I’ve reincarnated in a world with benders

Chapter 84: Counterattack(3)

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I used my gloves to control the wings, the series of mechanisms that were used in making the wings and the controls would make even Hiroshi blush. While I wanted to gloat at the fact that they opened I knew I had bigger priorities, like the plane heading towards me.

I used my body's weight to get into position and opened the thruster. I had about ten minutes of usage give or take so I had to make them count. I headed straight to the airplane in front hitting its center propeller, destroying its engine in the process. I then flew to another and landed on its back, tearing its wings in the process.

Two planes tried to hit me with their bombs but I caught both throwing them back destroying the two. I started to take down one plane after another when I saw someone skydiving to me. I hit away and open his parachute, then I look back at the sky to see his airplane coming crashing down. I don't have time to move so I pray that my claws are enough to rip the plane in two. My prayers are answered and my claws manage to rip through the steel but the debris damage my wings, but only a little.

Now they have started to avoid me, trying to buy time for my fuel to run out, they must know that I can't stay a lot in the air, seeing this I use my explosives. Although I didn't hit any more planes I manage to keep them away, giving my allies enough time to retreat.

While I was terrorizing the attackers from the skies above Korra started to help me from the water below. All was well and good till one of the planes managed to drop a bomb on me, making me start to lose altitude. The bomb damaged some of my thrusters making them useless. The fact that I also used my wings to protect myself from the explosion made them bend, making them hard to control and impossible to use for hovering.

My wings were made from a carbon fiber cloth and the circuits for the thrusters are made from the same materials that my suit was previously made. The same material that caught fire when in contact with salty water. I knew that if I turn on the thruster's overclock mode to the max I would be able to use them again but I was sure that they would catch fire. While it was dangerous to do it, it was more dangerous to not do it.

I did it and my wings caught fire as expected but at the same time made me able to fly again. My fiery wings made me look like an angel of retribution that came to punish the sinners and the guilty. I didn't have much time so I did a final sweep of the battlefield, destroying five airplanes, before detaching my wings and going into the water.

Because of my suit's weight I had an easy time reaching the tunnel, the downside was that it took two people to bring me inside since the weight was amplified underwater.

"Rescue everybody you can and destroy the tunnel when you are finished. You have ten minutes, if the tunnel isn't destroyed by that time I will come myself and blow this place up. Understand?"

"Yes sir!"

I got back to the Underground City and went directly to my room. Striping out of my suit I went to bed, not even bothering to put on any clothes. It was a very tiring day, especially the time I flew. In order to control the wings, I needed insanely precise control, if I moved any muscle a centimeter in the wrong way I would have messed my trajectory, hitting God knows what. Don't get me wrong I loved every second of it, I felt exhilarated, the freedom I had while flying, the wind that seeped in the helmet, I felt on top of the world. If not for being dog tired I would have already started to make adjustments to the design so that I could stay even longer in the air so that I can enjoy it even more.

The moment my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

I woke up a few hours later by Nya's shaking.

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"I'm sorry I wanted to let you sleep a little more but there are some matters that need your immediate attention."

"'Fucking hell, I know that I'm the brains of this operation but can't people do anything without me babysitting them?'"

"What did you say? I can't understand a word you just spoke."

After she said this I suddenly stop speaking because I realize I started to speak in English a language unknown to this place. It took me a second to get my thought back in order and formulate a reply.

"I just woke up from a very nice dream... You know what it doesn't matter, let me dress up first."

I put on some clothes and I follow Nya to the main building. There were standing Korra, Lin, Iroh, and a few other important people that we rescued from the ships.

"Sorry for being late, I fell asleep without meaning to. Can anyone brief me on what happened in the meantime?"

None of them commented about me being late, after my display today they either didn't have the courage or had too much respect for me to say anything, or it could also be that they might have understood how tiring it was to pilot my suit but I didn't think so. I was so tired that it was hard for me to think of anything. To combat this I went in 'limbo state' even though that I knew that I would regret doing it the moment I would turn it off later.

They bought me up to speed on what was going on inside the camp. The new people were assigned beds and the injured were taken care of by the water benders. The others were resting preparing for our next move. Nya told them about the location of the airfield now all we had to do is organize the assault.

"Ok, since now that I know the situation, this is what we should do. Rest! This battle was taxing on the troops and we need to have our full strength to take that place over. In two days Amon is going to hold a rally, we are going to attack then, hitting both the rally and the airfield. We will tell Commander Bumi to be prepared to enter the bay the moment we have secured the airfield.

Now for how we will attack, we will attack at lunch, taking them by surprise. We will separate into two groups, one who will lead the charge and one who will sneak in and blow that place up. I will lead the second team since I'm the only one here that is a master with explosives. Are there any objections or additions to the plan? I also want to add that we will talk about the details tomorrow so that everyone has time to think about any potential problems. The night is the mother of counsel."

After a resounding silence that took a whole three seconds, we ended the meeting.

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