzin is going to be so pissed when he finds out! I would love to see his face!"


"Of course I won't tell him. Why would I? It's your choice if you tell him or not. But I suggest you do, sooner rather than later. He's going to be very pissed when he finds out and isn't he, your master? Doesn't he deserve to know?"

"I know, I know, I just need some time to think how I'm going to break it down with him so he still lets me came here."

"Your choice, not mine. I just gave you a piece of my mind, no more no less."

We walk outside and before we part ways I tell her.

"I hope I will see more of you Avatar Korra in Republic City."

We say our goodbyes and I walk home while thinking.

'Such a positive attitude, I wonder how she would feel if she know what was the future preparing for her.'

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